US Meat Workers Quit As Virus Ridden Plants Reopen

any of yall willing to go work in a meat plant...go on...volunteer ..yall think its so easy for the lower classes to serve you...and dont care if they die doing it as long as you have meat on the one is going to starve due to a meat shortage...beans and rice is still a complete meal and excellent source of protein ...stop being the typical ugly amercan and bitch for others to do for you ..and do for yourself...
any of yall willing to go work in a meat plant...go on...volunteer ..yall think its so easy for the lower classes to serve you...and dont care if they die doing it as long as you have meat on the one is going to starve due to a meat shortage...beans and rice is still a complete meal and excellent source of protein ...stop being the typical ugly amercan and bitch for others to do for you ..and do for yourself...
There are still plenty of animals to eat insects are animals.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

99% had asthma lol
Let us farm our own food in Boston again.. like we used to .. opppps over regulation
obvious you did not grow up on a farm. Ever do any canning? if you had we would not be having this conversation. Look into canning proceedures and why they are as they are and you will answer your own questions. I highly advise this as if the food supply becomes bad canning is a skill you will need. I am going to get seeds and mason jars today Look into what bacteria and viruses like as far as a place to live and you will understand. I am also checking my fishing equipment and looking for my old traps. I have not gone trapping since the seventies when fur prices collapsed. I may be doing it to eat soon.

Everything you are saying is pure speculation. You have no evidence that this danger is present.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?

As I posted, make it safe for the people to do the work.

All they have to do is invest in the proper equipment. Make the proper changes in how they do the work, how fast it goes on the line, how many people are in a space and stager breaks.

People aren't not going to those jobs because they don't want to do the work. They aren't going because they don't want to get sick and die.

Remove the chance of getting sick and die and the workers will return.

I will point out every penny that they spend on the business making it safer for people to work is 100% tax deductible so they will get their money back at tax time and reduce their tax liability.

I see it as a win/win situation. It's too bad the owners of the business and our government doesn't see it that way.

The state and federal government won't make the changes required. The employees will.
Support the striking meat workers!

Yes, when there is work and they won't do it then they ARE strikers.

Do your part - starve your family!

Only the oppressed grow and process the food your family eats so it's your duty to refuse to eat. Don't let your/their hunger lead you astray!
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, transit workers, pot store workers, liquor stores workers, many essential workers out there work under the same conditions. Unless your doctor considers you high risk you need to go to work in the state of Washington or they will deny you unemployment benefits.

You have a right to sue anyone, never meant you’d automatically win.

You don't understand what I tried to say.

The answer isn't to close those places down and give up.

The answer is to make it safe for people to work there. Right now it's not safe in many of those meat plants. The workers aren't going not work because they don't want to work. They aren't going to work because they know it's not safe. The guidelines trump sent out are only voluntary. Not mandatory. So employers aren't following the guidelines. Which makes the employees not go to work until the plant has been made safe to work in.

Yes it's our constitutional right to sue. That never guarantees that the plaintiff will win. I never said anything beyond that mcconnell shouldn't take the right to sue away and that it's unconstitutional to try.

If someone gets sick and dies in one of those plants because the employer didn't make the work place safe, I believe the family and survivors should have the right to sue. Hopefully enough so that the owner sells with a better owner who is willing to put the lives of his employees over his own greed buying the place.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

So what is your plan? Everyone stays at home, and we all die?

Really, what is your plan? Listen, Corona is never going away. There will not be a magic moment, where it just .... disappears from the planet.

So, what would you suggest? We all stay home, and have mass starvation across the country, and then instead of some dying, then everyone dies?

Really, explain your solution.

They don't have a solution....
Support the striking meat workers!

Yes, when there is work and they won't do it then they ARE strikers.

Do your part - starve your family!

Only the oppressed grow and process the food your family eats so it's your duty to refuse to eat. Don't let your/their hunger lead you astray!
eat until there is no more, fill up while you can
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Can you clear it out for me please.

You say that State can force you close the factory, but State cannot force you to open factory.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
If they do not put the correct safety precautions in the food they are sending you will be contaminated.. We just spent how many rillion dollars? Maybe some of it should go to buying our workers masks and other things needed to do it right instead of gving it all to the banks. Not gunna be just meat if it is not corrected the canning process can be infected also. Seems to me the food issue is more important than the banks. We had better get it right or people will starve.
you don't know shit about shitola. look up HCCA
shit about shitola, lol. talk radio zombie.

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