US race relations sink to 19 year low under TRUMP

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
I am surprised 45% thought they were good. Sounds high to me.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Tommy, you really need to grow out of your grade-school mentality to understand that coincidence does not automatically mean correlation.
I thought Barry Hussein had it all figured out. All these Police Officers who are under attack served during the Obama years. All these democrats who want to defund the Police were in office when the Police were well funded. What happened? The 2016 election and such hatred in the democrat party directed at the President that they are literally willing to burn the Country to the ground in the hope that anarchy brings them back to power.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
my god youre really still that mad about 1776???

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Bring your stupid ass here you inbred buck tooth moron, see how well the Americans kick the ass of a Brit again..
BLM in the UK ...


... shall I continue?

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
I am surprised 45% thought they were good. Sounds high to me.
Well I guess that's Trump's voting bloc. They don't see a thing. Standard Trumpian willful ignorance.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Tommy, you really need to grow out of your grade-school mentality to understand that coincidence does not automatically mean correlation.

All the MSM, the black supremacists (all blacks) and dems do is white bash. (That is no exaggeration all blacks think anything run by whites is white supremacism. Source: NPR.)

Trump did not destroy race relations, these groups did. Blacks seem to think they do not need to obey laws...because slavery was a law. So why should they follow any white law? (This was actually said by a black man on PBS.)

Cops need to shut all this BS down. They should go out on strike and let the USA police themselves for a few weeks. Don't come back until they get a 100% raise and the BS stops.

As soon as the cop hating starts again...cops go back on strike with 50% raise demands.

If it is ain't right.jpg
So here's the question: We have an old bastard running for President right now who claims that he knows how to improve race relations in this country, and he will do it, if elected. He humbly acknowledges that we will not achieve the racial utopia in four years, but we will be well on the way after his first term.

But wait a second. He was Vice President during the Administration of the First African American President, and by every discernable measure, race relations GOT WORSE during those regrettable eight years. If he KNOWS how to improve race relations, how is it that he and his mentor made it worse? Was he holding out on Soetoro - not revealing to HIM what the secret was?

And pardon me, but I cannot allow this moment to pass without mentioning that to the extent that the perception that Black-"white" relations are deteriorating, is largely due to grotesque over-reactions on the part of elements of the Leftist community to moderately remarkable episodes where Black dirtbags, violating every imaginable principle one might follow in contacts with the police, and basically got what they had coming to them.

It is nothing that "white" people have done. It is all on the side of the Black-Left.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
people like you are stoking it...or should i say stroking werent complaing 4 years ago, now its an issue..brain dead...obviously none of your brain dead demoncrats did anything about it---just saying

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Only the very most uneducated in our society would believe the racial discourse in this Country is related to the President in any way.

The racial discourse in this Country is organized and funded by the Democrat Party.

And, the American people know it and will be voting accordingly come November.
they can thank BEIJING joe for all the good he has done for the race relations in 47 years...oh wait--he hasnt done any good..nor has he done anything other than to help himself. now, he doesnt remember...sad example of a politician let alone AMERICAN
You have a black Marxist sponsored cadre fomenting race hate and violence. I'm not surprised the people
dumb enough to respond to Gallup questions think things are bad.

They will stay bad as long as woke culture runs much of the media. But whites are inherently racist and evil,
so they claim, so what can you expect from an even more racist and evil woke-tocracy?

One of us has to change fundamentally or leave. I'm not going anywhere and I don't expect others plan to
leave either.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Hey Mr. Fatty fat fat
You’re also a giant ignoramus
It’s the Demoncats and the media too blame
Stop stuffing your bloated head and think

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
And Hillary Clinton is the President of the United States that's what the polls said.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Um, protests have been about racial equality?

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