US Senator Mitch McConnell Shares Experience With People Who Dare A Government Shut Down

Although a government shutdown isn't really a horrible event, pension checks and social security checks will still go out, you can count on one thing that the mainstream media will do it's utmost to blame republicans. Years ago when Bill Clinton shut down the government the sleazy bastards in the media coined a cheap phrase before Christmas, "the Ging-grinch that stole Christmas" and it worked and sleaze bag Clinton was off the hook.
Although a government shutdown isn't really a horrible event, pension checks and social security checks will still go out, you can count on one thing that the mainstream media will do it's utmost to blame republicans. Years ago when Bill Clinton shut down the government the sleazy bastards in the media coined a cheap phrase before Christmas, "the Ging-grinch that stole Christmas" and it worked and sleaze bag Clinton was off the hook.

Clinton did not shut down the government. Try taking your meds as directed. Newt was betting the public would side with him. But the public spoke loud and clear. His trying to hide behind a so-called mandate with his 'contract' on America, backfired. NEwt didn't last long as the Speaker. His own shock troops forced him out.

Newt was upset he got dissed on Air Force One.
US Senator Mitch McConnell Has Advice For People Who Dare A Government Shut Down

“I’ve seen a few of them over the years. They never have produced a policy change and they’ve always been a loser for Republicans politically,” he said.

And there are those who will be shouting him down. The Democratic Party, and Especially President Joe Biden, will want to thank the shouters.
The government won’t shut down. At the last minute they will make a deal to keep it funded for another 6 months.
Um, our debt has already been downgraded under two different democrap presidents.

It's not crying wolf. Eventually we WILL default on our debt and that will be the end of our nation. We cannot continue to spend trillions we do not have.
Somebody should file this away.

This nuttiness is widespread in Magadonia

You don't know much. This is not a classroom.
This is very much a classroom. Some of the better users are able to quote and comment on their links and answer questions.

Mitch McConnell has been the best strategist and tactician the GOP has seen in generations
This is your comment, I asked for you to tell us the strategy and tactic. You can not tell us the strategy and tactics because this thread is all OPINION, no facts.

Dante Unawakened, it is you who "dont know much".

Dante Unawakened just proved Dante is not awake, clueless.
Trump is alwasy watching others. He needs desperately to compare himself with others. His weak ego is so fragile he needs constant whatever.
Wow, this the second reply to one of my comments where you can not support your OPINION in your own thread.

How about waking up, mr/mrs Unawakened
This is very much a classroom. Some of the better users are able to quote and comment on their links and answer questions.

This is your comment, I asked for you to tell us the strategy and tactic. You can not tell us the strategy and tactics because this thread is all OPINION, no facts.

Dante Unawakened, it is you who "dont know much".

Dante Unawakened just proved Dante is not awake, clueless.

Anyone who has followed US politics and government for any time, knows quite well what I refer to when I state factually that McConnell has been a brilliant strategist and tactician, who has advanced an agenda that has an open secret, since -- was it his second term or election to national office?.
Advancing an agenda he's been working on for almost his whole career. And on many levels he has succeeded.
What is Mitch's game, that was the question. mr/mrs Unawakened can not tell us what the game is cause Dunce Unawakened does not know.

This is strike three. Three questions you have not answered.

Replacing the word game with agenda, proves your stupidity.
Google links shows you do have your head up your ass.

No quotes from the links shows g5000 has his/her head up his/her ass.
The headlines say it all, dumbass.

While Bush was increasing spending, crickets.

While Obama was increasing spending, histrionic screaming.

While Trump was submitting record budgets and massively increasing deficits, crickets.

You think the voters don't notice this raging hypocrisy?
The headlines say it all, dumbass.

While Bush was increasing spending, crickets.

While Obama was increasing spending, histrionic screaming.

While Trump was submitting record budgets and massively increasing deficits, crickets.

You think the voters don't notice this raging hypocrisy?
The headline has nothing to do with my statement, I refuted the claim you made.

Conservatives did not sit quietly, we were very active in voicing our position. Every major Conservative Political analyst opposed the budget.

Trump shut down the government 3 times.

Like I said, g5000 has his/her head up her/his ass.
This is very much a classroom. Some of the better users are able to quote and comment on their links and answer questions.

This is your comment, I asked for you to tell us the strategy and tactic. You can not tell us the strategy and tactics because this thread is all OPINION, no facts.

Dante Unawakened, it is you who "dont know much".

Dante Unawakened just proved Dante is not awake, clueless.
Great info available even on Wikipedia. Are you sure you comprehend what you read?

In his early years as a politician in Kentucky, McConnell was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican.[17][21] Over time he shifted to the right and became more conservative.[17][21] According to one of his biographers, McConnell transformed "from a moderate Republican who supported abortion rights and public employee unions to the embodiment of partisan obstructionism and conservative orthodoxy on Capitol Hill."[21] McConnell has widely been described as an obstructionist.[30]
The headline has nothing to do with my statement, I refuted the claim you made.

Conservatives did not sit quietly, we were very active in voicing our position. Every major Conservative Political analyst opposed the budget.

Trump shut down the government 3 times.

Like I said, g5000 has his/her head up her/his ass.
The government shut down twice, not three times, during Trump. One was because he wanted money for the wall.

Neither shutdown was due to Trump or the Republicans demanding less spending.

Not one of you Trumptards made a single squeak about Trump's massive overspending. Not one.

I certainly gave you plenty of opportunities by starting topics about it.


You have refuted nothing. You have just told lies with no evidence.
Every major Conservative Political analyst opposed the budget.

example: He says 'every' as he's speaking about political 'analysts?' Analysts lead, head, or comprise a powerbase within the conservative movement? Does he believe Trump was/is a conservative? How about Sean Hannity, Russ, Lauara...? How about all the cable news talking head analysts?
What is Mitch's game, that was the question. mr/mrs Unawakened can not tell us what the game is cause Dunce Unawakened does not know.

This is strike three. Three questions you have not answered.

Replacing the word game with agenda, proves your stupidity.
If you truly are this stupid -- it's great.

example: He says 'every' as he's speaking about political 'analysts?' Analysts lead, head, or comprise a powerbase within the conservative movement? Does he believe Trump was/is a conservative? How about Sean Hannity, Russ, Lauara...? How about all the cable news talking head analysts?
Gee Dante, you want to answer for g5000 when you can not answer any question that is relevant to your comments. Could you possibly be a bigger dunce.

example: He says 'every' as he's speaking about political 'analysts?' Analysts lead, head, or comprise a powerbase within the conservative movement? Does he believe Trump was/is a conservative? How about Sean Hannity, Russ, Lauara...? How about all the cable news talking head analysts?
You make claims with zero evidence to back them up, and you think you refuted something. :lol:

Man, that's pathetic.

I said I gave you hypocrites plenty of opportunity to criticize Trump's massive overspending.

Here's an example: Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

49 pages, and not one PEEP from your dumb ass.

And it's all "Yeahbut Democrats!" from the Trumptards. Not a single word of criticism toward Trump.

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