US won’t survive four more years of Trump ‘chaos’, Nikki Haley says

The US couldn't survive an insufferable bitch like the Nikki RINO.

She may be better than any Democrat but that is not saying much knowing what a low bar the Democrats have.
Nikki is a bore, what has she done? What is her great accomplishment?
she's on the right track against China for instance.
i like most of her other campaign promises too.

for the record : now that the collective powers that be have started Cold War 2, i'm all-in.
against terrorists (first), now also against Iran, China and Russia and all of those most stubborn allies.
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What she is really saying is that America might not survive another four years of riots by the fascist childish left who try to destroy everything they don't like nor agree with when they don't get their way. So, vote for her (or Joe Biden); both are much more palpable to the many restless hordes of fascist heathens because either will deliver the same ol same ol business as usual, in other words, more of the same.
are you referring to pro-Palestina and anti-cop protests by the left, or right-wing pro-Trump demonstrations around and even inside the Capitol?
Survival does not appear to be the goal. For some.

She is a political shape-shifter. Not a fan, but if by some bizarre circumstance she is the nominee, I would vote for her. The number one priority as I keep saying is the Democratic Regime MUST be removed from power.
I agree 100%

Nothing anywhere, no political party at any time, no revolution, no Empire, nothing is as bad as the democrat party. They are the scummiest scumbag motherfucking pieces of shit to ever exists on the planet Earth.

Germany's National Socialists had a reason to be pissed off. Not a good enough reason to justify what they did, but a reason, nonetheless. Same with Lenin and Stalin's communist scumbags. Same with Ropespierre with The Reign of Terror, same with Pol Pot, Same with Mao......

They all had reasons. But not dimocrap scum, the scummiest FILTH in Human History. They exist only to bring misery, they have nothing positive to say about anything -- Ever. Even when they try, it is more about why they're victims of something, anything.

And make no mistake -- They WANT to tear down this Country. By any means necessary. By violence, by trick, from the Bottom - Up or from the Top Down. They don't care how they do it.

And why? We live in the most free, the best Country that has ever existed in Human History. They have no vision for the future, they have no message other than HATE, they have no inclusive spirit, quite the opposite in fact.

How do they do it? Simple. They lie. They lie about everything. They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

dimocraps are scum.

They should be eradicated from the surface of the Planet. They should be outlawed and hunted to extinction like the Nazis they are.
She is a political shape-shifter. Not a fan, but if by some bizarre circumstance she is the nominee, I would vote for her. The number one priority as I keep saying is the Democratic Regime MUST be removed from power.
This!!! Okay Trump supporters want somebody with a MAGA vision who is also a problem solver and get it done guy. But with a corrupt administration in power that is on full bore attack mode to take that guy out, it is possible they will find a way to deny us that guy and we'll have to settle for a lesser candidate, perhaps one we don't want at all.

And if we Patriots do not rally behind that candidate, even if we have to have a barf bag to vote, along with enough GOP members of Congress to have some power, we will have Biden again or somebody worse. And if the Democrats control the White House and Congress for another four years, they may take us all the way to totalitarianism which is where we are headed.

However feckless and self serving it might be, a GOP government will be nowhere near as destructive and anti-American as what we have now.
This!!! Okay Trump supporters want somebody with a MAGA vision who is also a problem solver and get it done guy. But with a corrupt administration in power that is on full bore attack mode to take that guy out, it is possible they will find a way to deny us that guy and we'll have to settle for a lesser candidate, perhaps one we don't want at all.

And if we Patriots do not rally behind that candidate, even if we have to have a barf bag to vote, along with enough GOP members of Congress to have some power, we will have Biden again or somebody worse. And if the Democrats control the White House and Congress for another four years, they may take us all the way to totalitarianism which is where we are headed.

However feckless and self serving it might be, a GOP government will be nowhere near as destructive and anti-American as what we have now.
the real trick of course is to cast your vote, to campaign for those you support, but to WORK WITH any winner of the elections. ;)

with all respect and admiration, misses Haley, wouldn't you be better off playing nice to Trump and trying to secure yourself a Vice-Presidential ticket that way?
he's way ahead in the polls after all, and that's unlikely to change (imho).
How do you know she wasn't talking about Democrats? They are the ones who would cause the Trump chaos if Trump wins again. And, she's right. I don't know if the US can survive another four years to the Trump chaos that Democrats would do. They are bound and determined to destroy this country when they are in power and doubly so if Trump were president again.



well you're not frustrating me ok.. i got the skin of an elephant ;)

and unlike most 'elephants', i can dodge and weave towards a target, so if you're gonna take me out with a big proverbial gun, you'd better bring a smarter more experienced 'white hunter' along with you :D just merely selecting smileys to respond to me with really aint gonna do the trick. they don't even penetrate my skin, but they do anger me a little. hurts my reputation points on this forum you see.
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How do you know she wasn't talking about Democrats? They are the ones who would cause the Trump chaos if Trump wins again. And, she's right. I don't know if the US can survive another four years to the Trump chaos that Democrats would do. They are bound and determined to destroy this country when they are in power and doubly so if Trump were president again.
i honestly don't know who she was referring to.. i quick-scanned the article and gave my own opinion in a reflex move ;)
the real trick of course is to cast your vote, to campaign for those you support, but to WORK WITH any winner of the elections. ;)
Most of us only have our vote and our voice and the neo-Marxists trying to overtake our government have largely silenced our voice and are doing as much as they dare to take away our vote.`
Most of us only have our vote and our voice and the neo-Marxists trying to overtake our government have largely silenced our voice and are doing as much as they dare to take away our vote.`
ah, but by that measure, so did Trump on Jan 6th, don't you think?
ah, but by that measure, so did Trump on Jan 6th, don't you think?
Nope. All Trump wanted was an honest count. He nor the tens of thousands of Patriots who went to DC to support him believed we got an honest count. Still don't. Whether the wrong count was sufficient to change the results we'll never know as most of the evidence was destroyed during or immediately after the count.
What she is really saying is that America might not survive another four years of riots by the fascist childish left who try to destroy everything they don't like nor agree with when they don't get their way. So, vote for her (or Joe Biden); both are much more palpable to the many restless hordes of fascist heathens because either will deliver the same ol same ol business as usual, in other words, more of the same.
All of that never need happen. We have a major party out of control. They are the ones who spewed insurrection. This may give the central government the right to use of force against future protesters/rioters/insurrectionists as we see in cities. Especially if people want it.

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