USA is one of very few nations where the poor people are fat

The rich are rich because they deserve to be rich.
Even if they are lazy deadbeats who inherited the money?

Then they lose it and are no longer rich.
They just keep it in investments and it never runs out. You obviously have no clue how wealth works.
See how that works. Haven't you noticed that rich people never retire. They work into their 80s. The closest they come is changing fields.
I know a few rich folks who don't do anything except go on vacations and buy new houses/cars/bikes.
The poor all have the same complaints. They aren't the housepets of the rich. It's the RICH keeping them down, while others even poorer than they are leap ahead. The poor just want to be fed - excuse me, overfed, patted on the head and given the newest video games to play. Oh yes, comfortably drugged.

The rich are rich because they deserve to be rich. The poor deserve to be poor. As a society our poor don't suffer enough. If poverty were really painful they would not want to be poor and do something about it. Hopefully pain would do it because nothing else has.
Yep it has nothing to do with 35 years of pandering to the rich and cutting services to the non-rich. Idiot.

Nope not a thing. If an immigrant can slither across the border and in ten years own his own company, home, and go on cruise vacations every six months, it's not pandering to the rich that did it. The poor get way too much as it is. Way too much. It has destroyed their ambition and incentive. Now they want to sit on their asses and live by osmosis.

Who is it that goes through 12 years of school, gets out unable to read, write or so simple arithmetic and complains that college isn't free? Is that not stupidity squared? Wake up, it's not the rich. It's YOU. It's the gimmee.
Yep it's not all the Pander to the rich and screw the poor GOP policies, it's just a people en Mass just decided to become lazy LOL, super hater dupe...
It's my fucking country too. But you're the one incessantly whining how bad it is here compared to other countries.

If it's sooooo fucking bad the get the fuck out
Intelligent people just keep trying to open your eyes, we're not going anywhere but will continue to try and fix the country you're greedy idiot Mega rich a******party has been screwing up 4 35 years, brainwashed functional moron. Breaking for you jackasses... Hillary and Obama are not evil and corrupt, the rich do not pay anywhere near enough, and all the GOP has going for it is b******* hate character assassination propaganda, hater dupe. And it's about to get worse for your family and friends...

You still can't comprehend that I am not now nor republican can you?

I have never voted for a republican candidate for any office.

I'll stand back and watch your tiny little brain explode now.

Half the Republican dupes say they're not Republicans but that's what their vote is for.

You're just too small minded and 2 dimensional to think outside of your little 2 party pigeonhole

Waste your vote then... If you're not voting for the Democrat you are misinformed.

Will not vote for any democrat just like I will not vote for any republican as they are all bought and aid for you're just too stupid to see it
Intelligent people just keep trying to open your eyes, we're not going anywhere but will continue to try and fix the country you're greedy idiot Mega rich a******party has been screwing up 4 35 years, brainwashed functional moron. Breaking for you jackasses... Hillary and Obama are not evil and corrupt, the rich do not pay anywhere near enough, and all the GOP has going for it is b******* hate character assassination propaganda, hater dupe. And it's about to get worse for your family and friends...

You still can't comprehend that I am not now nor republican can you?

I have never voted for a republican candidate for any office.

I'll stand back and watch your tiny little brain explode now.

Half the Republican dupes say they're not Republicans but that's what their vote is for.

You're just too small minded and 2 dimensional to think outside of your little 2 party pigeonhole

Waste your vote then... If you're not voting for the Democrat you are misinformed.

Will not vote for any democrat just like I will not vote for any republican as they are all bought and aid for you're just too stupid to see it

So who bought the Democrats when they passed Obamacare and healthcare for everyone earning less than $15,000, add paid for it mainly with taxes on the rich and corporations? You silly goose.
Intelligent people just keep trying to open your eyes, we're not going anywhere but will continue to try and fix the country you're greedy idiot Mega rich a******party has been screwing up 4 35 years, brainwashed functional moron. Breaking for you jackasses... Hillary and Obama are not evil and corrupt, the rich do not pay anywhere near enough, and all the GOP has going for it is b******* hate character assassination propaganda, hater dupe. And it's about to get worse for your family and friends...

You still can't comprehend that I am not now nor republican can you?

I have never voted for a republican candidate for any office.

I'll stand back and watch your tiny little brain explode now.

Half the Republican dupes say they're not Republicans but that's what their vote is for.

You're just too small minded and 2 dimensional to think outside of your little 2 party pigeonhole

Waste your vote then... If you're not voting for the Democrat you are misinformed.

Will not vote for any democrat just like I will not vote for any republican as they are all bought and aid for you're just too stupid to see it

Very mysterious just like all the other irrelevant 3rd 4th and 5th Partiers... Thanks for leaving it to the GOP... The scumbags.
You still can't comprehend that I am not now nor republican can you?

I have never voted for a republican candidate for any office.

I'll stand back and watch your tiny little brain explode now.

Half the Republican dupes say they're not Republicans but that's what their vote is for.

You're just too small minded and 2 dimensional to think outside of your little 2 party pigeonhole

Waste your vote then... If you're not voting for the Democrat you are misinformed.

Will not vote for any democrat just like I will not vote for any republican as they are all bought and aid for you're just too stupid to see it

So who bought the Democrats when they passed Obamacare and healthcare for everyone earning less than $15,000, add paid for it mainly with taxes on the rich and corporations? You silly goose.

Well, if you recall Obama bribed them.
$1.2 Billion In Bribes To Pass ObamaCare. Wanna See The List?
The rich are rich because they deserve to be rich.
Even if they are lazy deadbeats who inherited the money?

Then they lose it and are no longer rich.
They just keep it in investments and it never runs out. You obviously have no clue how wealth works.
See how that works. Haven't you noticed that rich people never retire. They work into their 80s. The closest they come is changing fields.
I know a few rich folks who don't do anything except go on vacations and buy new houses/cars/bikes.
Providing work for how many people?
How about a goddamn living wage for Christ's sake?

how about and going out and earning it for Christ's Sake?
Guess it doesn't bother you that families up against it are working 3 jobs just to get along They don't ask for dining out great vacations extra money for Xmas they just want to put food on the table and give their children a good life .Is that too much to ask for ,for those with not as much as you have?

So the fuck what

i had to work several jobs at one time to make ends meet

dont like the situation better your self ya shit wad
Everybody is trying to better themselves jackass, but it gets more and more difficult because of your stupid dumbass greedy brainwashing a****** GOP party... Stupid

i disagree those that settle for minimum wage jobs are not trying to better themselves ya retard
How about a goddamn living wage for Christ's sake?

how about and going out and earning it for Christ's Sake?
Guess it doesn't bother you that families up against it are working 3 jobs just to get along They don't ask for dining out great vacations extra money for Xmas they just want to put food on the table and give their children a good life .Is that too much to ask for ,for those with not as much as you have?

So the fuck what

i had to work several jobs at one time to make ends meet

dont like the situation better your self ya shit wad
Everybody is trying to better themselves jackass, but it gets more and more difficult because of your stupid dumbass greedy brainwashing a****** GOP party... Stupid

you're going to give yourself a stroke but keep going this is hilarious
I've been dealing with you All my life Not even excited LOL. Thickest material known to man, GOP dupe skull.

if this is all of your life

you have a very sad existence

no wonder you believe those that settle for minimum wage jobs are trying to "better themselves"

How about a goddamn living wage for Christ's sake?

how about and going out and earning it for Christ's Sake?
Guess it doesn't bother you that families up against it are working 3 jobs just to get along They don't ask for dining out great vacations extra money for Xmas they just want to put food on the table and give their children a good life .Is that too much to ask for ,for those with not as much as you have?

So the fuck what

i had to work several jobs at one time to make ends meet

dont like the situation better your self ya shit wad
Everybody is trying to better themselves jackass, but it gets more and more difficult because of your stupid dumbass greedy brainwashing a****** GOP party... Stupid

i disagree those that settle for minimum wage jobs are not trying to better themselves ya retard
They tried and they found out they were f***** thanks to your Pander to the rich GOP, hater dupe. No cheap college no cheap loans no training programs, how to save your precious Mega Rich assholes from paying their fair share of taxes. Great job.
Guess it doesn't bother you that families up against it are working 3 jobs just to get along They don't ask for dining out great vacations extra money for Xmas they just want to put food on the table and give their children a good life .Is that too much to ask for ,for those with not as much as you have?

So the fuck what

i had to work several jobs at one time to make ends meet

dont like the situation better your self ya shit wad
Everybody is trying to better themselves jackass, but it gets more and more difficult because of your stupid dumbass greedy brainwashing a****** GOP party... Stupid

you're going to give yourself a stroke but keep going this is hilarious
I've been dealing with you All my life Not even excited LOL. Thickest material known to man, GOP dupe skull.

if this is all of your life

you have a very sad existence

no wonder you believe those that settle for minimum wage jobs are trying to "better themselves"

I am a retired businessman and teacher, s*** head. Just because I have sympathy for my poor fellow countrymen who have been f***** by idiots like you and your greedy idiot mega-rich brainwashers, doesn't mean I am actually one of the people I'm talking about. You Republican voters are so stupid selfish and short-sighted it's ridiculous. Brainwashed in a word...
Half the Republican dupes say they're not Republicans but that's what their vote is for.

You're just too small minded and 2 dimensional to think outside of your little 2 party pigeonhole
Waste your vote then... If you're not voting for the Democrat you are misinformed.

Will not vote for any democrat just like I will not vote for any republican as they are all bought and aid for you're just too stupid to see it
So who bought the Democrats when they passed Obamacare and healthcare for everyone earning less than $15,000, add paid for it mainly with taxes on the rich and corporations? You silly goose.

Well, if you recall Obama bribed them.
$1.2 Billion In Bribes To Pass ObamaCare. Wanna See The List?
Just like Republicans are doing with this ridiculous tax bill. It's called politics jackass. but you dupes will believe anything Fox Rush Heritage Etc tell you because you are so ignorant.
The rich are rich because they deserve to be rich.
Even if they are lazy deadbeats who inherited the money?

Then they lose it and are no longer rich.
They just keep it in investments and it never runs out. You obviously have no clue how wealth works.
See how that works. Haven't you noticed that rich people never retire. They work into their 80s. The closest they come is changing fields.
I know a few rich folks who don't do anything except go on vacations and buy new houses/cars/bikes.
Providing work for how many people?
A couple of paper pushers probably, Super Dupe.
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”
Why stop marginalizing the poor with just calling them fat, Angus. Go ahead and fill out the sentence with "...lazy, welfare queens, drug addicts, rapists, stupid, greedy, freeloaders, gang members, drunks, and criminals."
The rich are rich because they deserve to be rich.
Even if they are lazy deadbeats who inherited the money?

Then they lose it and are no longer rich.
They just keep it in investments and it never runs out. You obviously have no clue how wealth works.
See how that works. Haven't you noticed that rich people never retire. They work into their 80s. The closest they come is changing fields.
I know a few rich folks who don't do anything except go on vacations and buy new houses/cars/bikes.
Providing work for how many people?
The 9/11 hijackers provided a lot of construction and medical work for people, too. What's your point? They still don't produce anything.
The rich are rich because they deserve to be rich.
Even if they are lazy deadbeats who inherited the money?

Then they lose it and are no longer rich.
They just keep it in investments and it never runs out. You obviously have no clue how wealth works.
See how that works. Haven't you noticed that rich people never retire. They work into their 80s. The closest they come is changing fields.
I know a few rich folks who don't do anything except go on vacations and buy new houses/cars/bikes.
Providing work for how many people?
The 9/11 hijackers provided a lot of construction and medical work for people, too. What's your point? They still don't produce anything.
they don't destroy anything and take nothing from anyone.
Even if they are lazy deadbeats who inherited the money?

Then they lose it and are no longer rich.
They just keep it in investments and it never runs out. You obviously have no clue how wealth works.
See how that works. Haven't you noticed that rich people never retire. They work into their 80s. The closest they come is changing fields.
I know a few rich folks who don't do anything except go on vacations and buy new houses/cars/bikes.
Providing work for how many people?
The 9/11 hijackers provided a lot of construction and medical work for people, too. What's your point? They still don't produce anything.
they don't destroy anything and take nothing from anyone.
Neither do welfare recipients. The point is you can take their money, make them disappear, and nobody would miss them. You can't do that to a conventional worker. His work would be missed.

Having money entitles a person to goods and services produced by others. Neither unemployed welfare recipients nor lazy rich kids do any work, but they end up having the entitlement anyway.
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”
Obesity is as much about what you eat as it is about how much you eat.
Fat city: the obesity crisis that threatens to overwhelm Mexico's capital

Top 10 Most Obese Countries (July 1st, 2017)
  1. United States of America – 109,342,839
  2. China – 97,256,700
  3. India – 65,619,826
  4. Brazil – 41,857,656
  5. Mexico – 36,294,881
  6. Russia – 34,701,531
  7. Egypt – 28,192,861
  8. Turkey – 23,819,781
  9. Iran – 21,183,488
  10. Nigeria – 20,997,494
World Rankings: Obesity Rates by Country (July 2017)
Last edited:
You're just too small minded and 2 dimensional to think outside of your little 2 party pigeonhole
Waste your vote then... If you're not voting for the Democrat you are misinformed.

Will not vote for any democrat just like I will not vote for any republican as they are all bought and aid for you're just too stupid to see it
So who bought the Democrats when they passed Obamacare and healthcare for everyone earning less than $15,000, add paid for it mainly with taxes on the rich and corporations? You silly goose.

Well, if you recall Obama bribed them.
$1.2 Billion In Bribes To Pass ObamaCare. Wanna See The List?
Just like Republicans are doing with this ridiculous tax bill. It's called politics jackass. but you dupes will believe anything Fox Rush Heritage Etc tell you because you are so ignorant.

It's called politics...evidently Obama was really into politics.
How about a goddamn living wage for Christ's sake?

how about and going out and earning it for Christ's Sake?
Guess it doesn't bother you that families up against it are working 3 jobs just to get along They don't ask for dining out great vacations extra money for Xmas they just want to put food on the table and give their children a good life .Is that too much to ask for ,for those with not as much as you have?

So the fuck what

i had to work several jobs at one time to make ends meet

dont like the situation better your self ya shit wad
Everybody is trying to better themselves jackass, but it gets more and more difficult because of your stupid dumbass greedy brainwashing a****** GOP party... Stupid

i disagree those that settle for minimum wage jobs are not trying to better themselves ya retard
They tried and they found out they were f***** thanks to your Pander to the rich GOP, hater dupe. No cheap college no cheap loans no training programs, how to save your precious Mega Rich assholes from paying their fair share of taxes. Great job.

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