Using the EPA to Conquer America

That's right, like the use of eminent domain laws to take land by those communist oil companies and their full-blown socialist Republican dictator cheerleaders.

Your confused... Only Liberal democrats seize land for the "common good" from republicans and oil companies to keep them from being self sufficient. Were the pocketbook you fools think belongs to you..

Of course, you're correct.
An even more incisive characterization:

".Environmentalists are almost always political liberals who have little sympathy for Christian fundamentalists....Yet environmental faith is quite rigid, and its story, biblical.....[matching] the story of the Garden of Eden....Innocent pre-industrial,pre-scientific cultures show what we could have been, while civilized cultures show how low we have fallen. In Eden and in the environmental story, the harmony of nature and its ability to nurture human kind are destroyed by ambition, greed, and sin. These sins are inflicted on nature and native peoples almost exclusively by white males."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," chapter seven.

One can see why these ideas are de rigueur in university today.
You're actually quite mad...aren't you?

What a vapid non-response to the post.

You must abhor truth, eh?
Lets' re-visit what you cut-and-pasted here shall we?
".Environmentalists are almost always political liberals who have little sympathy for Christian fundamentalists....Yet environmental faith is quite rigid, and its story, biblical.....[matching] the story of the Garden of Eden....Innocent pre-industrial,pre-scientific cultures show what we could have been, while civilized cultures show how low we have fallen. In Eden and in the environmental story, the harmony of nature and its ability to nurture human kind are destroyed by ambition, greed, and sin. These sins are inflicted on nature and native peoples almost exclusively by white males."
You posted that to somehow prove that only Liberals "seize" land for the common good.

Nope, I'm going with my original're quite mad.

"....I'm going with my original diagnosis...."

That, of course, is because you lack the ability to incorporate facts into what passes for thinking in one of your condition.

Now, you may return to your blanket fort and crayons.
Your confused... Only Liberal democrats seize land for the "common good" from republicans and oil companies to keep them from being self sufficient. Were the pocketbook you fools think belongs to you..

Of course, you're correct.
An even more incisive characterization:

".Environmentalists are almost always political liberals who have little sympathy for Christian fundamentalists....Yet environmental faith is quite rigid, and its story, biblical.....[matching] the story of the Garden of Eden....Innocent pre-industrial,pre-scientific cultures show what we could have been, while civilized cultures show how low we have fallen. In Eden and in the environmental story, the harmony of nature and its ability to nurture human kind are destroyed by ambition, greed, and sin. These sins are inflicted on nature and native peoples almost exclusively by white males."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," chapter seven.

One can see why these ideas are de rigueur in university today.
You're actually quite mad...aren't you?

What a vapid non-response to the post.

You must abhor truth, eh?
Lets' re-visit what you cut-and-pasted here shall we?
".Environmentalists are almost always political liberals who have little sympathy for Christian fundamentalists....Yet environmental faith is quite rigid, and its story, biblical.....[matching] the story of the Garden of Eden....Innocent pre-industrial,pre-scientific cultures show what we could have been, while civilized cultures show how low we have fallen. In Eden and in the environmental story, the harmony of nature and its ability to nurture human kind are destroyed by ambition, greed, and sin. These sins are inflicted on nature and native peoples almost exclusively by white males."
You posted that to somehow prove that only Liberals "seize" land for the common good.

Nope, I'm going with my original're quite mad.

"....I'm going with my original diagnosis...."

That, of course, is because you lack the ability to incorporate facts into what passes for thinking in one of your condition.

Now, you may return to your blanket fort and crayons.

Speaking of a lack of incorporating facts, you refuse to recognize the easily verifiable facts in post #53. I think that point on the top of your head has become dull along with your wits (assuming, of course, that you ever had any).
Ol' PoliticalShit likes the air in Bejing. Thinks lead and mercury are good for the kiddies, obviously had lots of both in her diet when she was young.

Yes based on Political C's 'reasoning', we are supposed to keep our air, land, and water polluted in order to prove how anti-communist we are.
This from the jackwad who lives in a state that banned hydraulic fracturing. :lol:
Your confused... Only Liberal democrats seize land for the "common good" from republicans and oil companies to keep them from being self sufficient. Were the pocketbook you fools think belongs to you..

Of course, you're correct.
An even more incisive characterization:

".Environmentalists are almost always political liberals who have little sympathy for Christian fundamentalists....Yet environmental faith is quite rigid, and its story, biblical.....[matching] the story of the Garden of Eden....Innocent pre-industrial,pre-scientific cultures show what we could have been, while civilized cultures show how low we have fallen. In Eden and in the environmental story, the harmony of nature and its ability to nurture human kind are destroyed by ambition, greed, and sin. These sins are inflicted on nature and native peoples almost exclusively by white males."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," chapter seven.

One can see why these ideas are de rigueur in university today.
You're actually quite mad...aren't you?

What a vapid non-response to the post.

You must abhor truth, eh?
Lets' re-visit what you cut-and-pasted here shall we?
".Environmentalists are almost always political liberals who have little sympathy for Christian fundamentalists....Yet environmental faith is quite rigid, and its story, biblical.....[matching] the story of the Garden of Eden....Innocent pre-industrial,pre-scientific cultures show what we could have been, while civilized cultures show how low we have fallen. In Eden and in the environmental story, the harmony of nature and its ability to nurture human kind are destroyed by ambition, greed, and sin. These sins are inflicted on nature and native peoples almost exclusively by white males."
You posted that to somehow prove that only Liberals "seize" land for the common good.

Nope, I'm going with my original're quite mad.

"....I'm going with my original diagnosis...."

That, of course, is because you lack the ability to incorporate facts into what passes for thinking in one of your condition.

Now, you may return to your blanket fort and crayons.
When you figure out how to assess your 'cuts' for sanity (let alone accuracy) before 'pasting' them you might be able to talk about 'facts.

Have you ever had a thought of your own?
You obviously have a shortcut to www.cut'n' in your Favourites folder.
"EPA Wants to Monitor How Long Hotel Guests Spend in the Shower"
EPA Wants to Monitor How Long Hotel Guests Spend in the Shower Washington Free Beacon

According to the EPA, it's only a part of a competition, and the market will actually be the decider.
How could anyone believe that the EPA would behave in a totalitarian manner....
...or extent said 'monitoring' to each citizen's home......
I know, cause estimating fresh water usage in society is a danger....

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