USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Corn On the Cob Day! Good way to celebrate is with a cookout.


Shoot, our town market day is Thursday!

That is some pretty perfect looking corn if this midwestern girl does say so herself.

Love that. And dripping with butter and salt, and a side plate of a whole Beefsteak tomato, sliced. :eusa_clap: Heaven on earth...:D
Happy Corn On the Cob Day! Good way to celebrate is with a cookout.


Shoot, our town market day is Thursday!

That is some pretty perfect looking corn if this midwestern girl does say so herself.

Love that. And dripping with butter and salt, and a side plate of a whole Beefsteak tomato, sliced. :eusa_clap: Heaven on earth...:D

Stop by for lunch and I'll add some balsamic salad dressing and fresh mozzarella for the tomato.
Cereal_Killer wrote me and suggested I need to clear my cache and cookies. Have no idea how that works but I'll try it and check again.

EDIT: well it didn't work. I cleaned out the browser cache and temp files and rebooted the browser but I still don't get the images. The only thing I didn't do was clear the cookies. If I do that I might not be online any more as I don't remember what my password is for this site. If I understand correctly it will wipe out all my passwords.

Maybe I'll just have to do without images.

OK well I've figured out how to get my images back -- when I disable AbBlock Plus they show up as normal... now the mystery is why would AdBlock be blocking image links?

Mertex are you running AdBlock? Is anyone who is running AdBlock losing images?

I'm running Adblock.....not Adblock Plus.

Running AdBlock Plus on Firefox. Never any of those issues on my end. :dunno:
Good morning, everybody. Rain. Rain. Rain. Started raining yesterday afternoon. Rained all night. Still raining now. It's a nice slow steady rain so it is soaking into the ground and that will be good for the corn. However, it is still rain. I'm ready for some sunshine and blue skies. Also another cup of coffee.
Everything at the VA clinic went well, Dr Frederic and his assistant are raiding the cemetery later this month so I should have the rest of my parts soon.
Was pretty busy yesterday but not very efficient as I took my dad's Comcast equipment to turn in up in norther Co Springs. Then after I investigated with all other service providers ended up back up at Comcast to pick up equipment for mine and my wife's use when we're up at the house.
Yes I could have gotten a better deal with others if I went with a 1 or 2 year contract but given the circumstances (we can't do a 1 or 2 year) Comcast had the best no-contract prices out of all the providers.
Everything at the VA clinic went well, Dr Frederic and his assistant are raiding the cemetery later this month so I should have the rest of my parts soon.
Was pretty busy yesterday but not very efficient as I took my dad's Comcast equipment to turn in up in norther Co Springs. Then after I investigated with all other service providers ended up back up at Comcast to pick up equipment for mine and my wife's use when we're up at the house.
Yes I could have gotten a better deal with others if I went with a 1 or 2 year contract but given the circumstances (we can't do a 1 or 2 year) Comcast had the best no-contract prices out of all the providers.
So you are in Trinidad until a better nursing position opens up for her? Glad to hear all was OK at the VA.
Happy Corn On the Cob Day! Good way to celebrate is with a cookout.


Good morning finally everybody. It IS still morning here, but afternoon or evening or middle of the night for some of you.

A good roasting ear is one of my very favorite foods in the world. And they are so expensive in these parts they are a rare treat for us anymore.

About those passwords folks--if you don't know your password to USMB click on User CP right now, go down the menu to the right button, and change your password to one you CAN remember right now. We don't want to lose you and it is a royal pain to get a replacement password on a message board. If you don't know your current password, get a temporary one that works from Admin.

I used to use the same password for everything until I realized that wasn't too smart. So now I give unique passwords to pretty much everything and religiously write them down in a little permanent notebook. I just checked my list--I have 47 different passwords on it to different websites and that was after culling the list awhile back. :)
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One thing though, does anyone else think it's a little early for corn on the cob day? You know, knee high by the fourth of July and all that?
Happy Corn On the Cob Day! Good way to celebrate is with a cookout.


Good morning finally everybody. It IS still morning here, but afternoon or evening or middle of the night for some of you.

A good roasting ear is one of my very favorite foods in the world. And they are so expensive in these parts they are a rare treat for us anymore.

About those passwords folks--if you don't know your password to USMB click on User CP right now, go down the menu to the right button, and change your password to one you CAN remember right now. We don't want to lose you and it is a royal pain to get a replacement password on a message board. If you don't know your current password, get a temporary one that works from Admin.

I used to use the same password for everything until I realized that wasn't too smart. So now I give unique passwords to pretty much everything and religiously write them down in a little permanent notebook. I just checked my list--I have 47 different passwords on it to different websites and that was after culling the list awhile back. :)

That corn sure looks good. I used to hate to cook/grill corn because of the mess of having to clean it and all that silk going here and there, but since I got that info to do it in the microwave, all that mess is a thing of the past. I love it....granted grilled corn tastes a little better, doing it in the micro wave reduces much of the stress of fixing it.

The only thing I do different is I cut the bottom off before I cook them, she recommends doing it after, but the corn is really hot, so you may find it better to do as I do.

Deep South Dish: Fresh Hot Corn on the Cob in (about) 4 minutes, No Husking, No Silks
I love corn on the cob. Sweet corn. Nothing better. However, it's a little early for it here in my neck of the woods.
Everything at the VA clinic went well, Dr Frederic and his assistant are raiding the cemetery later this month so I should have the rest of my parts soon.
Was pretty busy yesterday but not very efficient as I took my dad's Comcast equipment to turn in up in norther Co Springs. Then after I investigated with all other service providers ended up back up at Comcast to pick up equipment for mine and my wife's use when we're up at the house.
Yes I could have gotten a better deal with others if I went with a 1 or 2 year contract but given the circumstances (we can't do a 1 or 2 year) Comcast had the best no-contract prices out of all the providers.
So you are in Trinidad until a better nursing position opens up for her? Glad to hear all was OK at the VA.

She's not a nurse, she's an analyst so right now shes an IT Training Coordinator.
If she was a nurse we probably would have never had to move to Trinidad. As for VA care....... I can't wait for Medicare to kick in....... Or for one of my lottery tickets to hit the big time...... :eusa_whistle:
Afternoon Coffee Mates. Would have liked to have gone over to Pinehurst to watch some U.S. Open practice but it's 95 here and we're expecting severe thunderstorms with damaging wind and hail. Tournament starts tomorrow so maybe I'll get to go sometime this weekend. Only an hour drive by the back roads.

Watching golf is about as exciting as watching grass grow...

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