USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally did it, backed up everything I wanted to keep on this computer and replaced Win 10 with Ubuntu. :thup:

Do you still have a PC with Windows for gaming, or maybe dual boot on that one?
I have 5 computers, this one (my primary laptop) I just switched over to Ubuntu. I have a desktop gaming computer (my recently rebuilt one), another desktop running Ubuntu, the wife's laptop with Win 10 and the 13" Lenovo Yoga 2 with Win 10.

That's a lot of computers! :ack-1: I have two. My work PC and my laptop for play.
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I finally had to put chains on the truck. Our driveway is not level and makes a 180 degree turn between top and bottom. Being completely encased in ice, it's pretty tricky to navigate, but moving a couple of tons of hay back into the hay racks was just too challenging. Better safe than sorry.
I've been wearing ice cleats to work around the animals and barn but the goats don't have such luck. They constantly wipe out and do face plants while trying to navigate the trail from their pen to the milking barn. Well, except one clever girl who has discovered a rough patch running parallel to the usual path. She's the same goat who figured out how to cross a stream by walking along a log rather than trying to jump over.
I remember the days of chains. they worked great though. when I was cleaning out my parents house after they died I found my fathers old chains. I kept them. you never know when you might need them

Those chains work sometimes to give you a bit of stability on ice when 4-wheel or all wheel drive doesn't.
My company is based in Tennessee, but I live in Massachusetts. At a lot of the transcription businesses, it doesn't matter where in the United States you live, if you can work and have a computer, they will hire you to work from home. Some of them will rent you a computer and send you everything you need to get started.

If you can stand to sit there and type reports for hours, then I would suggest you take some courses in medical terminology. If you can type at least 50-55 WPM, you shouldn't have a problem, and that will increase the more you do it. I think you should look into it. It might be a great career choice for you! :)

My typing is fine. I did data entry for about 10 years, and although it's been quite a while, I still type enough that I don't think there would be issues there. I don't know how well I'd do with the transcription, though. Typing what you read and typing what you hear are very different. I could probably do it, and it's certainly on my list of potential backup plans. :)

I think you could definitely do it! Get your ears cleaned out first though! :)

The ear that's been clogged is almost better now....still slightly muted, but close to where it should be. :lol:
Put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in a small glass with equal amount of water. Warm it slightly then pour it in your ear and let it fizzle the stuff loose. Works for me every time.

Too funny, you are the only person ever to do what I do with hydrogen peroxide only I do 1/2 water and sniff it into my sinuses to kill anything back there when I feel like the flu is winning, and it kills it every time. I even told my allergist doctor who never knew about it either.. Nice to meet someone else who has a clue with what it does...I use it to clean at times too.

Eaglewings, is this your first visit to the Coffee Shop? I didn't have you on the roster, but welcome, welcome. We're always happy to welcome old friends back and usher new friends into our weird little family here. Your first timers complimentary beverage for a really cold morning:

My typing is fine. I did data entry for about 10 years, and although it's been quite a while, I still type enough that I don't think there would be issues there. I don't know how well I'd do with the transcription, though. Typing what you read and typing what you hear are very different. I could probably do it, and it's certainly on my list of potential backup plans. :)

I think you could definitely do it! Get your ears cleaned out first though! :)

The ear that's been clogged is almost better now....still slightly muted, but close to where it should be. :lol:
Put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in a small glass with equal amount of water. Warm it slightly then pour it in your ear and let it fizzle the stuff loose. Works for me every time.

Too funny, you are the only person ever to do what I do with hydrogen peroxide only I do 1/2 water and sniff it into my sinuses to kill anything back there when I feel like the flu is winning, and it kills it every time. I even told my allergist doctor who never knew about it either.. Nice to meet someone else who has a clue with what it does...I use it to clean at times too.

Eaglewings, is this your first visit to the Coffee Shop? I didn't have you on the roster, but welcome, welcome. We're always happy to welcome old friends back and usher new friends into our weird little family here. Your first timers complimentary beverage for a really cold morning:

Oh so sorry am I suppose to join on these threads in the lounge?
I think you could definitely do it! Get your ears cleaned out first though! :)

The ear that's been clogged is almost better now....still slightly muted, but close to where it should be. :lol:
Put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in a small glass with equal amount of water. Warm it slightly then pour it in your ear and let it fizzle the stuff loose. Works for me every time.

Too funny, you are the only person ever to do what I do with hydrogen peroxide only I do 1/2 water and sniff it into my sinuses to kill anything back there when I feel like the flu is winning, and it kills it every time. I even told my allergist doctor who never knew about it either.. Nice to meet someone else who has a clue with what it does...I use it to clean at times too.

Eaglewings, is this your first visit to the Coffee Shop? I didn't have you on the roster, but welcome, welcome. We're always happy to welcome old friends back and usher new friends into our weird little family here. Your first timers complimentary beverage for a really cold morning:

Oh so sorry am I suppose to join on these threads in the lounge?

LOL absolutely not. You are most welcome. You 'join' by joining in on the fun. (I keep a roster of the folks who visit the Coffee Shop just for historical purposes as this has been such a long running thread. In case you wonder you are approximately number 418 who have 'signed' our guest book since we opened roughly five and a half years ago. I say approximately because there are a few who have changed names and are on the list twice, but there aren't more than a handful of those.)
The ear that's been clogged is almost better now....still slightly muted, but close to where it should be. :lol:
Put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in a small glass with equal amount of water. Warm it slightly then pour it in your ear and let it fizzle the stuff loose. Works for me every time.

Too funny, you are the only person ever to do what I do with hydrogen peroxide only I do 1/2 water and sniff it into my sinuses to kill anything back there when I feel like the flu is winning, and it kills it every time. I even told my allergist doctor who never knew about it either.. Nice to meet someone else who has a clue with what it does...I use it to clean at times too.

Eaglewings, is this your first visit to the Coffee Shop? I didn't have you on the roster, but welcome, welcome. We're always happy to welcome old friends back and usher new friends into our weird little family here. Your first timers complimentary beverage for a really cold morning:

Oh so sorry am I suppose to join on these threads in the lounge?

LOL absolutely not. You are most welcome. You 'join' by joining in on the fun. (I keep a roster of the folks who visit the Coffee Shop just for historical purposes as this has been such a long running thread. In case you wonder you are approximately number 418 who have 'signed' our guest book since we opened roughly five and a half years ago. I say approximately because there are a few who have changed names and are on the list twice, but there aren't more than a handful of those.)
Thank you for your welcome, the first thing I do when waking up is head straight to the nice thread!
Do you still have a PC with Windows for gaming, or maybe dual boot on that one?
I have 5 computers, this one (my primary laptop) I just switched over to Ubuntu. I have a desktop gaming computer (my recently rebuilt one), another desktop running Ubuntu, the wife's laptop with Win 10 and the 13" Lenovo Yoga 2 with Win 10.

That's a lot of computers! :ack-1: I have two. My work PC and my laptop for play.
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old
I have 5 computers, this one (my primary laptop) I just switched over to Ubuntu. I have a desktop gaming computer (my recently rebuilt one), another desktop running Ubuntu, the wife's laptop with Win 10 and the 13" Lenovo Yoga 2 with Win 10.

That's a lot of computers! :ack-1: I have two. My work PC and my laptop for play.
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

Have you tried updated or reinstalling your browser, or trying a different one? If it's browsing the internet where you have issues it could be a browser issue.
it looks kind of cool, but if I remember, I think it was only a trail left by a plane that had flown overhead. one of the pictures I did catch an asteroid that had streaked across the sky


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That's a lot of computers! :ack-1: I have two. My work PC and my laptop for play.
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

Have you tried updated or reinstalling your browser, or trying a different one? If it's browsing the internet where you have issues it could be a browser issue.
I have been using explorer. I downloaded chrome and Mozilla. I get about the same results.
I have 5 computers, this one (my primary laptop) I just switched over to Ubuntu. I have a desktop gaming computer (my recently rebuilt one), another desktop running Ubuntu, the wife's laptop with Win 10 and the 13" Lenovo Yoga 2 with Win 10.

That's a lot of computers! :ack-1: I have two. My work PC and my laptop for play.
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

CCleaner - PC Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download
I think you could definitely do it! Get your ears cleaned out first though! :)

The ear that's been clogged is almost better now....still slightly muted, but close to where it should be. :lol:
Put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in a small glass with equal amount of water. Warm it slightly then pour it in your ear and let it fizzle the stuff loose. Works for me every time.

Too funny, you are the only person ever to do what I do with hydrogen peroxide only I do 1/2 water and sniff it into my sinuses to kill anything back there when I feel like the flu is winning, and it kills it every time. I even told my allergist doctor who never knew about it either.. Nice to meet someone else who has a clue with what it does...I use it to clean at times too.

Eaglewings, is this your first visit to the Coffee Shop? I didn't have you on the roster, but welcome, welcome. We're always happy to welcome old friends back and usher new friends into our weird little family here. Your first timers complimentary beverage for a really cold morning:

Oh so sorry am I suppose to join on these threads in the lounge?
did we mention the initiation process yet?
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

Have you tried updated or reinstalling your browser, or trying a different one? If it's browsing the internet where you have issues it could be a browser issue.
I have been using explorer. I downloaded chrome and Mozilla. I get about the same results.
Mozilla and Chrome are much more secure especially if you add Adblock, WOT and Ghostery.
That's a lot of computers! :ack-1: I have two. My work PC and my laptop for play.
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

CCleaner - PC Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download

thanks, i'll give it a try. I was just about to run out to best buy and get a new one. what I notice is atfer using it for a few hours it keeps getting slower and slower. if I restart it usually gets better. even sometimes when I am typing not every letter I type comes out. i'll get like two or three letters out of a 7 letter work.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

Have you tried updated or reinstalling your browser, or trying a different one? If it's browsing the internet where you have issues it could be a browser issue.
I have been using explorer. I downloaded chrome and Mozilla. I get about the same results.
Mozilla and Chrome are much more secure especially if you add Adblock, WOT and Ghostery.
I'm familiar with adblock. what are the other two
I had 7, sold one, donated one. I also have 2 incomplete older computers (I'll donate) and the wife's old laptop that needs a new screen. That doesn't include the 2 boxes of computer parts and cables that I still have left, one medium size box already got donated.
what is Ubuntu and is there a benefit?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

CCleaner - PC Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download

thanks, i'll give it a try. I was just about to run out to best buy and get a new one. what I notice is atfer using it for a few hours it keeps getting slower and slower. if I restart it usually gets better. even sometimes when I am typing not every letter I type comes out. i'll get like two or three letters out of a 7 letter work.
Windows builds up everything in a storage cache but doesn't let it go, eventually the cache becomes full and slows everything down. Also old programs (even ones you may have uninstalled leave "stuff" behind, CCleaner will do a registry clean to get rid of it.
What version of Windows are you using?
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. The benefit? It's nor Windows or OS X (Apple), but that's also it's drawback in some areas. Number 1 it's free (you can make a donation if you want), It does pretty much everything Windows does and some things better. The drawback? If you're a P.C. gamer Linux is not for you.
I'm not a gamer. I just want something that doesn't freeze up all the time. lately my computer has been locking up a lot. pages keep not responding. idk, maybe its time for a new computer. even though this one is only like 2 years old

Have you tried updated or reinstalling your browser, or trying a different one? If it's browsing the internet where you have issues it could be a browser issue.
I have been using explorer. I downloaded chrome and Mozilla. I get about the same results.
Mozilla and Chrome are much more secure especially if you add Adblock, WOT and Ghostery.
I'm familiar with adblock. what are the other two
WOT will tell you the potential attack danger level of every website, Ghostery will block cookies and other things websites want to put on your computer.
Here are the two top Linux distributions (operating systems), Ubuntu and Mint current releases.

Realize there's at least some learning curve as is true with anything new that one is not familiar with.

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