USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tonight's a big night in Germany: at 21:00 (about 3 and 1/2 hours from now), it is

Deutschland vs. Ghana.

Cafes, bars, sports bars, public places equipped with wide-screen, will be packed for this game.

I will definitely be watching it.

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How does one go about making a food item the official food for a Nation? I'm thinking that banana splits should be the official food of the USA. Think I will write my congress critter. I betcha he would enjoy getting some mail when nobody actually bitches about something.
a few places I fish require barbless hooks.
Barbless hooks means catch and release.

I've used pliers to smash the barb out of effectiveness at times when I played catch and release.

yes, they are catch and release areas

Where I trout fish for opening day, they do a pretty heavy stock in the river, so I'll keep my daily limit of seven. Real nearby, we have a few single hook only that are catch and release only also. I tread into those small creeks and it is amazing how untouched by man some of those creeks are. There's one creek that has no trails, no signs that people have been there, and the density of the woodlands makes fly-fishing impossible. Nothing but native trout in that stream. A few years back I was at that creek and I put a single barbless hook onto a dardevle red and white spoon (it comes with a treble hook). I was using my ultra-light rig that is only a 4'6" long because there is so much plant growth you can't really find the room to cast a longer pole. Even though it was an ultra-light, I had gone with the heavier 4 lb test line that day. I had been working my way up the creek for about an hour and the spoon was working for me. I'd caught and released about a half dozen rainbows and german browns between 9 and 12 inches. My ex brother-in-law was with me and he was having the same kind of luck with a little cleo of the same colors.

Then it happened.

We were standing at the downstream end of a small pool where the creek spilled into an area that was about 10 feet wide and maybe 18 feet long and about 3-4 feet deep. It is the only place on the creek that is more than 6 feet wide and the only place with slower waters. I tossed the spoon at the upstream end where the water was flowing across some rocks. It tapped a rock and fell into the water. About 3 cranks of my fishing reel and something hit that spoon hard. I set the hook and son-of-a-bitch, the fish took some line. I never expected that in a small creek like this. I started working the fish, cautious because I didn't want to lose him.

Trout will often jump in an attempt to shake a hook, but he never did. I tightened the drag on the reel, it was set for small trout and 2 lb test line. He still gave a good fight and even though it was a small pool, he kept taking line whenever I got him within 10 feet of me. It was probably only about 3 minutes, but with the excitement and adrenaline it felt more like 15 minutes before I reeled him in. He was the largest Brook Trout I have ever seen. Small creek, small pool in the creek, big brook trout. Brookies run thin as far as trout go, they are the lean fish of the trout species. He was 19.5 inches long and my crappy fishing scale said 4 lbs 2 oz. People that know anything about trout fishing know that is a trophy fish.
It was hard to do, but I released him.
Tonight's a big night in Germany: at 21:00 (about 3 and 1/2 hours from now), it is

Deutschland vs. Ghana.

Cafes, bars, sports bars, public places equipped with wide-screen, will be packed for this game.

I will definitely be watching it.


[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] of course you know Mrs. Blood is German. And my Numba 1 son is home for the weekend and is forcing me to watch Argentina-Iran. He's already running around the house waving his big German flag. I'm outnumbered. Going to drink 4 or 5 Hefe Weissen in prep for the Germany-Ghana match. Hoping for a HUGE miracle on Thursday when USA plays Germany. That would shut them up for 4 years.
Barbless hooks means catch and release.

I've used pliers to smash the barb out of effectiveness at times when I played catch and release.

yes, they are catch and release areas

That is the only way I could ever justify fishing (for myself only ) --practicing catch and release. Even then, though.....:( It may be traumatic for fish, but at least they continue staying alive and living free. :thup: I try not to think of the fish once a year when I am chowing down on some halibut, just as I try not to think of eggs, when I am downing them. Same thing with beef, which is probably why I rarely eat beef.

I think fishing is a great activity for those who need and enjoy it. It is cathartic. I love the thought of a man in a boat or standing in the water, on a sunny day, in a rushing river in Wyoming, fly-fishing. :) The movie, The River Runs Through It, comes to mind.

Good morning everyone...may you make a good day.

It's kind of funny, many people think of fishing as the lone man someplace like a Wyoming river as you allude to (I ignore ocean fishing in this case), but the lone fisherman is usually not the case. Most fishers go with a partner or small group. I'm rare in that I often go solo.

A River Runs Through It is one of my favorite movies for more reasons than the symbolism of fishing. My brother and I have traveled very different paths and ended up in different places. We both still fish, but not together.
Tonight's a big night in Germany: at 21:00 (about 3 and 1/2 hours from now), it is

Deutschland vs. Ghana.

Cafes, bars, sports bars, public places equipped with wide-screen, will be packed for this game.

I will definitely be watching it.


[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] of course you know Mrs. Blood is German. And my Numba 1 son is home for the weekend and is forcing me to watch Argentina-Iran. He's already running around the house waving his big German flag. I'm outnumbered. Going to drink 4 or 5 Hefe Weissen in prep for the Germany-Ghana match. Hoping for a HUGE miracle on Thursday when USA plays Germany. That would shut them up for 4 years.

Yes, Thursday is going to be the night. I am rooting for Germany tonight and rooting for the USA on Thursday. Bringing my USA flag with me to a local joint!!
How does one go about making a food item the official food for a Nation? I'm thinking that banana splits should be the official food of the USA. Think I will write my congress critter. I betcha he would enjoy getting some mail when nobody actually bitches about something.

I think that is an excellent idea.

USA: land of the split bananas.


Watched 'up' last night with the wife and grand daughters. They are swimming and then shopping. Girls' day out.
I'm sort of with BBD on this one. Unless the fish are going to be dinner, why fish? Catch and release, just to do it, seems sort of mean to the fish. But then I gave up fishing when I started feeling sorry for the poor fish. And then the minnow used for bait. And then the worm or cricket or whatever. . .so the fish from Albertson's taste pretty good properly seasoned and cooked. (That way somebody else has to be mean and not me. :))

What is meaner to the fish? Catching and releasing or catching and cooking?
I actually do both.
One means dead, one means alive.
Put yourself in the situation and decide if you are better off alive or dead.
I'm glad I am at the top of the food chain.
We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Kids are still playing games, they just play with strangers on the internet. I find those internet games like Everquest boring, though. There is something nostalgic about playing games with friends and family, face-to-face.

Yeah. People who play games on the internet are weirdos


I didn't say that. People who play games on the internet excessively, excluding all other interaction with others, sitting for hours and days on end, lost in their little cyber world...well, I suppose a case could be made for them.
How does one go about making a food item the official food for a Nation? I'm thinking that banana splits should be the official food of the USA. Think I will write my congress critter. I betcha he would enjoy getting some mail when nobody actually bitches about something.

New Mexico has an official state just about everything - state bird, state animal, state insect, state reptile, state tree, two state vegetables (pinto bean and chili pepper), and state question (red or green?) etc., but I don't think it has a state dessert. It does have a state cookie though: the bizcochito.
When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

I remember one very cold spell when we lived in Alabama.....power was down, we had no heat except in the Fireplace, so we all slept in the den that night....the next day, everything was shut down, stayed home from work, so we had to keep the fire going and to keep from being totally bored, we played Uno with the kids over and over till I couldn't stand Uno for many years after that.....I finally got over it.

Years ago I hitched a ride to London (after living in France a while) and when my original lodging plans for that night fell through, I met up with a couple of hippie types who happened along. We went back to their flat where we stayed up for hours playing a great English game they taught me called "Blackjack" -- which has no relation to our "21" Blackjack, just another game where the black jack is significant....

Fast forward to a few years later and I started to see a commercial card game modeled exactly after this English Blackjack game. The commercial game was called "Uno".

English Blackjack is still a better game as it has one element that Uno doesn't --- if one particular card is thrown, all players have to hand their entire hand to the next player. This means if you had dribbled down to two or three cards, you could suddenly be stuck with thirteen. Plus, everybody now knows what the player after them is holding.

Before Uno came out I spread English Blackjack (as we started calling it) around friends. It was a hit.

That added feature could be a lot of fun, too. I wonder whether something like that could be incorporated into our Uno play?
yes, they are catch and release areas

That is the only way I could ever justify fishing (for myself only ) --practicing catch and release. Even then, though.....:( It may be traumatic for fish, but at least they continue staying alive and living free. :thup: I try not to think of the fish once a year when I am chowing down on some halibut, just as I try not to think of eggs, when I am downing them. Same thing with beef, which is probably why I rarely eat beef.

I think fishing is a great activity for those who need and enjoy it. It is cathartic. I love the thought of a man in a boat or standing in the water, on a sunny day, in a rushing river in Wyoming, fly-fishing. :) The movie, The River Runs Through It, comes to mind.

Good morning everyone...may you make a good day.

It's kind of funny, many people think of fishing as the lone man someplace like a Wyoming river as you allude to (I ignore ocean fishing in this case), but the lone fisherman is usually not the case. Most fishers go with a partner or small group. I'm rare in that I often go solo.

A River Runs Through It is one of my favorite movies for more reasons than the symbolism of fishing. My brother and I have traveled very different paths and ended up in different places. We both still fish, but not together.

Small groups, you say? This is how it used to look on the Kenai River when the kings are running.


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How does one go about making a food item the official food for a Nation? I'm thinking that banana splits should be the official food of the USA. Think I will write my congress critter. I betcha he would enjoy getting some mail when nobody actually bitches about something.

New Mexico has an official state just about everything - state bird, state animal, state insect, state reptile, state tree, two state vegetables (pinto bean and chili pepper), and state question (red or green?) etc., but I don't think it has a state dessert. It does have a state cookie though: the bizcochito.

Ah, yes...but do you have an official state fossil? Alaska does.
Good morning and greeting the Summer Solstice!
Longest day of the year and we won't see darkness at all. At this latitude, the sun dips below the horizon, briefly. Now we begin our long, slow slip into darkness again.
Happy the Mrs. Ringel came through her ordeal well and her prognosis is good.
Wrapping it up here at the "country" place today, leave for the city tomorrow. The little girls were delivered to their paternal grandmother's place for the weekend. She's the shopping type and plans on replacing most of their wardrobe, no doubt.
Guess I should get my butt in gear, way more to do than I have time to do it.
Enjoy the day!

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