USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yes. Yes I am! Gonna get 3 hens this spring. Its a great project to work on, building a nice warm cozy home for them off the ground. And since I sold most of my ornamental plants due to the water shortage we have going on and went with fake plants...I see no reason to worry they will peck my pretties to death. Its all fake! And how hard would 3 hens be to keep clean?

Do you have raccoon's ? My neighbors husband is a fireman and built those chickens a
Thank you Montrovant. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D
Yes. Yes I am! Gonna get 3 hens this spring. Its a great project to work on, building a nice warm cozy home for them off the ground. And since I sold most of my ornamental plants due to the water shortage we have going on and went with fake plants...I see no reason to worry they will peck my pretties to death. Its all fake! And how hard would 3 hens be to keep clean?

Do you have raccoon's ? My neighbors husband is a fireman and built those chickens a
Yep. And possums too. And hawks. But the hawks won't bother them due to the dogs out there with me during the day. Night night time is night night time. Last batch we had, they were about 4 feet off the ground surrounded with chickenwire and buried 12 inches deep re enforced with metal piping all around the bottom. And I latched their nest house at night so nothing could get in. But I had 6 of them and nobody helped me keep them clean or their nests. Actually, when it got dusk, they would just walk up the ramp as soon as I hollered NIGHT NIGHT. After they got all settled, I would latch the gate to the pen, and the hen house itself.
Sheesh, I go do something else after posting and come back to find I've somehow stirred up controversy! :lol:

No, I haven't redone any of my carvings in quite a long time. I don't care if it's talked about, and I did bring it up. I have had quite a few things cut into me, by myself and sometimes others, over the years. I never really had money for a tattoo, and while at times it was a purely aesthetic thing, I did plenty of cutting as a way to impose physical pain over emotional. I did say it jokingly; I've bled a lot from doing that, as well as the occasional at-home medical treatment (I once cut a wart off the inside of my finger and OMG did that thing bleed!) :p.)

Eaglewings and Dhara, thank you both for your concerns. I appreciate the sentiment, but although I'm not exactly well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, I'm good enough at this point. :D
I have this knot on my knuckle. Don't know what it is. Saw doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and told him I wanted to take my exacto knife to it cuz it bugged me and he said no..let him get a needle and poke around. I said just slice that sucker on the side and see what it is and he did...but nothing was there except blood. With both of our heads peering at my hand, we came to the conclusion to leave it alone because it might be something connected to a tendon. He patted it dry then bandaged it and off I went. It was kinda funny, that visit. Confering with each other over my dripping hand.

When I cut the wart off of my finger, that finger ended up completely drenched in blood. It was amazing how much blood poured out from that little protrusion on my finger! I mean, I have always heard head wounds bleed a whole lot, but wouldn't have expected it from a finger. :p

I probably shouldn't have done it, not the safest way to remove a wart, but it didn't end up causing problems. I burned it after cutting the wart off, I think with a lighter. :lol:
Dayum dude! A lighter??? You are braver than I am! Cut MrG and he bleeds forever. Prolly from the coumadin he is on for his heart.

Heh, I don't know if I could do that today. I was more willing to accept pain when I was younger.
I have pain in my head. Mental pain. I also have pain in my joints. I don't need any more so no worries about me being a cutter. I had a good friend that was, though. She would talk to me about it and I never understood it...then again...she didn't either.
Thank you Montrovant. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D

Its a stress relief, just like my getting drunk when I couldn't handle things..we both found other healthy ways to get through the tuff times.. and mostly you being honest and open with yourself and others is why your clean today.

I went back to school when I got sober and studied addiction, wow the brain is amazing. Our addictions released a hormone called dopamines.. a feel good hormone. Sex, cutting drinking, drugs shopping eating..whatever releases them,, Meth releases the most at onetime, this is why people get addicted so quickly..
So does exercise, I am going to start walking tomorrow.. I just finished cancer treatment and am good. Now to get those dopamines rolling Look on youtube about those hormones..

Now that I talked your ears anyway I am glad your well.

There is a story to those things.
Every time I took the dogs to the beach for their walk, I would see this little old lady..older than me!..and her old husband....walking briskly along the hills and dales of town with him not far behind. Carrying two ski poles! I They were all over town on those things, just bebopping along! So I came home and googled "ski poles for streets" and Trekking Poles popped up. I was instantly attracted and said MINE!
They have shock absorbers, are adjustable, have wide cups on the bottom for sand if walking in soft areas otherwise it is just the tip of the pole. I can go up my hill, down my hill, around my hill and although my hip screams, I am not panting fixing to faint from the pain. I lost 15 lbs!
When you get them in the mail, be careful adjusting the heights of them. If you screw/pull past the line on the pole, you will never get it back together again due to the spring inside. MrG and I had a helluva time but finally got mine back together just from sheer cussing and screaming and stomping our feet with both pairs of hands forcing that sucker back in. There were no directions so we didn't know. To adjust, lightly twist the bottom portion of the pole to where you want it. Once there, lock it in place. Do both the same. Do NOT go past the line on the smaller extension pole. That is the end...the rest is all spring.
I adjusted mine to where my arms were level with my shoulders when upright and the top of the pole hitting that height. You can also put Trekking Poles in youtube and see vids of how its done..which way to position your hands, etc.
When you get them in the mail, be careful adjusting the heights of them. If you screw/pull past the line on the pole, you will never get it back together again due to the spring inside. MrG and I had a helluva time but finally got mine back together just from sheer cussing and screaming and stomping our feet with both pairs of hands forcing that sucker back in. There were no directions so we didn't know. To adjust, lightly twist the bottom portion of the pole to where you want it. Once there, lock it in place. Do both the same. Do NOT go past the line on the smaller extension pole. That is the end...the rest is all spring.
I adjusted mine to where my arms were level with my shoulders when upright and the top of the pole hitting that height. You can also put Trekking Poles in youtube and see vids of how its done..which way to position your hands, etc.
How do you walk your dogs with the polls? I have streets with hills and the poles will come in handy. I have to sell something on ebay before I can buy some or look who takes a visa..I just transferred my paypal to the bank for a Macy's

When I trek, I leave the dogs home. When I trek with them, I only use one pole...for the side with the bad hip. They are leash free at the beach. :)

One pole comes in handy when you run across an asshole, too. It's great at waving and threatening said asshole with cramming it up his ass. :lol:
I still have this walking stick.

I have pain in my head. Mental pain. I also have pain in my joints. I don't need any more so no worries about me being a cutter. I had a good friend that was, though. She would talk to me about it and I never understood it...then again...she didn't either.

Do cutters stop cutting? Like ones that did it as teens?
I have pain in my head. Mental pain. I also have pain in my joints. I don't need any more so no worries about me being a cutter. I had a good friend that was, though. She would talk to me about it and I never understood it...then again...she didn't either.

Do cutters stop cutting? Like ones that did it as teens?

I did. ;)

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