USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yes, he explained that AFTER I commented. Where I come from, very few people would make self harming a public topic.

So why are you repeating it after I deleted my concern for him? And if you don't let others know about your problem you suffer alone. I had a addiction help website for along time. many people suffering out there who would talk anonymously and find recovery..Staying silent will kill you in time.
You really don't get recovery , I can understand that.


OK good night eveyone.
I found what you said in Coyotes thread, Eagle. Yes....we could be twinsies, lol.

Meanwhile..I used to post at a place that had a forum dedicated to cutters. They found comfort in each other on how they dealt with that problem. Being ashamed to talk about it doesn't help. It makes it worse from what they said. So..they talked. Publicly. Who is going to know who they really are on a message board with fake user names???
Yes, he explained that AFTER I commented. Where I come from, very few people would make self harming a public topic.

So why are you repeating it after I deleted my concern for him? And if you don't let others know about your problem you suffer alone. I had a addiction help website for along time. many people suffering out there who would talk anonymously and find recovery..Staying silent will kill you in time.
You really don't get recovery , I can understand that.


OK good night eveyone.


Sheesh, I go do something else after posting and come back to find I've somehow stirred up controversy! :lol:

No, I haven't redone any of my carvings in quite a long time. I don't care if it's talked about, and I did bring it up. I have had quite a few things cut into me, by myself and sometimes others, over the years. I never really had money for a tattoo, and while at times it was a purely aesthetic thing, I did plenty of cutting as a way to impose physical pain over emotional. I did say it jokingly; I've bled a lot from doing that, as well as the occasional at-home medical treatment (I once cut a wart off the inside of my finger and OMG did that thing bleed!) :p.)

Eaglewings and Dhara, thank you both for your concerns. I appreciate the sentiment, but although I'm not exactly well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, I'm good enough at this point. :D
I found what you said in Coyotes thread, Eagle. Yes....we could be twinsies, lol.

Meanwhile..I used to post at a place that had a forum dedicated to cutters. They found comfort in each other on how they dealt with that problem. Being ashamed to talk about it doesn't help. It makes it worse from what they said. So..they talked. Publicly. Who is going to know who they really are on a message board with fake user names???

People heal through others going through the same thing...your right. Many times another's story can change your whole view and change your coarse and journey.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Sheesh, I go do something else after posting and come back to find I've somehow stirred up controversy! :lol:

No, I haven't redone any of my carvings in quite a long time. I don't care if it's talked about, and I did bring it up. I have had quite a few things cut into me, by myself and sometimes others, over the years. I never really had money for a tattoo, and while at times it was a purely aesthetic thing, I did plenty of cutting as a way to impose physical pain over emotional. I did say it jokingly; I've bled a lot from doing that, as well as the occasional at-home medical treatment (I once cut a wart off the inside of my finger and OMG did that thing bleed!) :p.)

Eaglewings and Dhara, thank you both for your concerns. I appreciate the sentiment, but although I'm not exactly well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, I'm good enough at this point. :D
I have this knot on my knuckle. Don't know what it is. Saw doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and told him I wanted to take my exacto knife to it cuz it bugged me and he said no..let him get a needle and poke around. I said just slice that sucker on the side and see what it is and he did...but nothing was there except blood. With both of our heads peering at my hand, we came to the conclusion to leave it alone because it might be something connected to a tendon. He patted it dry then bandaged it and off I went. It was kinda funny, that visit. Confering with each other over my dripping hand.
Sheesh, I go do something else after posting and come back to find I've somehow stirred up controversy! :lol:

No, I haven't redone any of my carvings in quite a long time. I don't care if it's talked about, and I did bring it up. I have had quite a few things cut into me, by myself and sometimes others, over the years. I never really had money for a tattoo, and while at times it was a purely aesthetic thing, I did plenty of cutting as a way to impose physical pain over emotional. I did say it jokingly; I've bled a lot from doing that, as well as the occasional at-home medical treatment (I once cut a wart off the inside of my finger and OMG did that thing bleed!) :p.)

Eaglewings and Dhara, thank you both for your concerns. I appreciate the sentiment, but although I'm not exactly well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, I'm good enough at this point. :D

Ah Bless your heart and I am glad your doing better. I know with my recovery it will be a lifetime thing to keep my head in the right place.
But it is so worth it , isn't it. ?
If you ever need to talk just PM me anytime.

That's really me in my avie.
I live in a town.
In a state.
In the USA.

Oops. I said too much.:lol:

Y'all lighten up. Lets shall we talk about since our guns are checked at the door?

CHICKENS!!! Anyone have chickens or thinking of getting chickens? Nothing tastes better than a fresh still warm egg!
Sheesh, I go do something else after posting and come back to find I've somehow stirred up controversy! :lol:

No, I haven't redone any of my carvings in quite a long time. I don't care if it's talked about, and I did bring it up. I have had quite a few things cut into me, by myself and sometimes others, over the years. I never really had money for a tattoo, and while at times it was a purely aesthetic thing, I did plenty of cutting as a way to impose physical pain over emotional. I did say it jokingly; I've bled a lot from doing that, as well as the occasional at-home medical treatment (I once cut a wart off the inside of my finger and OMG did that thing bleed!) :p.)

Eaglewings and Dhara, thank you both for your concerns. I appreciate the sentiment, but although I'm not exactly well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, I'm good enough at this point. :D
I have this knot on my knuckle. Don't know what it is. Saw doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and told him I wanted to take my exacto knife to it cuz it bugged me and he said no..let him get a needle and poke around. I said just slice that sucker on the side and see what it is and he did...but nothing was there except blood. With both of our heads peering at my hand, we came to the conclusion to leave it alone because it might be something connected to a tendon. He patted it dry then bandaged it and off I went. It was kinda funny, that visit. Confering with each other over my dripping hand.

When I cut the wart off of my finger, that finger ended up completely drenched in blood. It was amazing how much blood poured out from that little protrusion on my finger! I mean, I have always heard head wounds bleed a whole lot, but wouldn't have expected it from a finger. :p

I probably shouldn't have done it, not the safest way to remove a wart, but it didn't end up causing problems. I burned it after cutting the wart off, I think with a lighter. :lol:
Yes. Yes I am! Gonna get 3 hens this spring. Its a great project to work on, building a nice warm cozy home for them off the ground. And since I sold most of my ornamental plants due to the water shortage we have going on and went with fake plants...I see no reason to worry they will peck my pretties to death. Its all fake! And how hard would 3 hens be to keep clean?
Sheesh, I go do something else after posting and come back to find I've somehow stirred up controversy! :lol:

No, I haven't redone any of my carvings in quite a long time. I don't care if it's talked about, and I did bring it up. I have had quite a few things cut into me, by myself and sometimes others, over the years. I never really had money for a tattoo, and while at times it was a purely aesthetic thing, I did plenty of cutting as a way to impose physical pain over emotional. I did say it jokingly; I've bled a lot from doing that, as well as the occasional at-home medical treatment (I once cut a wart off the inside of my finger and OMG did that thing bleed!) :p.)

Eaglewings and Dhara, thank you both for your concerns. I appreciate the sentiment, but although I'm not exactly well-adjusted and emotionally healthy, I'm good enough at this point. :D
I have this knot on my knuckle. Don't know what it is. Saw doc yesterday for my monthly checkup and told him I wanted to take my exacto knife to it cuz it bugged me and he said no..let him get a needle and poke around. I said just slice that sucker on the side and see what it is and he did...but nothing was there except blood. With both of our heads peering at my hand, we came to the conclusion to leave it alone because it might be something connected to a tendon. He patted it dry then bandaged it and off I went. It was kinda funny, that visit. Confering with each other over my dripping hand.

When I cut the wart off of my finger, that finger ended up completely drenched in blood. It was amazing how much blood poured out from that little protrusion on my finger! I mean, I have always heard head wounds bleed a whole lot, but wouldn't have expected it from a finger. :p

I probably shouldn't have done it, not the safest way to remove a wart, but it didn't end up causing problems. I burned it after cutting the wart off, I think with a lighter. :lol:
Dayum dude! A lighter??? You are braver than I am! Cut MrG and he bleeds forever. Prolly from the coumadin he is on for his heart.

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