USMB Coffee Shop IV

Gees. I think that's kind of low to mention that.

I am an addiction counselor and was going to offer my help if they needed it. I am in recovery

Ditto though I have let my certification lapse. I wasn't addicted though I am sure that invisible line was very close for me. I am an ACOA and codependent though. There are so many people hurting. I wonder if C_K would be open to a forum just to discuss those kinds of issues?

But again here in the Coffee Shop, of course we share the serious stuff going on in our lives and we wouldn't be an on-line community if we didn't do that. But we also are a family of characters and usually it is pretty lighthearted and all in fun in here. Which is why I was fairly sure Montro was just being funny. Plus I go through phases in the kitchen were I keep band aids pretty busy but it is in no way intentional. :) (But just in case, it doesn't hurt to ask. . . )
Thank you Montrovant. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D

Oh wow Montro. Then you weren't being funny. I really did think you were joking. Well, I'm glad you got the handle on that.
That's really me in my avie.
I live in a town.
In a state.
In the USA.

Oops. I said too much.:lol:

Y'all lighten up. Lets shall we talk about since our guns are checked at the door?

CHICKENS!!! Anyone have chickens or thinking of getting chickens? Nothing tastes better than a fresh still warm egg!

My daughter has chickens - she lives a bit further up the coast from you in the Monterey area. She raises them strictly for the eggs from free range chickens--the only kind she will use if she has any choice at all. The chickens aren't really completely free range as they are confined to the inside of two large fenced in back yards. But they are happy chickens.
Thank you Montrovant. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D

Oh wow Montro. Then you weren't being funny. I really did think you were joking. Well, I'm glad you got the handle on that.

Oh, I was being funny, just about something real. :) I'm not ashamed or concerned about my history of carving into myself. It's something I did, particularly in my late teens and 20s, when I was a fairly unhappy person. I don't do it anymore, but again, not because I am ashamed of it. My life just doesn't really allow for it, and I'm far less unhappy than I used to be.

I was just using it as a way to say something silly about being able to take the sight of blood. ;)
Thank you Montrovant. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D

Oh wow Montro. Then you weren't being funny. I really did think you were joking. Well, I'm glad you got the handle on that.

I had a recovery forum online for about 5 years, when I got sick I had to let it go. Many people came on it, but I am sure many members here would like to just lurk because they are known in this community.
Some unhealthy person here might use it against them..

Thank you Montanan. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D

Oh wow Montro. Then you weren't being funny. I really did think you were joking. Well, I'm glad you got the handle on that.

Oh, I was being funny, just about something real. :) I'm not ashamed or concerned about my history of carving into myself. It's something I did, particularly in my late teens and 20s, when I was a fairly unhappy person. I don't do it anymore, but again, not because I am ashamed of it. My life just doesn't really allow for it, and I'm far less unhappy than I used to be.

I was just using it as a way to say something silly about being able to take the sight of blood. ;)

Being a teen is painful, other kids can be so mean when you are the most vulnerable and hormones coming in..
It seems that you have made peace with yourself Montrovant, took me almost to die to find peace.

I knew if I didn't ask you I would be up all night thinking about it, this is what we do in recovery.

Anyway Foxfyre, I will keep it light...

Thank you Montrovant. My motivation was one of concern. Where I come from those I know who self harm would DIE if it got out in public.

My cutting, while similar in a lot of ways to others (at least, from all I've heard on the subject), was also quite different in that I was very open and public about it. I kept most of it to places that could be covered up (the vast majority of basic cuts are on my upper arms), but I also carved words in both of my lower arms. I had friends do things in my back shoulders and, on one or two occasions, my stomach. I did it at school during lunch or while just skipping classes, while hanging out with my 'clique'. I remember, at least once, simply breaking a glass bottle someone had left and using a shard of glass to cut something. I also used the blood to draw things on my walls sometimes.

The really odd thing about it all isn't so much my doing crazy carving, but that there has never been any particular cause for it. No tragedy in my life, no abuse, other than a stretch of a couple of years in my pre-teen time, I've lived a middle-class life of relative comfort. Apparently there's just a bit of crazy in my family. :lol:

I had mostly stopped carving before I became a nanny and stopped completely once I did. Actually, I think the last time I had any carving done was when shortly before I became a nanny, and the couple who 'hired' me were the ones doing it. :) I've still got a video of that on youtube. :lol:

It's hard enough to try and explain to the little one why I have the word HATE carved in my arm, I couldn't have her see it freshly done! She doesn't need any of that crazy in her life. :D

Oh wow Montro. Then you weren't being funny. I really did think you were joking. Well, I'm glad you got the handle on that.

I had a recovery forum online for about 5 years, when I got sick I had to let it go. Many people came on it, but I am sure many members here would like to just lurk because they are known in this community.
Some unhealthy person here might use it against them..


That's a good point. There's a lot of really mean and nasty people as well as really good folks at USMB and some indeed would use information maliciously. And I understand what it is to battle a serious illness too, and glad you have emerged or are emerging from that.

By the way, I don't think you were out of line at all so no need to apologize. Sometimes we can't be ourselves and keep it light. We have gone through the loss of loved ones here, some are dealing with loved ones who are probably not long for this world on the vigil list up there right now, we have loved people through surgeries, serious illnesses, the loss of beloved pets, provided moral support for those who have lost jobs, had financial setbacks, or are dealing with other stresses in their lives. And we also have enjoyed seeing folks experience the good stuff--new homes, new travel trailers, a new belt in karate, a new grandbaby, engagements to be married, new jobs, remodeling projects, hobbies, etc. etc. etc.

And we have about as eclectic bunch of folks who find some value in the Coffee Shop as is possible--no way we could ever hand pick a group as different as we all are. And it sometimes takes a bit to get to know people and get comfortable with them here and understand their sense of humor and ways of expressing themselves and love them for that instead of being judgmental, but those who settle in here make that happen. So in addition to be a place just to enjoy things and each other, joke and kid around, and share the more routine things of our lives, we also have our serious side.

And again welcome EagleWings. I think we're going to like getting to know you a lot.
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I still have this walking stick.


That's pretty cool, eagle1462010. Did you live in Japan? Are you Japanese? Great vacation?

And welcome to the Coffee Shop. We're always happy to meet new friends. Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

Separate forum or the CS is available, either one is fine with me. This is a sanctuary and will remain so. Addictions are not in my wheelhouse, but I can throw in a prayer, make you smile or ask a question or two.
That was from a long time ago...........Stationed in Yokosoka Japan...............We had a trip to Mount Fugi...............the tats on the walking stick are done as you go to the top of Mt. Fugi......................It's was pretty cool going to the top...........Got all the stamps many years ago......

If you ever go there.......I suggest you try it out.
Being a teen is painful, other kids can be so mean when you are the most vulnerable and hormones coming in..
It seems that you have made peace with yourself Montrovant, took me almost to die to find peace.

I knew if I didn't ask you I would be up all night thinking about it, this is what we do in recovery.

Anyway Foxfyre, I will keep it light...


Hope you find the Coffee Shop helpful Eaglewings. Like foxfire said, we handle heavy to light and everything in between.
That was from a long time ago...........Stationed in Yokosoka Japan...............We had a trip to Mount Fugi...............the tats on the walking stick are done as you go to the top of Mt. Fugi......................It's was pretty cool going to the top...........Got all the stamps many years ago......

If you ever go there.......I suggest you try it out.

I'm afraid my mountain climbing days are probably mostly behind me, though I can still manage a hill or two. But that is super cool. And thank you for your service. Again, welcome to our really weird and nutty family here. :)
I still have this walking stick.


That's pretty cool, eagle1462010. Did you live in Japan? Are you Japanese? Great vacation?

And welcome to the Coffee Shop. We're always happy to meet new friends. Your first timer's complimentary beverage:


That looks good and chocolately. I want too please! :D

It does look good doesn't it? A really well done hot chocolate is one of my very favorite beverages and that makes my mouth water. Alas, I am currently doing the Budwig Protocol to complete the healing process since my surgery and neither sugar nor artificial sweeteners are allowed. (I sometimes cheat but not to the extent of making a cup of hot chocolate.)
Speaking of travel trailers--they were mentioned in a post somewhere today--how cool are these? For extra credit, do you know what make and model these vehicles are?

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I wonder how hot chocolate made with honey instead of sugar would taste? Would somebody try that and let me know? I'm allowed honey. :)
Partly sunny and 44 degrees here. Winter has been very mild this year, which makes me nervous for the second half.
Partly sunny and 44 degrees here. Winter has been very mild this year, which makes me nervous for the second half.

I hear that though typically there is almost always a spell in every January with warmer than usual temperatures. We're to be in the 60's today and tomorrow, temps drop fast on Monday with a chance for snow Monday night and Tuesday.

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