USMB Coffee Shop IV

regular coffee at Starbucks

Is there such a thing as reg coffee at this place you speak of? I have been in a Starbucks twice in my life. First time I was with my Grandson and I bought him a chocolate milk. I refused to pay that much for coffee.
Second time I was leaving Barber shop and seen a State Policeman walk into Starbucks next door. I was half way to my truck and I turned around with the intention of buy the Trooper a cup of Joe. He was no where to be seen when I entered. Was a bathroom stop for him. He left the men's room and walked out the door. To this day I have never bought a coffee at Starbucks.

We used to stop in a Starbucks for a cappuccino after choir practice--you did pay four prices for it but it was kind of the in thing to do. And then I discovered Dunkin Donuts that had the same thing - better product and much cheaper. But all that was when I was still working and not so careful with my pennies. Now the coffee comes out of our own Mr. Coffee machine or if we splurge and buy coffee out, we go to McDonalds. They have absolutely the very best cup of coffee around here and you don't have to pay a lot for it.
The best coffee in Foley is NOT Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts or even Mickey D's The best coffee in Foley is at Doc Holliday's. Whether you like strong American style coffee that is always freshly ground for each pot, or Cuban coffee, (AKA liquid cocaine) when in Foley, AL stop at Doc's
Now, should you find yourself in Mobile, get yourself to The Half Shell Oyster House near I 65 and Airport Blvd. Awesome food and the best cup of coffee this side of John Henry Holliday's favorite saloon.
Well, I had the afternoon off and have just finished my dinner and will be sticking my sidearm into my waist band and putting on the "SECURITY" shirt to head in to babysit my often inebriated guests.
All y'all have a great night!
Well the neighborhood seems to be in one of those periodic slides down. Still havent met people next door but at least the original vehicles have returned. Sitting in the living room tonite debating on where the voices I'm hearing are coming from, thought I had shut everything down and then the backyard light snaps on. Walk back to patio door, look out there is half dozen people traipsing thru with more on the porch of the neighbors house who died. WTF ya doing.....oh just going to look at his house...rigght without a Realtor......chased em off. Go back inside to get some shoes on to make sure they are gone and what do I find but 2 blacked out police SUVs rolling down. Went and talked to them, they asked if I was the one who called, that would be no so I informed of what I had seen.
Stuff been ramping up for last month. Two consecutive nights when the police chopper circled for an hr or 2 and before that several armed robberies that were finally solved when the perps friend got busted on drugs and ratted his buddy out.
Well the neighborhood seems to be in one of those periodic slides down. Still havent met people next door but at least the original vehicles have returned. Sitting in the living room tonite debating on where the voices I'm hearing are coming from, thought I had shut everything down and then the backyard light snaps on. Walk back to patio door, look out there is half dozen people traipsing thru with more on the porch of the neighbors house who died. WTF ya doing.....oh just going to look at his house...rigght without a Realtor......chased em off. Go back inside to get some shoes on to make sure they are gone and what do I find but 2 blacked out police SUVs rolling down. Went and talked to them, they asked if I was the one who called, that would be no so I informed of what I had seen.
Stuff been ramping up for last month. Two consecutive nights when the police chopper circled for an hr or 2 and before that several armed robberies that were finally solved when the perps friend got busted on drugs and ratted his buddy out.

Wow MOTS, have you thought about moving?
Morning Glory...

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Fox spotting is getting harder. I think the mother fox is not feeding the cubs much now, and she is quite rough with them. This is the latest photo which I just took, after three days of them not coming out in daylight.
Well the neighborhood seems to be in one of those periodic slides down. Still havent met people next door but at least the original vehicles have returned. Sitting in the living room tonite debating on where the voices I'm hearing are coming from, thought I had shut everything down and then the backyard light snaps on. Walk back to patio door, look out there is half dozen people traipsing thru with more on the porch of the neighbors house who died. WTF ya doing.....oh just going to look at his house...rigght without a Realtor......chased em off. Go back inside to get some shoes on to make sure they are gone and what do I find but 2 blacked out police SUVs rolling down. Went and talked to them, they asked if I was the one who called, that would be no so I informed of what I had seen.
Stuff been ramping up for last month. Two consecutive nights when the police chopper circled for an hr or 2 and before that several armed robberies that were finally solved when the perps friend got busted on drugs and ratted his buddy out.
My first father-in-law's neighborhood was like that, when he first moved in in the 50s it was a nice blue collar neighborhood, when I met him the area had become a run down almost slum neighborhood. We kept trying to get him to move but he wouldn't.
Well the neighborhood seems to be in one of those periodic slides down. Still havent met people next door but at least the original vehicles have returned. Sitting in the living room tonite debating on where the voices I'm hearing are coming from, thought I had shut everything down and then the backyard light snaps on. Walk back to patio door, look out there is half dozen people traipsing thru with more on the porch of the neighbors house who died. WTF ya doing.....oh just going to look at his house...rigght without a Realtor......chased em off. Go back inside to get some shoes on to make sure they are gone and what do I find but 2 blacked out police SUVs rolling down. Went and talked to them, they asked if I was the one who called, that would be no so I informed of what I had seen.
Stuff been ramping up for last month. Two consecutive nights when the police chopper circled for an hr or 2 and before that several armed robberies that were finally solved when the perps friend got busted on drugs and ratted his buddy out.
My first father-in-law's neighborhood was like that, when he first moved in in the 50s it was a nice blue collar neighborhood, when I met him the area had become a run down almost slum neighborhood. We kept trying to get him to move but he wouldn't.

My aunt and uncle that we look after here in Albuquerque lived in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas. At that time it was THE upscale neighborhood of the metro area and it was lovely--beautiful homes, cobblestone winding streets, lush trees and lawns, etc. But as time passed, more and more questionable types began moving into the area--they had one neighbor who regularly set his house on fire for the insurance--a guy was shot and was bleeding to death on the next door neighbor's lawn, etc. etc. etc. It became a dangerous place and the aesthetics deteriorated and property values were plummeting. They were lucky to get a fair price for their home when they sold out and moved here.

It is just one of those life lessons that we should cherish and appreciate what is good and perfect and satisfying in life while it lasts. But we should also know that nothing is forever and be ready to roll with the punches because sooner or later we all have to do that.
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Fox spotting is getting harder. I think the mother fox is not feeding the cubs much now, and she is quite rough with them. This is the latest photo which I just took, after three days of them not coming out in daylight.

My goodness they're almost as big as she is. She surely is beginning to wean them.

Yea ! I think I have got the best pictures I am going to get, especially as I have a pain in the side from twisting round to look out of the window all day. I am about ready to give up trying to get any more pics. I spent three days just to get that one last good picture. There are others I took today, but the one I posted is the best of them.
regular coffee at Starbucks

Is there such a thing as reg coffee at this place you speak of? I have been in a Starbucks twice in my life. First time I was with my Grandson and I bought him a chocolate milk. I refused to pay that much for coffee.
Second time I was leaving Barber shop and seen a State Policeman walk into Starbucks next door. I was half way to my truck and I turned around with the intention of buy the Trooper a cup of Joe. He was no where to be seen when I entered. Was a bathroom stop for him. He left the men's room and walked out the door. To this day I have never bought a coffee at Starbucks.
Personally, I like McDonald's coffee. $1 for a large. It's good coffee.
Just saw three Blackhawks fly overhead, white bellies with light grey uppers. Navy/Marines? Not sure as I know the Army has been exploring color camo as the old color schemes were cold war (fight in Germany) colors, the greys and beiges/tans tend to work better in a desert environment.
regular coffee at Starbucks

Is there such a thing as reg coffee at this place you speak of? I have been in a Starbucks twice in my life. First time I was with my Grandson and I bought him a chocolate milk. I refused to pay that much for coffee.
Second time I was leaving Barber shop and seen a State Policeman walk into Starbucks next door. I was half way to my truck and I turned around with the intention of buy the Trooper a cup of Joe. He was no where to be seen when I entered. Was a bathroom stop for him. He left the men's room and walked out the door. To this day I have never bought a coffee at Starbucks.
Personally, I like McDonald's coffee. $1 for a large. It's good coffee.
Just don't buy it in the afternoon...... unless you have them make a new pot...... Tried Starbucks coffee once, payed way too much and it was way too bitter. The only reason I ever went back was in the fall they had a pumpkin, cream cheese muffin that was absolute heaven. As for coffee not made at home, 7-11 or one of the many stop and slop gas marts.
regular coffee at Starbucks

Is there such a thing as reg coffee at this place you speak of? I have been in a Starbucks twice in my life. First time I was with my Grandson and I bought him a chocolate milk. I refused to pay that much for coffee.
Second time I was leaving Barber shop and seen a State Policeman walk into Starbucks next door. I was half way to my truck and I turned around with the intention of buy the Trooper a cup of Joe. He was no where to be seen when I entered. Was a bathroom stop for him. He left the men's room and walked out the door. To this day I have never bought a coffee at Starbucks.
Personally, I like McDonald's coffee. $1 for a large. It's good coffee.
Just don't buy it in the afternoon...... unless you have them make a new pot...... Tried Starbucks coffee once, payed way too much and it was way too bitter. The only reason I ever went back was in the fall they had a pumpkin, cream cheese muffin that was absolute heaven. As for coffee not made at home, 7-11 or one of the many stop and slop gas marts.
Lately, I make McD's my enroute coffee stop. Decent joe and comes at the bank-busting price of a dollar for any size cup.
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Fox spotting is getting harder. I think the mother fox is not feeding the cubs much now, and she is quite rough with them. This is the latest photo which I just took, after three days of them not coming out in daylight.
Do you blame her? Those kits are almost as big as she is. Great photo, Dajjal! Momma's looking right at you, too!
Alright, so I blew off two of my three days with my nose buried in the book I'm reading. Bad me! Today, I have pledged to getting something done.
Checked to see where Sheila and Mr. Sheila find themselves this fine day. I hope they are enjoying their cruise and am looking forward to escorting them on a brief day trip to a typically quirky Alaskan town.

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