USMB Coffee Shop IV

What's this "Saturday, Monday" stuff? It does sound vaguely familiar but I just can't seem to place it.

That is Steve Harvey who announced the wrong person as the winner of Ms. Universe. Lol.

Steve Harvey Accidentally Names the Wrong Winner of Miss Universe: Watch
Welp, that joke fell flat......... I know who Steve Harvey is....... I was referring to different days of the week that all tend to blend and become one when one is "retired".

Oops! Sorry. I misunderstood your post. :D
I resized the images, does this help Foxfyre?


Apparently iphone4 to USMB is an issue.
I resized the images, does this help Foxfyre?


No. Sorry. And it doesn't show any coding at all for images when I quote you. Strange.

I can see them just fine now. I wonder if it has something to do with having different browsers running? I'm using Chrome.

I use Chrome for most stuff too, including USMB, but I still just see an [img ] with no coding.

I've tried Firefox and Opera and IE, and I see just [IMG ] as well. Well, in IE there is also an X. :p
Stuck at home for most of the day. Mrs. Liberty dropped her phone in the toilet a week or so ago. It simply is not functioning in a consistent manner, so I paid $200 in a phone plan deductible for a replacement. It was suppose to be here today and someone had to sign for it. They never showed. :(
What's this "Saturday, Monday" stuff? It does sound vaguely familiar but I just can't seem to place it.

That is Steve Harvey who announced the wrong person as the winner of Ms. Universe. Lol.

Steve Harvey Accidentally Names the Wrong Winner of Miss Universe: Watch
Welp, that joke fell flat......... I know who Steve Harvey is....... I was referring to different days of the week that all tend to blend and become one when one is "retired".

Oops! Sorry. I misunderstood your post. :D

Stuck at home for most of the day. Mrs. Liberty dropped her phone in the toilet a week or so ago. It simply is not functioning in a consistent manner, so I paid $200 in a phone plan deductible for a replacement. It was suppose to be here today and someone had to sign for it. They never showed. :(

That's irritating. But our deliveries often come late in the afternoon so there is still time.
Bought this just over a week ago at the Gallup flea market.


Am working on making a proper leather sheath for it now.

You bought an [IMG ] at the flea market?

I'm going to go ahead and blame this sight for the IMG issues lately. ;)
Uummmm, It could be a USMB issue, the image was copied from my Google Album and I can see it perfectly fine. :dunno:
I think things may be better now. I feel..different. So does MrG. Not sure what it all means, but it's not a negative.

We have turned down one apartment management job since being here...and just today, we declined running a B&B as innkeepers. The apartment job was here. The B&B home. The beach. I am surprised I didn't want it. After all..this is what I wanted. To go home. At least, its what I THOUGHT I wanted. After some sleepless nights the past few days, it finally dawned on me. We don't want a job. We are retired and falling apart physically. Going back into the hospitality business is NOT something we had in mind. The B&B was tempting, I cannot deny that. But, it would be a lot of work. And cooking. Heavy pots and pans. 10 rooms over our heads full of people wanting stuff at all hours. It would be like managing a motel...where you are stuck there 24/7. We can't do it. Oh, we could, but it would probably kill us sooner rather than later.

So, today was enlightenment day. We declined The Beach. Home. When karma drew her last breath, The Beach died along with her. And a major part of my heart. I finally have let it go. We were blessed with 30 years of living on the coast, listening to waves break, gulls cry, foghorn wail, perfect weather. But now, it is time to spend our remaining years as Forest Folk. 4 Seasons. Extreme weather for each season. Raccoons chatting with me at the window, tree squirrels begging for food on the porch, neighbor cats and dogs coming over to visit, new friends I have made here. more stress worrying.

I love my own room. MrG has his own room. We are warm, dry, keep our section of the house neat and clean, have a kitchen to cook in, can come and go as we please, have new docs, and in general...are semi normal again after a year of stress, pain, sorrow, sadness, doubt, anger, distress, homelessness. I think...fingers crossed...the bad days are now over. I hope.

Now, we wait for housing here that will be our very own. 2 year wait...but at least we are comfortable while waiting. Tomorrow IS another day and it looks better than it has in a long long LONG time.

You have two rooms now? At least that is an improvement. I usually apply a version of the "Serenity Prayer" to these things. We change what can be changed as we can, make the best of what we cannot change, and pray that we know which of these is best to do.

A form of contentment now is a good thing. And I trust that as events unfold for all of us, we will make the best choices for us.
Yes...he gave me his office room. Alas, what was in the office room is now in MrGs room so he lost half of his room. Still, I blocked off that half with drapes, can't be seen.
Housemate just flat out refuses to get rid of his hoarded stuff. BUT....I talked him in to removing the Shagalicious 1970-never-been-cleaned rugs from the hallway, hallway bathroom, dining room and den. Now I have to harass him about the living room. Underneath is the most beautiful hardwood floors! And, this coming saturday, new linoleum in the hallway bathroom and kitchen. So, I am making progress with him, albeit very slowly. :lol:

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