USMB Coffee Shop IV

lol. I drove a tractor once and it was tilling a field. I did pretty good..not too many wavey lines :D
No clue about a backhoe, but if my hands let me, I could give it a go. That is, if I am not in my 80's by then, lol.
Nicest thing about a backhoe is it lets you do heavy work with a flick of your wrist. I've been moving tree roots and dirt that would have been rough for me 30 years ago using hand tools. Although TNT works loads better for root removal, you just can't get the stuff (legally) any more.
I wish I were 10 years younger. Just 10. Funny how the body falls apart so damn fast. I still can't believe I will be 65 in about 15 days. SIXTY FIVE!! Dayum!
65!!!! You have a couple of years on me, I'll hit 62 on my next birthday. And yeah, things seem to fall apart pretty quickly once they start going...

I don't mind getting old on some level. People treat you nicer as you age. I hate feeling tired all the time though alternated by bouts of insomnia.

They treat you nicer but they also have a tendency to patronize you, be condescending, or otherwise treat you as an 'old person' when you don't feel old at all. I once watched the social director in a nursing home doing recreation with the residents and speaking to them like they were toddlers. I would have so resented that if I was them which makes me think they probably do too. I know the surest way to get my 91-year-old aunt's hackles up is to treat her like she is 'old' and/or suggest she is incapable of doing something.

In some ways I am more mentally sharp now than I was in my 20's and 30's probably because as you described, I consider the situation now instead of just react and I intentionally choose how to react. When you get older, the young too often no longer think you are as smart or capable or interested (or interesting) or enjoy things as much or have as much fun or care as deeply when in fact, we do in all those things just as much as we ever did.

I don't want to be interesting to the young :lol:
Im bored so here's a cat gif.
Nicest thing about a backhoe is it lets you do heavy work with a flick of your wrist. I've been moving tree roots and dirt that would have been rough for me 30 years ago using hand tools. Although TNT works loads better for root removal, you just can't get the stuff (legally) any more.
I wish I were 10 years younger. Just 10. Funny how the body falls apart so damn fast. I still can't believe I will be 65 in about 15 days. SIXTY FIVE!! Dayum!
65!!!! You have a couple of years on me, I'll hit 62 on my next birthday. And yeah, things seem to fall apart pretty quickly once they start going...

I don't mind getting old on some level. People treat you nicer as you age. I hate feeling tired all the time though alternated by bouts of insomnia.

They treat you nicer but they also have a tendency to patronize you, be condescending, or otherwise treat you as an 'old person' when you don't feel old at all. I once watched the social director in a nursing home doing recreation with the residents and speaking to them like they were toddlers. I would have so resented that if I was them which makes me think they probably do too. I know the surest way to get my 91-year-old aunt's hackles up is to treat her like she is 'old' and/or suggest she is incapable of doing something.

In some ways I am more mentally sharp now than I was in my 20's and 30's probably because as you described, I consider the situation now instead of just react and I intentionally choose how to react. When you get older, the young too often no longer think you are as smart or capable or interested (or interesting) or enjoy things as much or have as much fun or care as deeply when in fact, we do in all those things just as much as we ever did.

I don't want to be interesting to the young :lol:

Well in one sense I tend to agree, but in the sense I intended, I don't want to be tiresome, tedious, or boring to the young. :)
We just got back from the bone specialist Doc. in Tucson.
We are very happy because the air cast is now used for trips outside of the house only.
Inside the house he can walk on the new ankle brace with his cane.
He goes back again in three weeks.
Doc says it's looking real good because it's slightly cracked not fully broken and is mending together well. :)
The insurance paid for all the damages except for our deductible of 500.00 on his Can Am trike.
Hubby is a very happy camper right now. :)
We still have the wound skin specialist Doc to see in Benson tomorrow and Sat. morning.
What a week!!! This has been.
We just got back from the bone specialist Doc. in Tucson.
We are very happy because the air cast is now used for trips outside of the house only.
Inside the house he can walk on the new ankle brace with his cane.
He goes back again in three weeks.
Doc says it's looking real good because it's slightly cracked not fully broken and is mending together well. :)
The insurance paid for all the damages except for our deductible of 500.00 on his Can Am trike.
Hubby is a very happy camper right now. :)
We still have the wound skin specialist Doc to see in Benson tomorrow and Sat. morning.
What a week!!! This has been.

So happy it is having a happier ending than could have been the case.
Presidents have called for infrastructure jobs for years. Today, one of those infrastructure projects came to the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate.

Earlier in the week, Daisy the Mutt and I were roused from our slumber by the din of jackhammers. Stumbling from the bedroom to the study, I could see the Columbia Gas truck parked on the sidewalk and the crew slamming away at the pavement.

My neighbor across the street had a leak in his gas service from the curb to the meter. The first order of business was to find the gas main buried in Orchard Grove Avenue. Dig they must for a greater Northside!

When my neighbor's valve was located it turned out to be immediately adjacent to mine. The crew explained above the hiss of the air compressor and the drone of Diesel engine on the backhoe that when they shut off my neighbor's gas they may have sucked the gas from my line. After their repairs to his line were completed, they would be over to assure my gas service was safe.

The technician moved from fitting to fitting in my basement. He applied soap to each. Then he moved to the gas meter. He had a little pump that reminded me of a blood pressure device, a lemon sized bulb and a column of mercury to indicate the pressure.

That's where he found the leak. Between my gas meter and the curb, natural gas was trying to get back to the underground from whence it came.

And so that's why at 8:00 am the Columbia Gas of Ohio crew came to Pimplebutt with the jackhammer and backhoe. We did not lose any trees on the North Lawn. The crew was very professional and neat and fast. They played with Daisy the Mutt and she ate it up with a spoon. At 1:00 this afternoon, gas was restored. They moved my gas meter from a wall inside the basement to a pedestal outside.

The technician who ran the safety check explained that there was a plan at the gas company to renovate most of the residential gas lines here in East Liverpool. Budgets were drawn up, logistical concerns were addressed. But the City Fathers, in their infinite means to be the stupidest humans drawing in oxygen decided that each opening of city streets by Columbia Gas would cost that company $750.00 rather than the standard $75.00! A ten fold increase meant East Liverpool would have to take its chances with antique gas lines and the renovation would happen in Wellsville and Toronto Ohio where city leaders do not suffer from stupidity.

Ah! Thus is the way of our town!
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We've been having some major league thunderstorms in Albuquerque this week. I hope it bears tidings that the drought is ending and we can look forward to a normal snowy winter to build up the watersheds.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Beauty in the storm over Albuquerque

I'm suspicious. Sister in law called tonight and chatted away for over an hour. Seems she is not quite happy in Arizona and neither is MrGs brother. They are talking about moving to Alaska. They were there about 2 months ago, on a fishing trip set up by their son who lives in Oahu. And now that son is looking for property to buy and wants OUT of Oahu (retired navy). So he wants to buy a big home, and wants them to come live with him. Sister in law does not want to live with them so they are looking at rentals. But, she is talking about me and MrG joining them as well. Like, um, no. If I was going to move to Alaska, I would go to Gallant Warriors place and help him with his backhoe Hozilla and his tractor, lol.
Anyway..sister in law wants something. I just haven't figured it out yet what exactly she wants.
Presidents have called for infrastructure jobs for years. Today, one of those infrastructure projects came to the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate.

Earlier in the week, Daisy the Mutt and I were roused from our slumber by the din of jackhammers. Stumbling from the bedroom to the study, I could see the Columbia Gas truck parked on the sidewalk and the crew slamming away at the pavement.

My neighbor across the street had a leak in his gas service from the curb to the meter. The first order of business was to find the gas main buried in Orchard Grove Avenue. Dig they must for a greater Northside!

When my neighbor's valve was located it turned out to be immediately adjacent to mine. The crew explained above the hiss of the air compressor and the drone of Diesel engine on the backhoe that when they shut off my neighbor's gas they may have sucked the gas from my line. After their repairs to his line were completed, they would be over to assure my gas service was safe.

The technician moved from fitting to fitting in my basement. He applied soap to each. Then he moved to the gas meter. He had a little pump that reminded me of a blood pressure device, a lemon sized bulb and a column of mercury to indicate the pressure.

That's where he found the leak. Between my gas meter and the curb, natural gas was trying to get back to the underground from whence it came.

And so that's why at 8:00 am the Columbia Gas of Ohio crew came to Pimplebutt with the jackhammer and backhoe. We did not lose any trees on the North Lawn. The crew was very professional and neat and fast. They played with Daisy the Mutt and she ate it up with a spoon. At 1:00 this afternoon, gas was restored. They moved my gas meter from a wall inside the basement to a pedestal outside.

The technician who ran the safety check explained that there was a plan at the gas company to renovate most of the residential gas lines here in East Liverpool. Budgets were drawn up, logistical concerns were addressed. But the City Fathers, in their infinite means to be the stupidest humans drawing in oxygen decided that each opening of city streets by Columbia Gas would cost that company $750.00 rather than the standard $75.00! A ten fold increase meant East Liverpool would have to take its chances with antique gas lines and the renovation would happen in Wellsville and Toronto Ohio where city leaders do not suffer from stupidity.

Ah! Thus is the way of our town!

Reminds me from a scene in Apollo 13--the command module had been shut down after the explosion and the three astronauts were in the small landing craft for journey back to Earth. But the round CO2 filter was inadequate for the job. When the mission director, Gene Krantz, asked why they couldn't use the filter from the command craft, he was advised that the command module filter was square and wouldn't fit in the round hole on the landing craft filter. His exasperated and sarcastic response was "Tell me this isn't a government operation!"

I thought the same thing when we lived up on the mountain, and noted when highway maintenance put down lovely bright white and yellow stripes on our four lane highway out there. And a week later, came along to repave over the striping.

Or all the advertising for cooperation and regulation the city used to persuade Albuquerque citizens to use less water, and then raised our rates because we weren't using enough water to cover expenses.

Just makes you shake your head at how well some of these things are thought out.

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