USMB Coffee Shop IV

This is annoying. I use an old laptop to play videos on my TV. It's running Linux Mint 17. I sometimes find that the VLC player on the laptop won't play files that the VLC player on my Windows machines will play. Well, I put Linux Mint 18 on this PC, and the VLC in this version seems to play the videos without trouble. Unfortunately, I can't load Mint 18 on the laptop. I've tried, but it just freezes up when I try to boot 18 from a USB. I don't know what it is in 18 that is different, if there's some codec or what.

I can convert the files and get them to play on the laptop, but it's annoying. :p
Try it via Terminal.

How to upgrade to Linux Mint 18 from Linux Mint 17

I'll give that a try. However, since I have a ton of stuff on the laptop I'd want to save, and I don't want to go through the process of moving it onto the external HD yet again, I'll probably wait until Monday or Tuesday when no one is home. :lol:

Upgrading to 18 through the terminal seems to have worked. There was a bit of a hiccup when it first started; it didn't recognize the wireless, then it didn't want to shut down when I told it to, instead just logging out and back in. I also had a problem getting it to add the multimedia codecs: it kept telling me I held a broken package. I was able to get the machine restarted eventually, and that problem went away on its own. After it restarted, the wireless was recognized. And I learned that if you use aptitude instead of just apt-get in terminal, it apparently works harder to follow your command; using aptitude let the codec package go through. So for now, and I have the laptop shut off at the moment, 18 seems to be functioning. It kept all of my files safely, so I didn't end up needing the backups. The video files that weren't playing in 17 are playing in 18, at this point I'll give this a :thup:
I'm trying to upgrade the laptop to Mint 18 through terminal. Fingers crossed it doesn't break it, or if it does, that I can revert back to 17. :p

IMO, better off erasing and starting fresh.

The laptop would not load 18 from a USB. It wasn't the USB, as I checked it on one of my desktops and was able to load it up fine. Otherwise I'd have just gone that route. Using terminal to upgrade to a new version wouldn't be my first choice. :)
Every OS has its quirks and problems. :(

Hmm, laptop not loading from USB sounds like newer USB/older laptop.
Every OS has its quirks and problems. :(

Hmm, laptop not loading from USB sounds like newer USB/older laptop.

The USB device isn't new, it's just the newest version of Mint I put on it. The laptop is pretty old.

Ooo ooo.. I know what it is. It's a UEFI thing.

All the newer Linuxes are like that. No UEFI MB support=No newer Linux.
This is annoying. I use an old laptop to play videos on my TV. It's running Linux Mint 17. I sometimes find that the VLC player on the laptop won't play files that the VLC player on my Windows machines will play. Well, I put Linux Mint 18 on this PC, and the VLC in this version seems to play the videos without trouble. Unfortunately, I can't load Mint 18 on the laptop. I've tried, but it just freezes up when I try to boot 18 from a USB. I don't know what it is in 18 that is different, if there's some codec or what.

I can convert the files and get them to play on the laptop, but it's annoying. :p
Try it via Terminal.

How to upgrade to Linux Mint 18 from Linux Mint 17

I'll give that a try. However, since I have a ton of stuff on the laptop I'd want to save, and I don't want to go through the process of moving it onto the external HD yet again, I'll probably wait until Monday or Tuesday when no one is home. :lol:

Upgrading to 18 through the terminal seems to have worked. There was a bit of a hiccup when it first started; it didn't recognize the wireless, then it didn't want to shut down when I told it to, instead just logging out and back in. I also had a problem getting it to add the multimedia codecs: it kept telling me I held a broken package. I was able to get the machine restarted eventually, and that problem went away on its own. After it restarted, the wireless was recognized. And I learned that if you use aptitude instead of just apt-get in terminal, it apparently works harder to follow your command; using aptitude let the codec package go through. So for now, and I have the laptop shut off at the moment, 18 seems to be functioning. It kept all of my files safely, so I didn't end up needing the backups. The video files that weren't playing in 17 are playing in 18, at this point I'll give this a :thup:
Try Bleach Bit to clean up files, it's easy to use and is in the Software Manager. I use App Grid myself, I find it to be a better software source. A better cleaner is Stacer but it's not in either manager as of yet, terminal install only.
How to install Stacer for quick Linux system optimization

Every OS has its quirks and problems. :(

Hmm, laptop not loading from USB sounds like newer USB/older laptop.

The USB device isn't new, it's just the newest version of Mint I put on it. The laptop is pretty old.

Ooo ooo.. I know what it is. It's a UEFI thing.

All the newer Linuxes are like that. No UEFI MB support=No newer Linux.
Pretty much true for thumb drives but not DVD if you have the right burner software.
A sad story . . . my son was driving into work the other day and saw a baby deer get hit by a car, so he pulled over, got out of his car, dragged the deer out of the road and sat with it and tried to comfort it until it died. :(

You raised a good son, Chris.
I think Gparted might can fix that.

Or this other thing I used to use. Some kind of universal boot/partition loader fixer thing.

Yeah, I'm drawing a blank. Nowadays, I just put whatever on whatever disk, haven't dual-booted in 5 years.

I'd put mint on an 8gb microSD and call it good.

BCD-something comes to mind as for the fixer program.

I ended up getting it fixed, the program is actually just called boot-repair-disk. :)
Just a note, I decided to take another look at a few distros and right now have Mint 18 on my Linux desktop. I installed the Cinnamenu applet which give you a Gnome 3 style "start" menu.


I love it. :thup:

I try to avoid the menu by putting the programs I use most often in my cairo-dock. :D

Eh, I'm an LX-type. Shortcut on desktop-done. I guess it does have a docky-mathingy.

My wife is the one with icons adorning her screen like Christmas decorations on a tree me I like my desktop (virtual one) clean. Mint Cinnamon also lets shortcuts be placed on the desktop, see the little window in the open menu (Add to panel, Add to desktop, Add to favorites, Uninstall).

I'm with your wife. I like to keep things as simple and logical as possible. So I have a LOT of icons on my desk top but they are organized--the computer maintenance/access kinds of thing grouped together, message board links grouped together, news sources I like to check regularly grouped together, games grouped together etc. Keeps life simple, uncomplicated, and I don't have to remember where to look for things or what the exact file name is..
I had to go to the doc yesterday and saw a doe laying on the side of the road. I pulled over to see if it was still alive, but it wasn't. If it was, I was gonna haul it to a vet if I could lift it in my van. was already gone. When I was coming home from the doc, I saw the county animal control truck lifting it into their truck. It made me sad. :(
I just loaded Mint 18 on my main PC over the Mint 17 boot. Unfortunately, it has caused a boot problem with GRUB. However, I can go to BIOS and boot up into Windows, and that partition seems unaffected, so I think I'll be OK. I just need to try to fix my boot loader, or if all else fails, I can just switch my BIOS options and load into Windows.

Annoying, but when I first booted into the GRUB error screen, I was very concerned I had just screwed up my Windows partition, too.

I think Gparted might can fix that.

Or this other thing I used to use. Some kind of universal boot/partition loader fixer thing.

Yeah, I'm drawing a blank. Nowadays, I just put whatever on whatever disk, haven't dual-booted in 5 years.

I'd put mint on an 8gb microSD and call it good.

BCD-something comes to mind as for the fixer program.

I ended up getting it fixed, the program is actually just called boot-repair-disk. :)
Just a note, I decided to take another look at a few distros and right now have Mint 18 on my Linux desktop. I installed the Cinnamenu applet which give you a Gnome 3 style "start" menu.


I love it. :thup:

I try to avoid the menu by putting the programs I use most often in my cairo-dock. :D
My most used programs go on the panel, I hate Cairo-dock mostly because it always "broke" on me. I like the Gnome 3 menu because it's larger and more easy to search.
I tried the latest Kubuntu Plasma (KDE) but it has a definite learning curve and takes time to configure besides with the newer Plama 5 screen it appears some things just can't be undone if one makes a mistake with their personalization. I was using kubuntu with Plasma 4 just a few years ago before I did a multi distro reexamination.
:confused-84: No understand dis language. :lol:
Happy Friday!! I hope everyone has a great weekend.:) Tomorrow we'll be driving out to visit with WQ's family, and then out for some yummy seafood on the waterfront.:thup:


Hope Nate doesn't veer too far east and ruin your weekend. However it looks more like Kat and Ernie S. could be in the bullseye of this one.
It's raining pretty heavily here and winds are on and off to maybe 35 MPH. From NOAA's last advisory, landfall should be about midnight at the Mississippi/Lousiana border. We can expect winds about 60 MPH here in Foley. Really no big deal for an area that has survived 140 MPH winds.

It was fun! NOT!!

But thank goodness that it was one of those not-all-that-powerful storms that hits fast and then moves on quickly. And even more thank goodness that you both are able to post so soon and are okay.
I have survived Nate! I walked out on the deck to survey the destruction caused by the most violent storm to hit the Alabama coast in a couple weeks. My garbage can is laying on its side a foot, maybe 14" from where it was pre-storm and the table cloth on the table in the gazebo is messed up for the second time.

I was thinking about you and Kat when I saw how close to you where the eye came on shore. So glad it was one of those quick hit and run storms. And I'm happy you're both okay.
I ended up getting it fixed, the program is actually just called boot-repair-disk. :)
Just a note, I decided to take another look at a few distros and right now have Mint 18 on my Linux desktop. I installed the Cinnamenu applet which give you a Gnome 3 style "start" menu.


I love it. :thup:

I try to avoid the menu by putting the programs I use most often in my cairo-dock. :D

Eh, I'm an LX-type. Shortcut on desktop-done. I guess it does have a docky-mathingy.

My wife is the one with icons adorning her screen like Christmas decorations on a tree me I like my desktop (virtual one) clean. Mint Cinnamon also lets shortcuts be placed on the desktop, see the little window in the open menu (Add to panel, Add to desktop, Add to favorites, Uninstall).

I'm with your wife. I like to keep things as simple and logical as possible. So I have a LOT of icons on my desk top but they are organized--the computer maintenance/access kinds of thing grouped together, message board links grouped together, news sources I like to check regularly grouped together, games grouped together etc. Keeps life simple, uncomplicated, and I don't have to remember where to look for things or what the exact file name is..
That's what the bottom panel is for......... :D
I think Gparted might can fix that.

Or this other thing I used to use. Some kind of universal boot/partition loader fixer thing.

Yeah, I'm drawing a blank. Nowadays, I just put whatever on whatever disk, haven't dual-booted in 5 years.

I'd put mint on an 8gb microSD and call it good.

BCD-something comes to mind as for the fixer program.

I ended up getting it fixed, the program is actually just called boot-repair-disk. :)
Just a note, I decided to take another look at a few distros and right now have Mint 18 on my Linux desktop. I installed the Cinnamenu applet which give you a Gnome 3 style "start" menu.


I love it. :thup:

I try to avoid the menu by putting the programs I use most often in my cairo-dock. :D
My most used programs go on the panel, I hate Cairo-dock mostly because it always "broke" on me. I like the Gnome 3 menu because it's larger and more easy to search.
I tried the latest Kubuntu Plasma (KDE) but it has a definite learning curve and takes time to configure besides with the newer Plama 5 screen it appears some things just can't be undone if one makes a mistake with their personalization. I was using kubuntu with Plasma 4 just a few years ago before I did a multi distro reexamination.
:confused-84: No understand dis language. :lol:
01010111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00111111
I ended up getting it fixed, the program is actually just called boot-repair-disk. :)
Just a note, I decided to take another look at a few distros and right now have Mint 18 on my Linux desktop. I installed the Cinnamenu applet which give you a Gnome 3 style "start" menu.


I love it. :thup:

I try to avoid the menu by putting the programs I use most often in my cairo-dock. :D
My most used programs go on the panel, I hate Cairo-dock mostly because it always "broke" on me. I like the Gnome 3 menu because it's larger and more easy to search.
I tried the latest Kubuntu Plasma (KDE) but it has a definite learning curve and takes time to configure besides with the newer Plama 5 screen it appears some things just can't be undone if one makes a mistake with their personalization. I was using kubuntu with Plasma 4 just a few years ago before I did a multi distro reexamination.
:confused-84: No understand dis language. :lol:
01010111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00111111

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