USMB Coffee Shop IV

Whoops, I just accidentally deleted the link to the forum. I tried looking up US forum but could not find it. Then I remembered I had left a link to my paintings thread on another forum, so I was able to find it again.
Yeah oddly enough you can find this place doing a google search. It must be "favorable," ahem, to google's algorithms.
I should go to Wally World on Sunday nights more often....... Almost no one there and they actually had a lot of registers open.
Was wearing one of my vests and flat brimmed hat, one of the ladies there said I looked like Burl Ives......... That's the second person who's said that......
When I gave her a funny look she exclaimed that it was a compliment....... Shitt.......
And just one more entitled: "Don't step on the white line!"

That works so well that painted white stripes are often used to keep cattle in and allow vehicles out.
cattle guard.jpg
Played hooky today. Came home, my brother helped me feed everyone and we took off for an afternoon at the state fair. I haven't been in years but it really hasn't changed much. Both of us had modest food treats, looked at some exhibits and then went to see Jeff Foxworthy. Pretty funny guy although I had no idea he had gotten so old. The jokes changed a bit, I don't recall colonoscopies being part of his routing before. My brother was a hit with one goat doe. He had fed the bucks before we left and although we could not smell the eau de buck, she could. She got up, came over and pushed her head through the fence. She sniffed him quite thoroughly and let him rub her head. When we walked away, she laid back down. Just to see if it was a fluke, we went back later and the performance was repeated. When some other folks pushed up to pet the goat, she pulled back and laid down again. I suggested my brother start peeing on his beard since that seemed to impress the "gals"...
And just one more entitled: "Don't step on the white line!"

That works so well that painted white stripes are often used to keep cattle in and allow vehicles out.
View attachment 277105

WOW... I've never seen that. Actually cattle guards yes, but painted ones no... :lol:

Cattle apparently don't have the depth perception to tell the difference.

Ain't that sumpthin'... I grew up on a farm... I know they're curious animals though and will "test the limits," I'm surprised one hasn't "tried" to walk across it.
And just one more entitled: "Don't step on the white line!"

That works so well that painted white stripes are often used to keep cattle in and allow vehicles out.
View attachment 277105

WOW... I've never seen that. Actually cattle guards yes, but painted ones no... :lol:

Cattle apparently don't have the depth perception to tell the difference.

Ain't that sumpthin'... I grew up on a farm... I know they're curious animals though and will "test the limits," I'm surprised one hasn't "tried" to walk across it.

I've only seen them out West.
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I'm wasted...... Finished the 4' x 7' suspended lumber rack and stocked it with the lumber taking up room on the floor and on the wall. Felt ambitious so I installed my 4' x 8' platform in the rear corner of the garage. Was pretty tired by the time I finished installing the framework then decided to get the 4' x 8' OSB "floor" up on it....... Forgot just how heavy OSB is and it took everything I had left to get it up on the platform, now I hurt from head to toe.........
Watched a video of Twelve O'clodk High this afternoon. Gregory Peck is still a hunk, even in b & w. It was so much fun to see him in a good movie. I miss those kinds of actors who didn't have drug problems and kept out of the limelight, giving themselves to doing a good job on the movie they were making without all the fuss.

Oh I agree. That's why so much of my movie collection is of older movies--most 1980's and earlier. Great story lines, great plots, sympathetic character development, great acting, great directing, and the story itself carried the movie without the need for gratuitous profanity, sex, violence, or the special effects overwhelming everything else.
Been busy... Started working the morning shift at the County Fair in the American Legion tent Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday, Worked for Vietnam Veterans of America Saturday and Sunday. Saturday afternoon I had a 48th HS reunion Picnic. Sunday night I went with a friend to see Pentatonix. Saw Rachel Platten as their warm up and then they came out and made it maybe halfway through their planned show when they had to stop because of
thunderstorms and lightning.
Ain't that sumpthin'... I grew up on a farm... I know they're curious animals though and will "test the limits," I'm surprised one hasn't "tried" to walk across it.

I have never seen painted cattle guards either... Most generally where one goes they all go... But me being still wet behind the ears, I still have plenty left to learn...

Been busy... Started working the morning shift at the County Fair in the American Legion tent Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday, Worked for Vietnam Veterans of America Saturday and Sunday. Saturday afternoon I had a 48th HS reunion Picnic. Sunday night I went with a friend to see Pentatonix. Saw Rachel Platten as their warm up and then they came out and made it maybe halfway through their planned show when they had to stop because of View attachment 277229 thunderstorms and lightning.

That must have been great to see even if only half a show.

Love to listen to them.....

This is one of my favorites, though with a different singer...….

Been busy... Started working the morning shift at the County Fair in the American Legion tent Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday, Worked for Vietnam Veterans of America Saturday and Sunday. Saturday afternoon I had a 48th HS reunion Picnic. Sunday night I went with a friend to see Pentatonix. Saw Rachel Platten as their warm up and then they came out and made it maybe halfway through their planned show when they had to stop because of View attachment 277229 thunderstorms and lightning.

One of my favorite groups.
Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentlemen please gather around and help and aging senior out... I had a flashback this morning and I am just curious as if anyone else had a recollection of the game I remembered... Now this flashback maybe attributed to some hallucinogenic I may or may not have indulged in in my misspent youth... :dunno:

Anyway, I flashed on my 4 ft. 13 in. mother hostessing Bunco Games... The house where we lived dates the memory and my age as being around 7 or 8 years old... What little I know about Bunco I just learned from Bing... Gambling? Really Mom? I don't recall any of these parties, so I must have been shipped off to a foreign country or at least a Aunt's house some where far from the action...

Is this a memory for anyone else or the reason I have needed counseling most of my life and never went?

Bunco! Who Knew?
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