USMB Coffee Shop IV

Watched a video of Twelve O'clodk High this afternoon. Gregory Peck is still a hunk, even in b & w. It was so much fun to see him in a good movie. I miss those kinds of actors who didn't have drug problems and kept out of the limelight, giving themselves to doing a good job on the movie they were making without all the fuss.

Those kinds of actors are still out there. From what I've read, Keanu Reeves is supposed to be that sort: Nice guy, avoids the limelight, doesn't get involved in scandals, just a regular guy who happens to be an actor. :dunno:
Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentlemen please gather around and help and aging senior out... I had a flashback this morning and I am just curious as if anyone else had a recollection of the game I remembered... Now this flashback maybe attributed to some hallucinogenic I may or may not have indulged in in my misspent youth... :dunno:

Anyway, I flashed on my 4 ft. 13 in. mother hostessing Bunco Games... The house where we lived dates the memory and my age as being around 7 or 8 years old... What little I know about Bunco I just learned from Bing... Gambling? Really Mom? I don't recall any of these parties, so I must have been shipped off to a foreign country or at least a Aunt house some where far from the action...

Is this a memory for anyone else or the reason I have needed counseling most of my life and never went?

Bunco! Who Knew?

As I recall this was a popular game during the depression and WWII and probably for some time after before Charles Gorman made the game of Bridge really popular. Bunco games were cheap--you only needed a set of dice for each table involved--and it was easy to learn. I doubt it involved much gambling though probably the winners might receive a prize of some sort.

I think you might need to find another reason for any psychological issues. :)
Bunco games were cheap--you only needed a set of dice for each table involved--and it was easy to learn.

CHEAP & EASY!!! That sold it right there... Because we didn't have any money and what money we did get was all ready spent on frivolities like food and electricity...

I think you might need to find another reason for any psychological issues. :)

As for the psychological issues there are many, vast and deep... But it does make life fun...

My Ex-wife returns today after a 10 day visit back to Indiana to see not only the new granddaughter but the older and slightly used grandkids also... She is ready to come home... Baby Quinn is doing well and the other kids are not in juvie yet so life is good... She was supposed to return to work on Wednesday but has all ready called in sick, lame and lazy for the day... She does not get in till around 2200 hours so with her not being an early rizer anyway it's best she stays at home...

Life is good...
Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentlemen please gather around and help and aging senior out... I had a flashback this morning and I am just curious as if anyone else had a recollection of the game I remembered... Now this flashback maybe attributed to some hallucinogenic I may or may not have indulged in in my misspent youth... :dunno:

Anyway, I flashed on my 4 ft. 13 in. mother hostessing Bunco Games... The house where we lived dates the memory and my age as being around 7 or 8 years old... What little I know about Bunco I just learned from Bing... Gambling? Really Mom? I don't recall any of these parties, so I must have been shipped off to a foreign country or at least a Aunt's house some where far from the action...

Is this a memory for anyone else or the reason I have needed counseling most of my life and never went?

Bunco! Who Knew?
A friend's gf sponsors bunco nights at her place. I believe the game actually rotates through different houses and the hostess of the night provides refreshments.
It's what you might call 'chamber of commerce' weather here in the Crotch of the Tri-State area! Today is the day the postcard pictures of town are taken. Amazing many townsfolk, the sky is actually blue. We are perpetually shrouded by clouds. The weatherguessers panel tested the phrase 'partly cloudy'. The idea was how to predict tomorrow's weather and add a bit of optimism by including 'partly'.

Meanwhile, down Florida way, they, for once, won't be bragging about their weather paradise. I lived and worked in Puerto Rico for eighteen months. The one hurricane that made people nervous was Hurricane Andrew. Not that Andrew's path had it anywhere near Puerto Rico. It activated the Seabees stationed at U.S. Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. Those men and women were open for business! Lines of bulldozers made their way to the airfield and were loaded on cargo planes. The logistics were impressive.

My mission was substantially unglamorous even though the setting was magnificent. My job there was to record the flow into the three sewage treatment plants then find and fix the leaks in the sewer lines and manholes.

When women asked me how I maintained a tan in December, I told them I have a project in Puerto Rico and I have to go back right after New Year's Day. That would seal the deal until the gag-inducing details of my Caribbean project. Ces' L'amore!

But I have lived through two hurricanes which is two too many for this Son of the 40th Parallel. My first was Hurricane Elana Labor Day weekend 1985. That's where I made rookie mistakes. I was curious and ventured out in it. Mind that the eye of the storm was about 70 miles to the west over the Gulf of Mexico and heading North, but we were on the east side of the storm which is the more hazardous side.

I watched 4'x10' sheets of drywall swirl around a partially finished high rise the way Autumn leaves swirl around a fence post. A gas station canopy was a block away. In the wake of the storm a mound of sand that piled up on Siesta Key confused me. Siesta Key beaches have the world's whitest sand. Golf course sandtrap white. I stared at it and thought to myself, 'That'll take forever to melt.' What can I say? My life experience with mounds of white are in the corner of a shopping center parking lot in mid January.

Rookie mistakes and I admit them. Don't you judge me!

So, I pray someone learned from my faux pas or just don't repeat them. We all know someone in Florida or we may have family visiting theme parks and beaches there for Labor Day. Lord, keep them safe! Amen.

I lived in Florida for more than 20 years and I don't think I ever bragged about it being a "weather paradise." :p I mostly hated the Florida weather. :D
I lived in Tampa for almost 4 years myself, back in 1984-87. I was in the AF and stationed at MacDill AFB. I knew it was really humid and never liked it, but I was young and tough and didn't give it a lot of thought. Living in Las Vegas prior to that I was used to the heat. But now, after over 30 years of living back in WI, and a few in AZ and Reno, NV, I can't stand humidity. It's the single worst thing about weather I abhor, because it gets pretty humid in WI too a couple months of the year.

But, give it a few more months and I'll be bitching about winter... :lol:
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My brother's days here are numbered now. He's leaving next Wednesday. I will miss him and the ray of sanity and floodlight of happiness he brought with him. We're doing very well stocking the wood bins for winter and I'll have help getting at least the frame for the new goat shed put up. He's done so much for me and even given a few gems of wisdom which I will be trying to implement.
The Jeff Foxworthy show was great. His jokes have aged, like he has. Less about raising the children and lots more about kidney stones and colonoscopies. Still funny as hell, though.
This afternoon's fun activities involve taking the partner to therapy. My brother and I will drop him off and then go a few doors down the block to look at RVs. Maybe we'll have time to get some shopping done, too. We need a few things for the goat sheds. Brother also wants some new shoes to wear home. The ones he came with have taken on a distinct farming air.
I took my brother to the State Fair Sunday. Of course, I always visit the livestock exhibits. As we approached the first pen with a pair of does, one doe raises her head and starts sniffing. She gets up, comes over, pushes her head through the fence and gives my brother a thorough sniffing. He pets her and we move on as some other folks come up to pet the goat. She moves away and lays down out of reach. (This is the last weekend of the fair and the animals are less than enthusiastic.) After lunch and a stroll through some other exhibits, we decided to try out a theory we had developed. We again approached the doe and got the same results. She was very interested in my brother and got up, came over and sniffed. As soon as we walked off, she laid down again. Theory: Brother had fed the bucks, who are rutting and quite...aromatic? This doe was attracted by whatever faint odor clung to my brother. My brother observed that peeing on one's beard might be a good way to attract the opposite sex. I suggested it works well for goats but he might not try it before stepping into a bar or casino.
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My brother's days here are numbered now. He's leaving next Wednesday. I will miss him and the ray of sanity and floodlight of happiness he brought with him. We're doing very well stocking the wood bins for winter and I'll have help getting at least the frame for the new goat shed put up. He's done so much for me and even given a few gems of wisdom which I will be trying to implement.
The Jeff Foxworthy show was great. His jokes have aged, like he has. Less about raising the children and lots more about kidney stones and colonoscopies. Still funny as hell, though.
This afternoon's fun activities involve taking the partner to therapy. My brother and I will drop him off and then go a few doors down the block to look at RVs. Maybe we'll have time to get some shopping done, too. We need a few things for the goat sheds. Brother also wants some new shoes to wear home. The ones he came with have taken on a distinct farming air.
I took my brother to the State Fair Sunday. Of course, I always visit the livestock exhibits. As we approached the first pen with a pair of does, one doe raises her head and starts sniffing. She gets up, comes over, pushes her head through the fence and gives my brother a thorough sniffing. He pets her and we move on as some other folks come up to pet the goat. She moves away and lays down out of reach. (This is the last weekend of the fair and the animals are less than enthusiastic.) After lunch and a stroll through some other exhibits, we decided to try out a theory we had developed. We again approached the doe and got the same results. She was very interested in my brother and got up, came over and sniffed. As soon as we walked off, she laid down again. Theory: Brother had fed the bucks, who are rutting and quite...aromatic? This doe was attracted by whatever faint odor clung to my brother. My brother observed that peeing on one's beard might be a good way to attract the opposite sex. I suggested it works well for goats but he might not try it before stepping into a bar or casino.
So THAT'S why I saw a goat PEE ON IT'S FACE decades ago...

I've been growing my beard lately too. It's longer than it's ever been before, and I have a "kind of" girlfriend... but I think I'll refrain from peeing on my beard to take our relationship to the next level... :lol:
Here's a good golden oldie for the late nighters in the CS...

We do share taste in music. :)

I'm glad you liked that Foxy. I've had Spotify Premium for about 3 years now. At first the "Discover Weekly" that it gives you started out really great, but over time it's gotten more off base. There's another one it does that's called "Made For You," "Your Release Radar," and that one is full of awesome stuff, and what I truly enjoy about Spotify is, I get to hear music I've never heard before. That oldie I posted was in my "Your Release Radar." But I think the Discover Weekly tries to expand your listening, whereas the Your Release Radar is based on things you listen to. I couldn't live without Spotify now. I listen to music every day, and there just isn't diddle squat around here for radio stations, and the couple I can pick up are horrible. Needless to say I have the SiriusXM turned on in the truck too.
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........
It's what you might call 'chamber of commerce' weather here in the Crotch of the Tri-State area! Today is the day the postcard pictures of town are taken. Amazing many townsfolk, the sky is actually blue. We are perpetually shrouded by clouds. The weatherguessers panel tested the phrase 'partly cloudy'. The idea was how to predict tomorrow's weather and add a bit of optimism by including 'partly'.

Meanwhile, down Florida way, they, for once, won't be bragging about their weather paradise. I lived and worked in Puerto Rico for eighteen months. The one hurricane that made people nervous was Hurricane Andrew. Not that Andrew's path had it anywhere near Puerto Rico. It activated the Seabees stationed at U.S. Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. Those men and women were open for business! Lines of bulldozers made their way to the airfield and were loaded on cargo planes. The logistics were impressive.

My mission was substantially unglamorous even though the setting was magnificent. My job there was to record the flow into the three sewage treatment plants then find and fix the leaks in the sewer lines and manholes.

When women asked me how I maintained a tan in December, I told them I have a project in Puerto Rico and I have to go back right after New Year's Day. That would seal the deal until the gag-inducing details of my Caribbean project. Ces' L'amore!

But I have lived through two hurricanes which is two too many for this Son of the 40th Parallel. My first was Hurricane Elana Labor Day weekend 1985. That's where I made rookie mistakes. I was curious and ventured out in it. Mind that the eye of the storm was about 70 miles to the west over the Gulf of Mexico and heading North, but we were on the east side of the storm which is the more hazardous side.

I watched 4'x10' sheets of drywall swirl around a partially finished high rise the way Autumn leaves swirl around a fence post. A gas station canopy was a block away. In the wake of the storm a mound of sand that piled up on Siesta Key confused me. Siesta Key beaches have the world's whitest sand. Golf course sandtrap white. I stared at it and thought to myself, 'That'll take forever to melt.' What can I say? My life experience with mounds of white are in the corner of a shopping center parking lot in mid January.

Rookie mistakes and I admit them. Don't you judge me!

So, I pray someone learned from my faux pas or just don't repeat them. We all know someone in Florida or we may have family visiting theme parks and beaches there for Labor Day. Lord, keep them safe! Amen.

I lived in Florida for more than 20 years and I don't think I ever bragged about it being a "weather paradise." :p I mostly hated the Florida weather. :D
I lived in Tampa for almost 4 years myself, back in 1984-87. I was in the AF and stationed at MacDill AFB. I knew it was really humid and never liked it, but I was young and tough and didn't give it a lot of thought. Living in Las Vegas prior to that I was used to the heat. But now, after over 30 years of living back in WI, and a few in AZ and Reno, NV, I can't stand humidity. It's the single worst thing about weather I abhor, because it gets pretty humid in WI too a couple months of the year.

But, give it a few more months and I'll be bitching about winter... :lol:

I am a desert creature..........

Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........
I'll tell ya pard... I bought a new mattress over a decade ago and it was heavenly... at first. It slowly deteriorated into a HAMMOCK. Yes it was a "spring" mattress with a skinny little memory foam, padded top. I'd wake up with horrible back pain. I knew I needed a new mattress but the cost, wow, for something decent. But I couldn't put it off any longer. Did a search of top ten mattress and Puffy kept coming up in the search results as being either the top or one of the top mattress, so I ordered one, and I got the Puffy Lux, which I'm sure is short for "Luxury." The regular Puffy has 3 layers and the Puffy Lux has 4, and yes, it's a memory foam mattress. But WOW, what a DIFFERENCE. I sleep like a log and no more back pain. Just thought I'd mention this.
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........
I'll tell ya pard... I bought a new mattress over a decade ago and it was heavenly... at first. It slowly deteriorated into a HAMMOCK. Yes it was a "spring" mattress with a skinny little memory foam, padded top. I'd wake up with horrible back pain. I knew I needed a new mattress but the cost, wow, for something decent. But I couldn't put it off any longer. Did a search of top ten mattress and Puffy kept coming up in the search results as being either the top or one of the top mattress, so I ordered one, and I got the Puffy Lux, which I'm sure is short for "Luxury." The regular Puffy has 3 layers and the Puffy Lux has 4, and yes, it's a memory foam mattress. But WOW, what a DIFFERENCE. I sleep like a log and no more back pain. Just thought I'd mention this.
We have a Sleep Number and I tried different settings but when the Tramodol (yup took one of those also) wore off that was it, didn't matter what I did my shoulder blades were killing me. That's what I get for thinking I could heft a 4' x 8' OSB board by myself up on the platform I had just built, six and a half foot up...... All of that was after I hefted the 4' x 7' suspended lumber storage framework 8' up........
Right now most everything hurts, I bit off more than I could chew but chew it I did. It sucks getting old especially when one let's oneself get sooooo out of shape.
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........

One thing I've learned in all these years that a lot of things we think we need to get done and don't, in retrospect we find out they didn't really have to get done in the first place. Or at least they could wait.
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........
I'll tell ya pard... I bought a new mattress over a decade ago and it was heavenly... at first. It slowly deteriorated into a HAMMOCK. Yes it was a "spring" mattress with a skinny little memory foam, padded top. I'd wake up with horrible back pain. I knew I needed a new mattress but the cost, wow, for something decent. But I couldn't put it off any longer. Did a search of top ten mattress and Puffy kept coming up in the search results as being either the top or one of the top mattress, so I ordered one, and I got the Puffy Lux, which I'm sure is short for "Luxury." The regular Puffy has 3 layers and the Puffy Lux has 4, and yes, it's a memory foam mattress. But WOW, what a DIFFERENCE. I sleep like a log and no more back pain. Just thought I'd mention this.
We have a Sleep Number and I tried different settings but when the Tramodol (yup took one of those also) wore off that was it, didn't matter what I did my shoulder blades were killing me. That's what I get for thinking I could heft a 4' x 8' OSB board by myself up on the platform I had just built, six and a half foot up...... All of that was after I hefted the 4' x 7' suspended lumber storage framework 8' up........
Right now most everything hurts, I bit off more than I could chew but chew it I did. It sucks getting old especially when one let's oneself get sooooo out of shape.
Yeah I'm guilty of that myself, pard. I think I'm still 25 and do work I regret later, but I'm a 64 year old disabled veteran and usually pay for it. I have oxycodone, and I've said many times, I call it my "pill cocaine." I can go like a machine when I take the stuff, but when it wears off and I get up the next day, boy do I know it.
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........

One thing I've learned in all these years that a lot of things we think we need to get done and don't, in retrospect we find out they didn't really have to get done in the first place. Or at least they could wait.
This can't wait
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........
I'll tell ya pard... I bought a new mattress over a decade ago and it was heavenly... at first. It slowly deteriorated into a HAMMOCK. Yes it was a "spring" mattress with a skinny little memory foam, padded top. I'd wake up with horrible back pain. I knew I needed a new mattress but the cost, wow, for something decent. But I couldn't put it off any longer. Did a search of top ten mattress and Puffy kept coming up in the search results as being either the top or one of the top mattress, so I ordered one, and I got the Puffy Lux, which I'm sure is short for "Luxury." The regular Puffy has 3 layers and the Puffy Lux has 4, and yes, it's a memory foam mattress. But WOW, what a DIFFERENCE. I sleep like a log and no more back pain. Just thought I'd mention this.
We have a Sleep Number and I tried different settings but when the Tramodol (yup took one of those also) wore off that was it, didn't matter what I did my shoulder blades were killing me. That's what I get for thinking I could heft a 4' x 8' OSB board by myself up on the platform I had just built, six and a half foot up...... All of that was after I hefted the 4' x 7' suspended lumber storage framework 8' up........
Right now most everything hurts, I bit off more than I could chew but chew it I did. It sucks getting old especially when one let's oneself get sooooo out of shape.
Yeah I'm guilty of that myself, pard. I think I'm still 25 and do work I regret later, but I'm a 64 year old disabled veteran and usually pay for it. I have oxycodone, and I've said many times, I call it my "pill cocaine." I can go like a machine when I take the stuff, but when it wears off and I get up the next day, boy do I know it.
Nope, no Oxy for me though it would be nice to have some once in a while for the after effects...........
Did not sleep well last night, had about three hours of sleep before the ibuprofen wore off and the pain woke me up. Slept (mostly) for about two hours in my office chair and have been up ever since. Still sore, definitely tired but the eyes just don't want to close. Had a lot I planned to get done over the next couple of days, don't think that's gonna happen.........
I'll tell ya pard... I bought a new mattress over a decade ago and it was heavenly... at first. It slowly deteriorated into a HAMMOCK. Yes it was a "spring" mattress with a skinny little memory foam, padded top. I'd wake up with horrible back pain. I knew I needed a new mattress but the cost, wow, for something decent. But I couldn't put it off any longer. Did a search of top ten mattress and Puffy kept coming up in the search results as being either the top or one of the top mattress, so I ordered one, and I got the Puffy Lux, which I'm sure is short for "Luxury." The regular Puffy has 3 layers and the Puffy Lux has 4, and yes, it's a memory foam mattress. But WOW, what a DIFFERENCE. I sleep like a log and no more back pain. Just thought I'd mention this.
We have a Sleep Number and I tried different settings but when the Tramodol (yup took one of those also) wore off that was it, didn't matter what I did my shoulder blades were killing me. That's what I get for thinking I could heft a 4' x 8' OSB board by myself up on the platform I had just built, six and a half foot up...... All of that was after I hefted the 4' x 7' suspended lumber storage framework 8' up........
Right now most everything hurts, I bit off more than I could chew but chew it I did. It sucks getting old especially when one let's oneself get sooooo out of shape.
Yeah I'm guilty of that myself, pard. I think I'm still 25 and do work I regret later, but I'm a 64 year old disabled veteran and usually pay for it. I have oxycodone, and I've said many times, I call it my "pill cocaine." I can go like a machine when I take the stuff, but when it wears off and I get up the next day, boy do I know it.
Nope, no Oxy for me though it would be nice to have some once in a while for the after effects...........
I've been on opioids in one form or another for probably 15 years. Started on Trams, then hydrocodone, then percocet, then oxycodone. I finally told the VA no more acetaminophen. I used to get a lot more than I do, but I'm down to not much since the melt down about opioids. I actually don't get enough to become addicted. I can go days and days without taking any and no symptoms of withdrawal. I just have enough to take occasionally for pain, but it does give me a buzz, a feeling of euphoria with loads of energy, typical of opioids. I get just oxycodone too, no acetaminophen. Just a tiny little 5mg pill.
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