USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm up late because we have a tornado watch till 3 am. The year after my husband passed away, it was scary being inside the house one evening when 5 small tornados went around my house after stripping the neighbor of half the roof on his beautiful house. Unfortunately, my weather map ap shows a dot where my place is, and there's going to be a two hour or more constant tornado watch above with my dot in the dead center of the length of the tornado-spawning red cloud on the map. :huddle:
You need to get one of those weather radios that sounds a LOUD alarm when you're under a warning. That might help with the jitters. And I speak as one that was once almost paralyzed by fear when there was threatening weather. I got over the worst of those fears in time, but still have a healthy respect for the worst that Mother Nature can do.
Checking in. Annoyed that we got 2 to 3 inches of snow Monday night--it's the spring equinox for pete's sake. Double annoyed that we got another 2 to 3 inches of snow last night. It's even further into spring isn't it? But it has all melted now and sunny skies and warmer temperatures are said to be ahead. I'll take quickly vanishing snow over the high winds, hail, and tornadoes so many others are getting. And the moisture might even relieve the red flag warnings (wild fire/forest fire danger) we're having regularly now.

You need to get one of those weather radios that sounds a LOUD alarm when you're under a warning. That might help with the jitters. And I speak as one that was once almost paralyzed by fear when there was threatening weather. I got over the worst of those fears in time, but still have a healthy respect for the worst that Mother Nature can do.
Doesnt your cell alert on tornadoes?
Shelling out major cash on the house lately, problem is not on the projects we planned. High winds ripped outside door right off, tossed it over the deck, busted in all to hell except..... the glass. Rather than get just a new outside door we replaced em both, That was $1500 plus labor. Next the frig craps out for another $1500 plus $600 to remove an upper cabinet we never used because ya cant reach it and trim the pantry back 3 inches. Frigs have an expanding footprint. Couldnt find any to fit and the old one wasnt small. Projects still to come that are needed are some deck work, floors. been trying to get rid of the carpet we have for new last cpl yrs but she wanted other stuff done. Kitchen and dining floor linoleum is getting replaced with....undecided yet.....repaint the ceilings, and start updating light fixtures,
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Shelling out major cash on the house lately, problem is not on the projects we planned. High winds ripped outside door right off, tossed it over the deck, busted in all to hell except..... the glass. Rather than get just a new outside door we replaced em both, That was $1500 plus labor. Next the frig craps out for another $1500 plus $600 to remove an upper cabinet we never used because ya cant reach it and trim the pantry back 3 inches. Frigs have and expanding footprint. Couldnt find any to fit and the old one wasnt small. Projects still to come that are needed are some deck work, floors. been trying to get rid of the carpet we have for new last cpl yrs but she wanted other stuff done. Kitchen and dining floor linoleum is getting replaced with....undecided yet.....repaint the ceilings, and start updating light fixtures,
It does seem like one thing leads to another.
Well hellzapoppin around here.

Last Friday, before my hearing, I call the County to get a copy the Fire Marshall's record on the gas leak in January of 2020, to use as evidence for my maintenance Hearing. My neighbour said the Landlord was charged and paid a big fine after that happened.

They put me through to a lovely gentleman name Richard who said the Fire Marshall had no record of orders at my address. But when I gave him the date of the gas leak he said their records were under a different address. Our property sits on a corner lot. The front door of one of the units is on the side of the house which fronts on the other street and his street number is different than our front door. Turns out Richard is THE Fire Marshall. This would never happen in Toronto. I'd get some 5th level clerk.

I also told him I was trying to get my furnace inspected because of past leaks and issues. Local companies won't come here because of what happened last year, and I don't even know who to call. He told me to call Enbridge Gas. I hadn't called them because they don't do repairs, but he said they do the inspections. He was going to get this building inspected. He had called up the county's recent records, including the gas leak in January 2021, and he had concerns. Plus the ESA has already laid an order on.

Monday morning I called Enbridge. The inspector called within minutes. He was in Oakville - about an hour's drive from me and would be there as quickly as possible. He condemned my furnace and shut it off but was happy with my gas stove, as am I. He asked me if I had notified the landlord that he would be coming and I told him I emailed the landlord's agent to let him know. He asked if the agent had responded and what had he said. The agent had emailed me that if we were having gas leaks, he recommended not smoking.

Yes folks, he actually put that in writing. This is the definition of "depraved indifference". This is what "evidence" looks like. In banking and in law, it was practically beaten into us not to put anything in writing that could come back to haunt us later. This depraved indifference inspired the gas inspector to write the strongest work order he could, and the Fire Marshall to call the Landlord and tell him that regardless of whether he evicts me or not, these repairs must be done. NOW!

The Fire Marshall was true to his word. 4 carloads of inspectors descended on this building this morning, just before lunch. They went through the whole building in a herd. They wrote up EVERYTHING. They reviewed the ESA and gas company orders. They were disgusted that the ESA work order was issued in January with a 30 day correction time, and nothing has been done.

I didn't want to do this. At the beginning of March, I begged him to do something about the electrical repairs and he lied to me and said it was "dealt with", and when I called him on the lie, he asked why I hadn't I done anything about it.

Because I know what would happen to him once I started the process and I don't want to destroy this man. Once you set these things in motion, you don't control what the final outcome will be. If I died tomorrow, my landlord will still be making $50,000 in repairs to this building. If I lose my case at the Tribunal and the landlord has to pay me nothing, he will still be making $50,000 in repairs to his building.

He cannot sell it, evict anyone, get a mortgage, or do ANYTHING, until be completely rewires and repairs this building. And since he's in his mid 80's, he will never recover the money he has lost. He has slandered the title to his own property, which will permanently lower it's value because it's indicative of a long term history of decay and neglect.

Just because he wasn't going to let a woman get the better of him.

Before you ask, it's Spring now and it's 50 degrees in the daytime. I have an electric heater I turn on at night when I'm not using other power. My second floor apartment is sunny and bright with lots of southern and western facing windows, and the heat barely comes on in the daytime, this time of year. I have a gas stove and a gas oven which I turn on in the morning to warm the place up.

Unless the temperature plummets below zero for an extended period, which is highly unlikely after the middle of March, getting by without a furnace is doable at this point. I'm also on the second floor and heat rises. I'm the last to turn on my heat, and the first to turn it off.

I slept so much better at night not listening when the furnace turns on to make sure it's burning correctly. I didn't even realize I 've been doing it until I didnt
Well hellzapoppin around here.

Last Friday, before my hearing, I call the County to get a copy the Fire Marshall's record on the gas leak in January of 2020, to use as evidence for my maintenance Hearing. My neighbour said the Landlord was charged and paid a big fine after that happened.

They put me through to a lovely gentleman name Richard who said the Fire Marshall had no record of orders at my address. But when I gave him the date of the gas leak he said their records were under a different address. Our property sits on a corner lot. The front door of one of the units is on the side of the house which fronts on the other street and his street number is different than our front door. Turns out Richard is THE Fire Marshall. This would never happen in Toronto. I'd get some 5th level clerk.

I also told him I was trying to get my furnace inspected because of past leaks and issues. Local companies won't come here because of what happened last year, and I don't even know who to call. He told me to call Enbridge Gas. I hadn't called them because they don't do repairs, but he said they do the inspections. He was going to get this building inspected. He had called up the county's recent records, including the gas leak in January 2021, and he had concerns. Plus the ESA has already laid an order on.

Monday morning I called Enbridge. The inspector called within minutes. He was in Oakville - about an hour's drive from me and would be there as quickly as possible. He condemned my furnace and shut it off but was happy with my gas stove, as am I. He asked me if I had notified the landlord that he would be coming and I told him I emailed the landlord's agent to let him know. He asked if the agent had responded and what had he said. The agent had emailed me that if we were having gas leaks, he recommended not smoking.

Yes folks, he actually put that in writing. This is the definition of "depraved indifference". This is what "evidence" looks like. In banking and in law, it was practically beaten into us not to put anything in writing that could come back to haunt us later. This depraved indifference inspired the gas inspector to write the strongest work order he could, and the Fire Marshall to call the Landlord and tell him that regardless of whether he evicts me or not, these repairs must be done. NOW!

The Fire Marshall was true to his word. 4 carloads of inspectors descended on this building this morning, just before lunch. They went through the whole building in a herd. They wrote up EVERYTHING. They reviewed the ESA and gas company orders. They were disgusted that the ESA work order was issued in January with a 30 day correction time, and nothing has been done.

I didn't want to do this. At the beginning of March, I begged him to do something about the electrical repairs and he lied to me and said it was "dealt with", and when I called him on the lie, he asked why I hadn't I done anything about it.

Because I know what would happen to him once I started the process and I don't want to destroy this man. Once you set these things in motion, you don't control what the final outcome will be. If I died tomorrow, my landlord will still be making $50,000 in repairs to this building. If I lose my case at the Tribunal and the landlord has to pay me nothing, he will still be making $50,000 in repairs to his building.

He cannot sell it, evict anyone, get a mortgage, or do ANYTHING, until be completely rewires and repairs this building. And since he's in his mid 80's, he will never recover the money he has lost. He has slandered the title to his own property, which will permanently lower it's value because it's indicative of a long term history of decay and neglect.

Just because he wasn't going to let a woman get the better of him.

Before you ask, it's Spring now and it's 50 degrees in the daytime. I have an electric heater I turn on at night when I'm not using other power. My second floor apartment is sunny and bright with lots of southern and western facing windows, and the heat barely comes on in the daytime, this time of year. I have a gas stove and a gas oven which I turn on in the morning to warm the place up.

Unless the temperature plummets below zero for an extended period, which is highly unlikely after the middle of March, getting by without a furnace is doable at this point. I'm also on the second floor and heat rises. I'm the last to turn on my heat, and the first to turn it off.

I slept so much better at night not listening when the furnace turns on to make sure it's burning correctly. I didn't even realize I 've been doing it until I didnt
This has the makings of a pretty good book. I hope you're writing it all down other than just here in the Coffee Shop though I have found it very interesting here.
You need to get one of those weather radios that sounds a LOUD alarm when you're under a warning. That might help with the jitters. And I speak as one that was once almost paralyzed by fear when there was threatening weather. I got over the worst of those fears in time, but still have a healthy respect for the worst that Mother Nature can do.
I fell asleep.
This has the makings of a pretty good book. I hope you're writing it all down other than just here in the Coffee Shop though I have found it very interesting here.

I was thinking more of a made for TV movie. One of my friends worked in film and TV production for Warner Brothers. And I've done a fair bit of work with ICE lawyers (Intellectual property, Communications, and Entertainment), although it's been years. So I have the connections to try to peddle the story.

So who to play me! They'd pick someone shorter. I used to be 6 feet tall, but I'm shrinking. I'm only 5' 9" now. And my landlord is much shorter. It's more dramatic if the person doing the "standing up" is physically smaller than the person bullying them.

Well, I'm good at leaving my phone upstairs, in the kitchen, in the media room, the Den, ocassionally in my ancient Silverado circa 2004, and I'm consistent. :laughing0301: :heehee:

I found mine in the fridge once. What I love about my iPhone is I can wander through the apartment calling "Hey Siri, where are you" and Siri will say "Here I am". Of course if Siri if under something, she's not going to answer, but I spend a whole lot less time looking for my phone since they added this feature.

In all sincerity Beautress, my heart jumped when I saw you'd been on the board. I've been worried about you all day yesterday after your post Tuesday night. So glad you're OK.

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