USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's snowing and blowing outside. Mrs. BBD doesn't know it yet but I'm sleeping very close to her tonight!

There's nothing better than a good snuggle bunny on a cold night.:thup:

Mrs. BBD's feet are always cold when she goes to bed at night and she puts them on me. If she wasn't so warm in so many other places, I'd complain loudly.
To use one of Foxfyre's more famous quotes, "Colder than a well digger's elbow".

Uh huh. Except that I don't say 'well digger' :)

Just checked and the high in Green Bay on Sunday is predicted to be a balmy 19 degrees. It is 4 degrees there right now. Snow forecast for Friday and/or Saturday but not Sunday.

I have spoken in error. I believe the correct phrase is "Colder than a witches elbow." Please pardon me. BTW, look for Green Bay to win the game on Sunday.

Yeah I have used the 'witch's elbow' line. And I've also been informed that the 'witch's elbow' line is wrong too. :)

It's colder than a witches nipple! :lol:
We say "colder than a witches tit in a brass bra in the dead of winter".

Now that is COLD! :razz:
It is definitely annoying when they stock so little of whatever is on sale. Our local Albertson's store, however, always gives us a rain check for whatever they're out of if we ask for it.
The problem here is they don't stock enough period, in most instances the diet in the 24oz bottles is gone the same day whether it's on sale or not. Safeway stocks 6 sixpacks, Walmart stocks 8 six packs, that is all the space they allot for the diet.

Walmart is terrible anyway. A new Market Basket just opened up here, and I will be shopping there from now on, I think. They have a much better selection, and I think their prices are comparable with Walmart. :)
We live in Podunk, we have to drive at least an hour to get any other choices which is why we're looking to move back to civilization.

I don't know about how the Walmart in your area is, but in my area the market is just okay. They really don't have a very good selection when it comes to meats and different cuts, and some of their stuff is not that cheap either.
If you've ever been to a Super Target you'd know it's like comparing a Waldorf Astoria to a Motel 6......... That's how much better the Targets are though they tend to be a little more expensive.
Also when we were down in Santa Fe on Tuesday we went to both Walmarts and the super Target, none of them even carried the Diet Mountain Dew in the 24oz bottles, according to someone we talked to there's a single family in the area who decides what gets stocked and what doesn't.......... If NM is still locked in the old west "cattleman" era where a small number of huge landowners control everything then maybe it's not somewhere I want to live.

We don't have any Super Targets in my immediate area, just Walmart. We have a Target, but it has no grocery store. Oh well, it's always an adventure going to Walmart. :biggrin:
Okay, the little kitty returned today, fed her and she disappeared until an hour ago, opened the back door, she came in and started munching on cat food. Fully expected her to want to go back out but she started exploring, when the other two discovered she was inside Boo the youngest started hissing at her then ran under the bed, she followed him purring and trilling. Jasper sat on the bed looking very unhappy. Well she found the vat nip infused cat rug and now she's playing, wanting to make friends with Jasper who's keeping his distance but not letting her out of his sight so she keeps coming up to him wanting to play. He hisses but just stares at her, it's kinda funny to watch.
Boo's still hiding under the bed........
My wife likes the bedroom about 37 degrees with the ceiling fan whipping up its own polar vortex. THEN she wants 3 comforters. If I play my cards right, and she falls asleep first, I turn off the ceiling fan and she'll start peeling back blankets onto my side and I'm warm enough to fall asleep.
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I hate hot feet. I stick mine out with the fan on them. Sometimes I wet my feet, THEN stick the fan on them.
Mr. Gracie and I have separate bedrooms cuz we just can't handle our habits. He is always cold. I am always hot flashing and need my fan. He stays up til 3am. I go to bed around 12 or 1. He gets up at noon. I get up around 10ish. His room is a mess. It's his man cave. Mine is neat and very bohemian.
Works for us. ;)
Went to bed early again yesterday, got about 7 hours sleep. Woke up with Jasper and Boo on the bed, no idea where the little one slept in the house. Thinking about calling her Gizmo after the good gremlin in the movie Gremlins because she makes the same trilling noises, very vocal, very "talkative".
As for us the wife usually sleeps with her feet uncovered no matter how cold it is, we have a fan on in the bedroom and the ceiling fan going in the great room for air movement and the last one to bed turns the house down to around 60. As for covers, cotton sheets, a cotton summer blanket and a light summer blanket or summer quilt over that or we're both too hot.
Went to bed early again yesterday, got about 7 hours sleep. Woke up with Jasper and Boo on the bed, no idea where the little one slept in the house. Thinking about calling her Gizmo after the good gremlin in the movie Gremlins because she makes the same trilling noises, very vocal, very "talkative".
As for us the wife usually sleeps with her feet uncovered no matter how cold it is, we have a fan on in the bedroom and the ceiling fan going in the great room for air movement and the last one to bed turns the house down to around 60. As for covers, cotton sheets, a cotton summer blanket and a light summer blanket or summer quilt over that or we're both too hot.

My grandmother used to have a cat named Gizmo! That is a great cat name. :)
Went to bed early again yesterday, got about 7 hours sleep. Woke up with Jasper and Boo on the bed, no idea where the little one slept in the house. Thinking about calling her Gizmo after the good gremlin in the movie Gremlins because she makes the same trilling noises, very vocal, very "talkative".
As for us the wife usually sleeps with her feet uncovered no matter how cold it is, we have a fan on in the bedroom and the ceiling fan going in the great room for air movement and the last one to bed turns the house down to around 60. As for covers, cotton sheets, a cotton summer blanket and a light summer blanket or summer quilt over that or we're both too hot.

My grandmother used to have a cat named Gizmo! That is a great cat name. :)
She'll probably be a part time house cat, despite the fact it's freezing drizzle outside she wanted back out this morning, started climbing the back door again so I let her out. She'll be back anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. Heck she may "belong" to someone who lets her run, she knows humans have food and she knows how to use a litter box, her coat is shiny and clean so she appears healthy and well cared for.
Also it could be she goes from house to house doing this which is why we only see her every three or four days on average. :dunno:
Well, the weather is a bit better here today. It's above 0 and no wind today. Supposed to get into the teens and then into the 20's tomorrow. I'm ready for a little warm up. Things not so good here today. Jingles, my oldest beagle, is not feeling well. She has been on the decline for some time now and I'm afraid she is near the end. Taking her in for a visit with my buddy, the vet, around 11:00 a.m. today. She's very wobbly and unstable on her feet. She acts as though she may have had a stroke or something. Will see what the vet has to say later today. She's a grand old girl and I'd sure hate to loose her but she's been declining for some time now and I'm afraid she's near the end.

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