USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yeah, but you think 100 degrees in the shade is comfortable. :) I rather like all four seasons. I like the guilt free 'permission' that bad winter weather gives me to curl up under my blankie on the couch and watch favorite movies or read a good book. And when we had one, there is something therapeutic about a wood burning fireplace. I love the colors, rebirth, and promise of spring. I love the industry and opportunities of summer but dislike the heat. And autumn with its glorious colors, new beginnings, and cooler temps is my favorite season.
I draw the line at 109.

I like 3 of the 4 seasons, winter being the one I don't like
I interviewed for an independent contracted sales position at AFLAK, but I've been out of the loop for SO long with my current job working from home that I don't really have very many business connections anymore. There are a couple of former employers and one I know for sure who is still in business, but she is in RI. I'm a little hesitant if I can meet a quota with such few contacts. Of course, I could always telemarket or go into businesses and give my spiel. :D I don't think telemarketing is a very successful technique though. I know, for myself, I always hang up on telemarketers. Lol.
Yer already in trouble, ChrisL, the company name is AFLAC not AFLAK. Are you sure you want to be in sales?
Maybe she means the German branch........ :eusa_whistle:

Oh come on guys, Give a girl a break. I didn't think Aflak looked right either but I would have had to look it up to be sure of the correct spelling. And typos happen. And then there are the auto-correct nightmares and all that. . . .
Do you realize that if I worked for AFLAK as an independent contractor in sales, I could make almost $70,000 in just commissions alone. That is I get 48 employees to sign on to one of the AFLAK plans per month. That makes the company around $200,000, via my sales savvy. :D It is certainly a tempting position.
One of my former bartenders left me to go to AFLAK. She's doing quite well. As a matter of fact, she and her boyfriend are leaving today on a cruise she got as an award for having good sales. She's been at it for 6 months.
She is a very attractive lady and that likely has some effect on her sales, but there is at least on guy I know who does pretty well though he has more experience.

Being attractive can work against one, also. It has it's drawbacks for SURE! lol

I can see where it might be beneficial if one worked in a men's clothing store, or in a place where the clientele was mostly men. But if you are dealing with women, too, LOOK OUT. Especially if the bosses wife thinks you are attractive....:dev2:

Oh yes, I can see how that can happen.
I think I would probably be better off starting off working directly for an employer and that way, I can start making some connections. :) That sounds like a good plan to me. Anyone who has any sales experience, I would welcome your advice on the best ways to get started in this career.

Well, since you asked. :D

The first thing to do is find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't like sales, or people, or what you are selling, you won't do well.

You have to first sell yourself. The customer has to like you. ( generally speaking )

Understand the best communication skill is, listening.

Looking professional, depending upon the kind of business, is important, too. It tells the customer, you have put some thought into yourself, for your job and they like that. It impresses them.

There are two areas in which outstanding salespeople make it to the top of their jobs.

One, is a natural ability to interact with a customer. Good, open body language and showing interest in them because you truly are. If you are dealing with women as well as men, and you are attractive, this attribute will help you overcome that fact, to a woman, if she considers attractive women as threats as so many do. You need to address most of your attention and remarks to her and not the object of her affection.

Two, is to have a strategy in selling. This comes with experience and I have it honed. :thup:

Some salespersons have both, one and two, and we rarely fail to make the sale.

All the best, ChrisL.

Great advice, but I was more wondering about technique. I know it's important to be able to read people, not necessarily to "like" them. I've worked with people before when I worked at the front desk of an office and got along fine, so that's not really my problem. My problem is how to make connections.

Also, what strategies did you use and what products did you sell? I'm very interested in strategies that other salespeople use to get a good customer base going. Like I talked about earlier, I could telemarket . . . I'm not crazy about that. What would you suggest? :)
I think I would probably be better off starting off working directly for an employer and that way, I can start making some connections. :) That sounds like a good plan to me. Anyone who has any sales experience, I would welcome your advice on the best ways to get started in this career.

Well, since you asked. :D

The first thing to do is find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't like sales, or people, or what you are selling, you won't do well.

You have to first sell yourself. The customer has to like you. ( generally speaking )

Understand the best communication skill is, listening.

Looking professional, depending upon the kind of business, is important, too. It tells the customer, you have put some thought into yourself, for your job and they like that. It impresses them.

There are two areas in which outstanding salespeople make it to the top of their jobs.

One, is a natural ability to interact with a customer. Good, open body language and showing interest in them because you truly are. If you are dealing with women as well as men, and you are attractive, this attribute will help you overcome that fact, to a woman, if she considers attractive women as threats as so many do. You need to address most of your attention and remarks to her and not the object of her affection.

Two, is to have a strategy in selling. This comes with experience and I have it honed. :thup:

Some salespersons have both, one and two, and we rarely fail to make the sale.

All the best, ChrisL.

Yes, most of this I learned in college. Although I wasn't a salesperson, I did take some courses in business management before I decided on a major.
I interviewed for an independent contracted sales position at AFLAK, but I've been out of the loop for SO long with my current job working from home that I don't really have very many business connections anymore. There are a couple of former employers and one I know for sure who is still in business, but she is in RI. I'm a little hesitant if I can meet a quota with such few contacts. Of course, I could always telemarket or go into businesses and give my spiel. :D I don't think telemarketing is a very successful technique though. I know, for myself, I always hang up on telemarketers. Lol.
Yer already in trouble, ChrisL, the company name is AFLAC not AFLAK. Are you sure you want to be in sales?
Maybe she means the German branch........ :eusa_whistle:

Oh come on guys, Give a girl a break. I didn't think Aflak looked right either but I would have had to look it up to be sure of the correct spelling. And typos happen. And then there are the auto-correct nightmares and all that. . . .

No, it's not right. Lol. :lol: That's okay though. I'll learn to get the name right!
I think I would probably be better off starting off working directly for an employer and that way, I can start making some connections. :) That sounds like a good plan to me. Anyone who has any sales experience, I would welcome your advice on the best ways to get started in this career.

Well, since you asked. :D

The first thing to do is find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't like sales, or people, or what you are selling, you won't do well.

You have to first sell yourself. The customer has to like you. ( generally speaking )

Understand the best communication skill is, listening.

Looking professional, depending upon the kind of business, is important, too. It tells the customer, you have put some thought into yourself, for your job and they like that. It impresses them.

There are two areas in which outstanding salespeople make it to the top of their jobs.

One, is a natural ability to interact with a customer. Good, open body language and showing interest in them because you truly are. If you are dealing with women as well as men, and you are attractive, this attribute will help you overcome that fact, to a woman, if she considers attractive women as threats as so many do. You need to address most of your attention and remarks to her and not the object of her affection.

Two, is to have a strategy in selling. This comes with experience and I have it honed. :thup:

Some salespersons have both, one and two, and we rarely fail to make the sale.

All the best, ChrisL.
Good luck with me, I'm the impossible customer. It means I will not buy unless I already was looking for a specific item/product/service, doesn't matter how good the salesperson is. I know all the "tricks".

Well, selling health insurance is different. I only have to convince the boss to let me speak with the employees and give them a presentation. I have to only get 48 employees per month to sign up for one of the AFLAC (eh-hmm) insurance products, and they have a lot that they offer, like life insurance, disability insurance, where they pay you if you are out of work and other such insurance.

Right now, a lot of companies are only offering health insurance, some offer dental too. Some companies don't offer their employees benefits packages that include things like disability insurance, life insurance, even cancer insurance (which will pay your deductibles, co pays, any kind of hotel stay you may need if, say, God forbid, you have a sick child or something. :) It's a good deal, and it's very cheap. I know one of the plans (I believe it is the cancer insurance) is only $3.00 per week. Now, everyone surely won't be interested, but someone who has had cancer, has had a relative or friend with cancer and knows about the extraneous costs and how they can weigh on a person's wallet, just might be interested in purchasing such a plan at such a cheap rate. :)
I interviewed for an independent contracted sales position at AFLAK, but I've been out of the loop for SO long with my current job working from home that I don't really have very many business connections anymore. There are a couple of former employers and one I know for sure who is still in business, but she is in RI. I'm a little hesitant if I can meet a quota with such few contacts. Of course, I could always telemarket or go into businesses and give my spiel. :D I don't think telemarketing is a very successful technique though. I know, for myself, I always hang up on telemarketers. Lol.
Yer already in trouble, ChrisL, the company name is AFLAC not AFLAK. Are you sure you want to be in sales?

Hey, all I can picture is that silly duck. :lol: I was thinking that might be a pretty good sales technique, to dress up like the AFLAC duck. They would either think it was hilarious or throw me out on my butt.
I just had a strange, and somewhat disturbing experience. I went to the toilet and found it streaked with shit.
I am completely sure I did not do it because I would have flushed it away. I then searched the flat and it is secure and there is nobody in it but me, nor do I see how anyone could have got in. That leaves only two explanations I can think of. Either I did it myself and I was sleep walking, or some poltergeist took a dump in my loo.
I don't like either possibility as I do not think I have sleep walked before and I do not want to start now.
Either way I think I will be leaving a light on when I go to bed tonight.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Woke up to another bright sunny morning, but again, almost TWENTY BELOW. I have run out of ways to describe my disgust with this bitter cold. My furnace runs practically non stop, and the new mega sized, twin tank, whole house humidifier I bought also runs constantly on high and needs filling about every 18 hours. I look at a chill map and yup, it's WI that's right under this VORTEX or whatever the hell it is, just like it has a bulls eye on it. We are the coldest place in the nation yet again, including ALASKA. I'm tellin' ya, I can't take this anymore. Changes will be made. I believe vacating the state for Jan and Feb, and if temps like this remain, Mar too, would do wonders for me. I feel as though I'm under house arrest. To look longingly out the windows wishing I could go outside and be active doing something but can't because of the dangerous cold just irritates me to no end. I am questioning WHY I came back here. I know all about living near family and ancestors, but right now, that isn't rising to the level of making a difference to me.

I've had it.
My ultimate retirement goal is to have living quarters in both the northern and southern hemispheres, and never suffer through another winter.
I just heard on our local weather news that this February is the 8th coldest on record with an average temperature of 11.2 degrees, even colder than last year, as if that wasn't bad enough.

I really am not a cold weather person. I hate to be cold period. I've been researching today places to rent in Albany, GE, and found one place just up the road from my buddy's place. I hope to speak to them Monday, and maybe lock in a place to rent for Jan, Feb and Mar of next year. I'm done with winter. I hate it.
Woke up to another bright sunny morning, but again, almost TWENTY BELOW. I have run out of ways to describe my disgust with this bitter cold. My furnace runs practically non stop, and the new mega sized, twin tank, whole house humidifier I bought also runs constantly on high and needs filling about every 18 hours. I look at a chill map and yup, it's WI that's right under this VORTEX or whatever the hell it is, just like it has a bulls eye on it. We are the coldest place in the nation yet again, including ALASKA. I'm tellin' ya, I can't take this anymore. Changes will be made. I believe vacating the state for Jan and Feb, and if temps like this remain, Mar too, would do wonders for me. I feel as though I'm under house arrest. To look longingly out the windows wishing I could go outside and be active doing something but can't because of the dangerous cold just irritates me to no end. I am questioning WHY I came back here. I know all about living near family and ancestors, but right now, that isn't rising to the level of making a difference to me.

I've had it.
My ultimate retirement goal is to have living quarters in both the northern and southern hemispheres, and never suffer through another winter.
I just heard on our local weather news that this February is the 8th coldest on record with an average temperature of 11.2 degrees, even colder than last year, as if that wasn't bad enough.

I really am not a cold weather person. I hate to be cold period. I've been researching today places to rent in Albany, GE, and found one place just up the road from my buddy's place. I hope to speak to them Monday, and maybe lock in a place to rent for Jan, Feb and Mar of next year. I'm done with winter. I hate it.
this winter is by far colder than last. and last year was a bitch.
I interviewed for an independent contracted sales position at AFLAK, but I've been out of the loop for SO long with my current job working from home that I don't really have very many business connections anymore. There are a couple of former employers and one I know for sure who is still in business, but she is in RI. I'm a little hesitant if I can meet a quota with such few contacts. Of course, I could always telemarket or go into businesses and give my spiel. :D I don't think telemarketing is a very successful technique though. I know, for myself, I always hang up on telemarketers. Lol.
Yer already in trouble, ChrisL, the company name is AFLAC not AFLAK. Are you sure you want to be in sales?
Maybe she means the German branch........ :eusa_whistle:

Oh come on guys, Give a girl a break. I didn't think Aflak looked right either but I would have had to look it up to be sure of the correct spelling. And typos happen. And then there are the auto-correct nightmares and all that. . . .
I thought it was AFLAC but Chris is always so credible, I figured I must be wrong so I changed the C to a K.

At home taking a mid shift break. I've been at Doc's since noon and will be headed back in a bit and will be there through 2:00 and likely well past.
When I left, the drum kit was about set up and cables between the stage and the mixing board were being run.
It's not too late for y'all to join us for our first anniversary bash and to hear Foley's own Jason Abel Project. Barbecue, beans corn bread, Mac and cheese, coleslaw and a few deserts are set out. Time to eat!
The wife and I have guests coming in next month. The husband is a past National Barbecue Champion and will be cooking a pig at Docs. Date to be announced soon. Small cover will get you an arm band that will get you in the pig line.
I interviewed for an independent contracted sales position at AFLAK, but I've been out of the loop for SO long with my current job working from home that I don't really have very many business connections anymore. There are a couple of former employers and one I know for sure who is still in business, but she is in RI. I'm a little hesitant if I can meet a quota with such few contacts. Of course, I could always telemarket or go into businesses and give my spiel. :D I don't think telemarketing is a very successful technique though. I know, for myself, I always hang up on telemarketers. Lol.
Yer already in trouble, ChrisL, the company name is AFLAC not AFLAK. Are you sure you want to be in sales?
Maybe she means the German branch........ :eusa_whistle:

Oh come on guys, Give a girl a break. I didn't think Aflak looked right either but I would have had to look it up to be sure of the correct spelling. And typos happen. And then there are the auto-correct nightmares and all that. . . .
I thought it was AFLAC but Chris is always so credible, I figured I must be wrong so I changed the C to a K.

At home taking a mid shift break. I've been at Doc's since noon and will be headed back in a bit and will be there through 2:00 and likely well past.
When I left, the drum kit was about set up and cables between the stage and the mixing board were being run.
It's not too late for y'all to join us for our first anniversary bash and to hear Foley's own Jason Abel Project. Barbecue, beans corn bread, Mac and cheese, coleslaw and a few deserts are set out. Time to eat!
The wife and I have guests coming in next month. The husband is a past National Barbecue Champion and will be cooking a pig at Docs. Date to be announced soon. Small cover will get you an arm band that will get you in the pig line.

No, I was wrong. :( Lol. It's okay, that was only my first interview. I will hear back on Monday to see if I get a second interview. I will get the name of the place right dammit! :lol:
Woke up to another bright sunny morning, but again, almost TWENTY BELOW. I have run out of ways to describe my disgust with this bitter cold. My furnace runs practically non stop, and the new mega sized, twin tank, whole house humidifier I bought also runs constantly on high and needs filling about every 18 hours. I look at a chill map and yup, it's WI that's right under this VORTEX or whatever the hell it is, just like it has a bulls eye on it. We are the coldest place in the nation yet again, including ALASKA. I'm tellin' ya, I can't take this anymore. Changes will be made. I believe vacating the state for Jan and Feb, and if temps like this remain, Mar too, would do wonders for me. I feel as though I'm under house arrest. To look longingly out the windows wishing I could go outside and be active doing something but can't because of the dangerous cold just irritates me to no end. I am questioning WHY I came back here. I know all about living near family and ancestors, but right now, that isn't rising to the level of making a difference to me.

I've had it.
My ultimate retirement goal is to have living quarters in both the northern and southern hemispheres, and never suffer through another winter.
I just heard on our local weather news that this February is the 8th coldest on record with an average temperature of 11.2 degrees, even colder than last year, as if that wasn't bad enough.

I really am not a cold weather person. I hate to be cold period. I've been researching today places to rent in Albany, GE, and found one place just up the road from my buddy's place. I hope to speak to them Monday, and maybe lock in a place to rent for Jan, Feb and Mar of next year. I'm done with winter. I hate it.

Me too. Hate being cold. Sick of winter. :) Just think, less than a month until spring is officially here!
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
I think I would probably be better off starting off working directly for an employer and that way, I can start making some connections. :) That sounds like a good plan to me. Anyone who has any sales experience, I would welcome your advice on the best ways to get started in this career.

Well, since you asked. :D

The first thing to do is find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't like sales, or people, or what you are selling, you won't do well.

You have to first sell yourself. The customer has to like you. ( generally speaking )

Understand the best communication skill is, listening.

Looking professional, depending upon the kind of business, is important, too. It tells the customer, you have put some thought into yourself, for your job and they like that. It impresses them.

There are two areas in which outstanding salespeople make it to the top of their jobs.

One, is a natural ability to interact with a customer. Good, open body language and showing interest in them because you truly are. If you are dealing with women as well as men, and you are attractive, this attribute will help you overcome that fact, to a woman, if she considers attractive women as threats as so many do. You need to address most of your attention and remarks to her and not the object of her affection.

Two, is to have a strategy in selling. This comes with experience and I have it honed. :thup:

Some salespersons have both, one and two, and we rarely fail to make the sale.

All the best, ChrisL.
Good luck with me, I'm the impossible customer. It means I will not buy unless I already was looking for a specific item/product/service, doesn't matter how good the salesperson is. I know all the "tricks".

Well, selling health insurance is different. I only have to convince the boss to let me speak with the employees and give them a presentation. I have to only get 48 employees per month to sign up for one of the AFLAC (eh-hmm) insurance products, and they have a lot that they offer, like life insurance, disability insurance, where they pay you if you are out of work and other such insurance.

Right now, a lot of companies are only offering health insurance, some offer dental too. Some companies don't offer their employees benefits packages that include things like disability insurance, life insurance, even cancer insurance (which will pay your deductibles, co pays, any kind of hotel stay you may need if, say, God forbid, you have a sick child or something. :) It's a good deal, and it's very cheap. I know one of the plans (I believe it is the cancer insurance) is only $3.00 per week. Now, everyone surely won't be interested, but someone who has had cancer, has had a relative or friend with cancer and knows about the extraneous costs and how they can weigh on a person's wallet, just might be interested in purchasing such a plan at such a cheap rate. :)

ChrisL. - I worked briefly for AFLAC and there are both pros and cons for working for this company. If I was you, I would check things out very well before I went to work for them. Making a nice salary with this company is not as easy as you think it might be and it is NOT a 9 to 5 kind of job. I'm afraid that you are looking at this job through rose colored glasses.
:thup: Babes, I would go anywhere with you. I'd even have some bloody mary's with our breakfast, and then try to get into my two piece swimsuit for that dip in Lake Tahoe, with you. :D
Uh-oh... I'd be a little embarrassed with my winter spare tire...

I don't mind a spare tire on men as long as I like their truck, Harley and John Deere tractor. :D

Later guys.....time to get ready. Hugs to all great coffee-mates.
Have a Harley, a truck and a tractor. Alas, it's not a John Deer but it is bigger that 007's.
Oh, are we going to go to the "mine is bigger" realm?
Well, that's what males of every species do come the rut.
Hence the term "horny".
Woke up to another bright sunny morning, but again, almost TWENTY BELOW. I have run out of ways to describe my disgust with this bitter cold. My furnace runs practically non stop, and the new mega sized, twin tank, whole house humidifier I bought also runs constantly on high and needs filling about every 18 hours. I look at a chill map and yup, it's WI that's right under this VORTEX or whatever the hell it is, just like it has a bulls eye on it. We are the coldest place in the nation yet again, including ALASKA. I'm tellin' ya, I can't take this anymore. Changes will be made. I believe vacating the state for Jan and Feb, and if temps like this remain, Mar too, would do wonders for me. I feel as though I'm under house arrest. To look longingly out the windows wishing I could go outside and be active doing something but can't because of the dangerous cold just irritates me to no end. I am questioning WHY I came back here. I know all about living near family and ancestors, but right now, that isn't rising to the level of making a difference to me.

I've had it.
My ultimate retirement goal is to have living quarters in both the northern and southern hemispheres, and never suffer through another winter.
I just heard on our local weather news that this February is the 8th coldest on record with an average temperature of 11.2 degrees, even colder than last year, as if that wasn't bad enough.

I really am not a cold weather person. I hate to be cold period. I've been researching today places to rent in Albany, GE, and found one place just up the road from my buddy's place. I hope to speak to them Monday, and maybe lock in a place to rent for Jan, Feb and Mar of next year. I'm done with winter. I hate it.
this winter is by far colder than last. and last year was a bitch.

We haven't been as cold this year in GA, I don't think, but that's actually made things worse. Instead of snow we get very cold rain over and over. It's pretty miserable. Plus no snow for the little one to play in. :(

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