USmessageboard Stories


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
In a time long past, the Balkans were a land of fierce warriors. Among them was a gang of Arnauts, Skipetars, Turks, Saracens, and Mohammedans, led by a battle-hardened Arnaut chieftain. United in their resolve, they defended their lands with unmatched ferocity.

One day, news arrived of a formidable adversary: Mortimer, the White Knight in shining armor. Known for his valor and blessed sword, Mortimer sought to challenge their dominance. He stood tall and resolute on a mist-shrouded battlefield, his armor gleaming.

The chieftain called out, "White Knight, you stand against the unity of many peoples. What brings you here?"

Mortimer replied, "I seek to bring peace and justice to these lands. But if it is conflict you desire, I will not shy away."

The battle commenced with the clash of steel and cries of warriors. Mortimer moved with grace and precision, cutting through the ranks of the united forces. Despite their fierce resistance, the White Knight's skill and determination proved overwhelming.

As the sun set, casting long shadows, Mortimer stood victorious. The gang of Arnauts, Skipetars, Turks, Saracens, and Mohammedans lay defeated. Raising his flag high, Mortimer claimed the battlefield, a testament to his strength and valor. The legend of the White Knight's triumph would be told for generations.
More of your usual childish nonsense .
Morticia bathing in fantasy and demanding attention.

Just a variation fantasy dream of you dressed as a Nazi Officer or wanting to be the first appreciated singer who is truly tone deaf .

You might find a retarded young audience for this type of drivel on Fakebook or Took Take .
More of your usual childish nonsense .
Morticia bathing in fantasy and demanding attention.

Just a variation fantasy dream of you dressed as a Nazi Officer or wanting to be the first appreciated singer who is truly tone deaf .

You might find a retarded young audience for this type of drivel on Fakebook or Took Take .
I wrote the story myself, but it wasn't difficult because it's from the film Inglorious Basterds, it just tells what happened with me and luiza in the main roles. Then I had Chat GPT correct them for spelling errors. I also had it translated into English because I wrote it in German with another user (from Balkanforum) and also posted it on Balkanforum with this other user from the Balkanforum. I also posted it on TA with a third user, a user from TA. But the story is the same.

It was a pleasant spring evening in Paris, 1942. The British exchange student luiza stood by a newsstand, leafing through the newspapers. Suddenly, a black car pulled up beside her. An SS officer stepped out and said, "Sturmführer Mortimer is expecting you. Get your ass in the car immediately."

Luiza was startled and hesitated but then got in. The car drove to a hotel where the SS officer escorted her to a room. She sat there, not knowing what to expect. Fear filled her.

Sturmführer Mortimer adjusted his hair and held a red rose in his hand. He walked to the door of the room, knocked, and waited. Luiza flinched, stood up, and opened the door. Mortimer said, "Bonjour, Mademoiselle. May I present you with this rose as a token of my appreciation?"

Luiza replied, "Mortimer, please, no. I must send you away. Please leave me alone."

Mortimer's temper flared, and he kicked the door in, forcing his way inside. He grabbed her by the arm and said, "You don't know who I am. I am Sturmführer Mortimer, a hero of Germany, awarded the Knight's Cross. In Stalingrad, I killed hundreds of men with my bare hands. A man like me cannot be refused."

Luiza was terrified and didn't know what to do. "Mortimer, please, you're hurting me," she pleaded and then said, "Alright, close the door."

Mortimer grinned smugly and turned to close the door. At that moment, luiza reached for a pistol in her handbag and shot him in the back. Covered in blood, he collapsed to the floor. For a brief moment, she felt pity and bent down to touch him. But suddenly, he turned and shot her. Both died in that instant.

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