Vaccinated people spread covid

I always chuckle at headlines like this.

Vaccinated might spread the virus.

The same headline could be

Vaccinated might not spread the virus.


Vaccinated might forget to turn their alarms on at night.........

It's really a worthless headline.

But all the same this really hurts one of the arguments often made. The argument has been that you might be young and have a great immune system and not have much worry but you need to get vaccinated to protect others.

Now they are saying "nevermind", that might not be the case.
No, the data is clear now. Look at all the most heavily vaccinated countries and regions. Anywhere from 40%-60% (100% for Gibraltar) of their new COVID patients are fully vaccinated(see Israel, UK, Iceland). Massachusetts has the 2nd highest vaccination rate in the states and is at 48% (as of 2 weeks ago) of their new patients are fully vaccinated. These numbers aren’t including those who already have already recovered and have naturally immunity (which actually works agains the delta).

Folks, none of this should be a surprise. I’ve started a couple threads on this subject. We’ve never made a vaccine for this type of rapidly mutating RNA virus for this exact reason. By the time a vaccine is made and distributed, it will become old news. This is what we’re seeing
More proof that the vaccines are deadly killers and no American should be getting one.
Proof that Trump was right all along. And proof that Trump himself was never vaccinated.
best wishes from Canada.
People who don't value staying safe for them self's or others spread the virus. Take politics out of the equations.
People who don't value staying safe for them self's or others spread the virus. Take politics out of the equations.
You've missed the point. Vaccinated people are spreading the virus in America.*
* not applicable to other countries.

** Biden has had impurities added to the vaccines for red states. Proven by red state death statistics.
Right-wing rebelliousness without a Cause? Repeating historical mistakes but trying to convince us you are for the "gospel Truth" instead of merely right-wing fantasy is what y'all seem best at.
still not seeing the relationship with illegals crossing the southern border.

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