Vaccinated people spread covid

I see you still here, so how would you know?

The best is not to learn from the own bad exeriences - the best is to learn from the bad experiences of others. You tell people to be proud to do suicide by rejecting vaccinations - what is in very most cases the very best what everyone is able to do to help oneself and others. You slow down this defense process - and because of this unnecessary slow down it will probably happen that people will die. No one here on Earth is able to see this unhealthy causes and deadly effects directly - but god knows. You fight not only against your fellow citizens with an unbelievable energy - you fight also against all mankind and for a long time in purgatory, where you hopefully not have to live the death of the people who have to die because you cause their death without to know this with your deadly brainwashing propaganda. All mankind needs a vaccination and because of people like you we all lose too much time and so we all are increasing the probability of new variations of this virus.
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naw, see you still don't understand. It's okay you're german.

And now racism as an "argument"?

we believe in the individual's rights not the government's thought.

What a nonsense sentence. Your government is your own decision in the USA. In other countries of the world - Belarus for example - it is not in this way.

That's how our constitution is written.

In your constitution is written: "Don't fight pandemics and let kill you and all others from virusses"? What about a new constitution?

It's a very powerful document,

Is it? Never read it. The declaration of independence is very good.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life ..."!

so powerful millions want to come here and live under it.

I not. I'm not able to imagine I could feel well in your country.

Government reports to the citizens, not the other way around.


Demofks are trying to change that, but failing badly.

Aha. So for you personally it is more important to damage your self chosen political counter part instead to fight for your own life and the life of your people. ... Not unknown such a dark form of mind. Remembers me to something ... Did you ever hear the word "priorities"? What kind of freedom is the freedom of dead or sick people? Saddle your horse and start to fight against this damned deadly and damaging virus - and not against your people.

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And now racism as an "argument"?

What a nonsense sentence. Your government is your own decision in the USA. In other countries of the world - Belarus for example - it is not in this way.

In your constitution is written: "Don't fight pandemics and let kill you and all others from virusses"? What about a new constitution?

Is it? Never read it. The declaration of independence is very good.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life ..."!

I not. I'm not able to imagine I could feel well in your country.


Aha. So for you personally it is more important to damage your self chosen political counter part instead to fight for your own life and the life of your people. ... Not unknown such a dark form of mind. Remembers me to something ... Did you ever hear the word "priorities"? What kind of freedom is the freedom of dead or sick people? Saddle your horse and start to fight against this damned deadly and damaging virus - and not against your people.

I’m not at risk of anything. No more than any other year since a hip replacement and kidney stones. I fear nothing I can’t see
ABC News contacted 50 hospitals in 17 states, and asked them to share data on their ICU wards' current COVID-19 patients, including their vaccination status. In the surveyed hospitals, ABC News found that the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 patients currently being treated in ICUs were unvaccinated.

Of the 271 total COVID patients in the surveyed ICUs, 255 patients, or approximately 94%, were unvaccinated against COVID-19 in ABC News' snapshot in time.

ABC News contacted 50 hospitals in 17 states, and asked them to share data on their ICU wards' current COVID-19 patients, including their vaccination status. In the surveyed hospitals, ABC News found that the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 patients currently being treated in ICUs were unvaccinated.

Of the 271 total COVID patients in the surveyed ICUs, 255 patients, or approximately 94%, were unvaccinated against COVID-19 in ABC News' snapshot in time.

We proved bullshit on another thread using icu numbers oops! No proof. Let me know when you call hospitals and tally the count! You believe nonsense
I’m not at risk of anything.

You are damned dangerous for everyone who trusts in you.

No more than any other year since a hip replacement and kidney stones. I fear nothing I can’t see

And how idiotic was your own behavior, which had caused a defect hip and kidney stones, because you fear nothing what you decided not to understand on mysterious political reasons?
You are damned dangerous for everyone who trusts in you.

And how idiotic was your own behavior, which had caused a defect hip and kidney stones, because you fear nothing what you decided not to understand on mysterious political reasons?
I played softball and broke both fibula and tibula. In the healing process, I lost 3/8's inches in my left leg. Over the next 39 years because I walked uneven, my hip joint failed. And I had kidney stones at the age of seven years old. All you got is to try and shame someone you silly fk. You are a weak ass human being. Your not worth the air around you. Germany is right where you belong. Nazi.
Imperfect vaccines (which allow the vaccinated to spread a virus, like all of the COVID vaccines), are known to make viruses more dangerous.

Summer respiratory virus outbreaks are abnormal. Is this what we are witnessing? A complete failure of our vaccination program, actually creating new surges which otherwise would not have happened?

From PBS in 2015:

A leaky vaccine is one that keeps a microbe from doing serious harm to its host, but doesn’t stop the disease from replicating and spreading to another individual. On the other hand, a “perfect” vaccine is one that sets up lifelong immunity that never wanes and blocks both infection and transmission.

It’s important to note childhood vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, rubella and smallpox aren’t leaky; they are considered “perfect” vaccines. As such, they are in no way in danger of falling prey to this phenomenon.

This news from Martha's Vineyard is rather interesting, considering Obama just held a superspreader event there. 50% of COVID cases in August are among the vaccinated...

I played softball and broke both fibula and tibula.


In the healing process, I lost 3/8's inches in my left leg. Over the next 39 years because I walked uneven, my hip joint failed. And I had kidney stones at the age of seven years old.


All you got is to try and shame someone you silly fk.


You are a weak ass human being.


Your not worth the air around you. Germany is right where you belong. Nazi.

You are in danger to lose your soul now, racist. I will put you on my ignore list. Never again in your life try to speak with me.

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