Video: Lauren Boebert melts down at debate, starts screamin' & yellin', causes scene by not agreeing to debate rules

Most of the damage was done every time she opened her mouth.

No context.
Post a video that starts 2 minutes before this happened.
i posted the video evidence...people can judge for themselves, can't they? are you saying people on this board are too dumb to judge for themselves?
i posted the [SIC] Out Of Context video evidence.
You have some serious intellect issues.
Most of the damage was done every time she opened her mouth.

Is the OP really a Democrat? This seems like it would have been posted by a Rep pretending to be a Dem to post something that makes the Dem look foolish.

Boebert catches Frisch, her opponent, in a lie at 12:55 in that video:

Is the OP really a Democrat? This seems like it would have been posted by a Rep pretending to be a Dem to post something that makes the Dem look foolish.

Boebert catches Frisch, her opponent, in a lie at 12:55 in that video:

BB has the attention span of an electron.
What are you talking about....she never even addressed her opponent. :heehee: She's just a whiney little of thousands.

Wow, you lie just like the OP, that or you were too fucking lazy to watch the video.

We need a whole lot more of this lady and MTG's. The House of Reps needs to be raucous if it has to on both sides. The civility act Repubs have used for the most part does not work.
Exactly. It's time to take the gloves off.
Most of the damage was done every time she opened her mouth.

She's a Right-wing nut job.
She wasn’t hired for any of that pussy shit….She was hired by her constituency to spend her days standing on the necks of the filthy Left…that’s where we’re at….that’s why you hate her.
She's nothing more than a social media influencer for an agenda of grievance. Magaturds like you eat this shit up.
Shrill is right. Howling monkey shrill.
Meanwhile…in the backwards as fuck LibTardian Twilight Zone filthy unAmerican trash stand in line to vote for “howling monkey shrills”.
Ain’t that right Tumblin Tumbleweed ? Speaking of “social media influencers”…see Tiara Mack below.
hahaha….you fools can’t get out of your own way….you continuously walk yourselves into this shit…you love making complete asses of yourselves in public…..comedy gold.
Cool…we’ll take your word for it.
But what is this “agenda of grievance” you speak of?
Bitching. Not doing. Then bitching some more about not doing the thing. Endlessly outraged, just like the regressive left. Magaturds agenda is apparently revenge on those that dared to disagree with you politically. Is the irony too much for you?
Bitching. Not doing. Then bitching some more about not doing the thing. Endlessly outraged, just like the regressive left. Magaturds agenda is apparently revenge on those that dared to disagree with you politically. Is the irony too much for you?
Hahaha…pull your head from your ass bud….the feud, the divide between left and right has almost nothing to do with “politics”. It’s all about social construct and what you Libs have in mind for America… knew that…right?
Hahaha…pull your head from your ass bud….the feud, the divide between left and right has almost nothing to do with “politics”. It’s all about social construct and what you Libs have in mind for America… knew that…right?
Nope. Stick your 'culture war' straight up your own magaturd asses.

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