"vile & demeaning": Biden rips ‘phony nationalism’ that is ‘undermining the social fabric’ of the US

I'm a Fascist supporter, not a Communist supporter.

Capitalism, and Communism both suck.
Good to know. For a second there, I though I was talking to someone half-way reasonable.

Fascist style governments have the best track record of economic growth.

Franco achieved Europe's #1 economic growth in the 20th century, in the Spanish Miracle.

Hitler turned around a failing economy better than FDR, who keep in mind FDR set the record for economic growth in 20th century growth in the U.S, and FDR was the closest U.S President to a Fascist, he micromanaged the economy, used public works etc. which is similar to Fascism.
SO, in order to demonstrate how Trump is not nice to people Biden immediately and falsely smear Trump and trump supports with the Race Card.

It is literally shameful that this man was placed a heart beat away from the Oval Office.

Both his idiocy and his vileness should have disqualified him to any decent human being.

Dems, though, oh well.
Right! Donald Trump is the epitome of gentlemanly and statesmanlike conduct and comportment. A more decent human being has yet to grace the earth. We should hold Donald Trump as our paradigm of decency.

has anyone else heard thunder yet?
I'm a Fascist supporter, not a Communist supporter.

Capitalism, and Communism both suck.
Good to know. For a second there, I though I was talking to someone half-way reasonable.

Fascists would stand firm on immigration, outsourced jobs, abortion, securing media, and Hollywood.

What about Libertarians, Conservatives, and Republicans?

They have the same solution for everything, which is to do nothing to somehow get everything going.

How does that work?

What did Republicans do about any of these serious impediments? Nothing.
Well, then how do they expect to change shit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. weak.
What is destroying the sicial favric is ever increasing violent intolerance, rhetori, and ideology ... the belief that it is ok to use violence to intimidate and silence any speech one group does not want to hear or disagrees with, that opposes their opinions and ideology.

We have seen that emotional intolerance and hatred be manipulated by a hostile foreign nation into organizing events and marching for them, to incite racial division and violence.

Political Correctness and 'Hate Speech' rhetori must end / be rejected, not allowed to teplace civility, tolerance, and Constitutionally protected tights to assemble and speech.

ALL bigotry, racism, and sexism must be dhunned and minimized, not violently and illegally attacked.
I'm a Fascist supporter, not a Communist supporter.

Capitalism, and Communism both suck.
Good to know. For a second there, I though I was talking to someone half-way reasonable.

Fascists would stand firm on immigration, outsourced jobs, abortion, securing media, and Hollywood.

What about Libertarians, Conservatives, and Republicans?

They have the same solution for everything, which is to do nothing to somehow get everything going.

How does that work?

What did Republicans do about any of these serious impediments? Nothing.
Well, then how do they expect to change shit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. weak.
Well, you don't cure an upset stomach with rat poison.

I would prefer that your monarch-style authoritarian ideology kindly fuck off. We'll just go ahead and keep our individual liberties, thank you very much.

I'm a Fascist supporter, not a Communist supporter.

Capitalism, and Communism both suck.
Good to know. For a second there, I though I was talking to someone half-way reasonable.

Fascists would stand firm on immigration, outsourced jobs, abortion, securing media, and Hollywood.

What about Libertarians, Conservatives, and Republicans?

They have the same solution for everything, which is to do nothing to somehow get everything going.

How does that work?

What did Republicans do about any of these serious impediments? Nothing.
Well, then how do they expect to change shit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. weak.
Well, you don't cure an upset stomach with rat poison.

I would prefer that your monarch-style authoritarian ideology kindly fuck off. We'll just go ahead and keep our individual liberties, thank you very much.


Republicans have done nothing but appease Liberals.
They have no solutions, because solutions would mean actually having government planning.
Republicans have done nothing but appease Liberals.
They have no solutions, because solutions would mean actually having government planning.
Republicans have no solutions because they are fucking cowards. But, I prefer no solutions to shitty ones. Nothing can fuck up the world quicker than government action.

More freedom. More liberty. Not less, and certainly not left to an authoritarian dictator. Jesus fucking Akbar. It's like history is a foreign concept to some.

Republicans have done nothing but appease Liberals.
They have no solutions, because solutions would mean actually having government planning.
Republicans have no solutions because they are fucking cowards. But, I prefer no solutions to shitty ones. Nothing can fuck up the world quicker than government action.

More freedom. More liberty. Not less, and certainly not left to an authoritarian dictator. Jesus fucking Akbar. It's like history is a foreign concept to some.


Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.
Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.
The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.
So, Capitalism is the reason they want to come here? Well...no shit!

Applying that logic: To rid ourselves of burglars, we should rid ourselves of valuable possession and become homeless.

Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.
Oh shut the fuck up. You people are such phonies. You screech and bleat against globalism yet you defend corporations getting massive tax breaks on global profits.

Eat shit.
The Corporations are not trying to undermine our liberties and take away our rights to due process, speech, arms, etc. GO FUCK YOURSELF with your communist bullshit!!!

Well, they just add new liberties, like the right to hire illegals, and the right for illegals to stay.
(Muchas Gracias)
Brought to you by Crapitalism.
That is the government, not corporations.
The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.
So, Capitalism is the reason they want to come here? Well...no shit!

Applying that logic: To rid ourselves of burglars, we should rid ourselves of valuable possession and become homeless.


Isn't Mexico also a Capitalist country?
Wow, what a shimmering beacon of hope.
Oh shut the fuck up. You people are such phonies. You screech and bleat against globalism yet you defend corporations getting massive tax breaks on global profits.

Eat shit.
The Corporations are not trying to undermine our liberties and take away our rights to due process, speech, arms, etc. GO FUCK YOURSELF with your communist bullshit!!!

Well, they just add new liberties, like the right to hire illegals, and the right for illegals to stay.
(Muchas Gracias)
Brought to you by Crapitalism.
That is the government, not corporations.

Lack of government, no government would mean unlimited immigration, after-all.
Long behold, do nothing Conservatives, I need cheap labor Capitalists, and I love Democrat voting Amigos, and you have a country that's like a brown turd ready for flushing.
Isn't Mexico also a Capitalist country?
Wow, what a shimmering beacon of hope.
So, is Capitalism a factor or is it not?

Why is America a better opportunity for illegal Mexicans?

Why is Sweden a better opportunity for illegal Mexicans, too?

I thought Sweden was Social Democracy, and Mexico was in fact more Capitalist?

Maybe because Mexicans aren't equal?

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