"vile & demeaning": Biden rips ‘phony nationalism’ that is ‘undermining the social fabric’ of the US

political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means

Webster dictionary


Well, that may very well be true.
But, as of now there's not enough control over businesses in most Social Democracies to be very Socialist, even if there's some.

I'm actually for more business regulation, put the scumbags who import illegals from Mexico, or the scumbags who export jobs to China behind bars.
(Problem solved)

The problem is Republicans don't have the cajones to do just that.
So, is Capitalism a factor or is it not?

Why is America a better opportunity for illegal Mexicans?

Communism kills economies, Fascism, and Social Democracy obviously do not.
Social Democracy sucks ass and kills cultures.

The U.S.A is obviously ahead of the curve, because Capitalism wanted to bring in our "Black buddies" for mega-profits.

It's not only until recently that Social Democracies have begun copying the U.S.A in their immigration patterns.
But that is the destiny of social democracies all the same.

Ultimately I think it's more biological / genetic.

Poland, and Hungary are similar to Social Democracies in that they have National healthcare, but in terms of immigration, no.

But, we find that a short facial index is linked to more racist views, and higher Testosterone.

Ironically, a Man's Face Can Tell You If He's Likely to Act Racist

If we look at maps like this, countries between Poland, Austria, and Serbia have a short facial index.

Quit using anti-white bullshit studies to determine your political positions.

The vast majority of racists live in Africa and Asia.
political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means

Webster dictionary


Well, that may very well be true.
But, as of now there's not enough control over businesses in most Social Democracies to be very Socialist, even if there's some.

I'm actually for more business regulation, put the scumbags who import illegals from Mexico, or the scumbags who export jobs to China behind bars.
(Problem solved)

The problem is Republicans don't have the cajones to do just that.
I am more in favor of throwing the politicians who support illegal immigration behind bars.

Corporations only do what the government allows them to do.
political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means

Webster dictionary


Well, that may very well be true.
But, as of now there's not enough control over businesses in most Social Democracies to be very Socialist, even if there's some.

I'm actually for more business regulation, put the scumbags who import illegals from Mexico, or the scumbags who export jobs to China behind bars.
(Problem solved)

The problem is Republicans don't have the cajones to do just that.
I am more in favor of throwing the politicians who support illegal immigration behind bars.

Corporations only do what the government allows them to do.

Why chose, when both can be done?
political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means

Webster dictionary


Well, that may very well be true.
But, as of now there's not enough control over businesses in most Social Democracies to be very Socialist, even if there's some.

I'm actually for more business regulation, put the scumbags who import illegals from Mexico, or the scumbags who export jobs to China behind bars.
(Problem solved)

The problem is Republicans don't have the cajones to do just that.
I am more in favor of throwing the politicians who support illegal immigration behind bars.

Corporations only do what the government allows them to do.

Why chose, when both can be done?
Because my way solves both problems.

Jailing traitors in the government prevents traitors in the private sector from feeling empowered.
Communism kills economies, Fascism, and Social Democracy obviously do not.
Social Democracy sucks ass and kills cultures.

The U.S.A is obviously ahead of the curve, because Capitalism wanted to bring in our "Black buddies" for mega-profits.

It's not only until recently that Social Democracies have begun copying the U.S.A in their immigration patterns.
But that is the destiny of social democracies all the same.

Ultimately I think it's more biological / genetic.

Poland, and Hungary are similar to Social Democracies in that they have National healthcare, but in terms of immigration, no.

But, we find that a short facial index is linked to more racist views, and higher Testosterone.

Ironically, a Man's Face Can Tell You If He's Likely to Act Racist

If we look at maps like this, countries between Poland, Austria, and Serbia have a short facial index.

Quit using anti-white bullshit studies to determine your political positions.

The vast majority of racists live in Africa and Asia.
political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means

Webster dictionary


Well, that may very well be true.
But, as of now there's not enough control over businesses in most Social Democracies to be very Socialist, even if there's some.

I'm actually for more business regulation, put the scumbags who import illegals from Mexico, or the scumbags who export jobs to China behind bars.
(Problem solved)

The problem is Republicans don't have the cajones to do just that.
I am more in favor of throwing the politicians who support illegal immigration behind bars.

Corporations only do what the government allows them to do.

Why chose, when both can be done?
Because my way solves both problems.

Jailing traitors in the government prevents traitors in the private sector from feeling empowered.

Well, I don't know.
When I see all the Guatemalans standing on the street waiting to get picked up for work, in Brewster, New York............I certainly don't think much of politicians other than those who "Do nothing"
It's actually the businesses who are "Hiring them, and paying for their existence here"
Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

If it was’nt for socialists they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot. Don’t blame capitalism for taking advantage of an increase in revenue that’s what it’s all about. Socialist policies undermine capitalism.
Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

It was Bruce socialist they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot

Communists were pretty good at enforcing their borders. LOL
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

It was Bruce socialist they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot

Communists were pretty good at enforcing their borders. LOL
Not really....
Then it's their individual freedom to turn the U.S into Mexico #2, good luck with that.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

If it was’nt for socialists they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot. Don’t blame capitalism for taking advantage of an increase in revenue that’s what it’s all about. Socialist policies undermine capitalism.

Yes, I will blame Capitalists for increasing revenue by taking American jobs, and giving it to foreigners to maximize profits.

First it takes their jobs from them.

Second it undermines their wages.

Third it's becoming a threat to national security, propping up a potential hostile China, or a potential hostile Mexican fifth column in the U.S.
Nothing you Nazis have to offer will change that, unless you advocate actually enforcing immigration laws and ending all forms of social welfare.

The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

It was Bruce socialist they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot

Communists were pretty good at enforcing their borders. LOL

So what..... freedom is harder. Commies don’t give a shit about dissenting opinion. They are all ruled by ‘the State’ which rhe suckers are told is not political. Poor fools.
The Capitalists want the Mexicans here to maximize profit, the Chamber of Commerce wants them here, they even tried to get the U.S to keep them here.

Too bad you keep supporting Capitalism.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

It was Bruce socialist they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot

Communists were pretty good at enforcing their borders. LOL

So what..... freedom is harder. Commies don’t give a shit about dissenting opinion. They are all ruled by ‘the State’ which rhe suckers are told is not political. Poor fools.

I'm actually not a Communist, but I'm starting to think that even Communism would end up better for White people in the end.

Russia had very, very few immigrants under Communism, and now under Capitalism there's frigging millions of Muslims in Moscow alone.

No it's the socialists who want illegals here. They are a powerful voting block because of chain migration and identity with the socialist created 'hispanic' population.

So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

It was Bruce socialist they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot

Communists were pretty good at enforcing their borders. LOL

So what..... freedom is harder. Commies don’t give a shit about dissenting opinion. They are all ruled by ‘the State’ which rhe suckers are told is not political. Poor fools.

I'm actually not a Communist, but I'm starting to think that even Communism would end up better for White people in the end.

Russia had very, very few immigrants under Communism, and now under Capitalism there's frigging millions of Muslims in Moscow alone.

Let us assume your racist belief in white superiority is true. White people would be the producers, and the nonwhite would be the takers. White people would be slaves. How is communism better?
So, the illegal Guatemalans hanging out waiting to get picked up by contractors in Brewster, New York, are getting hired because of Socialists?
The restaurants, and lawn mowers, and others are filled with illegal Hispanics, because of Socialists?

Unfortunately, yes, a lot of Leftists want them here too.

But, Capitalists support their paychecks, and that's why they're here.

It was Bruce socialist they wouldn’t be there in the first place you idiot

Communists were pretty good at enforcing their borders. LOL

So what..... freedom is harder. Commies don’t give a shit about dissenting opinion. They are all ruled by ‘the State’ which rhe suckers are told is not political. Poor fools.

I'm actually not a Communist, but I'm starting to think that even Communism would end up better for White people in the end.

Russia had very, very few immigrants under Communism, and now under Capitalism there's frigging millions of Muslims in Moscow alone.

Let us assume your racist belief in white superiority is true. White people would be the producers, and the nonwhite would be the takers. White people would be slaves. How is communism better?

Communism doesn't have profit, so there's no need to bring in anyone for profits off of cheap labor.

Not, that I'm a Communist.
Russia had very, very few immigrants under Communism, and now under Capitalism there's frigging millions of Muslims in Moscow alone.
Would that be because no one wants to live under authoritarian/totalitarian rule?

I think there is a cause and effect disconnect here.

Well, I don't know.
The elites sure kicked, and screamed that Fascism is so wrong.
Must be something great about it, if the elites hate it so much.

Maybe because Fascism puts the elites on a tight leash?

Of course it does, under Fascism half this crap wouldn't be possible in mass, as they'd crack down on what the elites are pushing, be it illegals, abortion, outsourcing, and all kinds of other trash.

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