Vincente Gonzales, a proud, reasonable Democrat. Naturally he's from Texas


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Listening to his interview on CNN he sounds like a very reasonable, down to earth, old school Democrat that many once related to 30 years ago. He and some others had a dinner with Trump as Trump looks to reach across the aisle. Some of the issues he suggested.

- He spoke about both sides coming together and avoiding the partisanship that he didn't like when the Republican were doing it and he doesn't like it when the Democrats are doing it. Believes that he has to represent his district and get things done, not obstruct. He says rightfully so, that this is what is angering Americans the most. Time for action, not be useless politicians.

- Spoke openly to Trump about how unfair it is to deport an American soldier who came back from war, risking his life for America but fell off the wagon and got involved in minor issues and then faced deportation. He said Trump agreed with him that this is an issue they might be able to address and resolve.

- When the interviewer baited him about the Russian probe, he replied (I paraphrase) "I haven't seen any evidence about this that points to guilt. Of course we should investigate, but until I see evidence It's not an issue" for him. Indeed. He's not drinking from the b.s kool-aid the alt-left is passing around (and spiking).

- When CNN reporter brought up comments made by another Hispanic Democrat stating that he shouldn't have sat down with Trump consider all of the things he said about deporting Mexican and that they send rapists, criminals and such without an apology first. Gonzales stated that many things were said during the election campaign that he doesn't agree with, but it would show weakness to not meet with the president and make sure he represents his constituents on important issues to them.

Three cheers for Mr. Gonzales. Even Democrats from Texas know how to get things done and don't duck and hide or toe the party line just to play it safe politically. He stands and faces the fire with his own party and on CNN, he will probably get an expansion of support in his district, in the most Conservative state in America. If more of his colleagues learned to communicate with the president and work for America and Americans, all of the vital economic issues would be easily resolved and China wouldn't be as big a threat.

Hell, I might even send this guy an email and let him know how much a Canadian respects his civilized, honourable approach to leadership. It is so rare to see at a time in which it is so very needed.

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