Voter ID?

Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
Well there's that whole, pesky constitution. Or whatever.


How does the Constitution prohibit voter ID? The Constitution guarantees equality and voting rights to citizens. I
I invite you to read the decisions of the multiple courts that have struck down voter ID laws. Educate yourself for once.

Actually, I live in Florida. We have had to produce a photo ID for many years now in order to vote. It is strange that even the Black residents of Florida seem to be complying with our photo ID requirements.
Well Florida must have a voter ID law that that is in compliance with the constitution. They accept tons of different forms of identification, and allow you to vote a provisional ballot if you don't have one.
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
Well there's that whole, pesky constitution. Or whatever.


How does the Constitution prohibit voter ID? The Constitution guarantees equality and voting rights to citizens. I
I invite you to read the decisions of the multiple courts that have struck down voter ID laws. Educate yourself for once.

Actually, I live in Florida. We have had to produce a photo ID for many years now in order to vote. It is strange that even the Black residents of Florida seem to be complying with our photo ID requirements.
It's done differently in the county I live in. We present our bona fides when we register to vote and sign the registry book.

When we come to the polling place, we tell the pollworker who we are and they pull up the record. We sign their book, they confirm the signature, and we vote.

If there's anything hinky about the signature the worker may ask for ID, but only where there's a question. In 50 years, no one has challenged me.

No reason to.
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
Well there's that whole, pesky constitution. Or whatever.


How does the Constitution prohibit voter ID? The Constitution guarantees equality and voting rights to citizens. I
I invite you to read the decisions of the multiple courts that have struck down voter ID laws. Educate yourself for once.

Actually, I live in Florida. We have had to produce a photo ID for many years now in order to vote. It is strange that even the Black residents of Florida seem to be complying with our photo ID requirements.
Well Florida must have a voter ID law that that is in compliance with the constitution. They accept tons of different forms of identification, and allow you to vote a provisional ballot if you don't have one.

No. I think our citizens including our Black citizens are simply smarter than you.
In Russia they won't allow you to vote unless you show your passport.

Actually, elections in Russia are much more transparent .

The main difference between Presidential elections in the United States and Russia is the electoral college. The Presidential election in Russia is a direct vote by the people, while Americans elect their presidents through a unique method known as the electoral college.
Presidential Elections in the United States and Russia

1. In Russia every citizen’s vote matters equally way regardless of the area he (she) lives.
2. There are no middlemen ( an additional subject for fraud as we all are witnessing this year) between voters and their candidates.
3. To vote Russian citizens are required to show their ID.

Yes, it seems a lot of citizens pushing voter ID like various aspects of Russian society.
More countries have a mandatory ID card than do not.

Well good for them, even if you did nothing but proclaim it so.
A simple Google search would quell your doubt.
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
It shouldn't be a big deal, but ID's cost a lot in some states (well, the documents to get one). Where I live, you can get your birth certificate and an ID for about $35. In some places it's over $100, and that is too much. Find a way to stop states from charging exorbitant amounts for a b/c and a photo ID.
It is NOT so people can cheat at the voting booth, though. That is stupid.
But........the person who claims $35 is too expensive for an ID will spend that much in the ABC store to buy liquor for the weekend.
No one is saying $35 is too much, but over $100 is for some people. I work with some folks who had to budget for the $35 (one is required to take your GED) and no, they weren't spending their $ at the liquor store. They were buying cheap groceries and trying to keep the electric turned on.
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
It shouldn't be a big deal, but ID's cost a lot in some states (well, the documents to get one). Where I live, you can get your birth certificate and an ID for about $35. In some places it's over $100, and that is too much. Find a way to stop states from charging exorbitant amounts for a b/c and a photo ID.
It is NOT so people can cheat at the voting booth, though. That is stupid.
If it were 1966, I could understand the arguments against requiring ID to vote. Buts it's freaking 2016. Probably more than 99% of living American adults either currently have up to date IDs or have gotten IDs in the pass. Perhaps some elderly people like Hillary Clinton have allowed their driver's license to expire, but even she should be able to easily get a valid ID to be able to vote.
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
Well there's that whole, pesky constitution. Or whatever.


The Constitution of the United States does not cover foreigners.
What we are facing is yet another George Soros take down play. It is referred to as "Immigrant Votes Win". It is a Soros funded Super Pac and it works. He wouldn't spend 15 million on it if it didn't.

George Soros will be electing yet another one of his representatives to our White House. He will be the one deciding on what Supreme Court/UN representatives will be seated. Obama works for him.. the Clintons work for him. He makes them very wealthy.

How many foreign countries have you voted in lately. Know why? We need to stop being the stupids....
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Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
It shouldn't be a big deal, but ID's cost a lot in some states (well, the documents to get one). Where I live, you can get your birth certificate and an ID for about $35. In some places it's over $100, and that is too much. Find a way to stop states from charging exorbitant amounts for a b/c and a photo ID.
It is NOT so people can cheat at the voting booth, though. That is stupid.
If it were 1966, I could understand the arguments against requiring ID to vote. Buts it's freaking 2016. Probably more than 99% of living American adults either currently have up to date IDs or have gotten IDs in the pass. Perhaps some elderly people like Hillary Clinton have allowed their driver's license to expire, but even she should be able to easily get a valid ID to be able to vote.
I agree; I'm just explaining some of the objections. We as citizens have the right to vote. Then laws add hoops to jump through that some citizens find difficult to cope with. Hillary wouldn't find it difficult to come up with $110 in order to vote. You weren't listening to what I said.
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
It shouldn't be a big deal, but ID's cost a lot in some states (well, the documents to get one). Where I live, you can get your birth certificate and an ID for about $35. In some places it's over $100, and that is too much. Find a way to stop states from charging exorbitant amounts for a b/c and a photo ID.
It is NOT so people can cheat at the voting booth, though. That is stupid.
But........the person who claims $35 is too expensive for an ID will spend that much in the ABC store to buy liquor for the weekend.
No one is saying $35 is too much, but over $100 is for some people. I work with some folks who had to budget for the $35 (one is required to take your GED) and no, they weren't spending their $ at the liquor store. They were buying cheap groceries and trying to keep the electric turned on.
Ye-ah, let's approve voting fraud in the whole darn country just because somebody will always whine about "how expensive it is to get your ID". Ridiculous!
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
It shouldn't be a big deal, but ID's cost a lot in some states (well, the documents to get one). Where I live, you can get your birth certificate and an ID for about $35. In some places it's over $100, and that is too much. Find a way to stop states from charging exorbitant amounts for a b/c and a photo ID.
It is NOT so people can cheat at the voting booth, though. That is stupid.
If it were 1966, I could understand the arguments against requiring ID to vote. Buts it's freaking 2016. Probably more than 99% of living American adults either currently have up to date IDs or have gotten IDs in the pass. Perhaps some elderly people like Hillary Clinton have allowed their driver's license to expire, but even she should be able to easily get a valid ID to be able to vote.

A town near here was hit with a flash flood. They have no water. Water was shipped in. To get a case for your family, all you had to do was show an ID. Because we all have one.

This slap in the face of USA intellect has nothing to do with the poor unfortunates that have no way to obtain an ID. This has everything to do with a rigged voting bloc, that allows anyone in the world to decide our elections by just waltzing in the door and casting their vote. Are we not tiring of being the stupid Americans yet?
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I've never had to show id to vote, they simply ask your name and address, they ask what Party you are registered under, they verify your name and address and party affiliation on the roster and then make you sign your name, they check the signature.

If EVERYONE had an ID already, it would not be a problem...

however hundreds of thousands of citizens, throughout the United States do NOT drive, and do not have a government issued photo ID....and have not needed a govt issued photo id to live their lives for the past 20 to 60 years, also there are seniors that do not have and can not get a birth certificate, because they were born outside of hospitals, or for other reasons.

For people who do not drive and do not own a car, it is not easy to get a govt issued photo's hard to make it to drivers license bureaus miles away, when you do not have a car....

voting should not be "Easy peasy" for those who own cars because they have a gvt issued photo id already, and "Hurdles to jump" for citizens who do not drive and own a car.

And lastly, can you tell us what kind of voter fraud, showing your govt issued id at the polling booth prevents that your social security card or work ID and your electric bill with your name and address wouldn't stop?

NONE, that I can think of....?
Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

Welfare benefits

Registration to buy guns

Petitioning your government

Right of assembly

Right to marry

Freedom of movement – boarding a plane

Public accommodations – checking into a hotel/motel

So, what's the big deal about showing an ID at the polling place?

Story @ ID Required to Exercise 7 Rights Other Than Voting
It shouldn't be a big deal, but ID's cost a lot in some states (well, the documents to get one). Where I live, you can get your birth certificate and an ID for about $35. In some places it's over $100, and that is too much. Find a way to stop states from charging exorbitant amounts for a b/c and a photo ID.
It is NOT so people can cheat at the voting booth, though. That is stupid.
If it were 1966, I could understand the arguments against requiring ID to vote. Buts it's freaking 2016. Probably more than 99% of living American adults either currently have up to date IDs or have gotten IDs in the pass. Perhaps some elderly people like Hillary Clinton have allowed their driver's license to expire, but even she should be able to easily get a valid ID to be able to vote.
I agree; I'm just explaining some of the objections. We as citizens have the right to vote. Then laws add hoops to jump through that some citizens find difficult to cope with. Hillary wouldn't find it difficult to come up with $110 in order to vote. You weren't listening to what I said.
I wasn't listening, but I did read what you wrote. I'm not that concerned about the cost because in 2016 most people need an official picture ID to function even if not for voting. Arguments against requiring an ID to vote are dated and obsolete.

Did you know that a picture ID is required to get into the testing centers to take the SAT..........since several ago they caught up with some people that were making thousands of dollars by taking the test for other people.
To get a case for your family, all you had to do was show an ID. Because we all have one.
Yes, we all have one. Lack of ID isn't the problem. State laws that deny citizens who have ID their right to vote are the problem.
Haven't heard that argument before. It's been about blacks not being able to get ID. Somehow whites can get ID easier. I guess it's one of those white privileges things.
To get a case for your family, all you had to do was show an ID. Because we all have one.
Yes, we all have one. Lack of ID isn't the problem. State laws that deny citizens who have ID their right to vote are the problem.
Haven't heard that argument before. It's been about blacks not being able to get ID. Somehow whites can get ID easier. I guess it's one of those white privileges things.
The laws require specific types of ID that, coincidentally, people who might vote the "wrong way" are less likely to have and won't recognize the kind of ID they do have.
Our legislatures in Florida were cunning. They ruled operating a motor vehicle was a privilege and not a right. I held a Florida driver's license for years. One year it came up for renewal and they informed me I had to show a certified copy of my birth certificate. My original birth certificate has lost the State seal which was embossed on it like a Notary's stamp. I had to go to the county seat up in Alabama where I was born and get a certified copy. The Florida Dept. of Driver's Liscenses took a photo of me and placed it on my driver's license. Every driver in Florida has a driver's license with his/her photo on it and that driver's license is backed up by that person's birth certificate. All operators of motor vehicles licensed by the State of Florida possess a photo ID that is accepted as a photo ID required for voting purposes. No, I do not know what those without a driver's license use in lieu of a driver's license since that does not apply to me. I am pretty certain that could be Googled though if anyone were interested.
Driving isn't a privilege. It's a licensed activity, like hunting or running a business.

A privilege is available only to a select group and not to the general public.
To get a case for your family, all you had to do was show an ID. Because we all have one.
Yes, we all have one. Lack of ID isn't the problem. State laws that deny citizens who have ID their right to vote are the problem.
Haven't heard that argument before. It's been about blacks not being able to get ID. Somehow whites can get ID easier. I guess it's one of those white privileges things.
The laws require specific types of ID that, coincidentally, people who might vote the "wrong way" are less likely to have and won't recognize the kind of ID they do have.

Then it is time to wise up and get the ID required. And develop an incentive to give a shit.
Ignorance is no excuse. To lazy to get the proper ID? Then stay home and let the rest of America make the decision. There is no reason to let Syrians, Mexicans, or Nigerians choose our officials because someone in Chicago didn't get his ID.
To get a case for your family, all you had to do was show an ID. Because we all have one.
Yes, we all have one. Lack of ID isn't the problem. State laws that deny citizens who have ID their right to vote are the problem.
Haven't heard that argument before. It's been about blacks not being able to get ID. Somehow whites can get ID easier. I guess it's one of those white privileges things.
The laws require specific types of ID that, coincidentally, people who might vote the "wrong way" are less likely to have and won't recognize the kind of ID they do have.

Then it is time to wise up and get the ID required. And develop an incentive to give a shit.
Ignorance is no excuse. To lazy to get the proper ID? Then stay home and let the rest of America make the decision. There is no reason to let Syrians, Mexicans, or Nigerians choose our officials because someone in Chicago didn't get his ID.
And if you don't make enough money, demand a raise. And if you're late for an appointment, drive real fast.

All good advice.
Driving isn't a privilege. It's a licensed activity, like hunting or running a business.

A privilege is available only to a select group and not to the general public.

All citizens of the United States have privileges awarded them under our Constitution. It is a privilege of Americans to elect our own officials.
Non-Americans are the group that are not given the privilege. A wise decision. Otherwise they would flood our country and try to sway our elections. < A phenomenon we are witnessing right now, thanks to the UN regime occupying our White House.

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