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As I pointed out an another thread a few weeks back, a "business" degree is a vague term. It's not much different than saying that your were in the military and that your job was "soldier." Anyone who truly has a masters in a business field would know as much and would not say they have a "masters in business." They would say "I have an MBA in Entrepreneurship" or "I have an MBA in Healthcare Administration," or "I have an MBA in Finance," etc.
As I pointed out an another thread a few weeks back, a "business" degree is a vague term. It's not much different than saying that your were in the military and that your job was "soldier." Anyone who truly has a masters in a business field would know as much and would not say they have a "masters in business." They would say "I have an MBA in Entrepreneurship" or "I have an MBA in Healthcare Administration," or "I have an MBA in Finance," etc.

I have an MBA, when it comes up I just say MBA, and almost no one has asked if there was a specialization within the degree. Sorry

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