War on Trump is Spreading

A partisan rag not even worth wiping my ass with. So you are too stupid to explain why Biden isn't holding China accountable for covid. Good to know. How about explaining why Biden lied about hunters business practices? I bet you're too stupid to do that too.
The nytimes is a partisan rag ? The most widely read newspaper in the world ..and the story is FOOTNOTED and verified by the sourceā€¦ha ha.
next, youā€™ll be discounting studies from every research facility in the world and every govt and major corporate institutionā€¦..oh you already do.
What a bunch of bozos you fools are.
Itā€™s amazing how desperate republicans are to defend Jan. 6th 230616 {postā€¢15} Samofvt Junā€™23 Sishdr: BTW, even Pence has admitted he may have misjudged the facts. svmvfvt 230616 Siahdr00015

Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States 230905 {postā€¢499} NotfooledbyW Sepā€™23 Vthnaf00499: Therefore Pence could recognize the existence of a slate of electors from Michigan naming him as the winner of the VP office by Michigan voters when he knew that the voters chose Harris in Michigan & Wisconsin. ā€¢Ā„ā€¢
Should he have proceeded to refuse to count the 16 EC votes from the state of Michigan because two slates of electors were being presented to him? ā€¢Ā„Ā„ā€¢
Pence knew he lost Michigan and Wisconsin but you expect his loyalty to Trump should mean lying to himself that he won Michigan if 16 Republicans say he did on some mysterious piece of paper that came from who knows where, but the actual voters did not vote for a Republican according to the popular vote in Michigan.
Was Pence wrong to not take these two envelopes from Senator Ron Johnson? ā€¢Ā„Ā„Ā„ā€¢ nfbw 230905 Vthbaf00499

The only unforgivable sin is not trusting Jesus as your savior
Do you trust Jesus as your Savior, Saint Blisterfinger?

retarding your brain {postā€¢681}

War on Trump is Spreading 240301 {postā€¢681} Blisterfinger said: ā€œTrump was usually right about everythingā€œ blstrfngr 240301 Swotis00681

War on Trump is Spreading 240302 {postā€¢698} nfbw 240302 Vwotis00698
We know there were fake electors compelled on behalf of Donald J Trump in Georgia based on guilty pleas by felons working for Trump; Kenneth Chesebro, an architect of Trumpā€™s fake elector scheme, pleads guilty in Georgia
Chesebroā€™s plea comes one day after another close Trump adviser, Sidney Powell, entered a plea deal. Both have agreed to cooperate with prosecutors. ā€¢Ā„ā€¢ Kenneth Chesebro, the attorney who helped orchestrate Donald Trumpā€™s effort to recruit false electors to subvert the 2020 election, pleaded guilty Friday in a Georgia court to his role in the scheme. ā€¢Ā„Ā„ā€¢ Chesebroā€™s plea, to a single felony count of conspiring to file false documents, is the first criminal consequence for any of the figures most closely associated with Trumpā€™s bid to upend Congressā€™ proceedings on Jan. 6, 2021, in part by transmitting certificates from the false electors to then-Vice President Mike Pence. ā€¢Ā„Ā„Ā„ā€¢ Chesebroā€™s guilty plea comes a day after another former Trump attorney, Sidney Powell, pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors. Before their plea deals, Chesebro and Powell had been set to go to trial next week ā€” a trial that would have forced prosecutors in Fulton County, Ga., to lay out much of their evidence against Trump.ā€¢Ā„Ā„Ā„Ā„ā€¢ nfbw 240302 Vwotis00698

War on Trump is Spreading 240302

Addressing {postā€¢681} above
, letā€™s talk one specific legal right or wrong with criminal repercussions for DJT to start with, Saint Blisterfinger. shall we? ( e.g. Kenneth Chesebro. In regards to the ā€œfake electorsā€ work Chesebro was paid to do by the Trump Campaign after losing the 2020 presidential re-election bid to Sleepy Joe Biden)

A guilty plea from one of many Trump lawyers who have been indicted for being associated with Trump snd J6,

Introducing Kenneth Chesebro. Kenneth Chesebro was one of several attorneys who helped orchestrate Donald Trumpā€™s effort to recruit false electors to subvert the 2020 election.

Chesebro has pled guilty to conspiring to file false documents associated with Trumpā€™s bid to upend Congressā€™ proceedings on Jan. 6, 2021, in part by transmitting certificates from the false electors to then-Vice President Mike Pence

Was Trump ā€œrightā€ or ā€œwrongā€ to engage Chesebro to act on his behalf in participation in the criminal conduct to which he pleaded guilty in an American court of law?

nfbw 240302 Vwotis00704 to Swotis00681
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War on Trump is Spreading 240301 {postā€¢695} Blisterfinger Marā€™24 Swotis: You never attempted to explain why Biden is not holding China accountable for covid. blstrfngr 240301 Swotis00695

War on Trump is Spreading 240302 {postā€¢706} We the law abiding citizens of the United States of America, who voted for Joseph R Biden to be our president who facilitated our wish to be rid of the disaster that was Donald J Trumpā€™s presidencyā€™ are under no obligation to hold China accountable for one of Trumpā€™s biggest failures, I.e. to defend the United States of America from a global pandemic when it was for several months spreading around the world before it came within our borders.

Why donā€™t you hold Trump accountable Saint Blisterfinger, for his pandemic failure that happened on his watch, to protect the good citizens of the United States of America?

nfbw 240302 Vwotis00706 to Swotis00695
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YOu wanna answer the question or just make more weak attempts to impress your fellow tRumplings?
Again partisan name-calling and 0 interest in thousands of dead children.

Why do you serve corrupt politicians with your silly wordplay while so many are starving to death in Gaza?
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Again partisan name-calling and 0 interest in thousands of dead children.
So just wanna score points with yer pals. Got it.


The Post-Trump GOP​

Your bloodlust for killing unborn babies is sick.

The Science of Morality​

Jesus taught that we should be kind to our neighbors.

War on Trump is Spreading​

Iā€™m sure thatā€™s much more important than dying children.

Will you consider Donald J Trump and all of his devotees to be unChristian evil neighbors who kill babies when he publicly announces his support for a 16 week abortion ban nationwide, which will allow the killings of up to one million unborn babies in the womb for the convenience of the women who not want to give birth when they are in an unwanted pregnancy.

Trump is doing that. you must know, so he can get elected to potus, so he can stay out of jail. You understand that donā€™t you.
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And now some memes. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s much more important than dying children.
Again, I don't have a clue what you are babbling on about. You have no interest in getting the Israelis to back off. YOu hate palestinians.

You are trying to have it both ways and you can't.

Pick a damn position for a change.
Nice try...

No... there are vast numbers of your fellow countrymen who are opposed to your Orange Baboon-God...

Among them are very large numbers of Republican -leaning voters who understand that your boy is un-American scum...

Unfit for high office... hell... unfit to be dog-catcher, never mind anything higher...
Again, I don't have a clue what you are babbling on about. You have no interest in getting the Israelis to back off. YOu hate palestinians.

You are trying to have it both ways and you can't.

Pick a damn position for a change.
Why should they ā€œback offā€ā€¦ They were attacked.
Why should they ā€œback offā€ā€¦ They were attacked.
No more than "An eye for an eye" as punishment is what is just, no more "Than a tooth for a tooth" as punishment is just, no more than "A life for a life" is just and Godly.

I've been all for the Israeli going after Hamas for their murderous attack on the Israeli citizens, but....the numbers of Palestinian, including women and children indiscriminately killed by the Israeli is pushing it, beyond....way beyond, what is just ....is what it is looking like, to me.... :eek:

On Jesus dying for Christians, from a moral perspective​

Good morals and Jesus speak against the messianic concept and bids us pick up our crosses and follow him.
Do you believe the United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation under, and in, a Covenant with the North African Desert God of Record in the Holy Bible?
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The nytimes is a partisan rag ? The most widely read newspaper in the world ..and the story is FOOTNOTED and verified by the sourceā€¦ha ha.
next, youā€™ll be discounting studies from every research facility in the world and every govt and major corporate institutionā€¦..oh you already do.
What a bunch of bozos you fools are.
It was a survey by partisan historians not to New York Times dumbass. Not worth wiping my ass with the paper it was written on. What a gullible idiot you are. No shit

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