Warren is heartless to those who save for college

Forgiving college loans is just a sneaky way to bail out banks. Here we go again with Democrats pandering to the super rich. Banks who made bad loans to people who are unlikely to repay them should have to eat those loans. I doubt if there is a liberal arts degree anywhere that is worth $150,000 of debt. There are at least double the number of kids going to college as there should be. The cost of college is at least 3 times what it should be. Only a stupid bank would make these loans, or maybe a bank that knows there is an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders waiting to bail them out.
Banks have no risk, Republicans made sure of that. They block students with massive debt from filing bankruptcy
Democrats already ruined the education system by putting so much money into it. The universities got rich, professors got rich and the students got an overpriced, watered down education which isn't worth 1/4 of what they are charging. Of course, the professors are beholden to Democrats for all the excess government money they have pumped into the system. Naturally, professors wanting to protect their excessive compensation packages will do anything to promote the Democrat party that enriches them. And there, my good people, is the origin of the extreme liberal bias in our education system..
Democrats already ruined the education system by putting so much money into it. The universities got rich, professors got rich and the students got an overpriced, watered down education which isn't worth 1/4 of what they are charging. Of course, the professors are beholden to Democrats for all the excess government money they have pumped into the system. Naturally, professors wanting to protect their excessive compensation packages will do anything to promote the Democrat party that enriches them. And there, my good people, is the origin of the extreme liberal bias in our education system..

Investing in education ruins it?
Most industrialized nations invest much more than we do

No, education is not watered down. Getting an advanced degree is still difficult and many students don’t graduate.
It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know it’s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.
Why did the costs go up so much since the 1960's? Much of it is overrated anyway depending on the major taken. Start teaching again and stop pushing propaganda.

There's lots of reasons for that. This is an old article but I think it offers a good explanation.
Why Is College in America So Expensive?

Most colleges have teachers who do teach...and none of them I know push propaganda..whatever that means. Just more right wing hot air. Most of these teachers are also likely to be under pressure to perform research and publish (in addition to their teaching duties).

We saved for our kids college through a variety of methods. They were good investments (as both are doing well) but there's no getting that money back and I'm OK with that.
The problem with conservatives is they value a minimal mindset. Colleges offer exposure to many mindsets and some are extreme. That enrages conservatives who consider it indoctrination

Oh bullshit..... the only people getting enraged are liberals when a conservative voice speaks on campuses.

What enrages is the hate and racism being spouted by these conservatives

Intellectual Conservative speech used to mean George Will and William F Buckley. These guys spoke on my campus in the 70s.

Today, Conservatism has been taken over by thinly disguised hate speech. Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Sousa, Sean Hannity are what represents today’s conservatism. It is not based on intellectual discussion but vapid one liners about immigrants, minorities and Muslims.

Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
Why did the costs go up so much since the 1960's? Much of it is overrated anyway depending on the major taken. Start teaching again and stop pushing propaganda.

There's lots of reasons for that. This is an old article but I think it offers a good explanation.
Why Is College in America So Expensive?

Most colleges have teachers who do teach...and none of them I know push propaganda..whatever that means. Just more right wing hot air. Most of these teachers are also likely to be under pressure to perform research and publish (in addition to their teaching duties).

We saved for our kids college through a variety of methods. They were good investments (as both are doing well) but there's no getting that money back and I'm OK with that.
The problem with conservatives is they value a minimal mindset. Colleges offer exposure to many mindsets and some are extreme. That enrages conservatives who consider it indoctrination

Oh bullshit..... the only people getting enraged are liberals when a conservative voice speaks on campuses.

What enrages is the hate and racism being spouted by these conservatives

Intellectual Conservative speech used to mean George Will and William F Buckley. These guys spoke on my campus in the 70s.

Today, Conservatism has been taken over by thinly disguised hate speech. Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Sousa, Sean Hannity are what represents today’s conservatism. It is not based on intellectual discussion but vapid one liners about immigrants, minorities and Muslims.

Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masses

Their rhetoric is nothing more than dog whistles for the deplorables telling them who they need to hate

Mexicans are not hard working families looking for a better life. They are murderers and drug dealers storming across our undefended borders
Muslims are not devoutly religious people looking to succeed in America. They are closeted terrorists who celebrate the 9-11 attacks
Poor people are not families that are struggling to survive, they are lazy deadbeats stealing money from you and I
Last edited:
There's lots of reasons for that. This is an old article but I think it offers a good explanation.
Why Is College in America So Expensive?

Most colleges have teachers who do teach...and none of them I know push propaganda..whatever that means. Just more right wing hot air. Most of these teachers are also likely to be under pressure to perform research and publish (in addition to their teaching duties).

We saved for our kids college through a variety of methods. They were good investments (as both are doing well) but there's no getting that money back and I'm OK with that.
The problem with conservatives is they value a minimal mindset. Colleges offer exposure to many mindsets and some are extreme. That enrages conservatives who consider it indoctrination

Oh bullshit..... the only people getting enraged are liberals when a conservative voice speaks on campuses.

What enrages is the hate and racism being spouted by these conservatives

Intellectual Conservative speech used to mean George Will and William F Buckley. These guys spoke on my campus in the 70s.

Today, Conservatism has been taken over by thinly disguised hate speech. Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Sousa, Sean Hannity are what represents today’s conservatism. It is not based on intellectual discussion but vapid one liners about immigrants, minorities and Muslims.

Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masses

Their rhetoric is nothing more than dog whistles for the deplorables telling them who they need to hate

Mexicans are not hard working families looking for a better life. They are murderers and drug dealers storming across our undefeated borders
Muslims are not devoutly religious people looking to succeed in America. They are closeted terrorists who celebrate the 9-11 attacks
Poor people are not families that are struggling to survive, they are lazy deadbeats stealing money from you and I

You just made three simplistic slogans for the masses. I can tell you as the spouse of Mexican, there are family members and friends who are Mexican who share Trump’s concern that a large proportion - NOT ALL - of those coming from and through Mexico are rapists, drug dealers, and traffickers. Why or how is it hate to question or call out Muslims for their intolerance, particularly, women and gays? No different than Catholics being called out for sexual abuse in their church (I’m Catholic). Finally, calling out able-body and able-minded people for choosing to abuse the welfare system from cradle to grave is not a slight against all poor people.... arguably, it’s helping those who are truly poor if you think about it.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I have to give Warren a heap big pile of credit for finally being honest. She concisely outed the Dems as the party of freeloaders and grifers who feed on responsible people.

In November, we'll see how many of the latter are still left in our society.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart

Even with empirical, validated outcomes like the failures you mentioned, the last thing liberals want to be is accountable. Watch them twist that the failures of these cities are because of whites, Republicans, or both. Case in point: Baltimore. Baltimore blames whites for moving out of the city in the 60s as the root cause of their problems today. Yet when people, largely white, move back into the city, the liberals scream how gentrification is pushing out the poor. You can’t make this shit up.
The problem with conservatives is they value a minimal mindset. Colleges offer exposure to many mindsets and some are extreme. That enrages conservatives who consider it indoctrination

Oh bullshit..... the only people getting enraged are liberals when a conservative voice speaks on campuses.

What enrages is the hate and racism being spouted by these conservatives

Intellectual Conservative speech used to mean George Will and William F Buckley. These guys spoke on my campus in the 70s.

Today, Conservatism has been taken over by thinly disguised hate speech. Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Sousa, Sean Hannity are what represents today’s conservatism. It is not based on intellectual discussion but vapid one liners about immigrants, minorities and Muslims.

Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masses

Their rhetoric is nothing more than dog whistles for the deplorables telling them who they need to hate

Mexicans are not hard working families looking for a better life. They are murderers and drug dealers storming across our undefeated borders
Muslims are not devoutly religious people looking to succeed in America. They are closeted terrorists who celebrate the 9-11 attacks
Poor people are not families that are struggling to survive, they are lazy deadbeats stealing money from you and I

You just made three simplistic slogans for the masses. I can tell you as the spouse of Mexican, there are family members and friends who are Mexican who share Trump’s concern that a large proportion - NOT ALL - of those coming from and through Mexico are rapists, drug dealers, and traffickers. Why or how is it hate to question or call out Muslims for their intolerance, particularly, women and gays? No different than Catholics being called out for sexual abuse in their church (I’m Catholic). Finally, calling out able-body and able-minded people for choosing to abuse the welfare system from cradle to grave is not a slight against all poor people.... arguably, it’s helping those who are truly poor if you think about it.
Conservatives substitute the action of the few and apply it to the masses and use it to generate fear and hatred.

Most Mexicans are very religious and work hard
Most American Muslims are highly educated and have strong family values

But that does not fit the conservative agenda
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate
Oh bullshit..... the only people getting enraged are liberals when a conservative voice speaks on campuses.

What enrages is the hate and racism being spouted by these conservatives

Intellectual Conservative speech used to mean George Will and William F Buckley. These guys spoke on my campus in the 70s.

Today, Conservatism has been taken over by thinly disguised hate speech. Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Sousa, Sean Hannity are what represents today’s conservatism. It is not based on intellectual discussion but vapid one liners about immigrants, minorities and Muslims.

Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masses

Their rhetoric is nothing more than dog whistles for the deplorables telling them who they need to hate

Mexicans are not hard working families looking for a better life. They are murderers and drug dealers storming across our undefeated borders
Muslims are not devoutly religious people looking to succeed in America. They are closeted terrorists who celebrate the 9-11 attacks
Poor people are not families that are struggling to survive, they are lazy deadbeats stealing money from you and I

You just made three simplistic slogans for the masses. I can tell you as the spouse of Mexican, there are family members and friends who are Mexican who share Trump’s concern that a large proportion - NOT ALL - of those coming from and through Mexico are rapists, drug dealers, and traffickers. Why or how is it hate to question or call out Muslims for their intolerance, particularly, women and gays? No different than Catholics being called out for sexual abuse in their church (I’m Catholic). Finally, calling out able-body and able-minded people for choosing to abuse the welfare system from cradle to grave is not a slight against all poor people.... arguably, it’s helping those who are truly poor if you think about it.
Conservatives substitute the action of the few and apply it to the masses and use it to generate fear and hatred.

Most Mexicans are very religious and work hard
Most American Muslims are highly educated and have strong family values

But that does not fit the conservative agenda

Few, if any Conservatives, would disagree with the statements you are making about Mexicans and Muslims. Questioning why People from Mexico are violating US Immigration Laws or questioning why Muslims are not more tolerant of gays and women is not hatred.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

It does not bother liberals that Democrats run these cities and the results they yield. Somehow it is not their fault.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

It does not bother liberals that Democrats run these cities and the results they yield. Somehow it is not their fault.
They call it progress
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day
What enrages is the hate and racism being spouted by these conservatives

Intellectual Conservative speech used to mean George Will and William F Buckley. These guys spoke on my campus in the 70s.

Today, Conservatism has been taken over by thinly disguised hate speech. Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Sousa, Sean Hannity are what represents today’s conservatism. It is not based on intellectual discussion but vapid one liners about immigrants, minorities and Muslims.

Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masses

Their rhetoric is nothing more than dog whistles for the deplorables telling them who they need to hate

Mexicans are not hard working families looking for a better life. They are murderers and drug dealers storming across our undefeated borders
Muslims are not devoutly religious people looking to succeed in America. They are closeted terrorists who celebrate the 9-11 attacks
Poor people are not families that are struggling to survive, they are lazy deadbeats stealing money from you and I

You just made three simplistic slogans for the masses. I can tell you as the spouse of Mexican, there are family members and friends who are Mexican who share Trump’s concern that a large proportion - NOT ALL - of those coming from and through Mexico are rapists, drug dealers, and traffickers. Why or how is it hate to question or call out Muslims for their intolerance, particularly, women and gays? No different than Catholics being called out for sexual abuse in their church (I’m Catholic). Finally, calling out able-body and able-minded people for choosing to abuse the welfare system from cradle to grave is not a slight against all poor people.... arguably, it’s helping those who are truly poor if you think about it.
Conservatives substitute the action of the few and apply it to the masses and use it to generate fear and hatred.

Most Mexicans are very religious and work hard
Most American Muslims are highly educated and have strong family values

But that does not fit the conservative agenda

Few, if any Conservatives, would disagree with the statements you are making about Mexicans and Muslims. Questioning why People from Mexico are violating US Immigration Laws or questioning why Muslims are not more tolerant of gays and women is not hatred.
Maybe few Conservatives disagree with the statements I made about Mexicans and Muslims. But they elected a President who does.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day
That’s what happen to farm towns after the EPA came in and shut them down, and destroyed rural America.. all stems from democrat policies.. again you don’t address families living in Baltimore for years under democrat policies and they are living with rats.. what happen?
and none of them I know push propaganda..whatever that means.

Wow. You need to get out more. Yes, many liberal professors push propaganda.

I've been hearing this for over 30 years about how colleges and universities push liberal propaganda. It's a myth. And while I understand that a lot of right wing beliefs are grounded in myths, contrary to that, a lot of kids come out of college with conservative views (I did). Again, an older article, but still holds...and this was before Trump got started. :)
The Myth of the Liberal “Echo Chamber” on Campus

It wasn't until I got married, had kids, and spent several years in the working world before those black and white conservative views became more gray.

What conservatives think of higher education.....

Higher education is elitist and is of little value in real life
Most students waste money on meaningless degrees
Students today are lazy and stupid
Colleges are liberal indoctrination centers
A Liberal Arts Degree teaches you how to be a liberal
Last edited:
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day
That’s what happen to farm towns after the EPA came in and shut them down, and destroyed rural America.. all stems from democrat policies.. again you don’t address families living in Baltimore for years under democrat policies and they are living with rats.. what happen?

Democrat policies??

Hmmmm. The EPA was formed and the Clean Water Act was implemented during who's administration????
Oh yeah, Nixon....well another right wing argument goes down in a ball of flames.

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