Warren is heartless to those who save for college

I paid for my own college, my son spent six years and worked and paid for his

I do not begrudge those who face massive college debt getting help to pay off that debt

Yeah, as long as someone else pays for it, right? If you feel so strongly about it, you and few of your liberal buddies should get together and start a scholarship for kids who want to attend their college of choice. Put your money where your mouth is instead of volunteering everyone else's money.

We have always looked at education as a valuable investment for our society. It benefits us all

So yes, I fully support using tax dollars to pay for education
This is exactly right. Society benefits from higher education. Higher salaries. More tax dollars. Better economy.

Itā€™s why we for primary and secondary schools. Itā€™s why we subsidized universities (a subsidy which has been declining in recent decades).

Problem is not in subsidizing universities as much is in allowing universities to charge whatever they want for whatever price they want, and make it requirement.

Compare US education with any western European country. When you take major in UK, that's all you do, your major, unlike in US, where possibly half of your tuition goes towards bullshit they force you to take in order to get your degree.

No engineer need "oppression awareness" or "woman study" or "transgender poetry" class. Brits, Germans, French don't have to do that, they go to school for subject X, and they study subject X. Like the Cambridge Tripos.

Btw, UK used to have a remote regional school called Open University, it still exists but too expensive. It became expensive when government got involved, because they demanded more and more money to make it available to more people. With more money, as result they hired a thousand deans of 'inclusion' and other bullshit faculty. Costs went sky high. Now they are panicking and demand more money. Sound familiar?
I paid for my own college, my son spent six years and worked and paid for his

I do not begrudge those who face massive college debt getting help to pay off that debt

Yeah, as long as someone else pays for it, right? If you feel so strongly about it, you and few of your liberal buddies should get together and start a scholarship for kids who want to attend their college of choice. Put your money where your mouth is instead of volunteering everyone else's money.

We have always looked at education as a valuable investment for our society. It benefits us all

So yes, I fully support using tax dollars to pay for education
This is exactly right. Society benefits from higher education. Higher salaries. More tax dollars. Better economy.

Itā€™s why we for primary and secondary schools. Itā€™s why we subsidized universities (a subsidy which has been declining in recent decades).

Problem is not in subsidizing universities as much is in allowing universities to charge whatever they want for whatever price they want, and make it requirement.

Compare US education with any western European country. When you take major in UK, that's all you do, your major, unlike in US, where possibly half of your tuition goes towards bullshit they force you to take in order to get your degree.

No engineer need "oppression awareness" or "woman study" or "transgender poetry" class. Brits, Germans, French don't have to do that, they go to school for subject X, and they study subject X. Like the Cambridge Tripos.

Btw, UK used to have a remote regional school called Open University, it still exists but too expensive. It became expensive when government got involved, because they demanded more and more money to make it available to more people. With more money, as result they hired a thousand deans of 'inclusion' and other bullshit faculty. Costs went sky high. Now they are panicking and demand more money. Sound familiar?
There is something to be said for having a balanced education and having a broader skill set

I took Engineering and got one elective per semester
How is advocating low cost education ā€œheartlessā€?

Forgiving student loans is heartless to people who paid their loans. Essentially you're asking them to foot the bill for other people loans too. Forgiving the debt would increase the price of education.

We can deflate the tuition bubble, by not guaranteeing them a cent. Tuition costs will plummet.

People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

So his neighbor who bought new cars instead of saving for his kids college did the right thing? That is what typical Democrats do. They spend all their own money on whatever makes them happy at the time and then look for others to pay for what they deem to be necessities. Leeches.

Sometimes in life, things work out for you
Sometimes they donā€™t.

If the rules change and you end up having made the wrong decision, then you put on your big boy pants and go on with your life

Why don't you put big boys pants on and pay for your own education, leach?

Pretty damn expensive for most Americans who canā€™t afford $30-$40 thousand a year

Whose fault is that, please?

It evident that colleges became expensive the moment government got involved into education and it's financing. The corrupt government (guess which party did it), under "everyone deserves" umbrella, get in the bed with academia, where both side feed the other.

The top schools in the US already have fully paid for tuition. Nobody who goes to an Ivy League school pays for tuition... unless they are a Senator's son or something corrupt. If you qualify to get into Harvard, and are the TOP 1 percent US student you will get in fully paid for.

This is because they make money licensing research which is grant/taxpayer paid for. Nobody knows this either, that if they committed to high school they could've gone to Cornell or whatever for no money.

Anyway tomorrow if gov't deprived these corrupt schools of money overnight you'd see very low cost remote degrees and the like. Then you'll see how McDonald's employee could afford a degree when the feds cut the free money.
I paid for my own college, my son spent six years and worked and paid for his

I do not begrudge those who face massive college debt getting help to pay off that debt

Yeah, as long as someone else pays for it, right? If you feel so strongly about it, you and few of your liberal buddies should get together and start a scholarship for kids who want to attend their college of choice. Put your money where your mouth is instead of volunteering everyone else's money.

We have always looked at education as a valuable investment for our society. It benefits us all

So yes, I fully support using tax dollars to pay for education
This is exactly right. Society benefits from higher education. Higher salaries. More tax dollars. Better economy.

Itā€™s why we for primary and secondary schools. Itā€™s why we subsidized universities (a subsidy which has been declining in recent decades).

Problem is not in subsidizing universities as much is in allowing universities to charge whatever they want for whatever price they want, and make it requirement.

Compare US education with any western European country. When you take major in UK, that's all you do, your major, unlike in US, where possibly half of your tuition goes towards bullshit they force you to take in order to get your degree.

No engineer need "oppression awareness" or "woman study" or "transgender poetry" class. Brits, Germans, French don't have to do that, they go to school for subject X, and they study subject X. Like the Cambridge Tripos.

Btw, UK used to have a remote regional school called Open University, it still exists but too expensive. It became expensive when government got involved, because they demanded more and more money to make it available to more people. With more money, as result they hired a thousand deans of 'inclusion' and other bullshit faculty. Costs went sky high. Now they are panicking and demand more money. Sound familiar?

I'll add that Universities should take the risk for student debt, not taxpayers. They have an incentive to push high cost, country-club life-style, no marketable skills degrees because there are no consequences for the graduates failure to get decent jobs and pay off their loans.
How is advocating low cost education ā€œheartlessā€?

Forgiving student loans is heartless to people who paid their loans. Essentially you're asking them to foot the bill for other people loans too. Forgiving the debt would increase the price of education.

We can deflate the tuition bubble, by not guaranteeing them a cent. Tuition costs will plummet.

People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

Education is good for the whole country

Students should not have to go deeply in debt to be educated. The rest of the world knows that
I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldnā€™t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

Iā€™ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, thatā€™s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they donā€™t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?

Republicans have nothing to brag about how they run rural areas
Every shot hole kid getting shot is all run by democrats

Donā€™t worry.... these cities also have the strongest gun laws in the country. When Democrats and Liberals get their way with gun laws to match these citiesā€™ laws, one can only expect more gun violence by people unlawfully gaining access to guns.
How is advocating low cost education ā€œheartlessā€?

Forgiving student loans is heartless to people who paid their loans. Essentially you're asking them to foot the bill for other people loans too. Forgiving the debt would increase the price of education.

We can deflate the tuition bubble, by not guaranteeing them a cent. Tuition costs will plummet.

People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

Education is good for the whole country

Students should not have to go deeply in debt to be educated. The rest of the world knows that

Than make education cheaper by getting government out of it. The fed govt absolutely guarantees tuition costs, so of course every single year the tuition costs grow, because they are guaranteed.

Second, don't bullshit me, you become an adult and you had a choice to go to college. Once you make a choice, you take all the consequences that come with that action, good or bad. Paying off the debt is expected, regardless of ability to actually do it within your field of study.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

So his neighbor who bought new cars instead of saving for his kids college did the right thing? That is what typical Democrats do. They spend all their own money on whatever makes them happy at the time and then look for others to pay for what they deem to be necessities. Leeches.
Why not? I have to subsidize US steel workers with Trumpā€™s tariffs because they couldnā€™t work towards finding alternative employment.

Since you and like you aren't paying taxes anyways, how do subsidizing anything?

They're subsidized by tariffs itself.

That first sentence wasn't very coherent so I'm not going to respond to it.

Yes, the tariffs (a tax) are subsidizing their jobs and that subsidy is paid by every American buying a product.
How is advocating low cost education ā€œheartlessā€?

Forgiving student loans is heartless to people who paid their loans. Essentially you're asking them to foot the bill for other people loans too. Forgiving the debt would increase the price of education.

We can deflate the tuition bubble, by not guaranteeing them a cent. Tuition costs will plummet.

People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

The Left is driven by greed.

The filthy Democrats pander to that greed with the promise of all kinds of free stuff.

"Vote Democrat and we will use the government to steal from other people to pay your bills".
Forgiving student loans is heartless to people who paid their loans. Essentially you're asking them to foot the bill for other people loans too. Forgiving the debt would increase the price of education.

We can deflate the tuition bubble, by not guaranteeing them a cent. Tuition costs will plummet.

People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

Education is good for the whole country

Students should not have to go deeply in debt to be educated. The rest of the world knows that

Than make education cheaper by getting government out of it. The fed govt absolutely guarantees tuition costs, so of course every single year the tuition costs grow, because they are guaranteed.

Second, don't bullshit me, you become an adult and you had a choice to go to college. Once you make a choice, you take all the consequences that come with that action, good or bad. Paying off the debt is expected, regardless of ability to actually do it within your field of study.

Students in most countries do not face those consequences
How is advocating low cost education ā€œheartlessā€?

Forgiving student loans is heartless to people who paid their loans. Essentially you're asking them to foot the bill for other people loans too. Forgiving the debt would increase the price of education.

We can deflate the tuition bubble, by not guaranteeing them a cent. Tuition costs will plummet.

People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

The Left is driven by greed.

The filthy Democrats pander to that greed with the promise of all kinds of free stuff.

"Vote Democrat and we will use the government to steal from other people to pay your bills".

Both, left and right are driven by greed, but different kind of greed.

"I owe it to myself" vs. "you owe me".

Colleges and Democrats are in bed together, because they both benefit from it. On one side, government convince these brain dead kids that "degree would guarantee them a job". On the other, colleges lie to them when they tell tell them how much they think they're going to get "from government".

Kids are made to believe that degree would bank them $150K a year, so they chose subject pushed by... wait for it, wait for it...colleges. It turns out no one outside of college gave a fuck about your subject that they spent four years studying part time while also playing WoW and LoL and partying. Then they see people who did put in extra educational effort in life and family and struggle because they didn't have the NEET option, they pick on them and demand to get paid more, since they have the degree. And then they got pissed of because they don't have "right degree" and some Chinese, Indian or Pakistani got hired instead, thru H1B visa.
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People who pay their own bills won't vote for commie assholes like Warren. Only those shitheads looking to get the filthy government to force other people to pay their bills.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

Education is good for the whole country

Students should not have to go deeply in debt to be educated. The rest of the world knows that

Than make education cheaper by getting government out of it. The fed govt absolutely guarantees tuition costs, so of course every single year the tuition costs grow, because they are guaranteed.

Second, don't bullshit me, you become an adult and you had a choice to go to college. Once you make a choice, you take all the consequences that come with that action, good or bad. Paying off the debt is expected, regardless of ability to actually do it within your field of study.

Students in most countries do not face those consequences

Students in most countries don't study culinary arts, psychology, liberal arts, and gender studies as requirement to get their STEM degrees.
What is the brouhaha all about? You take out a student loan and you have to repay it. You could consider a short stint in Military service and qualify for the G.I. bill but the selfish generation wouldn't consider it. Am I missing something?
The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In todayā€™s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
Youā€™re not that old so stop the bullshit.
People who care only for themselves do not vote for Warren

You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

Education is good for the whole country

Students should not have to go deeply in debt to be educated. The rest of the world knows that

Than make education cheaper by getting government out of it. The fed govt absolutely guarantees tuition costs, so of course every single year the tuition costs grow, because they are guaranteed.

Second, don't bullshit me, you become an adult and you had a choice to go to college. Once you make a choice, you take all the consequences that come with that action, good or bad. Paying off the debt is expected, regardless of ability to actually do it within your field of study.

Students in most countries do not face those consequences

Students in most countries don't study culinary arts, psychology, liberal arts, and gender studies as requirement to get their STEM degrees.

More bullshit from Conservatives

The most popular majors in our country are Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM and Liberal Arts
The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In todayā€™s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
Youā€™re not that old so stop the bullshit.

All my Grandparents left school after eighth grade. It was common for your education to end after grammar school. A High School Diploma was a big deal.
You got that backwards pal. They vote for Warren to get something for free, they don't care if someone else is paying, because all they care is themselves.

Education is good for the whole country

Students should not have to go deeply in debt to be educated. The rest of the world knows that

Than make education cheaper by getting government out of it. The fed govt absolutely guarantees tuition costs, so of course every single year the tuition costs grow, because they are guaranteed.

Second, don't bullshit me, you become an adult and you had a choice to go to college. Once you make a choice, you take all the consequences that come with that action, good or bad. Paying off the debt is expected, regardless of ability to actually do it within your field of study.

Students in most countries do not face those consequences

Students in most countries don't study culinary arts, psychology, liberal arts, and gender studies as requirement to get their STEM degrees.

More bullshit from Conservatives

The most popular majors in our country are Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM and Liberal Arts
Foreign countries make students take subjects directly related to their major.
The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In todayā€™s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
Youā€™re not that old so stop the bullshit.

All my Grandparents left school after eighth grade. It was common for your education to end after grammar school. A High School Diploma was a big deal.
Why do we care about people who died 30 years ago?
It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know itā€™s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.
You can star off by not REQUIRING kids to take fluff bullshit classes that have nothing to do with their educational NEEDS for their career path.

For example, what "fluff" courses are required in college?

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