Warren is heartless to those who save for college

You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day
That’s what happen to farm towns after the EPA came in and shut them down, and destroyed rural America.. all stems from democrat policies.. again you don’t address families living in Baltimore for years under democrat policies and they are living with rats.. what happen?

Democrat policies??

Hmmmm. The EPA was formed and the Clean Water Act was implemented during who's administration????
Oh yeah, Nixon....well another right wing argument goes down in a ball of flames.
Feds are coming to farms with guns killing live stock, arresting farmers. Gtfo you anti American
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day
That’s what happen to farm towns after the EPA came in and shut them down, and destroyed rural America.. all stems from democrat policies.. again you don’t address families living in Baltimore for years under democrat policies and they are living with rats.. what happen?

Democrat policies??

Hmmmm. The EPA was formed and the Clean Water Act was implemented during who's administration????
Oh yeah, Nixon....well another right wing argument goes down in a ball of flames.
Feds are coming to farms with guns killing live stock, arresting farmers. Gtfo you anti American

No, they aren't. But let's get back to college education in this country. It's too late for for people like me who have already financially went in the hole (and climbed back out). But you should be able to go to college and not come out of it owing a mortgage...before you've even got your first job. More technical and community (including online colleges) colleges offering 2 year degrees that won't cost you an arm and a leg. I think everyone should have to pay something for college. It shouldn't be a freebie. Biggest issue will be getting employers to accept candidates who have two year degrees or no college. I remember when I was interviewing in the late 80's for my first job, all they wanted to see was a four year degree...didn't care what it was in, just show me that sheepskin.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
Even more bullshit..... you don’t agree with someone and can’t refute with facts, default to referring to calling that position “hate speech”. Or, how about “racist”? Having honest discussions and raising issues about Immigrants who choose to enter the country illegally and break our laws is not hate. Having discussions about minorities is not racist. The reality is that liberals don’t want open dialogue and debate.... it is easier to shut down by screaming “HATE SPEECH!!!” Or RACISTS!!!. You people have used these terms so frequently you can’t even get a consensus definition of the terms among yourselves.
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masses

Their rhetoric is nothing more than dog whistles for the deplorables telling them who they need to hate

Mexicans are not hard working families looking for a better life. They are murderers and drug dealers storming across our undefeated borders
Muslims are not devoutly religious people looking to succeed in America. They are closeted terrorists who celebrate the 9-11 attacks
Poor people are not families that are struggling to survive, they are lazy deadbeats stealing money from you and I

You just made three simplistic slogans for the masses. I can tell you as the spouse of Mexican, there are family members and friends who are Mexican who share Trump’s concern that a large proportion - NOT ALL - of those coming from and through Mexico are rapists, drug dealers, and traffickers. Why or how is it hate to question or call out Muslims for their intolerance, particularly, women and gays? No different than Catholics being called out for sexual abuse in their church (I’m Catholic). Finally, calling out able-body and able-minded people for choosing to abuse the welfare system from cradle to grave is not a slight against all poor people.... arguably, it’s helping those who are truly poor if you think about it.
Conservatives substitute the action of the few and apply it to the masses and use it to generate fear and hatred.

Most Mexicans are very religious and work hard
Most American Muslims are highly educated and have strong family values

But that does not fit the conservative agenda

Few, if any Conservatives, would disagree with the statements you are making about Mexicans and Muslims. Questioning why People from Mexico are violating US Immigration Laws or questioning why Muslims are not more tolerant of gays and women is not hatred.
Maybe few Conservatives disagree with the statements I made about Mexicans and Muslims. But they elected a President who does.

Where does Trump make these universal statements you are accusing him of?
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day
That’s what happen to farm towns after the EPA came in and shut them down, and destroyed rural America.. all stems from democrat policies.. again you don’t address families living in Baltimore for years under democrat policies and they are living with rats.. what happen?

Democrat policies??

Hmmmm. The EPA was formed and the Clean Water Act was implemented during who's administration????
Oh yeah, Nixon....well another right wing argument goes down in a ball of flames.
Feds are coming to farms with guns killing live stock, arresting farmers. Gtfo you anti American

No, they aren't. But let's get back to college education in this country. It's too late for for people like me who have already financially went in the hole (and climbed back out). But you should be able to go to college and not come out of it owing a mortgage...before you've even got your first job. More technical and community (including online colleges) colleges offering 2 year degrees that won't cost you an arm and a leg. I think everyone should have to pay something for college. It shouldn't be a freebie. Biggest issue will be getting employers to accept candidates who have two year degrees or no college. I remember when I was interviewing in the late 80's for my first job, all they wanted to see was a four year degree...didn't care what it was in, just show me that sheepskin.
Yes they are .. and get another job

colleges have billions of dollars in endowments they are robbing Americans
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In today’s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans

Yes, it became unaffordable once the government decided to "help" them go
Reform the system. Giving families 50k solves nothing and only leads to an INCREASE in tuition costs.

Use your brain

The goal is affordable college education
Families should not be burdened by massive debt just to educate their children

I don't think anybody here is disagreeing with you, but Warren's idea of just wiping out everyone's debt is not solving the problem long term
The problem with conservatives is they have abandoned intellectual discussion of social and political issues and replaced it with simplistic slogans for the masse
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart
Reform the system. Giving families 50k solves nothing and only leads to an INCREASE in tuition costs.

Use your brain

The goal is affordable college education
Families should not be burdened by massive debt just to educate their children

I don't think anybody here is disagreeing with you, but Warren's idea of just wiping out everyone's debt is not solving the problem long term

I doubt if her goal is achievable. But much can be done to alleviate student debt. Making it tax deductible would be a start

Other countries have free and low cost higher education
We can do the same

No reason to graduate owing tens of thousands of dollars
Last edited:
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart
You mean the democrat slave owners have Jim Crow areas while black struggle in rat infested housing.. sound familiar?
You run shit holes,, Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis. If you call that Intelligence When I never want to be smart
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, that’s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they don’t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, that’s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they don’t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?

Why don't you ask the people who were inside the Wal-Mart in El Paso when it was shot up? That's about as rural America as you can get (and yes I know its close to the border).
I’ve been to all of those cities. They are great communities with exceptional restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities and places of interest to visit.

I have also visited rural America where the cultural attraction is the Walmart and Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.

I’ll take those cities any day
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, that’s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they don’t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?

Republicans have nothing to brag about how they run rural areas
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, that’s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they don’t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?

Republicans have nothing to brag about how they run rural areas

If you look at the crime rate is smaller cities and rural areas ruled by Republicans, there is actually a lot to brag about.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

So his neighbor who bought new cars instead of saving for his kids college did the right thing? That is what typical Democrats do. They spend all their own money on whatever makes them happy at the time and then look for others to pay for what they deem to be necessities. Leeches.
Why not? I have to subsidize US steel workers with Trump’s tariffs because they couldn’t work towards finding alternative employment.

Since you and like you aren't paying taxes anyways, how do subsidizing anything?

They're subsidized by tariffs itself.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

So his neighbor who bought new cars instead of saving for his kids college did the right thing? That is what typical Democrats do. They spend all their own money on whatever makes them happy at the time and then look for others to pay for what they deem to be necessities. Leeches.

Sometimes in life, things work out for you
Sometimes they don’t.

If the rules change and you end up having made the wrong decision, then you put on your big boy pants and go on with your life

Why don't you put big boys pants on and pay for your own education, leach?
Forgiving college loans is just a sneaky way to bail out banks. Here we go again with Democrats pandering to the super rich. Banks who made bad loans to people who are unlikely to repay them should have to eat those loans. I doubt if there is a liberal arts degree anywhere that is worth $150,000 of debt. There are at least double the number of kids going to college as there should be. The cost of college is at least 3 times what it should be. Only a stupid bank would make these loans, or maybe a bank that knows there is an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders waiting to bail them out.

What government is attempting to do with student loans is the same thing they did with mortgage industry. They hook up every young person to student loan, and incentivize banks to move loans off the books and sell them to another intermediary because doing so instantly improves their capital ratio and allows them to make even more loans. Since almost all loans are fully guaranteed by the government, banks can sell them for a higher price, because default risk is not transferred with the asset. Isn't that exactly what they did with mortgages?
I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, that’s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they don’t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?

Republicans have nothing to brag about how they run rural areas

If you look at the crime rate is smaller cities and rural areas ruled by Republicans, there is actually a lot to brag about.

Not really

Sparse populations are like that...
Not much worth stealing
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

So his neighbor who bought new cars instead of saving for his kids college did the right thing? That is what typical Democrats do. They spend all their own money on whatever makes them happy at the time and then look for others to pay for what they deem to be necessities. Leeches.

Sometimes in life, things work out for you
Sometimes they don’t.

If the rules change and you end up having made the wrong decision, then you put on your big boy pants and go on with your life

Why don't you put big boys pants on and pay for your own education, leach?

Pretty damn expensive for most Americans who can’t afford $30-$40 thousand a year
You deny masses living in rat infested shit holes in towns democrats have run for 100’s of years, rural areas are American culture. You are full of hate

I have been to shithole towns in Red State America. No city planning, run down shacks that wouldn’t pass zoning in Blue States, abandoned cars on the front lawns

I’ll take a major Democratic run city any day

Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have City Planning and Zoning Laws and there are shacks and abandoned cars as well. These are big cities with high taxes. No excuses!
They also have fine restaurants, nightlife, cultural activities, parks, recreation, sports teams

Rural America gives you Walmart

Big Cities do and ought to have lots to offer like you mentioned. If,however, there are 8 rats running across your path at different times while you walk to the car from your restaurant, that’s a problem. Also, what are the odds you are going to get robbed or carjacked in the WalMart parking lot in rural America where they don’t lock their doors vs. a city where the violence and killings escalate cumulatively each day in a given year?

Republicans have nothing to brag about how they run rural areas
Every shot hole kid getting shot is all run by democrats

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