Was Flynn entrapped?

Yeah, I saw it all the time when I was driving a truck, a cop stopped people for speeding, then gave them the option to take a ticket for a seatbelt violation because it wasn't a moving violation. Were they guilty?


So you heard the conversation while you were driving by the cop and the people they stopped?

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?


So you heard the conversation while you were driving by the cop and the people they stopped?

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?



Do you get how much of your argument is based on your imagination?
I still am amused by the contards who claim that Comey was biased in favor of Clinton and against Trump.

Comey probably cost Clinton the election. Comey did not have to make any announcement regarding restarting the investigation into Clintons emails but he chose to- and that probably cost Clinton the election.

And if Comey really was against Trump- he could have derailed the Trump campaign by truthfully announcing that the FBI was investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The idea that Comey is some corrupt official who hates Republicans and Conservatives and is part of some conspiracy against Trump is from the great minds who daily create Fake News and tweet it out on Trump's account.

No, the bitch cost herself the election, for, well, being a bitch.

Yet the asshole Trump didn't earn his election.

This is the thing with you Trumpkins Fake Narrative- if Comey really was everything you say he is- Trump would never have gotten elected.

Comey would have exonerated Clinton and piled it on about Trump's connnections with Russia and the investigation.

So the asshole got elected and the 'bitch' didn't.

You can thank Comey for that.

Trump was doing as many as 5 rallies a day, he out worked everyone. The bitch thought she could cruse to victory, that's what she gets for listening to her own skewed press.

That was just a short period of my life, in the military I prepared several documents for courts marshal. Mostly command charging documents. One for a sergeant that attacked his commanding officer. Don't judge by one comment, you'll often be wrong.


And how is either you being a truck driver or claiming to have 'prepared documents' even remotely relevant to Flynn's plea agreement for willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators?

I know how you can take the same circumstances and depending on how you write it up, the person could get a medal or be prosecuted. It's all in how the facts are presented.


Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.

So you are saying that Flynn was willing to lie to protect himself financially? Willing to go to jail to protect himself financially?

Somehow I don't think you have this same consideration for every two bit hustler and murderer who the government with 'unilmited resources' gets a confession out of.

Flynn has and had more resources than 99% of the people that the FBI interogates- nothing prevented him from asking for a public defender like every other suspect.

Flynn's lawyers knew what the sentencing guide line were, the most he would be looking at is 6 months, and would probably get probation. Also with his military pension he probably didn't qualify for a public defender, that's why he had to sell his house.

That was just a short period of my life, in the military I prepared several documents for courts marshal. Mostly command charging documents. One for a sergeant that attacked his commanding officer. Don't judge by one comment, you'll often be wrong.


And how is either you being a truck driver or claiming to have 'prepared documents' even remotely relevant to Flynn's plea agreement for willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators?

I know how you can take the same circumstances and depending on how you write it up, the person could get a medal or be prosecuted. It's all in how the facts are presented.


Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.


What I'd do....or what you *imagine* I'd do?

And do you realize how much of your argument is based on your imagination.....while ignoring the undisputed facts surrounding the case?

Nope, I have a nephew involved with the federal system right now, I know what they did to him just for shooting off his mouth.

And how is either you being a truck driver or claiming to have 'prepared documents' even remotely relevant to Flynn's plea agreement for willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators?

I know how you can take the same circumstances and depending on how you write it up, the person could get a medal or be prosecuted. It's all in how the facts are presented.


Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.


What I'd do....or what you *imagine* I'd do?

And do you realize how much of your argument is based on your imagination.....while ignoring the undisputed facts surrounding the case?

Nope, I have a nephew involved with the federal system right now, I know what they did to him just for shooting off his mouth.


Or you imagine you do.

The 'knowledge' you claim to have doesn't amount to much.

Back in reality, Flynn already admitted to commiting the crimes he's being sentenced for.
And how is either you being a truck driver or claiming to have 'prepared documents' even remotely relevant to Flynn's plea agreement for willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators?

I know how you can take the same circumstances and depending on how you write it up, the person could get a medal or be prosecuted. It's all in how the facts are presented.


Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.


What I'd do....or what you *imagine* I'd do?

And do you realize how much of your argument is based on your imagination.....while ignoring the undisputed facts surrounding the case?

Nope, I have a nephew involved with the federal system right now, I know what they did to him just for shooting off his mouth.


these ....these demonrats creatures will never understand.... don't waste time oh well!
Yeah, I saw it all the time when I was driving a truck, a cop stopped people for speeding, then gave them the option to take a ticket for a seatbelt violation because it wasn't a moving violation. Were they guilty?


So you heard the conversation while you were driving by the cop and the people they stopped?

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?



Do you get how much of your argument is based on your imagination?

So you're saying Flynn didn't have to sell his house to pay for his defense?

So you heard the conversation while you were driving by the cop and the people they stopped?

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.


You're honestly claiming that the poor get BETTER representation than Michael Flynn did?

Care to back that up with more than your imagination?
So you heard the conversation while you were driving by the cop and the people they stopped?

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.


don't spend more saliva in these scum

but then

that's just my opinion.
I know how you can take the same circumstances and depending on how you write it up, the person could get a medal or be prosecuted. It's all in how the facts are presented.


Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.


What I'd do....or what you *imagine* I'd do?

And do you realize how much of your argument is based on your imagination.....while ignoring the undisputed facts surrounding the case?

Nope, I have a nephew involved with the federal system right now, I know what they did to him just for shooting off his mouth.


Or you imagine you do.

The 'knowledge' you claim to have doesn't amount to much.

Back in reality, Flynn already admitted to commiting the crimes he's being sentenced for.

Flynn plead out to stop the bleeding, you'd do the same god damned thing.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?



Do you get how much of your argument is based on your imagination?

So you're saying Flynn didn't have to sell his house to pay for his defense?


And Flynn selling his house has *what* to do with your imaginary claim that Flynn's lawyers told him he wouldn't do any jail time?

If even you abandon the baseless nonsense spawned by your imagination, surely you'll understand why no one else has much use for it.
Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.


What I'd do....or what you *imagine* I'd do?

And do you realize how much of your argument is based on your imagination.....while ignoring the undisputed facts surrounding the case?

Nope, I have a nephew involved with the federal system right now, I know what they did to him just for shooting off his mouth.


Or you imagine you do.

The 'knowledge' you claim to have doesn't amount to much.

Back in reality, Flynn already admitted to commiting the crimes he's being sentenced for.

Flynn plead out to stop the bleeding, you'd do the same god damned thing.


Says you, citing your imagination.

Is there anything to your perspective other than you just making shit up?
I know how you can take the same circumstances and depending on how you write it up, the person could get a medal or be prosecuted. It's all in how the facts are presented.


Or you imagine you have such knowledge. And with Flynn openly admitting that he willfully and knowingly made materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators.....you don't need to imagine.

You can just stop ignoring Flynn's own confession.

Let the government, with unlimited resources, bankrupt you and see what you'll do to make it stop. Flynn lost everything.


What I'd do....or what you *imagine* I'd do?

And do you realize how much of your argument is based on your imagination.....while ignoring the undisputed facts surrounding the case?

Nope, I have a nephew involved with the federal system right now, I know what they did to him just for shooting off his mouth.


these ....these demonrats creatures will never understand.... don't waste time oh well!

I enjoy watching them troll, I'm just here for the entertainment. Logic is something you can never expect form them.

There is no doubt General Flynn was entrapped! He was!

Mueller and his whole team should be in jail!

How much longer ......how much.... will we have to wait, to see some justice done?

...days pass....weeks pass.... months pass.....how long.....oh Lord, how long.:(

Wasn't the declassification of the FISA memo supposed to shut down the investigation...back in early October? Oh yeah, you were wrong about that too.

hahaha! :muahaha: :laughing0301:



So you heard the conversation while you were driving by the cop and the people they stopped?

Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.


Exactly...so Flynn's "predicament" is no different than any other defendant.
Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.


You're honestly claiming that the poor get BETTER representation than Michael Flynn did?

Care to back that up with more than your imagination?

They don't have to worry about attorneys fees, the government picks up the tab. How long in takes, number of court days or the number of motions filed are of no concern to them.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.


You're honestly claiming that the poor get BETTER representation than Michael Flynn did?

Care to back that up with more than your imagination?

They don't have to worry about attorneys fees, the government picks up the tab. How long in takes, number of court days or the number of motions filed are of no concern to them.


They also don't get much legal representation.

Show us the evidence that the poor get BETTER representation than Michael Flynn.

You're stalling because you know you can't. But its still fun to watch you try and flee from your own nonsense claims.
Nope, it was common practice, especially for commercial vehicles, I personally know a half dozen guys it happened to.

Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils. Just like the seatbelt violation.


Gee, I guess all 5 million people in prison (most of whom couldn't afford a defense 1/100th what Flynn had) were just overzealously prosecuted by the State and bankrupted.

Thoughts and prayers.

The rich and poor are better represented in our criminal justice system than the middle class. Most middle class wind up bankrupted because they start the process with some assets. That's just the way it is.


don't spend more saliva in these scum

but then

that's just my opinion.

When I get bored I'll stop, it's fun watching them type the same shit, over and over and over.


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