Was there ever a more flawed presidential candidate than Hillary?

But YOU created this stupid ass thread.
This thread is about H I L L A R Y and what an incredibly flawed candidate she is. I've created plenty of anti Trump threads. This is not one of them.

Do TRY to keep up
Actually you're thread is "has there every been a more unqualified candidate."

So the Big Quack's in play. LOL
He certainly is but that does not mean I am required to defend him. My assessment is Hillary is worse. Far worse.
I don't care whether or not you defend him, and I know you've criticized him. But if people want to compare/contrast to him on the thread, you got no complaint.
You are correct. My problem is the left deflecting legit points about Hillary by pointing at someone else.

But mom he did it first!
It's not deflecting. Actually your OP set up a decent compare contrast.

HRC sells access, considers herself above rules that apply to "lesser mortals," and made a mistake in judgment in Libya, where state employee became engaged in a covert arms running deal with people who were known to pose a terrorist threat, which is something the dept of state has no biz in, but the Obama admin micromanages not just diplomacy but military action. She also originally got into politics with an ideal that gummit could help people (liberalism), but along the way she became more a corporatist, where, giving he the best possible motivations, a politician works with the corporate economy in hopes that workers benefit.

Then there's Donald.
But YOU created this stupid ass thread.
This thread is about H I L L A R Y and what an incredibly flawed candidate she is. I've created plenty of anti Trump threads. This is not one of them.

Do TRY to keep up
Actually you're thread is "has there every been a more unqualified candidate."

So the Big Quack's in play. LOL
He certainly is but that does not mean I am required to defend him. My assessment is Hillary is worse. Far worse.
I don't care whether or not you defend him, and I know you've criticized him. But if people want to compare/contrast to him on the thread, you got no complaint.
You are correct. My problem is the left deflecting legit points about Hillary by pointing at someone else.

But mom he did it first!
Wait a minute.....its your thread

You asked if there was ever a more flawed candidate than Hillary and now you say discussing someone who is more flawed is "deflecting"?
The very fact that your right-wing assholes would ask such a question as 'who is a more flawed candidate' .. while at the same time supporting Donald Trump is a glaring demonstration of your out-of-touch mindboggling ignorance.
Speaking of mind boggling ignorance.....I don't support Trump dumbass

But YOU created this stupid ass thread.
This thread is about H I L L A R Y and what an incredibly flawed candidate she is. I've created plenty of anti Trump threads. This is not one of them.

Do TRY to keep up
Actually you're thread is "has there every been a more unqualified candidate."

So the Big Quack's in play. LOL
He certainly is but that does not mean I am required to defend him. My assessment is Hillary is worse. Far worse.

Yet you defend him.

Your claim that Hillary is a more flawed candidate is just silly.
Restored shattered relationships with key US allies after the Bush debacle

Which ones? Egypt? No...wait... Libya? No... wait.... Iran! I bet it's Iran!

You consider Gaddafi a key ally?

Arab spring was a mess...there was no right answer to it
We were damned if we did, damned if we didn't
There were no "good guys" to support

What Hillary did was encouraged our European allies to take the lead with the US playing a supporting role.
Actually, I believe that's not true Rightwinger...Europe/France/the UK/Belgium came to Hillary and asked her to relay to the President that they needed the USA's help.

this was not initiated by Hillary or the USA, it was initiated by our allies in the EU/Canada etc and President Obama came to their help with NATO....and UN Security Council

timeline from Wikipedia: 2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    • 21 February 2011: Libyan deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Ibrahim Dabbashi called "on the UN to impose a no-fly zone on all Tripoli to cut off all supplies of arms and mercenaries to the regime."[39]
    • 25 February 2011: Sarkozy said Gaddafi "must go."[54]
    • 28 February 2011: British Prime Minister David Cameron proposed the idea of a no-fly zone to prevent Gaddafi from "airlifting mercenaries" and "using his military aeroplanes and armoured helicopters against civilians."[44]
    • 1 March 2011: The US Senate unanimously passed non-binding Senate resolution S.RES.85 urging the United Nations Security Council to impose a Libyan no-fly zone and encouraging Gaddafi to step down. The US had naval forces positioned off the coast of Libya, as well as forces already in the region, including the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.[56]
    • 7 March 2011: US Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder announced that NATO decided to step up surveillance missions of E-3 AWACS aircraft to twenty-four hours a day. On the same day, it was reported that an anonymous UN diplomat confirmed to Agence France Presse that France and Britain were drawing up a resolution on the no-fly zone that would be considered by the UN Security Council during the same week.[43] The Gulf Cooperation Council also on that day called upon the UN Security Council to "take all necessary measures to protect civilians, including enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya."
    • 9 March 2011: The head of the Libyan National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, "pleaded for the international community to move quickly to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, declaring that any delay would result in more casualties."[40] Three days later, he stated that if pro-Gaddafi forces reached Benghazi, then they would kill "half a million" people. He stated, "If there is no no-fly zone imposed on Gaddafi's regime, and his ships are not checked, we will have a catastrophe in Libya."[41]
    • 10 March 2011: France recognized the Libyan NTC as the legitimate government of Libya soon after Sarkozy met with them in Paris. This meeting was arranged by Bernard-Henri Lévy.[58]
    • 11 March 2011: Cameron joined forces with Sarkozy after Sarkozy demanded immediate action from international community for a no-fly zone against air attacks by Gaddafi.[59]
    • 12 March 2011: The Arab League "called on the United Nations Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya in a bid to protect civilians from air attack."[48][49][50][60] The Arab League's request was announced by Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, who stated that all member states present at the meeting agreed with the proposal.[48] On 12 March, thousands of Libyan women marched in the streets of the rebel-held town of Benghazi, calling for the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya.[42]
VOA News report on the United States joining Lebanon, France and United Kingdom to support the no-fly zone.

    • 15 March 2011: A resolution for a no-fly zone was proposed by Nawaf Salam, Lebanon's Ambassador to the UN. The resolution was immediately backed by France and the United Kingdom.[62]
    • 17 March 2011: The UN Security Council, acting under the authority of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, approved a no-fly zone by a vote of ten in favour, zero against, and five abstentions, via United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. The five abstentions were: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Germany.[51][52][53][63][64] Less than twenty-four hours later, Libya announced that it would halt all military operations in response to the UN Security Council resolution.[65][66]
Libyan anti-government rebels, 1 March 2011

    • 18 March 2011: The Libyan foreign minister, Moussa Koussa, said that he had declared a ceasefire, attributing the UN resolution.[67] However, artillery shelling on Misrata and Ajdabiya continued, and government soldiers continued approaching Benghazi.[19][68] Government troops and tanks entered the city on 19 March.[69] Artillery and mortars were also fired into the city.[70] US President Barack Obama held a meeting with eighteen senior lawmakers at the White House on the afternoon of 18 March[71]
    • 19 March 2011: French[72] forces began the military intervention in Libya, later joined by coalition forces with strikes against armoured units south of Benghazi and attacks on Libyan air-defence systems, as UN Security Council Resolution 1973 called for using "all necessary means" to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas from attack, imposed a no-fly zone, and called for an immediate and with-standing cease-fire, while also strengthening travel bans on members of the regime, arms embargoes, and asset freezes.[18]
    • 21 March 2011: Obama sent a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.[73]
    • 24 March 2011: In telephone negotiations, French foreign minister Alain Juppé agreed to let NATO take over all military operations on 29 March at the latest, allowing Turkey to veto strikes on Gaddafi ground forces from that point forward.[74] Later reports stated that NATO would take over enforcement of the no-fly zone and the arms embargo, but discussions were still under way about whether NATO would take over the protection of civilians mission. Turkey reportedly wanted the power to veto airstrikes, while France wanted to prevent Turkey from having such a veto.[75][76]

    • 25 March 2011: NATO Allied Joint Force Command in Naples took command of the no-fly zone over Libya and combined it with the ongoing arms embargo operation under the name Operation Unified Protector.[77]
    • 28 March 2011: Obama addressed the American people on Libya.[78]
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Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.
Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.
got that video tape link which you claim she said she helped allies for oil?
Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.
Oh I don't think there's any question that Italy and Libya asked us to dismantle Libya's ability to use air power. Whether we should or not have helped is a good question. They definitely left the tar baby with us, though.
Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.
She did?

Let's see it
Trump is no peach but that doesn't miraculously make Hillary any less of a despicable candidate.

Well Americans are likely to have a choice between which candidate they find less despicable.

So far Americans find Clinton less despicable than Trump.

Hardly an endorsement for either- but it doesn't make Trump miraculously not despicable.
Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.

Libya was attacked because Gaddafi wanted to move to an African Gold system and away from US dollars.

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar
Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

That caused the spineless corporatist president to attack and destroy the country based on lies .. like "Gaddafi was issuing Viagra to his troops so they could rape women and children" .. A PROVEN LIE.
Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.

Libya was attacked because Gaddafi wanted to move to an African Gold system and away from US dollars.

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar
Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

That caused the spineless corporatist president to attack and destroy the country based on lies .. like "Gaddafi was issuing Viagra to his troops so they could rape women and children" .. a PROVEN lie.
Hot damn right!
But YOU created this stupid ass thread.
This thread is about H I L L A R Y and what an incredibly flawed candidate she is. I've created plenty of anti Trump threads. This is not one of them.

Do TRY to keep up
Actually you're thread is "has there every been a more unqualified candidate."

So the Big Quack's in play. LOL
He certainly is but that does not mean I am required to defend him. My assessment is Hillary is worse. Far worse.
I don't care whether or not you defend him, and I know you've criticized him. But if people want to compare/contrast to him on the thread, you got no complaint.
You are correct. My problem is the left deflecting legit points about Hillary by pointing at someone else.

But mom he did it first!

You asked the question-
Was there ever a more flawed presidential candidate than Hillary?

and now you are pissed off when people point out that Donald Trump is indeed more flawed than Hillary Clinton.

If you don't want people to respond- don't start the thread.
How easily you concede you have nothing
yep. cankles had no part of Iraq. you win

Again..you are welcome to explain her role

She voted for the resolution.

You're welcome.

So she was one of 545 votes to give Bush authority if HE chose to invade which was the extent of her involvement
ugh troll
How easily you concede you have nothing
yep. cankles had no part of Iraq. you win

Again..you are welcome to explain her role

She voted for the resolution.

You're welcome.

So she was one of 545 votes to give Bush authority if HE chose to invade which was the extent of her involvement
Was this before or after Bush lied about WMD's?
How easily you concede you have nothing
yep. cankles had no part of Iraq. you win

Again..you are welcome to explain her role

She voted for the resolution.

You're welcome.

So she was one of 545 votes to give Bush authority if HE chose to invade which was the extent of her involvement
Was this before or after Bush lied about WMD's?
You do realize her husband bombed the shit out of Iraq right?
You do realize his rhetoric, right?
She was standing right beside him. Then she voted for it.
Even that **** admitted it was a mistake. Now if only per pathetic lemmings would do the same ;)
yep. cankles had no part of Iraq. you win

Again..you are welcome to explain her role

She voted for the resolution.

You're welcome.

So she was one of 545 votes to give Bush authority if HE chose to invade which was the extent of her involvement
Was this before or after Bush lied about WMD's?
You do realize her husband bombed the shit out of Iraq right?
You do realize his rhetoric, right?
She was standing right beside him. Then she voted for it.
Even that **** admitted it was a mistake. Now if only per pathetic lemmings would do the same ;)
Didn't see Clinton invading Iraq did you?

Only Bush was stupid enough to do that
yep. cankles had no part of Iraq. you win

Again..you are welcome to explain her role

She voted for the resolution.

You're welcome.

So she was one of 545 votes to give Bush authority if HE chose to invade which was the extent of her involvement
Was this before or after Bush lied about WMD's?
You do realize her husband bombed the shit out of Iraq right?
You do realize his rhetoric, right?
She was standing right beside him. Then she voted for it.
Even that **** admitted it was a mistake. Now if only per pathetic lemmings would do the same ;)
How did he do that when he wasnt even the POTUS yet?
Hillary is on tape admitting she got us involved in Libya because Europe relies on Libya's oil and we owed Europe for assisting us with Afghanistan. Dem's foamed at the mouth over Bush supposedly waging war for oil then openly do the same in Libya and its crickets.
got that video tape link which you claim she said she helped allies for oil?

Check with ABC, NBC, CBS it was reported on one of the big three networks.
Again..you are welcome to explain her role

She voted for the resolution.

You're welcome.

So she was one of 545 votes to give Bush authority if HE chose to invade which was the extent of her involvement
Was this before or after Bush lied about WMD's?
You do realize her husband bombed the shit out of Iraq right?
You do realize his rhetoric, right?
She was standing right beside him. Then she voted for it.
Even that **** admitted it was a mistake. Now if only per pathetic lemmings would do the same ;)
How did he do that when he wasnt even the POTUS yet?
Clinton wasn't president when he bombed them and made all that rhetoric about Iraq? interesting

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