Was Trump a Great Republican?

How great of a Republican is he if he beat 17 of the best Republicans had to offer, as well as "The smartest woman in the world"?

Yes, he is a great Republican.
They don't want to discuss how Trump stomped Hillary into the ground and made her cry. Trump shocked the world!
How great of a Republican is he if he beat 17 of the best Republicans had to offer, as well as "The smartest woman in the world"? All without the help of fraudulent mail-in ballots, bogus ballot-counting machines, and other forms of election fraud the Democrats used in 2020

Yes, he is a great Republican.
Maybe 17, but they were nowhere near the best......In fact, most of them were horrifyingly bad.....Wasn't hard for Trump to stand out in that gallery of windbag losers.
Maybe 17, but they were nowhere near the best......In fact, most of them were horrifyingly bad.....Wasn't hard for Trump to stand out in that gallery of windbag losers.

I don't think most people realized just how bad those 17 Republicans were. It took a Trump to point that out.

Then he forced the left to show the world their true colors underneath those masks they were wearing.
alrighty ...........

he made a deal with the taliban to release 5000 taliban prisoners just so the taliban will talk with pompeo , & then signed on the dotted line to withdraw from afganistan & had that whole shitshow dumped in biden's lap to deal with.

how'z 'bout that?
Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Until 2009 he was in the Democratic Party, this fucking leftist, the American people got fucked.
Other than Lincoln, there have been no great Republicans. Donnie Dark Side is the ultimate RINO, the worst of them all. Bigly!!!


For those paying attention Republicans are best fit to lead, and where there's the occasion a Democrat "wins" POTUS they're con-men since Clinton.

Clinton con-man. You never see the real Clinton.

Obama con-man. Dude is intelligent & twisted. He reminds me of a specified type of white collar inmate, and no leftists, it's not because he's black. He thinks he's smarter than everyone else without doing something guy. Like Clinton & Hitler he can convince morons of anything.

Biden con-man. The disposition of a used car salesman.
All the great Republicans who came after the Democrats had their own doctrines: the Eisenhower Doctrine supplemented by the principle of inevitable retribution and the Dulles plan, and the Reagan doctrine. And Trump didn't have anything, did he? This could mean that he is an agent of the left.
Why did Putin not like McCain, but immediately got along with Trump?
Great republican? No
Decent president? Yes
It was "his turn" to get handed the nomination....Just as it has been for sacrificial lamb losers like Bob Olde, Walter Mondull, Mittens Romney, etcetera.

You really don't know diddly shit about how The Big Club works, do you?
And you retards went along with it? Not a credit to your intelligence, now, is it?
If McCain was so hated, how did he win the Republican primary?

That's easy: Good Republicans did not run because they knew after 8 years of Bush, war and the economic downturn that the Democrats had a lock and they did not waste their money running. They gave it to the old fart to lose.
Other than Lincoln, there have been no great Republicans. Donnie Dark Side is the ultimate RINO, the worst of them all. Bigly!!!

So true, but few can accept it.
alrighty ...........

he made a deal with the taliban to release 5000 taliban prisoners just so the taliban will talk with pompeo , & then signed on the dotted line to withdraw from afganistan & had that whole shitshow dumped in biden's lap to deal with.

how'z 'bout that?
Youre a retarded piece of shit

Was Trump a Great Republican?​

From it’s very beginning the GOP has been in the pockets of the corporate interests, bought and paid for. From the railroads to Lockheed Martin the wealth transfer from the taxpayer to those interests has continued unabated. So, yep, Trump was a great Republican.
How great of a Republican is he if he beat 17 of the best Republicans had to offer, as well as "The smartest woman in the world"? All without the help of fraudulent mail-in ballots, bogus ballot-counting machines, and other forms of election fraud the Democrats used in 2020

Yes, he is a great Republican.
YEP, sure says a whole lot about Republicans.

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