Was Trump Wiretapped? Just the facts.

Flynn got fired, that's enough hard evidence to justify the questions. How can you deny that?

Flynn was fired for not telling the truth to the VP about his contact with the Russians. At this point, there has been no evidence provided that said contact had anything to do with the Trump campaign, policy, or sanctions.

If any of the above were in fact what they talked about, then that information came from a wiretap.

As for the wiretap, I am not sure Obama "ordered" them. What I am sure about is that if the wiretapping of Trump Towers was actually authorized by the FISA Court then Obama knew about it and received briefings about it.

What should be of major concern to ALL Americans is that, if true, an Administration uses the power of the courts, law enforcement and intelligence agencies against a political opponent. It stinks of tyranny and should frighten everyone of any political persuasion

IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
No spin. No smoke and mirrors. No conjecture. Was he wire tapped? If that can't be answered everything else is Conspiracy Theory material of attempting to create links between unrelated incidents.

At this point, it see - the whole wire-tap claim is unsubstantiated and taking on the guise of a conspiracy theory.

From: Analysis | Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he’s on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president.

The problem here, of course, is that what Levin — and Breitbart — use as evidence for these claims are a series of seemingly unconnected events — from FISA court requests to Trump joking about the Russia email hack, to the release of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails in the fall. The proof that all — or any — of these events are tied together by actual facts as opposed to supposition is not offered.

The idea that Obama’s administration authorized — and was able to get approval for — the wiretapping of the opposition party’s candidate for president is, frankly, far-fetched. And, if someone is making that claim — as Trump is now doing — the burden of proof is on them. If you are going to say there is a grand conspiracy that only you and a handful of others see, you need to offer a step-by-step explanation to the broader public to show why you’re right.

It seems unlikely — given Trump’s past pattern of making baseless claims without proof and then simply insisting he is right and no evidence is needed to prove the point — that any meaningful effort will be made by the Trump administration to connect the dots on this alleged wiretapping conspiracy.

From the LA Times: Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Obama of tapping his phones during the election

It would be highly unusual for a sitting president to be aware of such [surveillance] requests. By blaming Obama directly, Trump accused the former president of reaching into a federal investigation and signing off on an illegal wiretap, which is a felony.

If federal investigators did monitor Trump’s phones or computers lawfully, a court would have demanded information about potential criminal misconduct or unlawful foreign contacts. Such investigations are closely held and rarely, if ever, shared with the White House.

It is possible Trump has no evidence his phones were tapped and is repeating unfounded reports circulating in conservative media circles.

There is a lot of smoke, mirrors and redirection going on here, an attempt I'm sure, to distract from the demands for an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign.

Rather than blowing this up into a full blown conspiracy theory, how about looking at actual evidence?

First question to answer is: is there any hard evidence that Trump Tower was indeed wire tapped? If we can't answer that, the rest is meaningless distraction.

From the Washington Post: Analysis | Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Brietbart article on FISA Requests: June & October. Breitbart based it's article entirely on one source: and article written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist for Heat Street. But no one seems to be able to independently confirm the claim.

The Washington Post for months has sought to confirm this report of a FISA warrant related to the Trump campaign but has been unable to do so. Presumably other U.S. news organizations have tried to do so as well. So one has to take this claim with a huge dose of skepticism. Indeed, the New York Times reported before the election that the FBI “ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts” with the Russian banks.

According to the WP article:

The White House provided three other sources. Two, a National Review article and a Fox News interview, are simply derivative of the Heat Street article, with no independent confirmation. The third is a New York Times report that intelligence agencies “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions” as part of a probe of possible links between Russian officials and Trump campaign aides. (We recall the president has previously deemed Times reporting on this matter as “fake news.”)

The article goes on to conclude:

Only two articles, both with British roots, have reported that a FISA court order was granted in October to examine possible activity between two Russian banks and a computer server in the Trump Tower. This claim has not been confirmed by a U.S. news organizations. Moreover, neither article says President Obama requested the order or that it resulted in the tapping of Trump’s phone lines.

And lastly:

Moreover, the articles do not support the White House’s claim that these were “potentially politically motivated investigations” led by President Obama. The articles all suggest the FISA requests — if they happened — were done by the intelligence agencies and the FBI.

So, before we have this huge political uproar, and immediate comparisons to Watergate, lets' get at the facts first. Can anyone answer these questions?

1. Was Trump wiretapped? If yes - what evidence? Were bugs found in Trump Tower?

2. Were FISA requests issued? If yes - can the claims be confirmed by more then one source and for what specifically were they for?

Until those are answered - there's nothing but smoke.

Trump’s wiretap claims, then, carry presumably inadvertent implications. First, based on previous reporting and the nature of FISA courts, any wiretaps within Trump Tower would be legal. And they would stem from overwhelming evidence that the Trump campaign, or someone within it, has unsavory ties to Russia or another foreign power. Otherwise, it’s unlikely those wiretaps would exist at all.

If federal authorities did have cause to listen in on Trump Tower, though, and they provided enough evidence for a FISA court to approve the snooping, Obama is not the one who ought to worry.

FISA warrants don’t allow for broad wiretaps of, say, every call going in and out of a specific office in a 58-story Manhattan skyscraper. Federal authorities must demonstrate not just probable cause, but that a given phone line serves primarily to undermine US interests. It’s difficult, for instance, to obtain a warrant to wiretap a shared office, for fear of picking up innocent third-party conversations.
Jeeze !!!

There was NO FISA.

Did you not hear what James Clapper said ???

What is confusing to me is... a wiretap like this would be highly classified, wouldn't the president be privy to classified information? Wouldn't this leave two possible options.
1. Trump disclosed classified information in a tweet
2. Trump made it up to distract from the sessions fiasco

If anybody has another theory please add it but these seem to be the only two options.

Seems to me IF there is evidence, Trump could declassify it and provide it....
If there is evidence and it's classified then would Trumps tweet be a crime?

The President is the only one that can declassify wiretaps at any time, so no crime.
Jeeze !!!


EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia

The Trump 'Kompromat' Story Is Disturbing — Every Bit of It

FISA and the Trump Team
Flynn got fired, that's enough hard evidence to justify the questions. How can you deny that?

Flynn was fired for not telling the truth to the VP about his contact with the Russians. At this point, there has been no evidence provided that said contact had anything to do with the Trump campaign, policy, or sanctions.

If any of the above were in fact what they talked about, then that information came from a wiretap.

As for the wiretap, I am not sure Obama "ordered" them. What I am sure about is that if the wiretapping of Trump Towers was actually authorized by the FISA Court then Obama knew about it and received briefings about it.

What should be of major concern to ALL Americans is that, if true, an Administration uses the power of the courts, law enforcement and intelligence agencies against a political opponent. It stinks of tyranny and should frighten everyone of any political persuasion

IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.

"For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton."

Leftists were saying Wikileaks was just another Conspiracy Theory, now you are saying you don't think Wikileaks was a Conspiracy Theory?

Your crowd need to make your minds up, it's like you were FOR James Comey when he was helping Hillary, then you were AGAINST James Comey when you THOUGHT he was helping Trump, now you are FOR James Comey AGAIN because you think he could be USED to keep this other Conspiracy Theory afloat that Trump is an Agent of Putin.

No wonder the Republicans now control ALL branches of the American Government considering the Leftists mixed up thinking, being happy to accept any old story without any evidence publicly presented JUST as LONG as it's anti-Trump.

Leftists were also against the Intelligence Agencies when they manufactured "evidence" through cherry-picking that Saddam had WMD, now the same Leftists are willing to just accept ANYTHING the SAME Intelligence Agencies throw up as long as it's anti-Trump, it doesn't matter if it's George Tenet or John Brennan, the head face changes, but the foot soldiers who compile all this horsecrap stay the same, they are faceless and career Spooks.
This kind of sounds like all the news before the blue dress showed up. Clinton supporters said there is no evidence but then the blue dress showed up. This may turn out the same way and it will prove that someone was lying.
Look at the fucking circle jerk going on in this thread....
None of you lefties demand the same "proof" of Trump colluding with Russia. You all love to fling the shit but scream bloody murder when it is tossed right back at ya.

Suck it

Here's a comparison:

What is there behind Trump's claim of being wire tapped?
1. Trump
2. The claims of one British journalist.

That's what it all boils down to. At this point, it's up to Trump to back his words up with evidence and as president he has the ability to get it I would think.

What is behind the claims of the Trump "colluding" with Russia? This one really involves two seperate issues: Trump colluding is one, Russia interfering is another.

As far as Trump colluding, what do we have?
1. A record of repeated contacts between Russian officials and Trump staffers and campaign officials.
2. Russia's involvement in the second issue.

As far as "proof" it is thin and circumstantial. All these people DO have valid reasons for contacting Russian officials that have nothing to do with the election. By itself it's baseless.

What makes it notable and in my opinion worthy of an independent bipartisan investigation (not a special prosecuter) is the issue around Russia's attempted interference in our election and there is substantially more evidence there even if most if it is classified (and, bear in mind - if Trump wanted to he could release some of it but he hasn't).

It seems to me that the wiretapping allegations require more evidence before a call to arms.

The Trump/Russia thing has enough concern to warrent an investigation that will put it to bed once and for all. After all, we spent a gazillion investigations on Hillary's emails and on Benghazi (all over whether it was a video or not).
1. Half of DC has met with Russian officials. You're gonna need more tinfoil to link the meetings to nefarious shit.

2. Irrelevant to number 1.
Flynn got fired, that's enough hard evidence to justify the questions. How can you deny that?

Flynn was fired for not telling the truth to the VP about his contact with the Russians. At this point, there has been no evidence provided that said contact had anything to do with the Trump campaign, policy, or sanctions.

If any of the above were in fact what they talked about, then that information came from a wiretap.

As for the wiretap, I am not sure Obama "ordered" them. What I am sure about is that if the wiretapping of Trump Towers was actually authorized by the FISA Court then Obama knew about it and received briefings about it.

What should be of major concern to ALL Americans is that, if true, an Administration uses the power of the courts, law enforcement and intelligence agencies against a political opponent. It stinks of tyranny and should frighten everyone of any political persuasion

IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other moonbats.
Last edited:
Flynn was fired for not telling the truth to the VP about his contact with the Russians. At this point, there has been no evidence provided that said contact had anything to do with the Trump campaign, policy, or sanctions.

If any of the above were in fact what they talked about, then that information came from a wiretap.

As for the wiretap, I am not sure Obama "ordered" them. What I am sure about is that if the wiretapping of Trump Towers was actually authorized by the FISA Court then Obama knew about it and received briefings about it.

What should be of major concern to ALL Americans is that, if true, an Administration uses the power of the courts, law enforcement and intelligence agencies against a political opponent. It stinks of tyranny and should frighten everyone of any political persuasion

IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.
IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.

"Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any."

Where is the evidence that Trump is an Agent of Putin? There isn't any.

How many Democrats since say 2015 have met with the Russian Ambassador to America, how many Democrats have met with Putin? So how do we know Schumer and Pelosi etc aren't Agents of Putin?
IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.
This is one of those times where common sense comes into play.
That might explain why you're having a tough time with this.
I'd like to take back any neutral, trying to be fair, attempts I've made to give this new President the benefit of the doubt. He is out to keep this country ripped open and divided. He is now my enemy.
baseball players play ball
carpenters work in wood
Politicians and the press play politics
Don't take this so serious
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.

"Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any."

Where is the evidence that Trump is an Agent of Putin? There isn't any.

How many Democrats since say 2015 have met with the Russian Ambassador to America, how many Democrats have met with Putin? So how do we know Schumer and Pelosi etc aren't Agents of Putin?

I think I already said - that at this point, the only "evidence" that Trump "colluded" with Putin is very circumstantial in exactly the why you're infering - all those contacts could be perfectly normal contacts. It's worth an investigation though, for two reasons (imo) - one, it's against the back drop of attempted Russian interference in our election, and two - to definitively clear it up and move on.
I'd like to take back any neutral, trying to be fair, attempts I've made to give this new President the benefit of the doubt. He is out to keep this country ripped open and divided. He is now my enemy.
baseball players play ball
carpenters work in wood
Politicians and the press play politics
Don't take this so serious
Thanks for the advice, Tyrone. I think this is a bit beyond anything I've seen before, but maybe that's because I never paid this much attention to politics. And maybe this kind of shit is why.
IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.

TowerGate Begins – Yes, If Trump is Correct, Even Partially, Then President Obama Might Be in Big Trouble…
"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.

"Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any."

Where is the evidence that Trump is an Agent of Putin? There isn't any.

How many Democrats since say 2015 have met with the Russian Ambassador to America, how many Democrats have met with Putin? So how do we know Schumer and Pelosi etc aren't Agents of Putin?

I think I already said - that at this point, the only "evidence" that Trump "colluded" with Putin is very circumstantial in exactly the why you're infering - all those contacts could be perfectly normal contacts. It's worth an investigation though, for two reasons (imo) - one, it's against the back drop of attempted Russian interference in our election, and two - to definitively clear it up and move on.

"I think I already said - that at this point, the only "evidence" that Trump "colluded" with Putin is very circumstantial in exactly the why you're infering - all those contacts could be perfectly normal contacts. It's worth an investigation though, for two reasons (imo) - one, it's against the back drop of attempted Russian interference in our election, and two - to definitively clear it up and move on."

Well yes, but who is prompting the MSM to push this 24/7 Trump is an Agent of Putin, despite no concrete evidence to suggest this, it's all hearsay, "unnamed sources", yet the MSM are in full-on Propaganda Mode ramming this stuff down peoples throats in the hope that people are that mindless and Zombiefied that they'll just accept it.

People are already aware for instance that CNN was colluding with the Hillary Campaign, to the point her staffers were meeting with CNN staffers and also Donna Brazile was given Debate questions in advance. The Hillary fans at the time had no problem with this and they still have no problem with this.

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