Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

God has revealed Himself in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Show me a scripture that says the Holy Spirit is "God's active force".
Every scholar on earth knows 100% the trinity was created at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce and Israel-NEVER served a trinity while serving the true living God. Because he is not a trinity. They would lose billions yearly to tell the truth and get sued by 2 billion people for misleading them and stealing their $$$$$.
Every scholar on earth knows 100% the trinity was created at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce and Israel-NEVER served a trinity while serving the true living God. Because he is not a trinity. They would lose billions yearly to tell the truth and get sued by 2 billion people for misleading them and stealing their $$$$$.
Wrong. There are more Bible scholars who believe in the Trinity than don't. Scripture says that if you don't have the Spirit of God/Christ then you aren't His. Well? Do you have the Spirit of God/Christ?
I really didn't find anything biblically wrong with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

They seem like nice people.

They better not come around my house, though. They are not welcome. At least not in official Jehovah's Witness capacity.
I really didn't find anything biblically wrong with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

They seem like nice people.

They better not come around my house, though. They are not welcome. At least not in official Jehovah's Witness capacity.
The Watchtower has destroyed many lives and families. Their shunning policy is evil. They will twist Scripture to justify it.
Wrong. There are more Bible scholars who believe in the Trinity than don't. Scripture says that if you don't have the Spirit of God/Christ then you aren't His. Well? Do you have the Spirit of God/Christ?

Those scholars know 100% they teach error. But then again known error left uncorrected makes it a lie. They know 100% Israel never served God as a trinity.
Those scholars know 100% they teach error. But then again known error left uncorrected makes it a lie. They know 100% Israel never served God as a trinity.
You didn't answer my question. Romans 8:9 says that if you don't have the Spirit of God/Christ then you aren't His. Do you have the Spirit of God/Christ?
You didn't answer my question. Romans 8:9 says that if you don't have the Spirit of God/Christ then you aren't His. Do you have the Spirit of God/Christ?
Yes, but there are billions that think they do, but in reality only few do. Its why over 40,000 religions claiming to be christian is such a mass of confusion= lack of that spirit.
Yes, but there are billions that think they do, but in reality only few do. Its why over 40,000 religions claiming to be christian is such a mass of confusion= lack of that spirit.
Can anyone outside of the Watchtower have the Spirit of God/Christ?
Can anyone outside of the Watchtower have the Spirit of God/Christ?
According to their heart condition. We arent in the watchtower, That is a magazine. Jesus heads our religion. So you should say--Can anyone outside the real Jesus have the spirit of God/Christ.
According to their heart condition. We arent in the watchtower, That is a magazine. Jesus heads our religion. So you should say--Can anyone outside the real Jesus have the spirit of God/Christ.
Watch this. It's very well done.
I dont open things like that. Error is their thinking. God has his ways of rooting out the false ones.
You don't open things like that because the Watchtower has instilled fear in you. That's why they're a cult.
You don't open things like that because the Watchtower has instilled fear in you. That's why they're a cult.
I dont listen to apostates. I have read many of their things. Everyone had lies in them. They are no different than the pharisees in Jesus day. Their father is the devil. And here you are promoting them. Think about that.
I dont listen to apostates. I have read many of their things. Everyone had lies in them. They are no different than the pharisees in Jesus day. Their father is the devil. And here you are promoting them. Think about that.
I'm not an apostate and neither is the person who made the video. When someone leaves the Watchtower organization that doesn't make them an apostate. The Bible doesn't say that. There was no organization when that Scriptures were written. The Watchtower has only been around for 150 years or so. They don't have exclusivity over the Scriptures.
I'm not an apostate and neither is the person who made the video. When someone leaves the Watchtower organization that doesn't make them an apostate. The Bible doesn't say that. There was no organization when that Scriptures were written. The Watchtower has only been around for 150 years or so. They don't have exclusivity over the Scriptures.
Luke 10:16 is clear about how one deals with the teachers Jesus appoints. As well he said-- Whatever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do to me.
Luke 10:16 is clear about how one deals with the teachers Jesus appoints. As well he said-- Whatever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do to me.
Jesus didn't appoint the Watchtower "teachers". You've been tricked. Jesus warned us about false teachers and so did Paul, James, John, Jude, and Peter.
Jesus didn't appoint the Watchtower "teachers". You've been tricked. Jesus warned us about false teachers and so did Paul, James, John, Jude, and Peter.
I know he appointed them. They are the only ones on earth who made corrections here in these last days. Otherwise this bible truth couldn't be truth-Dan 12:4-- These truths were not known through all the centuries, yet those teachings are in the bible and taught on by every religion claiming to be christian-in error. Corrections had to be made here in these last days, and the whole world saw the corrections through Jesus' appointed teachers.
I'm not an apostate and neither is the person who made the video. When someone leaves the Watchtower organization that doesn't make them an apostate. The Bible doesn't say that. There was no organization when that Scriptures were written. The Watchtower has only been around for 150 years or so. They don't have exclusivity over the Scriptures.
Jesus' religion began back when he was on earth. Once the hate filled hearts started murdering them it vanished. The great apostasy stood up( religion that came out of Rome) and her 39,999 branches off her. Then Jesus religion came back here in these last days and corrected all the errors.
I know he appointed them. They are the only ones on earth who made corrections here in these last days. Otherwise this bible truth couldn't be truth-Dan 12:4-- These truths were not known through all the centuries, yet those teachings are in the bible and taught on by every religion claiming to be christian-in error. Corrections had to be made here in these last days, and the whole world saw the corrections through Jesus' appointed teachers.
You've swallowed the Watchtower bait that Christianity is false and the Watchtower is the only Truth. Mormons sat the same thing and so do many Catholics. Our Bibles are just fine. Yours was changed to fit that beliefs of heretics. The Church is all believers of Jesus, Eternal Son of God, The Word made flesh, died and resurrected, ascended to Heaven.

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