Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

I found another discrepancy btwn the real Bible and the JW one, but it is escaping me at this time... it had to do with the book of Peter and Christians putting up with a murderer.. I should probably read the short book of Peter and try to figure out the discrepancy but I definitely found it years ago. So everyone here should realize that the JWs have a Bible that is not... uh.. kosher.
Yes. JWs believe in soul sleep. One of the most egregious instances of altering Scripture is in Luke 23:43, the thief on the cross. Here's how it reads in Scripture: And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise". They moved the comma so it agrees with their heresy. Here's how their bible reads: Assuredly, I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise". Tricky and deceiving. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes on judgement day.
Looks like the drunk finally got pushed out. announced he was off the Governing Body.

In RE Point 1.30 in the video

the dude is not altogether wrong about things. I have to finish the video later but false religions thrive because they mix truth with error, the True gospel with false interpretations thereof.

We can thank Luther in large part for all the confusion. Instead of breaking from the Catholic Church and starting "a new church" (yet Christ founded only ONE), he is likely responsible for the souls of billions going to Hell. However, that said, people do send themselves to Hell. People are capable of discerning truth from error... Still, it is hard for humans to reject certain teachings they have always believed in, some from childhood. I love my parents, for example, but they were very un-Christian in some ways... and to deny such things does no good to either my parents or anyone else.

"The truth shall set you free" (even if it hurts like Hell at first)
Yes. JWs believe in soul sleep. One of the most egregious instances of altering Scripture is in Luke 23:43, the thief on the cross. Here's how it reads in Scripture: And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise". They moved the comma so it agrees with their heresy. Here's how their bible reads: Assuredly, I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise". Tricky and deceiving. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes on judgement day.
Wow... I learned something from a non-Catholic... LMAO!

I always knew there was something hokey about that passage about the man on the cross beside Jesus being assured of Heaven immediately upon death. I even saw someone once move the comma around but still, that person didn't make the point I now see (and always believed myself) in your post. In other words, I always figured that the comma was in the place where you put it but didn't know if I was correct... Wait, I actually did think I was correct but didn't have any way to prove it

All Christians need to pay close attention to anything that claims to be from Christ. The JWs, I learned a long time ago.. again, they mix the Truth with error
I agree. So my question is why do you follow imperfect men? Jesus said "Follow me". We have the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
And we have Luke 10:16--assures these-Matt 24:45 are appointed by Jesus and one MUST listen to them as if listening to God and Jesus.
He promised to keep on making his Fathers name known-John 17:26--so he obviously did use it.
You're assuming. We have Scripture. Scripture is our authority, not your assumptions.
And we have Luke 10:16--assures these-Matt 24:45 are appointed by Jesus and one MUST listen to them as if listening to God and Jesus.
That Scripture isn't speaking about the governing body.

This sentence does'nt make sense, didn't turn out the way I planned..

I said

Instead of breaking from the Catholic Church and starting "a new church" (yet Christ founded only ONE), he [Luther] is likely responsible for the souls of billions going to Hell.

I meant to say that instead of breaking from the Church he could have stayed in it and helped reform it... so as to help in the work of saving people from Hell.
Would be hard to make Gods name known if it wasn't used now wouldn't it?
You're stuck on a false interpretation of Scripture. What is the name that every knee shall bow to? Isaiah 45:23 and Phillippians 2:10-11. Read those two Scriptures.
You're stuck on a false interpretation of Scripture. What is the name that every knee shall bow to? Isaiah 45:23 and Phillippians 2:10-11. Read those two Scriptures.
Yes bow in obesiance to Gods appointed king. You see at 1Chronicles 16:31--YHWH had become king--Daniel 7:13-15--Jesus had to be appointed to a kingship--If Jesus were YHWH he was already king and wouldn't need to be appointed, nor would all authority need to be given to him if he was YHWH and already had the authority. You see bible facts prove Jesus is not God.
Yes bow in obesiance to Gods appointed king. You see at 1Chronicles 16:31--YHWH had become king--Daniel 7:13-15--Jesus had to be appointed to a kingship--If Jesus were YHWH he was already king and wouldn't need to be appointed, nor would all authority need to be given to him if he was YHWH and already had the authority. You see bible facts prove Jesus is not God.
no, the Bible shows that Jesus IS God

"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father" (Jesus said)

"The Father and I are one" (Jesus)

then there is the first chapter of St John: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was [is] God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
Yes bow in obesiance to Gods appointed king. You see at 1Chronicles 16:31--YHWH had become king--Daniel 7:13-15--Jesus had to be appointed to a kingship--If Jesus were YHWH he was already king and wouldn't need to be appointed, nor would all authority need to be given to him if he was YHWH and already had the authority. You see bible facts prove Jesus is not God.
The Bible says Jesus gave up everything to come down from Heaven and be a man. Then He got it all back after His resurrection. You don't even know who He is. You've been told Jesus is Michael the Archangel.
no, the Bible shows that Jesus IS God

"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father" (Jesus said)

"The Father and I are one" (Jesus)

then there is the first chapter of St John: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was [is] God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
Rev 1:1--A revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him---Now if the receiver was God, God actually said--Here me have a revelation, that would make him insane. But since all know 100% there is only one God, and there are two different beings spoken of at Rev 1:1--1 is God--1 is not God. or there would be more than 1 God. Your translations are filled with error by satans will to mislead all using them to not enter Gods kingdom.
The Bible says Jesus gave up everything to come down from Heaven and be a man. Then He got it all back after His resurrection. You don't even know who He is. You've been told Jesus is Michael the Archangel.
Jesus is Michael-Rev 6:1 proves it--that was the war in heaven--see he receives his crown, but only Jesus gets the crown but Michael took that ride. Rev 12 explains the war in heaven. 12:1 is explaining the birth of Gods kingdom(he receives his crown)Rev 6:1)--proving it was the war in heaven-Rev 19:11-12--Jesus shown riding the white horse of Rev 6:1--its the same ride, it does not stop until-1Cor 15:24-28)--1thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return( at Rev 6:1) he comes with the voice of the archangel--Jesus is Michael. God sent his best. You cannot disprove that evidence i presented.
Jesus is Michael-Rev 6:1 proves it--that was the war in heaven--see he receives his crown, but only Jesus gets the crown but Michael took that ride. Rev 12 explains the war in heaven. 12:1 is explaining the birth of Gods kingdom(he receives his crown)Rev 6:1)--proving it was the war in heaven-Rev 19:11-12--Jesus shown riding the white horse of Rev 6:1--its the same ride, it does not stop until-1Cor 15:24-28)--1thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return( at Rev 6:1) he comes with the voice of the archangel--Jesus is Michael. God sent his best. You cannot disprove that evidence i presented.
If the voice of the Archangel makes Jesus Michael, then the Trump of God would make Him God, according to your interpretation. Read that verse again and you'll see.

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