Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

you've swallowed the Watchtower propaganda. Are you gonna refuse a blood transfusion if you need one to save your life?
You bet i will refuse blood--The NT says abstain from blood. You cannot prove, nor can any mortal that blood transfusions aren't included in that statement. Obviously God doesn't want one to put it in their bodies by eating it why would he want it put in any other way?
You bet i will refuse blood--The NT says abstain from blood. You cannot prove, nor can any mortal that blood transfusions aren't included in that statement. Obviously God doesn't want one to put it in their bodies by eating it why would he want it put in any other way?
So you actually believe that Scripture means don't get a blood transfusion? Have you actually studied that chapter and the reason for it, or do you just accept whatever the Watchtower has told you about it?
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So you actually believe that Scripture means don't get a blood transfusion? Have you actually studied that chapter and the reason for it, or do you just accept whatever the Watchtower has told you about it?
I know my teachers have Jesus as their head. All through the bible blood was sacred, to be poured out on the ground, not to be taken into ones body. You cannot prove it isn't that way so it doesn't make much sense discussing it. You can only assume.
I know my teachers have Jesus as their head. All through the bible blood was sacred, to be poured out on the ground, not to be taken into ones body. You cannot prove it isn't that way so it doesn't make much sense discussing it. You can only assume.
So what happens to Christians who get a blood transfusion? Are they lost forever?
God had 1 true religion in the OT=The Israelite religion. Jesus started 1 single religion( Acts 24:5)--that religion served the Abrahamic God like every Israelite from Moses on up, including Jesus and every bible writer=a single being God=YHWH(Jehovah)--Its not us confused its 99% of the world that is being mislead.
Here is an answer to your claim that God has always had an organization.
Here is an answer to your claim that God has always had an organization.

I never said there werent servants of the true God all along. The religion died out when the Christians were being murdered. But some could see through the trinity deception.
I never said there werent servants of the true God all along. The religion died out when the Christians were being murdered. But some could see through the trinity deception.
The disciples of Jesus believed He was God in the flesh. Read the Gospel of John, the epistles and Revelation.
The disciples of Jesus believed He was God in the flesh. Read the Gospel of John, the epistles and Revelation.

When Jesus asked his apostles who they thought he was, they replied the Son of the living God--not God. John would never contradict Jesus who at John 17:3- 100% teaches his Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. proving your translations are erred and contradict Jesus truth.
When Jesus asked his apostles who they thought he was, they replied the Son of the living God--not God. John would never contradict Jesus who at John 17:3- 100% teaches his Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. proving your translations are erred and contradict Jesus truth.
Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God". You err in your understanding of Scripture. You better read that verse again. You better read Revelation 1:7-8 again.
“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”[c]
So shall it be! Amen.
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

There's only one coming. There's only one who was pierced. There's only one first and last. Jesus.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit=God.
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When Jesus asked his apostles who they thought he was, they replied the Son of the living God--not God. John would never contradict Jesus who at John 17:3- 100% teaches his Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. proving your translations are erred and contradict Jesus truth.
Colossians 2:9
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,
Now you're playing games. That doesn't help your credibility. Your organization claims to be the only true religion.
See now that makes more sense than a magazine speaking. Yes they do and they are correct--Jesus is only with a single religion-1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God". You err in your understanding of Scripture. You better read that verse again. You better read Revelation 1:7-8 again.
“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”[c]
So shall it be! Amen.
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

There's only one coming. There's only one who was pierced. There's only one first and last. Jesus.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit=God.

Believing Thomas said God to Jesus contradicts Jesus truth at John 17:3-proving you are reasoning falsely. Because Gods truth does not contradict itself. I believe Thomas looked to heaven saying the word God. It can be the only reasonable explanation so as not to contradict Jesus truth.
Colossians 2:9
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,

Coll 1:3 teaches--The Father is Jesus' God. So again you reason falsely as to what is actually being said. You would have to teach that mortals killed God--they could never. They cant even kill an angel let alone the angels creator.
See now that makes more sense than a magazine speaking. Yes they do and they are correct--Jesus is only with a single religion-1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
Which did Jesus say the Watchtower was the one true religion?
Believing Thomas said God to Jesus contradicts Jesus truth at John 17:3-proving you are reasoning falsely. Because Gods truth does not contradict itself. I believe Thomas looked to heaven saying the word God. It can be the only reasonable explanation so as not to contradict Jesus truth.
Now you're telling me that there are contradictions in Scripture. So you don't believe all the Scriptures, just the ones that fit your beliefs. That's heresy.
Coll 1:3 teaches--The Father is Jesus' God. So again you reason falsely as to what is actually being said. You would have to teach that mortals killed God--they could never. They cant even kill an angel let alone the angels creator.
Is Colossians 2:9 Scripture or not? I'm trying to help you, honestly. You really need to see that Jesus is God in the flesh just as Scripture teaches. The Watchtower is a cult and people are leaving in great numbers now that the internet is available with the facts. They can't hide the facts now.

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