Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

Rev 1:1--A revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him---Now if the receiver was God, God actually said--Here me have a revelation, that would make him insane. But since all know 100% there is only one God, and there are two different beings spoken of at Rev 1:1--1 is God--1 is not God. or there would be more than 1 God. Your translations are filled with error by satans will to mislead all using them to not enter Gods kingdom.
God is three persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God in three persons. That's why you're confused.
If the voice of the Archangel makes Jesus Michael, then the Trump of God would make Him God, according to your interpretation. Read that verse again and you'll see.
Actually the trumpet announces the ride of the white horse(righteous war)
God is three persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God in three persons. That's why you're confused.
Paul wasnt, when he told all other gods were false, then named only the Father as God-1Cor 8:5-6 Jesus did the same--warned all other gods were false then named the Father as God-John 4:22-24--- your error filled translations teach 2 different gods.
Actually the trumpet announces the ride of the white horse(righteous war)
You're not getting it...again. If coming with the voice of the Archangel makes Him Michael, then coming with the Trump of God makes Him God. That's your own reasoning. See, this is what happens when you listen to people who make stuff up.
You're not getting it...again. If coming with the voice of the Archangel makes Him Michael, then coming with the Trump of God makes Him God. That's your own reasoning. See, this is what happens when you listen to people who make stuff up.
No its your twisted reasoning--One cannot come with anothers voice, it is his voice=fact.
No its your tpwisted reasoning--One cannot come with anothers voice, it is his voice=fact.
Who told you that? The Watchtower, the same people who told us the end was coming in 1914, 1925, 1975 and numerous other lies. Are you aware that the Watchtower has changed their mind a couple times about Michael being Jesus. Read Hebrews 1:1-8 where it says that God's Son isn't an angel.
Watchtower Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses has played theological Ping-Pong with the Archangel Michael throughout its history. We ask, “Who is Michael?”

We’ll begin with Zion’s Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, their official magazine of doctrine, 1879, page 48, which is teaching on Jesus Christ: “…His position is contrasted with that of men and angels, as he is Lord of both, having ‘all power in heaven and earth.’ Hence it is said, ‘Let all the angels of God worship him’ [that must include Michael, the chief angel, hence Michael is not the Son of God; and the reason is,] because he has ‘by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they.’ Michael or Gabriel are perhaps grander names than Jesus, though Jesus is grand in its very simplicity, but the official character of the Son of God as Saviour and King is the inheritance from his Father which is far superior to theirs, for it pleased the Father that in him all fullness should dwell. He has given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow both in heaven and earth. And there is ‘none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.’” (emphasis by Watchtower)

This Writer would be disfellowshipped today for the worst kind of heresy! Oops! The Writer is none other than Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watch Tower Society! No doubt he would turn over in his grave, as today’s teaching by his Society identify Jesus Christ as Michael the Archangel, while Russell says Jesus is not an angel. Furthermore in today’s theology, Jesus Christ is identified by the Society as being the son of God (and also Michael the Archangel). Russell plainly says, “Michael is not the son of God.” Never mind these glaring differences, “new light” was again to fall on the unfortunate Michael.

Fast forward to the Watchtower magazine of March 1883, on page 4, where the writer, Russell again, appears to conform to fundamental Christian doctrine, albeit briefly: “Jesus, before he became a man, was a spiritual being, of a nature superior to angels, because when he was about to humble himself and lay aside his glory to become man’s ransom, ‘he took not on him the nature of angels’ but came still lower, and ‘was found in fashion as a man’.”

Here we have Jesus laying aside His glory to become a man to ransom us all. Russell was right when he pointed out that Jesus has “a nature superior to angels,” and also observes “he took not on him the nature of angels.” He would again be disfellowshipped for heresy today for these statements.

Pastor Charles Taze Russell, “the faithful and discreet slave” of the Watchtower organization passed away, and “Judge” Rutherford seized the reins of the Society, supposedly publishing the last of Russell’s books, The Finished Mystery. In the 1926 printing of this book, we find this surprising teaching on Michael, specifically that he had somehow morphed into “the Pope” (of Rome), and “his angels” are the “bishops.” Here’s the exact quote: “A thousand two hundred and threescore days—1260 years, from A.D. 539 to 1799. —Rev. 11:2,3. 12:7. And there was war in heaven. —Between the two ecclesiastical powers, Pagan Rome and Papal Rome. Michael, —“Who as God,” the Pope. —B275; C62. And his angels. —The Bishops.”

No wonder this weird teaching got quietly dropped—it’s really on the “far side” of biblical misinterpretation. Poor Michael was in for yet another change!

In time, Michael eventually progressed to the current Watchtower view, namely that he is none other than Jesus Christ, both before and after his resurrection. Their official doctrinal book, Reasoning From the Scriptures, on page 218 says this: “…So the evidence indicated that the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and is known also by that name since his return to heaven where he resides as the glorified spirit Son of God.”

What can we say about all this doctrinal flip-flopping? This is a serious matter. Jesus Christ is our Savior. If we have the right Jesus Christ we are right for all eternity. If we have the wrong Jesus Christ we are wrong for all eternity. Jehovah’s Witnesses have the wrong Jesus Christ. Also, the Archangel Michael is none other than the Archangel Michael, nothing more, nothing less. Why not believe the Bible as it is written?

We suggest you print out this article, hand it to the next Jehovah’s Witness you encounter, and ask them to explain to you how their “truth” changed Michael from being an angel, who was not the son of God, into the Pope of Rome, and then into the Son of God, becoming Jesus Christ Himself! Quite a feat of biblical misinterpretation! Should Jehovah’s Witnesses really be trusting in an organization who can’t trust Jesus Christ to be who He really is, Truly God, Truly Man, and certainly, never an angel!
John Ankerberg Apologetics
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Who told you that? The Watchtower, the same people who told us the end was coming in 1914, 1925, 1975 and numerous other lies. Are you aware that the Watchtower has changed their mind a couple times about Michael being Jesus. Read Hebrews 1:1-8 where it says that God's Son isn't an angel.
They erred they did not lie. It was a great way to root out the fakes( apostates) who could have ruined real JW,s. Heb 1:4 is clear if God didnt give him that name above other names he WAS equal to the angels. (Psalm 45:7-partners= angels--see he has a God just like the angels and us.
They erred they did not lie. It was a great way to root out the fakes( apostates) who could have ruined real JW,s. Heb 1:4 is clear if God didnt give him that name above other names he WAS equal to the angels. (Psalm 45:7-partners= angels--see he has a God just like the angels and us.
God called Jesus God. You're avoiding verse 8. Scholars don't cherry pick. Cultists do.
God is three persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God in three persons. That's why you're confused.
I am not confused, your own scholars know 100% the trinity was added at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce. And a trinity was never served prior to that. That is the sad part of it all--they know and will not teach truth because all those religions would proved as false and billions of dollars would be lost yearly and they would get sued by 2 billion humans for stealing their donations under false pretenses.
I am not confused, your own scholars know 100% the trinity was added at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce. And a trinity was never served prior to that. That is the sad part of it all--they know and will not teach truth because all those religions would proved as false and billions of dollars would be lost yearly and they would get sued by 2 billion humans for stealing their donations under false pretenses.
The Trinity is Biblical. Your heresy of Arianism is why the council was called. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Your Bible is a lie and the people who put it together had no knowledge of Hebrew or Greek. I know their names. You don't. I know more about your false religion than you do.
The Trinity is Biblical. Your heresy of Arianism is why the council was called. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Your Bible is a lie and the people who put it together had no knowledge of Hebrew or Greek. I know their names. You don't. I know more about your false religion than you do.
The true God called HO THEOS at John 1:1= The God, in the Greek lexicons(trinity translating) the word called plain Theos= a god-to show a difference of what one was being called. Its fact.
The true God called HO THEOS at John 1:1= The God, in the Greek lexicons(trinity translating) the word called plain Theos= a god-to show a difference of what one was being called. Its fact.
Bullshit. The New King James, The New American Standard, The NIV, and numerous other translations by Hebrew and Greek scholars disagree with you. I can produce their names and qualifications. I dare you to read this entire article.
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Bullshit. The New King James, The New American Standard, The NIV, and numerous other translations by Hebrew and Greek scholars disagree with you. I can produce their names and qualifications. I dare you to read this entire article.

Trinity believers. How about unbias like in 1822 when an unbias Greek scholar named A.Kneeland translated the NT from those Greek Lexicons and compared the Greek and English side by side to prove to the world a god is correct? and the other 19 translations? No Hebrew scholar would take your view. because its 100% fact of reality--From Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion taught, served and worshipped the Abrahamic God= a single being God=YHWH(Jehovah) the same God taught to Jesus and every bible writer. You or he cannot get by those facts. Except by throwing them away.
Trinity believers. How about unbias like in 1822 when an unbias Greek scholar named A.Kneeland translated the NT from those Greek Lexicons and compared the Greek and English side by side to prove to the world a god is correct? and the other 19 translations? No Hebrew scholar would take your view. because its 100% fact of reality--From Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion taught, served and worshipped the Abrahamic God= a single being God=YHWH(Jehovah) the same God taught to Jesus and every bible writer. You or he cannot get by those facts. Except by throwing them away.
I don't believe you. Tell me the names of the men who translated your Bible.
That has nothing to do with my post. My post was 100% fact of history. Your scholars know its 100% fact. Jehovah is the author of his truth.
And you have no clue who translated your Bible. Whatever the Watchtower tells you, you swallow and run with it, even though they've been wrong repeatedly. You follow men. God gave us the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Good luck.
And you have no clue who translated your Bible. Whatever the Watchtower tells you, you swallow and run with it, even though they've been wrong repeatedly. You follow men. God gave us the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Good luck.
And your religions are so confused they have 40,000 of them= a house divided will not stand. Because they are a mass of confusion who refuse to correct errors because face is more important than truth.
And your religions are so confused they have 40,000 of them= a house divided will not stand. Because they are a mass of confusion who refuse to correct errors because face is more important than truth.
I don't have religion. There is no such thing as a one true religion. You're confused and confused people are easy prey for vultures like the Watchtower.
I don't have religion. There is no such thing as a one true religion. You're confused and confused people are easy prey for vultures like the Watchtower.
God had 1 true religion in the OT=The Israelite religion. Jesus started 1 single religion( Acts 24:5)--that religion served the Abrahamic God like every Israelite from Moses on up, including Jesus and every bible writer=a single being God=YHWH(Jehovah)--Its not us confused its 99% of the world that is being mislead.
God had 1 true religion in the OT=The Israelite religion. Jesus started 1 single religion( Acts 24:5)--that religion served the Abrahamic God like every Israelite from Moses on up, including Jesus and every bible writer=a single being God=YHWH(Jehovah)--Its not us confused its 99% of the world that is being mislead.
you've swallowed the Watchtower propaganda. Are you gonna refuse a blood transfusion if you need one to save your life?

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