Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

Believing Thomas said God to Jesus contradicts Jesus truth at John 17:3-proving you are reasoning falsely. Because Gods truth does not contradict itself. I believe Thomas looked to heaven saying the word God. It can be the only reasonable explanation so as not to contradict Jesus truth.
Scripture doesn't say Thomas looked to heaven. That doesn't make sense. He said "My Lord and my God" while looking at Jesus. Jesus told him to feel the holes in his hands and side. A Bible scholar humbles himself to Scripture. A cultist twists Scripture to fit their beliefs.
Is Colossians 2:9 Scripture or not? I'm trying to help you, honestly. You really need to see that Jesus is God in the flesh just as Scripture teaches. The Watchtower is a cult and people are leaving in great numbers now that the internet is available with the facts. They can't hide the facts now.
Thats funny last year 1 1/2 million new bible studies started. The cult to Gods view= A house divided( 40,000 trinity religions) will not stand--confusion has caused it, a lack of holy spirit has caused it, dogma has caused it.
Scripture doesn't say Thomas looked to heaven. That doesn't make sense. He said "My Lord and my God" while looking at Jesus. Jesus told him to feel the holes in his hands and side. A Bible scholar humbles himself to Scripture. A cultist twists Scripture to fit their beliefs.
It would contradict Israelite religious beliefs for Thomas to call Jesus God. Proving its you in error.
Thats funny last year 1 1/2 million new bible studies started. The cult to Gods view= A house divided( 40,000 trinity religions) will not stand--confusion has caused it, a lack of holy spirit has caused it, dogma has caused it.
Mormons are a larger cult. You've still got a ways to go. Actually, I wouldn't believe everything the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society tell you.
It would contradict Israelite religious beliefs for Thomas to call Jesus God. Proving its you in error.
Nope. Thomas was looking right at Jesus and touching Him. You're listening to heretics. Isaiah tells us He would be called God. You have quite a lot of misinformation. Sad.
I am a Jehovah witness
You're an Arian.

Arianism is the idea that Jesus Christ is not equal to the Father by nature, but He is the first creation of God. The founder of Arianism was Arius who died in 336. His ideas would have a tremendous impact on the early Church by causing it to define orthodoxy with a number of creeds. However, his impact continues to this present day with such groups as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a result of their convictions, these modern-day Arians produce a number of Biblical arguments to support their contention that Jesus is not God. Though Arianism is false biblically, its doctrines force the Church throughout all generations to define what she believes regarding the person and nature of Christ.

The Historical Background of Arianism​

The founder of Arianism was no other than Arius. He studied under Lucian of Antioch who saw Jesus as a semidivine intermediate being. In fact, Lucian thought the Logos was not fully God or man. Therefore, Jesus has a high status among the creatures even being called “the firstborn of all creation (Col. 1).” Jesus is supernatural, but He is not equal to the Father. Brown states, “Arianism developed the idea that the Son is a semidivine being created, not begotten, by the Father and having an origin in time, or at least a definite beginning before the creation of the material world.”1 Arius would later receive his ordination as a presbyter in Alexandria in 311. He had many friends in high places including quite a few Asian bishops who tolerated his ideas.

As a result of the spread of his teachings, Arius received opposition from some of his opponents. One of these opponents was Bishop Alexander. He argued that Jesus was the same substance with the Father (homoousios). The contrasting party was known as the homoiousios group. They believed that Jesus was of similar substance with the Father. As a result of this disagreement, there was great controversy among the various local churches. This argument would convince Constantine to call the Council of Nicea.
You're an Arian.

Arianism is the idea that Jesus Christ is not equal to the Father by nature, but He is the first creation of God. The founder of Arianism was Arius who died in 336. His ideas would have a tremendous impact on the early Church by causing it to define orthodoxy with a number of creeds. However, his impact continues to this present day with such groups as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a result of their convictions, these modern-day Arians produce a number of Biblical arguments to support their contention that Jesus is not God. Though Arianism is false biblically, its doctrines force the Church throughout all generations to define what she believes regarding the person and nature of Christ.

The Historical Background of Arianism​

The founder of Arianism was no other than Arius. He studied under Lucian of Antioch who saw Jesus as a semidivine intermediate being. In fact, Lucian thought the Logos was not fully God or man. Therefore, Jesus has a high status among the creatures even being called “the firstborn of all creation (Col. 1).” Jesus is supernatural, but He is not equal to the Father. Brown states, “Arianism developed the idea that the Son is a semidivine being created, not begotten, by the Father and having an origin in time, or at least a definite beginning before the creation of the material world.”1 Arius would later receive his ordination as a presbyter in Alexandria in 311. He had many friends in high places including quite a few Asian bishops who tolerated his ideas.

As a result of the spread of his teachings, Arius received opposition from some of his opponents. One of these opponents was Bishop Alexander. He argued that Jesus was the same substance with the Father (homoousios). The contrasting party was known as the homoiousios group. They believed that Jesus was of similar substance with the Father. As a result of this disagreement, there was great controversy among the various local churches. This argument would convince Constantine to call the Council of Nicea.
The Israelite religion served a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) They served the true God--so whats your point? Constantine was a pagan false god worshipping king. Jesus would never let him be in charge of truth findings of Gods ever. Constantine reverted on his death bad, which means-0 for him.
Then the Arians were right about certain things. Because its100% fact of reality it is satan posing as the non existent trinity, which billions are losing their places in Gods kingdom by serving it. God is about to show this world their error--he warned all of you--GET OUT OF HER.
I said they had errors. and are altered by the removal of Gods name.
Jesus never called God Jehovah. It's not I'm the original Greek Scriptures. You have to face the truth.

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