Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

The Israelite religion served a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) They served the true God--so whats your point? Constantine was a pagan false god worshipping king. Jesus would never let him be in charge of truth findings of Gods ever. Constantine reverted on his death bad, which means-0 for him.
Then the Arians were right about certain things. Because its100% fact of reality it is satan posing as the non existent trinity, which billions are losing their places in Gods kingdom by serving it. God is about to show this world their error--he warned all of you--GET OUT OF HER.
Arianism is heresy. You've been lied to.
thinking. Another quote:

“We should eat and digest and assimilate what is set before us, without shying away from parts of the food because it may not suit the fancy of our mental taste…We should meekly go along with the Lord’s theocratic organization and wait for further clarification.'”5

This quote clearly shows that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the Jehovah’s Witness’ teacher and those who follow its teachings are Watchtowerites. That is, they are students of the Watchtower which is why, basically, all Jehovah’s Witnesses all believe the very same thing. Of course, they will say that this is unity and not confusion as is found in Christendom’s denominations. But precise unity in beliefs among a people is a sign not of freedom, but of control.

Within Christianity’s denominations are the core beliefs that unite Christians all over the world. We are allowed differences of opinions on non-essential doctrines (Rom. 14:1-7). Not so with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are all taught the same doctrine from the same publications. They each give identical Watchtower responses to questions and challenges, and all present the identical claims of “The Kingdom of God,” “the Errors of the Trinity,” the “Coming Armageddon,” etc. Essentially, if you’ve spoken to one Jehovah’s Witness, you’ve spoken to them all.

If you want to learn what the average Jehovah’s Witness believes, you don’t read the Bible, you read the Watchtower Magazine. This is because the Watchtower is the source of their theological beliefs, not the Bible. If you want to quickly learn what the Watchtower teaches, spend an hour with any Jehovah’s Witness. The Jehovah’s Witness is, quite plainly, a Watchtowerite.
Jesus never called God Jehovah. It's not I'm the original Greek Scriptures. You have to face the truth.
Jerome translated from originals, He told the leader of Catholicism Gods name belongs in the NT a little over 200 places. If Jesus quoted the OT where the name belongs he did use it. And one cannot keep on making that name known by not using it-John 17:26
Jerome translated from originals, He told the leader of Catholicism Gods name belongs in the NT a little over 200 places. If Jesus quoted the OT where the name belongs he did use it. And one cannot keep on making that name known by not using it-John 17:26
Jerome isn't the guy who wrote Scripture. Jesus never called God Jehovah. You can't add to Scripture and you can't take away. The Watchtower is famous for altering Scripture and that's heresy.
Jerome isn't the guy who wrote Scripture. Jesus never called God Jehovah. You can't add to Scripture and you can't take away. The Watchtower is famous for altering Scripture and that's heresy.
The name YHWH is Jehovah--If Jesus quoted the OT where YHWH is he used the name. He used the name-YHWH( Hebrew) we do not speak Hebrew- There is no J in Hebrew-Y was used-- We use names in our language from The OT -Job, Jeremiah, Joshua, Etc.
You're the one in darkness, pal. I know more about your cult than you do.
I know everything they did from back in 1879 until today. Its you in darkness, you cant even see Gods view of a cult you are so blinded= A house divided( 40,000 trinity religions) will not stand-- i know10 year olds that can see it. They fail 100% this true mark-1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--- do you understand those words-no division.
The name YHWH is Jehovah--If Jesus quoted the OT where YHWH is he used the name. He used the name-YHWH( Hebrew) we do not speak Hebrew- There is no J in Hebrew-Y was used-- We use names in our language from The OT -Job, Jeremiah, Joshua, Etc.
show me where Jesus used it in the original Greek Scriptures.
I know everything they did from back in 1879 until today. Its you in darkness, you cant even see Gods view of a cult you are so blinded= A house divided( 40,000 trinity religions) will not stand-- i know10 year olds that can see it. They fail 100% this true mark-1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--- do you understand those words-no division.
So then you would have to admit your religion was founded by a man.
I dont listen to apostates. It would be like listening to the Pharisees in Jesus day. Jesus called them liars and their Father was the devil.
You're confused. An apostate isn't someone who leaves your cult. An apostate is someone who turns away from Jesus. Read your Bible.

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