We are going to get revenge!

Several times I’ve explained how we got into this current mess of the absolute hatred between the parties. But to recap. When Clinton was impeached it began. It quickly escalated to no longer being enough to win at the ballot box. Now it was necessary to destroy your opponent. The other side became the enemy.

Now with Steve Bannon being charged with Contempt the Republicans are outraged. This has never happened before. And are promising revenge.

Contempt of Congress goes back to the original founders of the nation.

And here is the Republicans promising revenge.

Left. Right. Listen up. The other side is not the enemy. They are your fellow citizens. They are Americans. Period. Get over it and start learning how to talk to each other.
Doesn't matter.

Bannon is a hinge-pin of the Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States and the assault against the Congress of the United States.

And then the arrogant piece-of-$hit thinks he can refuse the Congress while engaged in its lawful investigation into that traitorous rebellion...

Try him in the law courts... if he's convicted, throw the book at him... even if it's only for a year or so... bitch-slap him so that others will think twice...

As to Republican "revenge", well...

The next time a Close Adviser to a Democratic President helps to foment Insurrection against the United States, you can prosecute him-or-her, too...

For now... push on Bannon... hard... as hard the law allows...

Several times I’ve explained how we got into this current mess of the absolute hatred between the parties. But to recap. When Clinton was impeached it began. It quickly escalated to no longer being enough to win at the ballot box. Now it was necessary to destroy your opponent. The other side became the enemy.

Now with Steve Bannon being charged with Contempt the Republicans are outraged. This has never happened before. And are promising revenge.

Contempt of Congress goes back to the original founders of the nation.

And here is the Republicans promising revenge.

Left. Right. Listen up. The other side is not the enemy. They are your fellow citizens. They are Americans. Period. Get over it and start learning how to talk to each other.
The left is the ENEMY---they are welfare hos who consistently vote to harm the nation all in the name of what gets them something from taxpayers whether it be money any of the government programs that they don't pay for or corporations like Amazon and others making money off bad government policy or stupid wealthy libs looking to make themselves "feel good" voting free chit for others or my favorite in the lib party--the druggies thinking that drugs aren't rotten their brains and their moral compass.
Several times I’ve explained how we got into this current mess
And several times, you've been wrong.

of the absolute hatred between the parties.
That hatred was started by and created by the Left.

the Republicans are outraged. This has never happened before. And are promising revenge. ---paves the way for them to do the same if they take back the House in 2022.
Gee, some threat. Some outrage.

Listen up. The other side is not the enemy.
You are wrong. The Left wholly hates this country, its people and history, they say so every day of their lives. They want to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America, and they are doing just that with illegal invasions, massive spending, and crazy insane agendas that no one but them wants, and taking away the basic human freedoms of choice, speech and communication.

These people would be rounded up and shot dead for treason in any sane country. This is not a mistake, it is not an over-reaction, the Left are an existential THREAT to the peace and long term survivability of our country, and nothing less than routing them out of government, out of industry, out of media and out of education will do. Period. Every damn last one of them. By whatever means it takes.

No compromise.
And several times, you've been wrong.

That hatred was started by and created by the Left.

Gee, some threat. Some outrage.

You are wrong. The Left wholly hates this country, its people and history, they say so every day of their lives. They want to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America, and they are doing just that with illegal invasions, massive spending, and crazy insane agendas that no one but them wants, and taking away the basic human freedoms of choice, speech and communication.

These people would be rounded up and shot dead for treason in any sane country. This is not a mistake, it is not an over-reaction, the Left are an existential THREAT to the peace and long term survivability of our country, and nothing less than routing them out of government, out of industry, out of media and out of education will do. Period. Every damn last one of them. By whatever means it takes.

No compromise.
Where were you when your asshole buddy Trump engaged in massive spending, retard?
As feared or as expected. The thread has gone pretty much as I assumed. People so full of their hatred they can’t stop and think. Emotion always trumps thought.

So we continue down the path towards dictatorship. Because both sides hate the Constitution. Both sides are so full of hatred they would rather see the nation destroyed than allow them to win.
I didn't see you complain once the 11,375 times these past 5 years when the LEFT threatened to REALLY get even! :1peleas:

So get your guns. Arm up. And wipe out those enemies you detest. Don’t just talk. Act. Do it.
Actually, it began with Nixon and Watergate. The Clinton impeachment was payback for that.

Nixon took responsibility. He resigned. He did what was best for the country. And his only crime was getting caught doing what the democrats do every election! The Clinton impeachment was payback for that? Gee, what an idiot you are.
The key to the hatred lies in the mainstream media. The media defended the Clinton's lying sleazy administration because the media never saw a democrat it didn't support. Clinton attacking Europe while 9-11 terrorists are in flight school in Florida. It would be laughable if the media didn't ignore it. Fast forward to Obama's insane sign off on "operation fast/furious that shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. One of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer and Obama's A.G. was cited for contempt of congress for ignoring a subpoena but not indicted. The media ignored the entire sordid mess.
Which criminal GOP president are we talking about?





Reagan was a Criminal? Cheney was a president? Boy, you are even more ignorant than I thought. Funny how all the democrats fly right under your radar!
LOL when was Cheney President?

You can't reason with people this stupid, Sarge. And you certainly can't trust them to run things. Best thing for them is to just sneak up on them like a steer and give them a cattle bolt to their head to end their suffering.
No he didn't. But he was willing to spread the lie to his gullible listeners.

Limbaugh wouldn't even tell the truth right up to his last broadcast. What a legacy.
We all knew the election was stolen. The intelligent ones, that is. The rest of you voted for an old guy that shits himself and a worn out ho.
the REAL scandal, the core of corruption, the one that touched everything, the campaign finance controversy.

The Clintons and Gores should have been shot for treason. . .


The fact that they WEREN'T shot tells you that the corruption runs very deep.

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