We are going to get revenge!

Several times I’ve explained how we got into this current mess of the absolute hatred between the parties. But to recap. When Clinton was impeached it began. It quickly escalated to no longer being enough to win at the ballot box. Now it was necessary to destroy your opponent. The other side became the enemy.

Now with Steve Bannon being charged with Contempt the Republicans are outraged. This has never happened before. And are promising revenge.

Contempt of Congress goes back to the original founders of the nation.

And here is the Republicans promising revenge.

Left. Right. Listen up. The other side is not the enemy. They are your fellow citizens. They are Americans. Period. Get over it and start learning how to talk to each other.

Hmmm yes. Unless you suspect they have not, say, taken a medical treatment you insist they take. Then the OP will say this about you, that they hope you live your life in miserable ill health. Right, Savannah?

I want you to survive. I want you to experience the rest of your life like that fellow. Gasping for breath. Exhausted by walking across the room.

That way when the RW decides to start their violent overthrow of the nation, they’ll be too exhausted by crossing the street to do any harm.

People who are fellow citizens do not say this to one another. To be clear. The lines are drawn. You and people like you are not fellow citizens. I have known this for a long time, and am preparing accordingly. So are many of us.
The duopoly is my enemy.
My dear Sir ( slapping you with my glove across the face ) I challenge you to a duel and whomever win will be allow to scream we are the champion!!!


Several times I’ve explained how we got into this current mess of the absolute hatred between the parties. But to recap. When Clinton was impeached it began. It quickly escalated to no longer being enough to win at the ballot box. Now it was necessary to destroy your opponent. The other side became the enemy.

Now with Steve Bannon being charged with Contempt the Republicans are outraged. This has never happened before. And are promising revenge.

Contempt of Congress goes back to the original founders of the nation.

And here is the Republicans promising revenge.

Left. Right. Listen up. The other side is not the enemy. They are your fellow citizens. They are Americans. Period. Get over it and start learning how to talk to each other.
Ohhh, the hatred has been like this since the days our Founding Father’s founded this country…

Hamilton being killed…

Andrew Jackson despised by the political elites…

Lincoln and the War between the States…

Sure we have periods when we have less hate but my good fellow this Country has always been at odds with each other and founded on the idea of revolution, so let remember that while I sit here naked responding to this thread…
Hamilton being killed…
Aaron Burr was the anti-establishment outsider
Andrew Jackson despised by the political elites…
Jackson was the anti-establishment outsider

JFK became that anti-establishment outsider when he threatened to dissolve the intel agencies.

Trump is the anti-establishment outsider

Any time you have a political elite that represents a coalition of the middle or lower classes, which seeks to upset that established order, the political system seeks to cast them as traitors, upstarts, rouges, demagogues, etc., and it can get quite heated, even going so far as political violence with attempted assassinations or outright coups.

Chapter I – Ignorance is Strength

"Throughout recorded time, and probably since the end of the Neolithic Age, there have been three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low. They have been subdivided in many ways, they have borne countless different names, and their relative numbers, as well as their attitude towards one another, have varied from age to age: but the essential structure of society has never altered. Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other.

The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable. The aim of the High is to remain where they are. The aim of the Middle is to change places with the High. The aim of the Low, when they have an aim — for it is an abiding characteristic of the Low that they are too much crushed by drudgery to be more than intermittently conscious of anything outside their daily lives — is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be equal. Thus throughout history a struggle which is the same in its main outlines recurs over and over again. For long periods the High seem to be securely in power, but sooner or later there always comes a moment when they lose either their belief in themselves or their capacity to govern efficiently, or both. They are then overthrown by the Middle, who enlist the Low on their side by pretending to them that they are fighting for liberty and justice. As soon as they have reached their objective, the Middle thrust the Low back into their old position of servitude, and themselves become the High. Presently a new Middle group splits off from one of the other groups, or from both of them, and the struggle begins over again. Of the three groups, only the Low are never even temporarily successful in achieving their aims.. . ."

I cannot stand assholes that perform treasonous actions like attacking our Capital, invading it, vandalizing it, and smearing shit all over it in an attempt to overthrow an election. They were attempting, that the direction of the then President, a coup, to install Trump as the first American dictator.
BS Mostly a staged act by the Globalist. Opened doors and let them in and say they stormed in

Just more Drama

I'll tell you what it means. It means that you protect our nation from bastards that invade, vandalize, and smear shit all over our Capital in an attempt to overthrow a democratic election, and install Donald Trump as the first American dictator. I took that oath decades ago, and still consider it to be in force.
I took the oath. Your side picks and selects which laws it will obey. You are a Stain on the Constitution.
The nature of LibProgs is immaterial to whether Bannon deserves to have the book thrown at him...
It has everything to do with it. Bannon like many other in just things like schools wants the children to have educations. Schools have to many crusaders as students pushing agendas and he did not like that for his kids and made sure they went to a school that teaches. And he is right. We ended up with soccer moms who over the decades saw their male children emasculated to degree and many of their daughter shrieking progs. Some of them wised up when a 12 year old girl was raped in a school bathroom in Virginia. It finally hit them. All that was supported is not utopia.
You have me confused with the wrong goal, idiot! Here we are after all of your fake high talk of unity-- blah blah blah and here you are trying to incite someone to senseless violence yourself. That makes you the biggest fucking hypocrite that has ever walked the face of the Earth. I was just talking about the result of effectively coping with a proven subversive faction of society trying to usurp its own laws to use in undermining it to keep a nation from reeling off into chaos, and here you are trying to get people to just run out and mindlessly shoot others.

Dude, you aren't the messenger of the problem. You ARE the problem.

Quite to the contrary. Let’s be honest for a minute. It will be a new experience for you, but try it out.

The best option is to let the hatred go, stop defending bad behavior on your side by shouting they did it first. But you won’t do that. Nope. Not you. You’re going to stay hard, and intolerant.

I’ve said for a long time now, and you can search my posts and see. We are going to end up in a Dictatorship. Either RW or LW, and it won’t matter. The flavor of the Dictatorship never really changes. Oh it may be labeled with rhetoric of the Left, or the Right, but it’s always the same. The powerful standing on the necks of the population.

That is the last thing I want. So I suggest that people let go of their hatred. You won’t, and they’ve been posting here, and they won’t. So I can be an idealistic fool and keep preaching a message that isn’t going to work. Or I can realize that and go to plan B.

The RW and LW kill each other off. Leaving people who reject the extremes of the Left and the Right. Since option A is impossible according to you, that leaves option B.

But the problem is that you are a coward. You run your mouth, and you jump up and down screaming that your thugs are innocent when they are caught. Or their thugs are way worse.

If you won’t learn to live in peace, you have to be eliminated in the war you claim to want. So go to it scooter. Make it happen. Get out there and show the LW who is boss. But you won’t do it. You’re going to sit and cheer and enjoy your life, probably safe in the basement of your parents house. Of course, if we are going with probabilities, you aren’t even a Veteran, too good to join the riff raff of the military.

You are the one choosing to reject the wise and peaceful option in favor of the path of violence. I am the one who respects your choice, and if you’re going to to it, the sooner the better. Because the LW is arming up. Every day another couple hundred of them buy guns around the nation. And you will shout that they’ll just poop their pants and run if you shoot at them. But look at the Kyle Rittenhouse videos. They were armed with skateboards, and chased your hero through the streets. The sound of gunfire, and seeing their fellows shot didn’t send them home to change their Fruit of the Looms.

Every week this continues, this fake war preceding the next Civil War, the Left is growing stronger. Arming up, getting ammunition, and getting the skills needed to best you on the field.

So my advice to you is to get out there and kill the LW. Make it happen. My advice to the LW is to get out there and slaughter the people they won’t tolerate the existence of. Both of you. Get out there. Kill each other off. Don’t run away, don’t rabbit home thinking nobody will know it was you. Stand and fight.

You won’t live in peace. So go and die in your idiotic war.
Hmmm yes. Unless you suspect they have not, say, taken a medical treatment you insist they take. Then the OP will say this about you, that they hope you live your life in miserable ill health. Right, Savannah?

I want you to survive. I want you to experience the rest of your life like that fellow. Gasping for breath. Exhausted by walking across the room.

That way when the RW decides to start their violent overthrow of the nation, they’ll be too exhausted by crossing the street to do any harm.

People who are fellow citizens do not say this to one another. To be clear. The lines are drawn. You and people like you are not fellow citizens. I have known this for a long time, and am preparing accordingly. So are many of us.

I want you tog eat the future you want. And that is the future you want. Why is that wrong?

Explain this to me. Help me out here. You refuse to take the precautions regarding COVID. Ok. I’m not saying hold a gun to your head and force you. I’m saying I hope the future you disdain, comes true. I hope you get what you are desperately trying for.

A man or woman who doesn’t take precautions having promiscuous sex ends up with disease. It is inevitable. But people still do it. And am I supposed to weep and tear my clothing to show I am in mourning for them? It isn’t like STD’s are a new thing.

I smoke. Would I expect you to feel bad for me when one day I die from a heart attack or emphysema? Or Cancer? It was my choice, and I knew it was dangerous and so what?

What the problem really is with you is you want the freedom without paying the bill. You want to ignore medical advice, you want to chart your own path, and if something goes as it will probably go, almost certainly go, well then you want sympathy and support because of your courageous fight.

People like you deserve to be mocked.

And yes, another idiot out of the gene pool is a good thing. And yes, I hope the future you are daring to get you, happens.

I support your freedoms, and I hope you live a long time with your choice. You made your decision. You get to live with the consequences. Don’t come rushing to me and the rest of the citizens expecting that we’ll pay you 100% disability for your idiocy. Your fellow RW loons are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening.

Go ahead. Make it happen. It’s your world, your life. You get to choose how you live it, and getting mad at people who wish the predictable and inevitable result that you have chosen on you, is just more proof how immature and irresponsible you are.

Paste that in every thread I comment on. Stalk me through the website. I don’t care. Unlike you I am willing to accept the consequences of my choices.
Who says I'm just talk? But then, who ever said the only way to beat back the communist hoards is to run around the streets shooting people indiscriminately like some idiot? That's what idiots like you would do.
How’s the obscure message board offensive going?
I want you tog eat the future you want. And that is the future you want. Why is that wrong?

Explain this to me. Help me out here. You refuse to take the precautions regarding COVID. Ok. I’m not saying hold a gun to your head and force you. I’m saying I hope the future you disdain, comes true. I hope you get what you are desperately trying for.

A man or woman who doesn’t take precautions having promiscuous sex ends up with disease. It is inevitable. But people still do it. And am I supposed to weep and tear my clothing to show I am in mourning for them? It isn’t like STD’s are a new thing.

I smoke. Would I expect you to feel bad for me when one day I die from a heart attack or emphysema? Or Cancer? It was my choice, and I knew it was dangerous and so what?

What the problem really is with you is you want the freedom without paying the bill. You want to ignore medical advice, you want to chart your own path, and if something goes as it will probably go, almost certainly go, well then you want sympathy and support because of your courageous fight.

People like you deserve to be mocked.

And yes, another idiot out of the gene pool is a good thing. And yes, I hope the future you are daring to get you, happens.

I support your freedoms, and I hope you live a long time with your choice. You made your decision. You get to live with the consequences. Don’t come rushing to me and the rest of the citizens expecting that we’ll pay you 100% disability for your idiocy. Your fellow RW loons are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening.

Go ahead. Make it happen. It’s your world, your life. You get to choose how you live it, and getting mad at people who wish the predictable and inevitable result that you have chosen on you, is just more proof how immature and irresponsible you are.

Paste that in every thread I comment on. Stalk me through the website. I don’t care. Unlike you I am willing to accept the consequences of my choices.

The difference between me and you is that I do not wish harm, death and destruction, suffering and pain on other people no matter WHAT their health choices.

You do.

That's on you, it's all over there. It's not on me. Live with it or repent, your choice.
I want you tog eat the future you want. And that is the future you want. Why is that wrong?

Explain this to me. Help me out here. You refuse to take the precautions regarding COVID. Ok. I’m not saying hold a gun to your head and force you. I’m saying I hope the future you disdain, comes true. I hope you get what you are desperately trying for.

A man or woman who doesn’t take precautions having promiscuous sex ends up with disease. It is inevitable. But people still do it. And am I supposed to weep and tear my clothing to show I am in mourning for them? It isn’t like STD’s are a new thing.

I smoke. Would I expect you to feel bad for me when one day I die from a heart attack or emphysema? Or Cancer? It was my choice, and I knew it was dangerous and so what?

What the problem really is with you is you want the freedom without paying the bill. You want to ignore medical advice, you want to chart your own path, and if something goes as it will probably go, almost certainly go, well then you want sympathy and support because of your courageous fight.

People like you deserve to be mocked.

And yes, another idiot out of the gene pool is a good thing. And yes, I hope the future you are daring to get you, happens.

I support your freedoms, and I hope you live a long time with your choice. You made your decision. You get to live with the consequences. Don’t come rushing to me and the rest of the citizens expecting that we’ll pay you 100% disability for your idiocy. Your fellow RW loons are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening.

Go ahead. Make it happen. It’s your world, your life. You get to choose how you live it, and getting mad at people who wish the predictable and inevitable result that you have chosen on you, is just more proof how immature and irresponsible you are.

Paste that in every thread I comment on. Stalk me through the website. I don’t care. Unlike you I am willing to accept the consequences of my choices.

Wherein Savannah pretends there is no difference between "If you smoke you might get lung cancer" and "Since you smoke, I hope you get lung cancer and die a slow, torturous, painful death".

Sure, Savannah. Please lecture us some more on unity, coming together as a nation, tolerance. We can see you. Believe that.
:iyfyus.jpg: Out of all the noise and promises-- -- what, so far I think maybe ONE person might serve a few months?!

:abgg2q.jpg: That is, until the media calms down, then they will all be released, there will be lawsuits, then the quiet settlements and the democrat circus of another fake, puffed up crisis will slowly settle into the distance.
Then don't worry about it... :auiqs.jpg:
It has everything to do with it. Bannon like many other in just things like schools wants the children to have educations. Schools have to many crusaders as students pushing agendas and he did not like that for his kids and made sure they went to a school that teaches. And he is right. We ended up with soccer moms who over the decades saw their male children emasculated to degree and many of their daughter shrieking progs. Some of them wised up when a 12 year old girl was raped in a school bathroom in Virginia. It finally hit them. All that was supported is not utopia.
Nope... disconnected... unrelated... non sequitur... the issue... and that miserable piece-of-$hit now held in contempt... stand alone...
This divisiveness will only end when God calls Trump home. And God don't want him.
The difference between me and you is that I do not wish harm, death and destruction, suffering and pain on other people no matter WHAT their health choices.

You do.

That's on you, it's all over there. It's not on me. Live with it or repent, your choice.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

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