We are not going to let them take our businesses any longer. It's not going to happen.

Of course, he will be able to persuade Congress, and this is why:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters think the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico needs to be renegotiated. Just 27% disagree, but nearly as many (23%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Voters Aren’t Happy with NAFTA, Other Free Trade Deals - Rasmussen Reports™

Among those who will support him are the trade unions which have always been opposed to NAFTA. Even Hillary now says NAFTA was a mistake.

Don't forget the other part of the equation, because Mexico has to accept it as well. If they don't like it, they won't sign it.

And there is nothing Trump can do to force them.

Therein lies the "art of the deal" - you position Mexico, and Canada, so that they can't afford NOT to accept the deal. Suppose, for example, Trump were to say "Either sign it or we will completely close the border to all Mexican (or Canadian) goods. In addition, we will no longer provide military support for your country's security."

I'm guessing that would work.

Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
It means when he gets to be Prezdent...

... he gonna put a stop to Ford...

... movin' all dey's car factories to Mexico...

... so's Americans can keep dey's jobs.
When is the braggart going to move his jobs back to the USA?
Jan 20, 2017.
What is wrong with now.....????What is wrong with never doing it if this is what he believes essential to US prosperity?

If you had a business and personal and professional expenses could YOU compete in today's market?
Running a business has tremendous overhead.
Depends what you do..I ran a business and kept overhead low...and payed good wages....i don't desire to be a billionaire at the expense of someone else who works for me..It's a Godly action that wealth accumulators via greed do not understand....
OH! I was wondering why so many people want Trump for President...because they DISAGREE with his BLATANT platform.
And other dumb crap you'd like to post?
Are you aware that while your posts show a lot of emotion they are devoid of any signs of intellect?
Are you aware that you lost the moment I made you aware that not one Liberal Attorney has stated that Trump is incapable of accomplishing his Platform?
I noticed after that fact was stated that you started reaching a bit.

What do liberal attorneys have to do with anything? It's Congress, Mexico and Canada that have to be negotiated with to change NAFTA. The attorneys can only tell you the legal ways to do it properly, they can't tell you how well someone will or won't negotiate. And, based on what I've heard, as well as what I've seen the politicians do, there is no way in hell Trump can accomplish even 10 percent of what he has promised thus far.
What can't he accomplish? He will have all the support he needs in Congress to either renegotiate trade deals that are not beneficial to the US or to extricate us from them. He will have all the support he needs to build the wall, implement E-Verify and deport illegals who are already here. He will have all the support he needs to limit immigration to only those who can be vetted with a high degree of confidence. Tax reform will be an area of compromise. Is there anything else?
Have you never heard of fast track negotiating powers that the president has?
It is an authority granted by Congress that can be withdrawn by Congress.
Don't forget the other part of the equation, because Mexico has to accept it as well. If they don't like it, they won't sign it.

And there is nothing Trump can do to force them.

Therein lies the "art of the deal" - you position Mexico, and Canada, so that they can't afford NOT to accept the deal. Suppose, for example, Trump were to say "Either sign it or we will completely close the border to all Mexican (or Canadian) goods. In addition, we will no longer provide military support for your country's security."

I'm guessing that would work.

Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Therein lies the "art of the deal" - you position Mexico, and Canada, so that they can't afford NOT to accept the deal. Suppose, for example, Trump were to say "Either sign it or we will completely close the border to all Mexican (or Canadian) goods. In addition, we will no longer provide military support for your country's security."

I'm guessing that would work.

Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Undoing what you fascist democrats have done will be very, very painful rainbow....
Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Undoing what you fascist democrats have done will be very, very painful rainbow....
Stick your stupid partisan politicking up your ass...Can't you even speak without your robotic nonsense?. No wonder you never get laid....
Therein lies the "art of the deal" - you position Mexico, and Canada, so that they can't afford NOT to accept the deal. Suppose, for example, Trump were to say "Either sign it or we will completely close the border to all Mexican (or Canadian) goods. In addition, we will no longer provide military support for your country's security."

I'm guessing that would work.

Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
We are the world's consumers.
No other consumer market affects the global economy nearly as much as the US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Undoing what you fascist democrats have done will be very, very painful rainbow....
Stick your stupid partisan politicking up your ass...Can't you even speak without your robotic nonsense?. No wonder you never get laid....
Angry liberals are the best, rainbow.....
Therein lies the "art of the deal" - you position Mexico, and Canada, so that they can't afford NOT to accept the deal. Suppose, for example, Trump were to say "Either sign it or we will completely close the border to all Mexican (or Canadian) goods. In addition, we will no longer provide military support for your country's security."

I'm guessing that would work.

Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?

Hasn't the US been artificially repressing inflation?
Sooner or later the shit has to hit the fan when we have to stop printing money.
OR is that a lie and we CAN print money without limit?
Which is true?
Nobody is "Taking" our businesses. Our businesses are leaving on their own to lower expenses. Cheap labor and Lower taxes being the main factors. It is a big mess that I don't see a clear path to recover from yet.

Then, logic would say that if you want to keep the businesses - keep the jobs - you need to be more competitive on the labor and tax fronts.

Why do people try to make this rocket surgery?

Or, the "analysts" have to stop putting insane goals on ever growing profits. Once upon a time, companies employed people and paid a fair wage. They made money for the CEO and the shareholders. The employees had enough income to actually buy the stuff they made. long term plans were made. Now it's all about the shareholder and the quaterly results. I've been in places where they actually stopped entering orders near the end of a quarter if they made the 'numbers". Because going over them does not reward much, but if they fell short next quarter, the share price would suffer. The entire stock market is screwed up. More so when you factor in that stocks being traded, outside of IPOs, bring nothing to the company.
If stocks couldn't be traded, how would you ever be able to get your investment back, and if you couldn't get your investment back, how many people would want to buy initial offerings?
Watching a Trump speech today, Trump said, "We are not going to let them take our businesses any longer. It's not going to happen".

What does that mean?

Probably it means that if Trump doesn't get given $800 million by governments then his business will fail and he'll have to "let them take it", so he's probably demanding rich people be given welfare.
Therein lies the "art of the deal" - you position Mexico, and Canada, so that they can't afford NOT to accept the deal. Suppose, for example, Trump were to say "Either sign it or we will completely close the border to all Mexican (or Canadian) goods. In addition, we will no longer provide military support for your country's security."

I'm guessing that would work.

Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Tariffs would only be imposed on items that are also manufactured here, so while it produce a disincentive to move manufacturing abroad, it would have little economic impact otherwise. This is the way things were before the 1990's.
Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Tariffs would only be imposed on items that are also manufactured here, so while it produce a disincentive to move manufacturing abroad, it would have little economic impact otherwise. This is the way things were before the 1990's.
This is a list of United States tariffs.

Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Tariffs would only be imposed on items that are also manufactured here, so while it produce a disincentive to move manufacturing abroad, it would have little economic impact otherwise. This is the way things were before the 1990's.
This is a list of United States tariffs.

I don't understand your point.
Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Tariffs would only be imposed on items that are also manufactured here, so while it produce a disincentive to move manufacturing abroad, it would have little economic impact otherwise. This is the way things were before the 1990's.
When a country puts a tariff on an imported countries products, the first reaction is to raise a tariff on goods coming from the tariff making nation..Thus an increase in prices and a lack of sales, unless the consumer makes more dough to afford it...Thus causing recession and inflation...Do you like to live thrifty in life, cause after Trump, you damn sure will...
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Tariffs would only be imposed on items that are also manufactured here, so while it produce a disincentive to move manufacturing abroad, it would have little economic impact otherwise. This is the way things were before the 1990's.
When a country puts a tariff on an imported countries products, the first reaction is to raise a tariff on goods coming from the tariff making nation..Thus an increase in prices and a lack of sales, unless the consumer makes more dough to afford it...Thus causing recession and inflation...Do you like to live thrifty in life, cause after Trump, you damn sure will...
No, we are talking about less developed countries like Mexico that don't import things from the US that they don't manufacture themselves, so imposing tariffs on these imports would do them no good. If anything, it would be inflationary for them.
Completely close the border to trade with Canada and Mexico? Are you nuts? That would screw up our economy even worse than what it is right now. Besides..............Republicans want to have the Keystone pipeline, so shutting off trade with Canada is a non starter.

As far as military support? Mexico and Canada don't start wars very often. Usually it's the USA asking them to send troops in support of US.
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?

Hasn't the US been artificially repressing inflation?
Sooner or later the shit has to hit the fan when we have to stop printing money.
OR is that a lie and we CAN print money without limit?
Which is true?
Yes, Obama has been shipping our jobs and industry overseas to suppress inflation from his money printing and QE....the piper will be paid....and the pain may destroy America.....democrats are evil pieces of shit.....
Ignorance, when worn with hubris, is such an ugly thing.

The US, thru NORAD, picks up just about 88% of all military costs for defending Canada, the US, and Mexico (you didn't even know that Mexico was included, did you?)

Let's allow both countries to pay for their own defense - the resulting cost of military increase would bankrupt both.

Further, let's move all those US businesses currently in Canada and Mexico back to the US - simply done, btw -- and see how well their economies hold up. What, again, would be the influence of bringing those businesses back to the US??

You've got to remember - we have the customers, and we have the capital - with that kind of power, you can make corporations dance.
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?

Hasn't the US been artificially repressing inflation?
Sooner or later the shit has to hit the fan when we have to stop printing money.
OR is that a lie and we CAN print money without limit?
Which is true?
Yes, Obama has been shipping our jobs and industry overseas to suppress inflation from his money printing and QE....the piper will be paid....and the pain may destroy America.....democrats are evil pieces of shit.....
Man you dream alot, you should think about writing B movie science fiction novels, or short stories.......
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?

Hasn't the US been artificially repressing inflation?
Sooner or later the shit has to hit the fan when we have to stop printing money.
OR is that a lie and we CAN print money without limit?
Which is true?
Yes, Obama has been shipping our jobs and industry overseas to suppress inflation from his money printing and QE....the piper will be paid....and the pain may destroy America.....democrats are evil pieces of shit.....
Man you dream alot, you should think about writing B movie science fiction novels, or short stories.......
Your dogs eat you IQ? :lol:
How in the hell do you bring back companies? Come on, tell us big boy....
By imposing tariffs on items manufactured abroad that make it uneconomical to continue to manufacture them abroad.
If you put a tariff on a nations goods that are imported,, what does that do to the prices of items you send to their nation for sales? How will Trump keep inflation and recession repressed to change all this?
Tariffs would only be imposed on items that are also manufactured here, so while it produce a disincentive to move manufacturing abroad, it would have little economic impact otherwise. This is the way things were before the 1990's.
When a country puts a tariff on an imported countries products, the first reaction is to raise a tariff on goods coming from the tariff making nation..Thus an increase in prices and a lack of sales, unless the consumer makes more dough to afford it...Thus causing recession and inflation...Do you like to live thrifty in life, cause after Trump, you damn sure will...
No, we are talking about less developed countries like Mexico that don't import things from the US that they don't manufacture themselves, so imposing tariffs on these imports would do them no good. If anything, it would be inflationary for them.
Mexico is only able to support it's way of life thanks to the USA..that all started during Clinton...Of at which time NAFTA was passed and became law..Note Congressional law....One of the articles of the treaty is no tariffs can be imposed without jurisprudence intervention and possible dollar settlements for breaking the contract............

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