We are Trump Supporters

Are Trump supporters even conservatives anymore?

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Seems to me Ron and Chris are the conservatives and you and Trump are the RINO's.

I think Republican voters have two issues. Cognitive Dissonance and they are easily duped with social wedge issues. For example a poor black woman who votes Republican because she's pro life. On the opposite side is a rich man who's socially and fiscally liberal. Believes global warming is real and supports unions.
Shitstain you can go fuck yourself faggot leftists have no justification for your bullshit
Since pretty much nobody knew much about the virus or how to handle it and everybody was on a trial and error system to find out what did and did not work, Trump did go with the advice of the medical so-called 'experts' to suggest a shutdown of the country other than vital services for two weeks. But just two weeks. He was calling for things to open back up long before many governors were willing to do so.
What pisses Trump supporters off is that by not getting vaccinated, they were only hurting themselves. Vaccinated could still get and spread covid.

So we were kind of wrong to tell people they couldn't come back to work if they weren't vaccinated.

I know there are other arguments for why it's fair to tell unvaccinated people they can't come back to work. I can think of a few right off the top of my head. Especially in the beginning before we knew. Fuck them. But in hindsight, I suppose they have the right to not have a vaccine put into their bodies that they don't want.

But also keep in mind all of these idiots who were suspicious about the vaccine are now all on Ozempic. Or ask yourself this. If they had a vaccine that would make your dick an inch bigger and harder and last longer, would you take it? Of course. You'd trust the government then. LOL
What pisses Trump supporters off is that by not getting vaccinated, they were only hurting themselves

Remember how the Democrats called it the Trump vaccine and swore you'd never get it? The lies roll off your tongue so easily. If only you could lie well enough anyone would believe you.

Free tip. You get lazy because Democrats believe everything you say. But they just do that because they drank the same kool-aid you did. The rest of us have MEMORIES that tell us you are lying
What pisses Trump supporters off is that by not getting vaccinated, they were only hurting themselves. Vaccinated could still get and spread covid.

So we were kind of wrong to tell people they couldn't come back to work if they weren't vaccinated.

I know there are other arguments for why it's fair to tell unvaccinated people they can't come back to work. I can think of a few right off the top of my head. Especially in the beginning before we knew. Fuck them. But in hindsight, I suppose they have the right to not have a vaccine put into their bodies that they don't want.

But also keep in mind all of these idiots who were suspicious about the vaccine are now all on Ozempic. Or ask yourself this. If they had a vaccine that would make your dick an inch bigger and harder and last longer, would you take it? Of course. You'd trust the government then. LOL
Numbnuts Trump pushed getting vaccinated
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As your party runs full scale election interference. Project much?
Trump cried "rigged" when he lost primaries. No evidence of this has ever been found. Trump cried "rigged" before he won in 2016. His own administration couldn't find evidence of widespread fraud. Trump cred "rigged" when he lost in 2020. No evidence of widespread fraud has been found.

Do you see a pattern here?
Trump cried "rigged" when he lost primaries. No evidence of this has ever been found. Trump cried "rigged" before he won in 2016. His own administration couldn't find evidence of widespread fraud. Trump cred "rigged" when he lost in 2020. No evidence of widespread fraud has been found.

Do you see a pattern here?
I see a very large pattern in the Democrats practicing election interference for the last couple of years. Trump was 3 years ago, get over it and start worrying about the fascists that are in charge right now
Remember how the Democrats called it the Trump vaccine and swore you'd never get it? The lies roll off your tongue so easily. If only you could lie well enough anyone would believe you.

Free tip. You get lazy because Democrats believe everything you say. But they just do that because they drank the same kool-aid you did. The rest of us have MEMORIES that tell us you are lying
No I don't remember that. I remember it was odd so many Trump supporters weren't getting vaccinated when Trump himself got vaccinated. But his followers are conspiracy theorists. And Trump manipulated you idiots. Told you masks don't work and compared wearing one to carrying a purse. Then Trump's own staff admits they killed Herman Cain. And Trump hosted super spreader rallies when the responsible thing was to social distance.

You guys acted very badly.
I see a very large pattern in the Democrats practicing election interference for the last couple of years. Trump was 3 years ago, get over it and start worrying about the fascists that are in charge right now

It's just so funny how Trump pisses off the left over and over. They fall for it EVERY TIME. The parents should sit silently and look at their kids and ask themselves what would they say if their kids said a bully in their class kept talking shit to them and they kept losing it. They'd say words can't hurt you!

Yet they have been falling for it for what, seven plus years now and still can't buy a clue.

Democrats, stop being stupid fucks and STOP REACTING. You are just the dumbest fucking people
I see a very large pattern in the Democrats practicing election interference for the last couple of years. Trump was 3 years ago, get over it and start worrying about the fascists that are in charge right now
He lied about every election he was involved in. There was a trial. Both sides presented evidence. The court ruled against him.

Now, you believe Trump over elections. You believe Trump over the courts.

Think long and hard about what you are doing.
He lied about every election he was involved in. There was a trial. Both sides presented evidence. The court ruled against him.

Now, you believe Trump over elections. You believe Trump over the courts.

Think long and hard about what you are doing.

What is that smell? Sniff sniff. Oh my god, it's awful! What is that? OMG it's HYPOCRISY. And it reeks! Do you ever eat fiber? My eyes are watering ....
What pisses Trump supporters off is that by not getting vaccinated, they were only hurting themselves. Vaccinated could still get and spread covid.

So we were kind of wrong to tell people they couldn't come back to work if they weren't vaccinated.

I know there are other arguments for why it's fair to tell unvaccinated people they can't come back to work. I can think of a few right off the top of my head. Especially in the beginning before we knew. Fuck them. But in hindsight, I suppose they have the right to not have a vaccine put into their bodies that they don't want.

But also keep in mind all of these idiots who were suspicious about the vaccine are now all on Ozempic. Or ask yourself this. If they had a vaccine that would make your dick an inch bigger and harder and last longer, would you take it? Of course. You'd trust the government then. LOL
Yes those who required people to get a vaccine that didn't not fully protect anybody and side effects were still uncertain were 100% wrong.

But that wasn't Trump's doing. He demanded nobody get the vaccine even though he was vaccinated and felt better protected that he was. That was the case with a lot of us. We highly resented those putting out unconscionable disinformation re the vaccine and I believe that disinformation most likely cost me one very precious family member. But those of us who are responsible citizens also resented mandates requiring people to get the vaccine who didn't want it.
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Yes those who required people to get a vaccine that didn't not fully protect anybody and side effects were still uncertain were 100% wrong.

But that wasn't Trump's doing. He demanded nobody get the vaccine even though he was vaccinated and felt better protected that he was. That was the case with a lot of us. We highly resented those putting out unconscionable disinformation re the vaccine and I believe that disinformation most likely cost me one very precious family member. But those of us who are responsible citizens also resented mandates requiring people to get the vaccine who didn't want it.

Great points. We were damn lucky the vaccine side effects weren't a whole lot worse given how little we tested it
What is that smell? Sniff sniff. Oh my god, it's awful! What is that? OMG it's HYPOCRISY. And it reeks! Do you ever eat fiber? My eyes are watering ....
I know, right? People support a man like Trump who has lied about every election he was involved in calling them themselves "patriots."

Hypocrisy at it's finest.
He lied about every election he was involved in. There was a trial. Both sides presented evidence. The court ruled against him.

Now, you believe Trump over elections. You believe Trump over the courts.

Think long and hard about what you are doing.
It's amazing to me as a patriot in this country the election interference being run by the Democrats right now. They have no scruples or honesty. Trump really does believe that election was stolen as do I so I can't fault him but I certainly can look around and see what the Democrats are doing and the lies they've told the last 7 years. All these hoaxes so little time.

Great points. We were damn lucky the vaccine side effects weren't a whole lot worse given how little we tested it
I am 100% convinced the vaccine saved hundreds of millions of lives. I am also convinced that the terrible disinformation being spread about the vaccine cost many lives. I have a lot of contacts in the medical community--these are the people dealing with COVID when it strikes--and without a single exception of the people I know, all are convinced the vaccinated fair much much better if they get COVID than do those who are not vaccinated. That has also been the case among friends and family I know.

Do I believe there are bad side effects from the COVID vaccines? Absolutely. More than with most vaccines? Possibly there are, but I don't know because I've never seen any data that I completely trust on that. But I do believe the data that side effects, sometimes severe side effects, occur from every vaccine ever developed and administered.

And I am reminded of the incident in which a mother took her child in for a routine childhood vaccination. A split second before the nurse injected the needle, the child had his first ever seizure. Had that seizure occurred while the vaccine was being injected or a second afterward, no power on Earth would have convinced that mother that the vaccine did not cause that seizure.

It is something to think about amidst all the scare stories and disinformation. At the same time, being aware of the risks is a good thing and I fully accept that some people shouldn't take them.
It's amazing to me as a patriot in this country the election interference being run by the Democrats right now. They have no scruples or honesty. Trump really does believe that election was stolen as do I so I can't fault him but I certainly can look around and see what the Democrats are doing and the lies they've told the last 7 years. All these hoaxes so little time.

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You didn't believe it until Trump started lying about it. Now you believe him over all the election recounts and audits. You believe him over the courts. You are no patriot, you are a cultist.
He lied about every election he was involved in. There was a trial. Both sides presented evidence. The court ruled against him.

Now, you believe Trump over elections. You believe Trump over the courts.

Think long and hard about what you are doing.
Trump believes the election was stolen as do I. There are many indicators pointing to a stolen election. one is the general dishonesty of Democrats, they are a party that would kill a classroom of children for their agenda. I think you should be more concerned about the election interference that is going on right now and less about common misconceptions about Trump that have been drummed up.

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