We are Trump Supporters

In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.
We support free speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and America.
We support freedom, not a man. We are not Trump supporters we are freedom supporters and that will never change. It doesn't matter who is in charge. We will never be silenced.
Conspiracy nut jobs
I know, right? People support a man like Trump who has lied about every election he was involved in calling them themselves "patriots."

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Hypocrisy, but hardly at its finest. Hypocrisy at its finest would be blasting Trump for, you know, the things you said, then voting for Joe Pedo Biden. Now THAT is the epitome of double standards
Don't worry about it. It was only six months and you obviously don't follow politics.

You sir, are really pathetic. You never remember anything you don't want to as if anyone believes that

Hey, thanks man, sealybobo . I always really enjoy when another leftie admits Trump's game is just better than yours and you're stealing his because you have nothing and Trump doesn't, LOL. You go girl, LOL
I am 100% convinced the vaccine saved hundreds of millions of lives. I am also convinced that the terrible disinformation being spread about the vaccine cost many lives. I have a lot of contacts in the medical community--these are the people dealing with COVID when it strikes--and without a single exception of the people I know, all are convinced the vaccinated fair much much better if they get COVID than do those who are not vaccinated. That has also been the case among friends and family I know.

Do I believe there are bad side effects from the COVID vaccines? Absolutely. More than with most vaccines? Possibly there are, but I don't know because I've never seen any data that I completely trust on that. But I do believe the data that side effects, sometimes severe side effects, occur from every vaccine ever developed and administered.

And I am reminded of the incident in which a mother took her child in for a routine childhood vaccination. A split second before the nurse injected the needle, the child had his first ever seizure. Had that seizure occurred while the vaccine was being injected or a second afterward, no power on Earth would have convinced that mother that the vaccine did not cause that seizure.

It is something to think about amidst all the scare stories and disinformation. At the same time, being aware of the risks is a good thing and I fully accept that some people shouldn't take them.

I agree with most of what you said. But that doesn't change my point that were where damn lucky it worked (to a degree) and didn't kill us because it wasn't nearly adequately tested. That is a fact. I guess the only part of what you said I see differently is if I understood correctly you are saying the disinformation was coming from the vaccine questioners. They were right, the vaccine should not have been rereleased, but we just got lucky.

I also hope you aren't underrecognizing the level to which the media lies and covers up for the left and they sure were doing that on extremes for Covid. They just pump Democrats like a whorehouse in Amsterdam. Democrats aren't honest, the media isn't honest, what you heard publicly about Covid was the best case. How many lies were covered up? You cannot trust government, the media or the Democrat party no matter what they tell you. They lie and think nothing of it
I agree with most of what you said. But that doesn't change my point that were where damn lucky it worked (to a degree) and didn't kill us because it wasn't nearly adequately tested. That is a fact. I guess the only part of what you said I see differently is if I understood correctly you are saying the disinformation was coming from the vaccine questioners. They were right, the vaccine should not have been rereleased, but we just got lucky.

I also hope you aren't underrecognizing the level to which the media lies and covers up for the left and they sure were doing that on extremes for Covid. They just pump Democrats like a whorehouse in Amsterdam
In this case I don't care who was right and who was wrong. Nobody knew what they were dealing with when the virus first hit, nobody knew what would be effective to treat it or stop it. There was a tremendous amount of trial and error and no doubt many died because of the error.

With people dying in unprecedented numbers in these modern times, seven million world wide, and countless others who survived it but with apparently permanent damage, the vaccine no doubt saved hunreds of millions from death and/or from permanent damage.

I lost three family members and a close friend to the virus. And I know many in the medical field who have observed close up and personal how those who were vaccinated coped with the virus as opposed to those who were unvaccinated. And they all assure me it was no contest. The vaccinated had a huge advantage over those who were not. Yes the vaccine was rushed but it was out of necessity, not carelessness or lack of concern.
In this case I don't care who was right and who was wrong. Nobody knew what they were dealing with when the virus first hit, nobody knew what would be effective to treat it or stop it. There was a tremendous amount of trial and error and no doubt many died because of the error.

With people dying in unprecedented numbers in these modern times, seven million world wide, and countless others who survived it but with apparently permanent damage, the vaccine no doubt saved hunreds of millions from death and/or from permanent damage.

I lost three family members and a close friend to the virus. And I know many in the medical field who have observed close up and personal how those who were vaccinated coped with the virus as opposed to those who were unvaccinated. And they all assure me it was no contest. The vaccinated had a huge advantage over those who were not. Yes the vaccine was rushed but it was out of necessity, not carelessness or lack of concern.

I'm very sorry for your personal losses, but our lives are not the gravest thing we have at stake right now. And Covid was one of the major tools used to threaten and reduce our freedom. If we only cared about continued respiring, we should have stayed under the British. I could agree with your point if Covid were a side issue, but it has and is still being used directly by government to take unprecedented power and control over our lives.

We only have our freedom as long as we see it as a valuable asset and protect it as such
I'm very sorry for your personal losses, but our lives are not the gravest thing we have at stake right now. And Covid was one of the major tools used to threaten and reduce our freedom. If we only cared about continued respiring, we should have stayed under the British. I could agree with your point if Covid were a side issue, but it has and is still being used directly by government to take unprecedented power and control over our lives.

We only have our freedom as long as we see it as a valuable asset and protect it as such
If Democrats had not had COVID to use to reduce our liberties, they would have come up with something else. That a corrupt political party uses a crisis to their advantage is nothing new and nothing remarkable. They have always done so. That was evidenced by the draconian lockdowns and setting aside election laws in order to deny Trump a second term in office. It was evidenced by them loading down the COVID relief bills with mountains of self serving pork. And it is evidenced by their not allowing the budget to return to normal after the immediate crisis was past but keeping the spending at those unsustainable levels which has greatly exacerbated and sustained inflationary price levels so that many Americans are severely hurt and more dependent on government than ever.

We are already under a soft totalitarian government with little option to override it except at the ballot box. They know that which is why they have militarized the government to take down anybody who might actually challenge their power.
If Democrats had not had COVID to use to reduce our liberties, they would have come up with something else. That a corrupt political party uses a crisis to their advantage is nothing new and nothing remarkable. They have always done so. That was evidenced by the draconian lockdowns and setting aside election laws in order to deny Trump a second term in office. It was evidenced by them loading down the COVID relief bills with mountains of self serving pork. And it is evidenced by their not allowing the budget to return to normal after the immediate crisis was past but keeping the spending at those unsustainable levels which has greatly exacerbated and sustained inflationary price levels so that many Americans are severely hurt and more dependent on government than ever.

We are already under a soft totalitarian government with little option to override it except at the ballot box. They know that which is why they have militarized the government to take down anybody who might actually challenge their power.

Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 ...​

The Daily Beast
https://www.thedailybeast.com › donald-trump-mullin...

Nov 5, 2023 — The former president's allies are developing a plan that would immediately deploy the military to the streets against potential ...
If Democrats had not had COVID to use to reduce our liberties, they would have come up with something else. That a corrupt political party uses a crisis to their advantage is nothing new and nothing remarkable. They have always done so. That was evidenced by the draconian lockdowns and setting aside election laws in order to deny Trump a second term in office. It was evidenced by them loading down the COVID relief bills with mountains of self serving pork. And it is evidenced by their not allowing the budget to return to normal after the immediate crisis was past but keeping the spending at those unsustainable levels which has greatly exacerbated and sustained inflationary price levels so that many Americans are severely hurt and more dependent on government than ever.

We are already under a soft totalitarian government with little option to override it except at the ballot box. They know that which is why they have militarized the government to take down anybody who might actually challenge their power.

It's clearly true what you say that if Democrats didn't have Covid they would leverage other crises to expand their power, but Covid gave them an incredible opportunity. And as I said they have been incredibly dishonest. Fauci said masks don't work, then he said we have to force everyone to wear them. It turned out they didn't work for Covid.

Democrats weren't taking the "Trump Vaccine." Then we all had to take them or get fired from our jobs, when Biden became President. Why did the vaccines start "working?" Different vaccine? Nope, different President. Vaccines don't work that way ....

It was one lie after another from the Pro-Covid crowd, that is just two. And I do mean Pro-Covid. They LOVED it and the power to tell us what to do and ignore the Constitution and force us to do it
It's clearly true what you say that if Democrats didn't have Covid they would leverage other crises to expand their power, but Covid gave them an incredible opportunity. And as I said they have been incredibly dishonest. Fauci said masks don't work, then he said we have to force everyone to wear them. It turned out they didn't work for Covid. Democrats weren't taking the "Trump Vaccine." Then we all had to take them or get fired from our jobs.

It was one lie after another from the Pro-Covid crowd, that is just two. And I do mean Pro-Covid. They LOVED it and the power to tell us what to do and ignore the Constitution and force us to do it
Yes it was all handled very badly for mostly political purposes. But that wasn't Trump's fault. And that wasn't the vaccines fault. It was pure politics. You can't tell me that a mom and pop store with a few customers in it was more dangerous than a big box store with a lot of customers in it, but the Democrats once again took care of big business and devastated the little guys by closing them down for months on end.
It's clearly true what you say that if Democrats didn't have Covid they would leverage other crises to expand their power, but Covid gave them an incredible opportunity. And as I said they have been incredibly dishonest. Fauci said masks don't work, then he said we have to force everyone to wear them. It turned out they didn't work for Covid.

Democrats weren't taking the "Trump Vaccine." Then we all had to take them or get fired from our jobs, when Biden became President. Why did the vaccines start "working?" Different vaccine? Nope, different President. Vaccines don't work that way ....

It was one lie after another from the Pro-Covid crowd, that is just two. And I do mean Pro-Covid. They LOVED it and the power to tell us what to do and ignore the Constitution and force us to do it

Smokin' OP is smokin hot, LOL. Thumbs up MAGA man!
Sorry but I won't even read an article by the excessively DTS afflicted "Daily Beast" who haven't reported anything honestly maybe forever.

That is the biggest argument for another round of Trump. He just goads the left and they fall for it EVERY TIME. It's hilarious. Remember how Rush Limbaugh did that to them over and over and over and they never stopped falling for it, it only ended when he died.

Trump is hilarious

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