CDZ We Can't Be Sure Where Covid19 First Infected Humans, But We Can Be Sure About Some Things


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
It WAS originated in a Wuhan lab.

On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.

Hmmmm, the "official" line from the chinese and their allies in the WHO, and of course fauci and company, is that covid came from the wet markets. However, there is no factual evidence to support that claim.

The actual facts that we DO have, show that the lab was actively engaged in viral research SPECIFICALLY on those viral agents, and the first people hospitalized were workers from the lab.

So, the chinese stooges would have you believe, in the face of ALL evidence to the contrary, that the virus did not originate in the lab, a lab whose work was funded by fauci and company.

If ever there was a conspiracy theory, that is it.
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
That's why your demented messiah just turned the CIA and FBI loose to investigate the Wuhan hoax. Of course, they will find nothing, because that would implicate Joey Xi, Hunter and Fauci. Oh, horrors, we couldn't have that.
But We Can Be Sure About Some Things
…that conservatives will lie about the origins of the virus and advance the conspiracy theory that the virus was ‘manufactured’ by China as a ‘weapon.’
What basis do you have for calling anyone a liar? Your demented messiah just turned the CIA and FBI loose to investigate where it came from so they don't know ergo YOU DON'T KNOW where it came from and you are off base calling anyone a liar. If you have no FACTS you just might be LYING!!!!
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
Oh my Lord.

The scandal that was this Covid is really troubling.

Their better be a special prison for Fauci and all these people that killed so many and caused so much econ damage.

Can anyone defend this massacre?
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.

The real story is the absolutism shown by your side is now making you look bad, and thus you try to shed it like a coat on fire, hoping no one notices it smoldering behind you.

The virus could have been isolated an manipulated to simply be what it is, a low lethality but high transmissibility "response denial" weapon that the Chinese were developing and just made the mistake of releasing by accident instead of when they wanted to do it.

Read a summary of Tom Clancy's "Executive Decision" where Iran released a weaponized version of Ebola, not to defeat the US but to make them unable to interfere in Iran's plan to invade the Gulf States. Fiction of course, but gives you an example of Biological Warfare.
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On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
Pangolin anteaters, forget that!!

There have been so many lab accidents of this sort. I'm betting that.
Chinese were developing and just made the mistake of releasing by accident instead of when they wanted to do it.
I think they released it exactly when they wanted to with the aid of China Joey. It accomplished exactly what they wanted it to accomplish. It took Trump down. Trashed the US economy and lowered the educational level of the country by one full year (that is a huge loss). Meanwhile the democrats choreographed the protests, impeachments and fraudulent election and voila', China has taken over top position on the world power chart and never fired a shot. And it ain't over yet.
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
Pangolin anteaters, forget that!!

There have been so many lab accidents of this sort. I'm betting that.
The pangolin thing was debunked a year ago.
Chinese were developing and just made the mistake of releasing by accident instead of when they wanted to do it.
I think they released it exactly when they wanted to with the aid of China Joey. It accomplished exactly what they wanted it to accomplish. It took Trump down. Trashed the US economy and lowered the educational level of the country by one full year (that is a huge loss). Meanwhile the democrats choreographed the protests, impeachments and fraudulent election and voila', China has taken over top position on the world power chart and never fired a shot. And it ain't over yet.

I don't think the Dems are smart enough to go to that length.

Now mucking with some elections I can believe.
Chinese were developing and just made the mistake of releasing by accident instead of when they wanted to do it.
I think they released it exactly when they wanted to with the aid of China Joey. It accomplished exactly what they wanted it to accomplish. It took Trump down. Trashed the US economy and lowered the educational level of the country by one full year (that is a huge loss). Meanwhile the democrats choreographed the protests, impeachments and fraudulent election and voila', China has taken over top position on the world power chart and never fired a shot. And it ain't over yet.

I don't think the Dems are smart enough to go to that length.

Now mucking with some elections I can believe.
The democrats definitely didn't do it--they just moved when Xi pulled the strings. The CCP thinks long term and once focused, they don't deviate.
Chinese were developing and just made the mistake of releasing by accident instead of when they wanted to do it.
I think they released it exactly when they wanted to with the aid of China Joey. It accomplished exactly what they wanted it to accomplish. It took Trump down. Trashed the US economy and lowered the educational level of the country by one full year (that is a huge loss). Meanwhile the democrats choreographed the protests, impeachments and fraudulent election and voila', China has taken over top position on the world power chart and never fired a shot. And it ain't over yet.

I don't think the Dems are smart enough to go to that length.

Now mucking with some elections I can believe.
The democrats definitely didn't do it--they just moved when Xi pulled the strings. The CCP thinks long term and once focused, they don't deviate.

If it did come from the lab, I think the accidental release theory is more believable. If they were going to use it strategically and intentionally it would have spread from somewhere else, and it would have been coupled with either an attempt to bomb Taiwan into submission, settle their border dispute with India, or move into the Spratly Islands with a sizable naval and occupation force.
Chinese were developing and just made the mistake of releasing by accident instead of when they wanted to do it.
I think they released it exactly when they wanted to with the aid of China Joey. It accomplished exactly what they wanted it to accomplish. It took Trump down. Trashed the US economy and lowered the educational level of the country by one full year (that is a huge loss). Meanwhile the democrats choreographed the protests, impeachments and fraudulent election and voila', China has taken over top position on the world power chart and never fired a shot. And it ain't over yet.

I don't think the Dems are smart enough to go to that length.

Now mucking with some elections I can believe.
The democrats definitely didn't do it--they just moved when Xi pulled the strings. The CCP thinks long term and once focused, they don't deviate.

If it did come from the lab, I think the accidental release theory is more believable. If they were going to use it strategically and intentionally it would have spread from somewhere else, and it would have been coupled with either an attempt to bomb Taiwan into submission, settle their border dispute with India, or move into the Spratly Islands with a sizable naval and occupation force.
I think the India border, Hong Kong, Taiwan, S. China Sea islands etc. are distractions and small potatoes when compared to being the #1 super power in the world (actually the only) The US, Russia and Europe are already done.
On Tuesday, it was clear that the “fact sheet” behind recent claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab could not be trusted, and that, truthfully, we still don’t know the precise origin of the virus. We know it has ancestors among a pool of coronavirus that circulates in horseshoe bats and may have reached humans by way of pangolins as an intermediary host. But where the virus achieved the structure we know as SARS-CoV-2, including the ability to spread infection easily from human to human, remains unknown.

But while the scientists can’t eliminate the possibility that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 escaped a facility in the body of a researcher, they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.” SARS-CoV-2 evolved within living animals, almost certainly in the wild.

So… once again, could the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2 have been introduced to the population of Wuhan by laboratory error at the virology institute in that city? Yes, though there remains no evidence that this is the case. Could the virus have been in some sense built at that lab by combining features of bat and pangolin viruses in some kind of “gain-of-function” research? No. Almost certainly not.

they are definitive in saying that the features of the virus all but rule out the possibility that the virus was developed “in culture.” The changes between the virus and the wild viruses “argues against culture-based scenarios.” Instead, the features of the virus “suggest the involvement of an immune system.”

From everything i've heard or read so far, this statement is the most telling. A purposely developed, weaponized virus developed in culture, has a very definitive signature, that can be seen and tested. The features of the virus that have been the most infectious, have had immune system involvement. This suggests the virus learned from a immune system how to escape and replicate to become so infectious, and could very well have been an animal immune system first, before jumping to humans. Which would indicate wild virus, not laboratory cultured virus. And as suggested could have been introduced by human error in Wuhan by a lab technician, though this has yet to be confirmed. Biden made the correct decision to have intelligence investigate.
That's why your demented messiah just turned the CIA and FBI loose to investigate the Wuhan hoax. Of course, they will find nothing, because that would implicate Joey Xi, Hunter and Fauci. Oh, horrors, we couldn't have that.
I don’t trust the FBI or the CIA any further than I can throw them. They definitely are masters of deceit.

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